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Former Member
and defend this bull. Guyana is where our since of being and identity is located so why should we not lecture ( if it will help) the authorities on what we think is wrong. Further, many of the skunks ie Ramsammy, Beri Beri, Gail, Misir, Maniram etc hold dual citizens. We send 500 million back home each year collectively, maintain homes the etc so why should we not voice our opinions as strongly as possible with respect to what we see are wrongs in the society? Unless your PhD is in basket weaving you would have grasped concepts as nation, nationality and nationalism are  organic and not assumed on t he fly.

Don’t lecture Guyanese!

October 31, 2013 | By

| Filed Under Letters

Dear Editor,

As a Non-Resident Guyanese (NRG), I try to make a couple trips to Guyana each year. I provide donations that I can afford to worthy causes in Guyana while I am there. I am a regular reader of Guyanese online newspapers since, like most Guyanese, I like to keep abreast of what is happening in the Guyana.

I noticed that there are quite a few NRGs who, regrettably, think that having a US Green Card or a US passport gives them the exclusive right to compose letters, on a regular basis, in the newspapers voicing their opinion on current events in Guyana. One cannot help but get the feeling that these gentlemen think that they have all solutions of issues in Guyana and only their opinion is the best for Guyana. These gentlemen should do the moral and right thing: return to Guyana, run for political office, and become an elected official.

These respected gentlemen should remember that Guyanese do not like to be lectured to. The President, sometime ago, reminded US authorities that Guyana does not like to be lectured to. Guyanese are not children. In discussions with Guyanese during my short semi-annual vacations, I find most of them to be an intelligent bunch of individuals.

I would have thought that these fine gentlemen would focus on events in their new land/home instead of writing letters in online Guyanese newspapers. Their time will be better spent addressing the many ills that we are facing in the USA, to conduct useful and constructive research on these issues, and to make an impact in the community in which they reside. Also, many in academic positions should be working on research projects worthy to be published in respected peer-reviewed journals rather than writing in newspapers.

This letter is not meant to offend anyone; if it does, I apologize. I am just stating factual information.

Seeraj Mattai, PhD

Replies sorted oldest to newest

We owe it to ourselves to give Dr. Persaud a second chance


Dear Editor,

I have read a few letters on whether Dr. Vishwamintra Persaud should be allowed to practice medicine in Guyana. Please permit me to interject my thoughts on this issue.
Dr. Persaud was trained in the USA. I have first hand knowledge on the intensive effort and long hours Dr Persaud endured in earning his medical degree since my son is a board-certified doctor who was also trained in the USA.

Dr. Persaud has confessed that he made a grave error in judgment while he practiced medicine in the USA. While no one can or should justify Dr. Persaud’s past conduct, we owe it to ourselves to rationally re-think the entire situation.

We, as humans, are all guilty of past mistakes, some grave and some minor. As a young physician, Dr. Persaud wrongly committed some unprofessional acts.

The question now is: Do we condemn a person forever for an act that he/she has committed and has since sincerely regretted or should we allow an individual to get a second chance to redeem himself and do what he is trained to do?

I respectfully would propose to the eminent physicians on the Medical Council of Guyana that Dr. Persaud is entitled to a second chance on the condition that he is placed on probation for five years. Any subsequent and unprofessional conduct by Dr. Persaud will immediately lead to his medical licence revocation.

Dr. Persaud, under close monitoring, can serve Guyana (where there is a shortage of doctors) well for many, many years.

Dr. Seeraj Mattai

Originally Posted by Danyael:
and defend this bull. Guyana is where our since of being and identity is located so why should we not lecture ( if it will help) the authorities on what we think is wrong. Further, many of the skunks ie Ramsammy, Beri Beri, Gail, Misir, Maniram etc hold dual citizens. We send 500 million back home each year collectively, maintain homes the etc so why should we not voice our opinions as strongly as possible with respect to what we see are wrongs in the society? Unless your PhD is in basket weaving you would have grasped concepts as nation, nationality and nationalism are  organic and not assumed on t he fly.

Don’t lecture Guyanese!

October 31, 2013 | By

| Filed Under Letters

Dear Editor,

As a Non-Resident Guyanese (NRG), I try to make a couple trips to Guyana each year. I provide donations that I can afford to worthy causes in Guyana while I am there. I am a regular reader of Guyanese online newspapers since, like most Guyanese, I like to keep abreast of what is happening in the Guyana.

I noticed that there are quite a few NRGs who, regrettably, think that having a US Green Card or a US passport gives them the exclusive right to compose letters, on a regular basis, in the newspapers voicing their opinion on current events in Guyana. One cannot help but get the feeling that these gentlemen think that they have all solutions of issues in Guyana and only their opinion is the best for Guyana. These gentlemen should do the moral and right thing: return to Guyana, run for political office, and become an elected official.

