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Originally Posted by Freaky:
filing and handing out fafsa forms @LaGuBaGuU mek him wan skullar


Him and Queensboro Community College grad "Alena" mek up the tenured Faculty of the GNI Institute of Advanced Jaganistani Studies

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Observer:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Shaits, please shake hands and make up.


This idiot is the female counterpart of my Antiman Cousin Snake here. Persistent schupidity after a while must incite scorn and disgust. Like Canje Gyal's not so clever "Guyana gone fuh black eyed peas" as a thinly veiled remark to ridicule a majority Black Government. So WTF if the Government is led by a Black guy with Black Ministers? And since when is coolie food indicative of some superior haute cuisine over ingredients such as "black eyed peas"? And since when is black eyed peas used exclusively by Black people? And if so then what of it? Her remark by itself would be harmless but she really has some kinda pathological hatred of Black people. Being pro-Indian and pro-yourself does not and should not mean "I hate Black people." I don't get these feelings of coolie superiority and Black inferiority considering we live in the most powerful nation on earth governed by a Black guy, son of a native Kenyan in the midst of an educated and wealthy Black population who I'm sure can outclass abbe roti shop businessmen and real estate agents.

You got all that from a 6-word sentence? Wow. 

Shaitaan is promoted from GNI wannabe lawyer to GNI top analyst.  

He is an unemployed USA army soldier.

Originally Posted by sachin_05:

Or this Pic..

All you sure is nat Jaggi in front there.  This was suppose to be the picture to be released when Ramotar shaft Jagdeo for parliament.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Observer:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Shaits, please shake hands and make up.


This idiot is the female counterpart of my Antiman Cousin Snake here. Persistent schupidity after a while must incite scorn and disgust. Like Canje Gyal's not so clever "Guyana gone fuh black eyed peas" as a thinly veiled remark to ridicule a majority Black Government. So WTF if the Government is led by a Black guy with Black Ministers? And since when is coolie food indicative of some superior haute cuisine over ingredients such as "black eyed peas"? And since when is black eyed peas used exclusively by Black people? And if so then what of it? Her remark by itself would be harmless but she really has some kinda pathological hatred of Black people. Being pro-Indian and pro-yourself does not and should not mean "I hate Black people." I don't get these feelings of coolie superiority and Black inferiority considering we live in the most powerful nation on earth governed by a Black guy, son of a native Kenyan in the midst of an educated and wealthy Black population who I'm sure can outclass abbe roti shop businessmen and real estate agents.

You got all that from a 6-word sentence? Wow. 

Shaitaan is promoted from GNI wannabe lawyer to GNI top analyst.  

He is an unemployed USA army soldier.


In a way you're absolutely correct.


Do you have jaab for me bai? Perhaps wukkin at McDonald's or some roti shap?


I'm really really good wid aloo with a minor in dholl

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by george dasilva:
No he wants more negroes so that he can build a new Haiti.He is bringing them back to run snackette selling cassava ball (without egg) black pudding and souse.

Why would the negroes come back to Guyana,most left during the Burnham dictatorship now would they come back during the Grainger racist dictatorship?

All those in Brooklyn who were complaining that they did not get even a portion of black pudding that the organizers were eating by the yard or even a taste of the souse during the negroe victory celebrations on Church ave,why would they go back to Guyana when the large majority went to Brooklyb during the PNC dictatorship.

Ow George, yuh leff out how black man duz "knock 2 drum". Every post is egg ball, souse, mashramani, black pudding and drum knocking. Ah see yuh dress up as a potagee man and hang yuh mouth fuh lil black pudding in church avenue. Yuh muss be one of dem light skin chat-3 indian dat can pass as a potagee man! Po you!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Freaky:
filing and handing out fafsa forms @LaGuBaGuU mek him wan skullar


Him and Queensboro Community College grad "Alena" mek up the tenured Faculty of the GNI Institute of Advanced Jaganistani Studies



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