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Iran bars drunk Saudi diplomat from leaving

File photo shows the car of the drunk Saudi Embassy staffer after its fatal accident in Tehran.

File photo shows the car of the drunk Saudi Embassy staffer after its fatal accident in Tehran.Iranian lawmaker, Alaeddin Boroujerdi [file photo)
File photo shows the car of the drunk Saudi Embassy staffer after its fatal accident in Tehran.

The Saudi diplomat involved in the deadly drunk driving accident in Tehran has been barred from leaving the country until the legal status of his case is determined, a senior Iranian lawmaker says.
“Based on the [sobriety] test conducted by the police, the Saudi diplomat was drunk while driving which is in violation of international and Iranian laws,” head of the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee Alaeddin Boroujerdi said on Sunday.

The Saudi diplomat had several bottles of alcoholic drinks in his car, he added.

The Saudi staffer rammed his vehicle into an Iranian car while speeding at 130 kph before veering off the road. The Iranian driver was killed on the spot.

The accident which happened in northeastern Tehran in mid-March also wounded a passer-by.

On March 19, Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast mentioned violating Iranian laws, exceeding the speed limit and the driver’s intoxication as the causes of the deadly accident.

He said that Iran had strongly protested to the Saudi Embassy staffer's behavior and had notified the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Tehran of its complaint.

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Quote "Saud's family members have two faces one in their country and one when they are abroad. They show themselves as followers of Islam but in fact they follow Zionism. Their Zionist face must be uncovered for the people of the world."unquote


Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "Saud's family members have two faces one in their country and one when they are abroad. They show themselves as followers of Islam but in fact they follow Zionism. Their Zionist face must be uncovered for the people of the world."unquote


Why Zionism?? Most people talk the talk but don't walk the walk. We ALL do.


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