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Iran set up terrorist networks in Guyana, other parts Latin America -Argentine prosecutor

May 29, 2013 "Posts by Stabroek editor""

An Argentine prosecutor accused Iran yesterday of establishing terrorist networks in Latin America dating back to the 1980s and said he would send his findings to courts in the affected countries.
State prosecutor Alberto Nisman is investigating the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires that killed 85 people. Argentine courts have long accused Iran of sponsoring the attack.
Iran, which remains locked in a stand-off with world powers over its disputed nuclear program, denies links to the blast. No one was immediately available to comment at the Iranian embassy in Buenos Aires on Wednesday.
In a 500-page-long document, Nisman cited what he said was evidence of Iran’s “intelligence and terrorist network” in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago and Suriname – among others.
In the case of the AMIA (Asociacion Mutual Israelita Argentina) center bombing in Buenos Aires, Argentina has secured Interpol arrest warrants for nine men – eight Iranians and one person presumed to be Lebanese. Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi is among the officials sought by Argentina, which is home to Latin America’s largest Jewish community.
Another Iranian with an outstanding arrest warrant against him in the case is Mohsen Rezaie, a former head of the Revolutionary Guards who is running for president.
Nisman said new evidence underscored the responsibility of Mohsen Rabbani, the former Iranian cultural attache in Argentina, as mastermind of the AMIA bombing and “coordinator of the Iranian infiltration of South America, especially in Guyana.”
Nisman said U.S. court documents showed Islamist militant Abdul Kadir – who was sentenced to life in prison in 2010 for participating in a foiled plan to attack John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York – was Rabbani’s disciple.
Kadir “received instructions” from Rabbani “and carried out the Iranian infiltration in Guyana, whose structure was nearly identical … to that established by Rabbani in Argentina,” the prosecutor wrote.
Nisman urged Interpol to intensify its efforts to execute the arrest warrants.
In February, Argentina’s Congress approved an agreement with Iran to set up a “truth commission” to shed light on the AMIA bombing after years of legal deadlock. But many Argentine Jewish community leaders feared the pact could undermine the ongoing judicial investigation, led by Nisman.
Argentine President Cristina Fernandez has close ties with other Latin American leaders who are on good terms with Tehran, such as Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro and Ecuador’s Rafael Correa.
Her government had no immediate comment on Nisman’s report, which reinforced concerns voiced by Jewish leaders in Buenos Aires about the Argentine-Iranian commission.
The forming of the commission was seen as a diplomatic win for Iran as it confronts a U.S.-led effort to isolate Tehran because of its nuclear program, which Western nations fear is aimed at attaining nuclear weapons.
Also on Wednesday, Canada said it will freeze all remaining trade with Iran to protest the Tehran’s nuclear ambitions and its human rights record.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

That is not such great news. The CIA/FBI must know about it. An Iranian operative was mysteriously killed in Guyana some years back.


PRACTICING Muslims coming from Guyana today into the west are very radical.


Guyana is indirectly controlled by the USA. Their people are in every major political party.  If Iran had its people in Guyana in great amounts then they would have been taken out by Uncle Sam a long time ago. 

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Guyana is indirectly controlled by the USA.

That's a big lie. Guyana is under the control of the mafia and terrorist groups like FARC. It's no secret that FARC sells coke to the PPP drugs dealers.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Guyana is indirectly controlled by the USA.

That's a big lie. Guyana is under the control of the mafia and terrorist groups like FARC. It's no secret that FARC sells coke to the PPP drugs dealers.

Magnificent yet AGAIN. Words of WISDOM from Mr T. BRAVO!!!!

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by seignet:



PRACTICING Muslims coming from Guyana today into the west are very radical.


lET US JUST SAY THAY HAVE CHANGED. Haram is a BIG thing for them now.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by seignet:



PRACTICING Muslims coming from Guyana today into the west are very radical.


Let's not forget the foil JFK plot! Terrorist training are done within the Mosques.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by seignet:



PRACTICING Muslims coming from Guyana today into the west are very radical.


lET US JUST SAY THAY HAVE CHANGED. Haram is a BIG thing for them now.

As one start to practise they realize what is permitted for us to use and what is prohibited. That is what is called haraam. 

So Nehru what is wrong with Muslims who start to obey what is requiered of them. 

Majority of the Jews do not mess with eating any other thing than Kosher, even their Vodka has to be Kosher.

Originally Posted by Chief:

As one start to practise they realize what is permitted for us to use and what is prohibited. That is what is called haraam. 

So Nehru what is wrong with Muslims who start to obey what is requiered of them. 

Majority of the Jews do not mess with eating any other thing than Kosher, even their Vodka has to be Kosher.

I agree with Chief here, if the Guyanese Muslims want to become more religious then so be it. I knew of one family that turned to strict muslims, having their kids wearing modest clothes with headwear. Unfortunately that only lasted a few years as it is difficult in western society to continue with strict religious practices while interacting with a non secular society. I suppose peer pressure got the better of them. They family even started drinking liquor and eating pork.  

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Chief:

As one start to practise they realize what is permitted for us to use and what is prohibited. That is what is called haraam. 

So Nehru what is wrong with Muslims who start to obey what is requiered of them. 

Majority of the Jews do not mess with eating any other thing than Kosher, even their Vodka has to be Kosher.

I agree with Chief here, if the Guyanese Muslims want to become more religious then so be it. I knew of one family that turned to strict muslims, having their kids wearing modest clothes with headwear. Unfortunately that only lasted a few years as it is difficult in western society to continue with strict religious practices while interacting with a non secular society. I suppose peer pressure got the better of them. They family even started drinking liquor and eating pork.  

