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Former Member
says SN, KN have a chance to redeem themselves
PRESIDENT Bharrat Jagdeo, last evening lashed out at what he called the “opposition media”, at the massive People’s Progressive/Civic Stewartville rally, adding that the Stabroek and Kaieteur News have a chance to redeem themselves by being objective in their criticism. Addressing the thousands congregated for the rally, Jagdeo questioned the lack of objectivity, comparing the constant attacks by the dailies on the incumbent party and the apparent lack of criticism for A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance for Change (AFC).
The Head of State charged that the “opposition media” is constantly trying to bring down the image of the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) because of the administration’s convictions. “They try to bring us down because of what we believe in,” he charged.
President Jagdeo challenged the two dailies to investigate AFC’s Presidential Candidate’s dealings with sale of duty free concessions and his involvement with the alleged drug dealers who frequent his office.[/B[B]]“Moses Nagamootoo told me that he had to leave Ramjattan’s Chambers because of the drug dealers that were coming in and out of his office,” the President said.
The AFC’s Prime Ministerial Candidate also came under scrutiny when Jagdeo called for the “opposition media” to investigate where he was when people were beaten in the streets during an election period and where he was when two boys were killed in his office.The President turned his attention to another AFC member, Mr. Nigel Hughes, and challenged the “opposition media” to investigate the racist comments he spews.
He said: “Why doesn’t Kaieteur News and Stabroek News ask tough questions here.”
Jagdeo pointed out that Stabroek News published several articles on former Commissioner of Police Winston Felix, whose actions were exposed by Adviser to the President on Governance, Ms. Gail Teixeira.
The Head of State noted that APNU’s Dr. Rupert Roopnarine was in Bartica for an APNU rally spouting lies that the PPP/C rigged elections, when history has recorded otherwise; when history has recorded the actions of those who are now represented under the APNU flag.
Jagdeo made it clear that anyone found inciting violence, expressly around this time will be dealt with by the law. “You promote violence and we will lock you up,” he stressed.
According to him, the character of many opposition members are clearly reflected in their actions, and pointed to ex-PPP/C member, Mr. Moses Nagamootoo.
The President called Nagamootoo’s decision to jump ship the “ultimate form of bribery,” since he left the PPP/C to stand as Vice Presidential Candidate with the AFC.
“The same party he was campaigning to lead four months ago is now corrupt,” Jagdeo hit back.
The Head of State asserted that the “opposition media” seems uninterested in facts that provide the bigger picture. He said: “Donald is as clean as a whistle and strong…the PPP/C is strong.”
The President maintained that the incumbent party is strong enough to take on those that oppose continued progress and better lives for all Guyanese people for the sake of political affiliations.
“The day they try to be objective that’s when Jagdeo will stop cussing…right now I am in cuss mode…the PPP/C doesn’t remain in cussing mode all the time, but we are strong. If anyone tries to take us on we will take them back on. We have our eyes firmly fixed on the future,” Jagdeo posited

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“The day they try to be objective that’s when Jagdeo will stop cussing…right now I am in cuss mode…the PPP/C doesn’t remain in cussing mode all the time, but we are strong. If anyone tries to take us on we will take them back on. We have our eyes firmly fixed on the future,” Jagdeo posited

Jagdeo is a bad man! Big Grin
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by raymond:
JagsD is ah Lombard Street cussin hore Big Grin

Show some respect for your president..
i will, i will make sure his prison warder,give him fresh bread in the morning
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by raymond:
JagsD is ah Lombard Street cussin hore Big Grin

Show some respect for your president..

he don't respect himself, why should I respect him
Originally posted by raymond:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by raymond:
JagsD is ah Lombard Street cussin hore Big Grin

Show some respect for your president..

he don't respect himself, why should I respect him

You can't use RESPECT and Bharrat in the same sentence!

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