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Nighttime incident occurred amid tensions with the US after Iraqi protesters attacked the US Embassy in Baghdad.

General Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran's elite Quds force, has been reported killed alongside six others following a US airstrike at Baghdad's international airport.

Iraqi officials and the state television reported that aside from Soleimani, Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis was also killed in the attack.

Ahmed al-Assadi, a spokesman for Iraq's Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF) umbrella grouping of Iran-backed militias, also confirmed the deaths of Soleimani and Muhandis.

Two unnamed US officials told Reuters news agency that the US carried out the targeted airstrikes.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Prashad posted:

Wrong approach. If they had issues with these guys they should not have killed them so openly with US embassy staff still in Iraq instead they should have sticker bomb their vehicles with them inside.

Agree but it is what it is. Lets see how this heavy handed approach plays out.  They still haven't bombed Iran, this would add an entire new dimension to the conflict. 

Drugb posted:
Prashad posted:

Wrong approach. If they had issues with these guys they should not have killed them so openly with US embassy staff still in Iraq instead they should have sticker bomb their vehicles with them inside.

Agree but it is what it is. Lets see how this heavy handed approach plays out.  They still haven't bombed Iran, this would add an entire new dimension to the conflict. 

I think the blow-back within Iraq!


Guyana oil will always be cheap. The cost of getting it to the top is expensive. Lately, the cost of mining oil has been rising world wide. One way of offset is to get it cheap from governments, namely Third World places.

Also, with global warming issues, the drive is to lower world production of mechanical equipment, electronic devices, food production, etc etc. Everything that keeps ppl in cities. The drive is to return to basic lifestyles.

Increase production needs more oil, more oil is more pollution. More employment means a robust economy. A robust economy requires more oil. More global warming.

God, told man not to live in cities, dem hard ears, never listens. And the Angels told God when He said He goan mek ppl, in one voice dem sey to Him, "doan do it, dem going to turn out troublesome."

Baseman posted:

What stupidness Siggy deh pon.  God invented two big cities, Heaven and Hell.  And a small connecting village called Purgatory.  And to make and keep hell hellish, he uses a lot of energy.

God didn't do this. Mankind did. Mankind created heaven and hell too. Heaven and hell are all here. It's called Karma.

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

What stupidness Siggy deh pon.  God invented two big cities, Heaven and Hell.  And a small connecting village called Purgatory.  And to make and keep hell hellish, he uses a lot of energy.

God didn't do this. Mankind did. Mankind created heaven and hell too. Heaven and hell are all here. It's called Karma.

That’s the Hindu version!  Christianity don’t believe in human judgments but judgement by god only.  And it drives life’s attitudes towards each other.

It’s a different means to a same end!

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

What stupidness Siggy deh pon.  God invented two big cities, Heaven and Hell.  And a small connecting village called Purgatory.  And to make and keep hell hellish, he uses a lot of energy.

God didn't do this. Mankind did. Mankind created heaven and hell too. Heaven and hell are all here. It's called Karma.

That’s the Hindu version!  Christianity don’t believe in human judgments but judgement by god only.  And it drives life’s attitudes towards each other.

It’s a different means to a same end!

And you think with all the technology today, Steve Jobs up there to help, God should phone someone and tell him or her that he is real.

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

What stupidness Siggy deh pon.  God invented two big cities, Heaven and Hell.  And a small connecting village called Purgatory.  And to make and keep hell hellish, he uses a lot of energy.

God didn't do this. Mankind did. Mankind created heaven and hell too. Heaven and hell are all here. It's called Karma.

That’s the Hindu version!  Christianity don’t believe in human judgments but judgement by god only.  And it drives life’s attitudes towards each other.

It’s a different means to a same end!

And you think with all the technology today, Steve Jobs up there to help, God should phone someone and tell him or her that he is real.

Maybe, maybe not!  I ain’t taking chances.  I want go heaven.  He’s in a different dimension so human phone signals don’t wuk.😁

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Drugb posted:

Is this another wag the dog in an attempt to take the focus away from the new evidence in the impeachment of trump?

Did Bill Clinton bomb somewhere when he was being impeached? Just curious.

It was the lil bomb he left on Monica's dress and her peach that got him impeached.

Fuse went off too soon.😀


Soleimani had the look of an evil man from his pictures, his eyes revealed his soul. For the sake of his sect he surrendered his soul to the Ayottolahs biddings. Perhaps, they made a killer out of him. Then again, all soldiers are killers, Americans as well as others. When killed, they are revered.

As for the leaders, Trump and other adversaries, they sleep safe and unperturbed.

All this behaviour is not contemporary, it is as ancient as mankind civilization.

Killing ppl never solve anything. Obama killed Osama, but the killing still goes on.    

seignet posted:

Soleimani had the look of an evil man from his pictures, his eyes revealed his soul. For the sake of his sect he surrendered his soul to the Ayottolahs biddings. Perhaps, they made a killer out of him. Then again, all soldiers are killers, Americans as well as others. When killed, they are revered.

As for the leaders, Trump and other adversaries, they sleep safe and unperturbed.

All this behaviour is not contemporary, it is as ancient as mankind civilization.

Killing ppl never solve anything. Obama killed Osama, but the killing still goes on.    

Blame Cain. He started it. It's the nature of mankind wanting to dominate.

skeldon_man posted:
seignet posted:

Soleimani had the look of an evil man from his pictures, his eyes revealed his soul. For the sake of his sect he surrendered his soul to the Ayottolahs biddings. Perhaps, they made a killer out of him. Then again, all soldiers are killers, Americans as well as others. When killed, they are revered.

As for the leaders, Trump and other adversaries, they sleep safe and unperturbed.

All this behaviour is not contemporary, it is as ancient as mankind civilization.

Killing ppl never solve anything. Obama killed Osama, but the killing still goes on.    

Blame Cain. He started it. It's the nature of mankind wanting to dominate.

Ow man!  What poor Putagee Cain gat to do wid it?

skeldon_man posted:

In the process of Iran taking revenge for the killing of general Soleimani, many innocent Muslims will be murdered. Iran will try to kill Americans worldwide. Trump has opened a can of worms. Remember when he said that Obama will start a war with Iran to win the 2012 elections? Well, guess what?

Iran said they will stick to military targets.  I think they will not take the bait because they last they want is for the US to hit Iran proper.  They know Israel and Saudi and Sunnis will support the US.

Dem ain't stupid!


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