You are a pathological liar.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by seignet:



PRACTICING Muslims coming from Guyana today into the west are very radical.


lET US JUST SAY THAY HAVE CHANGED. Haram is a BIG thing for them now.

Al Qaeda money have helped radicalize Guyanese muslims.  Most are not like the muslims I grew up with. I know a few migrated to Canada, very liberal in Guyana.  You have to be so careful with everyone.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by seignet:



PRACTICING Muslims coming from Guyana today into the west are very radical.


lET US JUST SAY THAY HAVE CHANGED. Haram is a BIG thing for them now.

Al Qaeda money have helped radicalize Guyanese muslims.  Most are not like the muslims I grew up with. I know a few migrated to Canada, very liberal in Guyana.  You have to be so careful with everyone.

That is true. Look at Chief's behavior towards America and Guyana and he is not a terrorist yet. 


U.S. court upholds convictions of JFK airport bomb plotters Kadir, deFreitas

May 31, 2013· By ·

NEWYORK,  (Reuters) – A U.S. appeals court today upheld the convictions of two Islamic militants charged with participating in a plot to bombNew York’sJohnF.KennedyInternationalAirport.

The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals inNew Yorkdeclined to throw out a 2010 jury verdict against Russell Defreitas, 69, and Abdul Kadir, 61, who were found guilty of conspiracy to carry out acts of terrorism.

The court also upheld the life sentences for the men, both from Guyana, saying neither provided a persuasive argument the prison terms were unreasonable in light of their convictions of conspiring to explode pipelines and jet fuel tanks at the airport.

Abdul Kadir


Abdul Kadir

“The gravity of the crimes for which they were convicted easily justifies the life sentences that were imposed,” Judge John Walker wrote for a three-judge panel.

Lawyers for the defendants did not comment on the ruling.

Prosecutors say the conspiracy to blow up the airport began in 2005 or 2006. Much of the evidence was gathered by an informant who was recruited into the conspiracy after meeting Defreitas, who had worked at the airport as a cargo handler.

Authorities say the idea to attack Kennedy airport originated with Defreitas. He conducted surveillance in January 2007 and videotaped potential targets, prosecutors say.

In a recorded telephone call, Defreitas said the attacks would be “worse than the World Trade Center,” a comparison to the attacks ofSept. 11, 2001.

Defreitas, Kadir, and two other defendants, Abdel Nur and Kareem Ibrahim Ibrahim, were arrested in June 2007. Nur pleaded guilty before trial, while Ibrahim was convicted and received a life sentence in January 2012.

On appeal, Defreitas and Kadir challenged the use of an anonymous jury.

The 2nd Circuit found no fault in the district judge’s decision to allow for an anonymous jury, noting they were charged in a plot that “had the potential to kill hundreds or thousands of people.”

The appeals court panel also upheld decisions to allow prosecutors to introduce photos of Kadir posing with machine guns and allowing a government expert to testify about the activities of militant Islamic groups inSouth America.

The 2nd Circuit dismissed a separate appeal by Nur, saying his guilty plea was “knowing and voluntary.”

Originally Posted by Cobra:

That is true. Look at Chief's behavior towards America and Guyana and he is not a terrorist yet. 

Chief is an American/Guyanese Muslim and proud to be both American and Muslim.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

That is true. Look at Chief's behavior towards America and Guyana and he is not a terrorist yet. 

Chief is an American/Guyanese Muslim and proud to be both American and Muslim.

They all say that but smile and dance when terrorists score a "victory".


I believe the Guyanese expat Muslims are influenced by the Arabs, and brain washed by Al Jazeera and other radical media outlets. They have discovered the Umma and found an identity which was not available in Guyana. Chief and others may give lip service to protect their businesses and well being but behind closed doors they harbor ill will towards the west.  I don't blame them as it seems everyone is dumping on the Muslims and this breeds greater cohesiveness among the Muslim masses.  This is unlike the situation in the Mid East where they are at each others throats, the Sunnis against the Shiite.  In the US and CA the common enemy brings the Muslims together. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I believe the Guyanese expat Muslims are influenced by the Arabs, and brain washed by Al Jazeera and other radical media outlets. They have discovered the Umma and found an identity which was not available in Guyana. Chief and others may give lip service to protect their businesses and well being but behind closed doors they harbor ill will towards the west.  I don't blame them as it seems everyone is dumping on the Muslims and this breeds greater cohesiveness among the Muslim masses.  This is unlike the situation in the Mid East where they are at each others throats, the Sunnis against the Shiite.  In the US and CA the common enemy brings the Muslims together. 

There are some good and decent muslims, but too many, like asj and Chief, follow the hateful wahab terroristic inclines.  Nuff of these guys happy Russia snub Israel, but frankly they would be happy is the Saudi terrorists over-ran Syria and "cleanse" it of infidels.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I believe the Guyanese expat Muslims are influenced by the Arabs, and brain washed by Al Jazeera and other radical media outlets. They have discovered the Umma and found an identity which was not available in Guyana. Chief and others may give lip service to protect their businesses and well being but behind closed doors they harbor ill will towards the west.  I don't blame them as it seems everyone is dumping on the Muslims and this breeds greater cohesiveness among the Muslim masses.  This is unlike the situation in the Mid East where they are at each others throats, the Sunnis against the Shiite.  In the US and CA the common enemy brings the Muslims together. 

Your belief is just a brain fart. Where are the evidence to support what you posited?


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