These respected gentlemen should remember that Guyanese do not like to be lectured to. The President, sometime ago, reminded US authorities that Guyana does not like to be lectured to. Guyanese are not children. In discussions with Guyanese during my short semi-annual vacations, I find most of them to be an intelligent bunch of individuals.

I would have thought that these fine gentlemen would focus on events in their new land/home instead of writing letters in online Guyanese newspapers. Their time will be better spent addressing the many ills that we are facing in the USA, to conduct useful and constructive research on these issues, and to make an impact in the community in which they reside. Also, many in academic positions should be working on research projects worthy to be published in respected peer-reviewed journals rather than writing in newspapers.

This letter is not meant to offend anyone; if it does, I apologize. I am just stating factual information.

Seeraj Mattai, PhD


He appears to be throwing stones at Dr Rose and Dr TK. Both men published in their respective fields. 

Here is Dr Rose's book:

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Wan Chap name TK AKA Redux does do Nuff Nuff research and thing. Maybe is he.

Mr Nehru what is Dr Mattai's area of research? Can we find his work online? My mamoo also want to see his work.

When I see him this afternoon I gun ask he.

I was expecting you to know him. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

The man has a God given RIGHT to state his opinion.

Sure does...I want him to come and state them here so we can try to expand and illuminate his range of seeing. Those glasses are apparently screwing up with his vision.


Did he scalp a wai wai or is he  blood of my blood?...gotta go easy on him!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The man has a God given RIGHT to state his opinion.

Sure does...I want him to come and state them here so we can try to expand and illuminate his range of seeing. Those glasses are apparently screwing up with his vision.

Come on, the man look like Manoj Kumar.

He he of amerind stock also?

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Please join us Dr Mattai...I want to know why we can address ills in the US and not in Africa or India or China much less our homeland.


For a doctor he should get a better fitting toupee 

that shirt also has a creepy look...the Rev must be his fashion consultant. The hair...well it is what it is.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Don't delude yourself to think that this forum with its cuss down contingent comprising of the pedophile gang will attract persons of substance to subject themselves to attacks and debates that include unsubstantiated claims. You d2 are the king of unsubstantiated claims, most recently against the govt. 

The government is composed of a bunch of crooks. They are public figures whose lives are open to scrutiny.


As for unsubstantiated claims...the only thing about pedophilia relevant here is your obvious encounter with it as a kid. You seem to be quite obsessed with the term. Seek therapy. Misuse of the term would not help. 

Originally Posted by Danyael:

that shirt also has a creepy look...the Rev must be his fashion consultant. The hair...well it is what it is.



The blowhards and blabbermouths on this forum are good at ad-hominem attacks and cheap shots, but when it comes to substantive discussions they are all exposed as a bunch of nitwits, kooks, and dunces.




I believe he has a Phd in the engineering field--- and is affiliated with the University Of Windsor in Canada---you can check that out.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

that shirt also has a creepy look...the Rev must be his fashion consultant. The hair...well it is what it is.



The blowhards and blabbermouths on this forum are good at ad-hominem attacks and cheap shots, but when it comes to substantive discussions they are all exposed as a bunch of nitwits, kooks, and dunces.




I believe he has a Phd in the engineering field--- and is affiliated with the University Of Windsor in Canada---you can check that out.



Reserve you insults for your self since you have aptly demonstrated you are all of he above. Windsor is a great school. It certainly is not green tee U. The gentleman would have had a proper education as an engineer ( little deficient in the humanities)


Anyway, let him come here and defend the letter in the OP. He came from a great university so I am sure he can hold his own. I expect him to be better than you in any event.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:
He came from a great universality so I am sure he can hold his own. I expect him to be better than you in any event.

No one, not Jesus, not Buddha, not Prophet Mohamed, not the esteemed Rev---no one can hold his own against imbeciles, fools, nitwits, morons and idiots.



Mattai is free to come here and express his views---but he must never get into an argument with some of the nasty cretins here.


If he ever chooses to post on GNI, Mattai would be wise to emulate the respectable Rev---make his point but never get into the gutter with the scums here.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
He came from a great universality so I am sure he can hold his own. I expect him to be better than you in any event.

No one, not Jesus, not Buddha, not Prophet Mohamed, not the esteemed Rev---no one can hold his own against imbeciles, fools, nitwits, morons and idiots.



Mattai is free to come here and express his views---but he must never get into an argument with some of the nasty cretins here.


If he ever chooses to post on GNI, Mattai would be wise to emulate the respectable Rev---make his point but never get into the gutter with the scums here.



Do not scare the man away. You are a vile bastard but I am sure he can take care of himself.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
He came from a great universality so I am sure he can hold his own. I expect him to be better than you in any event.

No one, not Jesus, not Buddha, not Prophet Mohamed, not the esteemed Rev---no one can hold his own against imbeciles, fools, nitwits, morons and idiots.



Mattai is free to come here and express his views---but he must never get into an argument with some of the nasty cretins here.


If he ever chooses to post on GNI, Mattai would be wise to emulate the respectable Rev---make his point but never get into the gutter with the scums here.



