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Donald Trump for president of the United States of America. Make America Great again.

(CNN)It's the moment of truth for Donald Trump.

The brash real estate mogul has touted his business record and wealth, defied political correctness, commanded social media, insulted Mexicans, Muslims and his rivals, and refused to apologize for anything. And through the long preamble to the election season, Trump has dominated the Republican race at every turn.

Monday night's Iowa caucuses will offer the first real test of his ability to transform all the attention surrounding his candidacy into lasting electoral success.

Polls suggest that Trump, who has never stood for any political office before, stands on the verge of a potentially stunning victory that would shake the Republican establishment. He implored his supporters on Monday to make sure they show up to the caucuses.

"They say the more people that come out, the better we're going to do," Trump said in Waterloo, Iowa. "So you've got to go out."

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Trump's main GOP rival, said he's feeling "at peace" about the caucuses.

"I'm feeling good," he said on Glenn Beck's radio program. "I'm feeling at peace and I'm feeling inspired."

If Trump emerges on top in Iowa, Cruz said he would "happily congratulate him."


Nervous night


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Replies sorted oldest to newest

kp posted:

Then tell me why the Majority of Republicans like Donald Trump, why he is getting up to 20,000 at his rallies, WHY???White America is tired of two term Obama. I personally don't like Trump, but somehow the republicans wants a War, it's been too quiet for 7 years.

They are the idiots of the US he's getting. Sheer idiots, but just as yugi and some of the others here make the PPP look bad he's doing the same. I wish Trump all the best and hope he does make it so he can be humbled after being stepped on like a bug by that woman (gonna be) President.

RiffRaff posted:

Obama aint running...and FYI, a Pres can only go 2 terms in the US...

WHite people want things like it was in 1950 when they were the dominant ones...too many immigrants scaring them about their future

White racist America don't want another coloured leader, forget about Cruz, Rubio. Trump is playing on their emotions. As for Clinton, the Email issue will haunt her, so don't be surprise the general election is between Bernie and Trump.

cain posted:
kp posted:

Then tell me why the Majority of Republicans like Donald Trump, why he is getting up to 20,000 at his rallies, WHY???White America is tired of two term Obama. I personally don't like Trump, but somehow the republicans wants a War, it's been too quiet for 7 years.

They are the idiots of the US he's getting. Sheer idiots, but just as yugi and some of the others here make the PPP look bad he's doing the same. I wish Trump all the best and hope he does make it so he can be humbled after being stepped on like a bug by that woman (gonna be) President.

Trump better than IDIOT Granger the MONSTER and Devany the Butler.

kp posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Obama aint running...and FYI, a Pres can only go 2 terms in the US...

WHite people want things like it was in 1950 when they were the dominant ones...too many immigrants scaring them about their future

White racist America don't want another coloured leader, forget about Cruz, Rubio. Trump is playing on their emotions. As for Clinton, the Email issue will haunt her, so don't be surprise the general election is between Bernie and Trump.

Bernie will kick the Arab Asses.

kp posted:

Then tell me why the Majority of Republicans like Donald Trump, why he is getting up to 20,000 at his rallies, WHY???White America is tired of two term Obama. I personally don't like Trump, but somehow the republicans wants a War, it's been too quiet for 7 years.

Hillary has a lot of explaining to do and she is NOT forthcoming with the truth. Bill would win fair and square if he was running instead of his wife. Hillary is blowing it all around, but she is NOT blowing Bill the good breeze. 

Nehru, wake in you neighborhood.  

Nehru posted:
kp posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Obama aint running...and FYI, a Pres can only go 2 terms in the US...

WHite people want things like it was in 1950 when they were the dominant ones...too many immigrants scaring them about their future

White racist America don't want another coloured leader, forget about Cruz, Rubio. Trump is playing on their emotions. As for Clinton, the Email issue will haunt her, so don't be surprise the general election is between Bernie and Trump.

Bernie will kick the Arab Asses.

Even Putin is talking tough against the Arabs. Them Arabs getting blows from all sides now.  


I will chime in here with little knowledge of the race so far.

Bill is my Hero and Hillary stands a good chance of winning but is America ready for it's first female President ?

Trump shook up the Political landscape by positioning himself as an outsider and people latched on to it. People seem fed up with old school politicians. This is good for any democracy.

This might end up being a very close political race.

The outcome for a win for democrats depends on the African American voter turnout.

The republicans might turn out in large numbers since they have been out of office for a long time and are hungry for power once again. They depend of the white votes. They are also itchy for a war since wars tend to create jobs and opportunities for their wealthy friends.

We had a recent election in Canada where the Liberal Candidate started out as an underdog and ended up with a huge majority.

Sit back, relax and enjoy. 




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