Rev you are not respectable. You are a racist and you support corruption, nepotism....... You are being tolerated for entertainment, that does not mean you are a respectable person.


[1] Dr Seeraj Mattai is entitled to his opinion on Non-Resident Guyanese (NRGs).

NRGs are entitled to their opinion too, and a rebuttal.

[2] Dr Mattai says "Guyanese do not like to be lectured to."

Gilbakka says NRGs also don't like to be lectured to, which is exactly what Dr Mattai did to us in his spurious and provocative letter.

[3] Dr Mattai says NRGs should "focus on events in their new land instead of writing letters Guyanese newspapers."

Dr Mattai is a NRG himself; he should practice what he preaches.

[4] Dr Mattai is not the only NRG who makes trips back to Guyana, provides donations to worthy causes in Guyana and keeps abreast of what is happening in Guyana.

The Inter-American Development Bank says Guyanese got US$400 million in remittances last year, and that this sum of funds accounted for 17 percent of Guyana's Gross Domestic Product.

For the record, Gilbakka contributed a measly amount to that US$400 million as I'm sure my fellow GNI members contributed too.

Like Dr Mattai, we NRGs also keep abreast of what is happening in Guyana through online Guyanese newspapers, plus letters and e-mails and text messages and phone calls to our relatives and friends there.

Why should we not comment on what happens there? We're not dumb, deaf, blind or indifferent.

[5] NRGs still hold Guyanese citizenship legally and constitutionally.

We have equal rights and obligations as resident Guyanese.

Dr Mattai is threatening our citizenship rights with the foolishness he lectures us with in his stinking offensive letter.

Gilbakka is angered.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

[1] Dr Seeraj Mattai is entitled to his opinion on Non-Resident Guyanese (NRGs).

NRGs are entitled to their opinion too, and a rebuttal.

[2] Dr Mattai says "Guyanese do not like to be lectured to."

Gilbakka says NRGs also don't like to be lectured to, which is exactly what Dr Mattai did to us in his spurious and provocative letter.

[3] Dr Mattai says NRGs should "focus on events in their new land instead of writing letters Guyanese newspapers."

Dr Mattai is a NRG himself; he should practice what he preaches.

[4] Dr Mattai is not the only NRG who makes trips back to Guyana, provides donations to worthy causes in Guyana and keeps abreast of what is happening in Guyana.

The Inter-American Development Bank says Guyanese got US$400 million in remittances last year, and that this sum of funds accounted for 17 percent of Guyana's Gross Domestic Product.

For the record, Gilbakka contributed a measly amount to that US$400 million as I'm sure my fellow GNI members contributed too.

Like Dr Mattai, we NRGs also keep abreast of what is happening in Guyana through online Guyanese newspapers, plus letters and e-mails and text messages and phone calls to our relatives and friends there.

Why should we not comment on what happens there? We're not dumb, deaf, blind or indifferent.

[5] NRGs still hold Guyanese citizenship legally and constitutionally.

We have equal rights and obligations as resident Guyanese.

Dr Mattai is threatening our citizenship rights with the foolishness he lectures us with in his stinking offensive letter.

Gilbakka is angered.


I have to concede you are one wise Gilbakka. From this day on I can never eat gilbakka. Thank you Mr Gilbakka, Sir, for your refreshing perspective. 

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

that shirt also has a creepy look...the Rev must be his fashion consultant. The hair...well it is what it is.



The blowhards and blabbermouths on this forum are good at ad-hominem attacks and cheap shots, but when it comes to substantive discussions they are all exposed as a bunch of nitwits, kooks, and dunces.




I believe he has a Phd in the engineering field--- and is affiliated with the University Of Windsor in Canada---you can check that out.



He is a fraud like you. If he were a faculty there they would advertise his profile and his research. He is full of crap like Mr nehru. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The chief gutter rat is mitjuanita followed by jaliki and members of the pedophile gang. D2 rounds up the pack. 

Dude you obviously have been molested as a kid, is a molester or infatuated with the idea. It is rather strange that of all the things you can invent to pretend you can use as leverage to ridicule others, you had to go for the most odious. Obviously you do not think this is a serious issue or you would not misuse it so lightly. If this is a cry for help from childhood abuse you are also not in the right place. Whatever it is, you cannot find answers here. You need a good therapist.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The chief gutter rat is mitjuanita followed by jaliki and members of the pedophile gang. D2 rounds up the pack. 

Dude you obviously have been molested as a kid, is a molester or infatuated with the idea. It is rather strange that of all the things you can invent to pretend you can use as leverage to ridicule others, you had to go for the most odious. Obviously you do not think this is a serious issue or you would not misuse it so lightly. If this is a cry for help from childhood abuse you are also not in the right place. Whatever it is, you cannot find answers here. You need a good therapist.


i feel sorry for Mr BGurd_See. He was obviously abused as a child. I wish him love. 


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