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Iranian, Arab press slam Netanyahu speech


Iranian news website claims PM pushed back his red line compared to past statements, while Lebanese op-ed says Israeli leader using Iran to sidelines Palestinian issue


Roi Kais, Dudi Cohen

Published 09.28.12-12.28 / Israel News -- Source


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's dramatic UN speech in which he highlighted the need to draw a "red line" for Iran's nuclear program prompted responses not just in the West, but also in the Arab and Muslim world. While Iranian authorities have yet to officially respond to the speech, media outlets in Iran and the Middle East were quick to offer their own analyses


A popular news website in Iran explained that the Islamic Republic views Netanyahu's speech as a withdrawal from his previous positions on the Iranian nuclear issue. The website Tabnak, affiliated with former Revolutionary Guards commander Mohsen Rezaee, said that the Israeli prime minister had changed his positions on a red line for Iran.


The article claimed that in the past Netanyahu had stressed that a red line was 20% level enrichment of uranium, while his speech placed the line at 90% enrichment


Article in Iranian website


Graphic illustration (Photo: Reuters)


The Arab press also addressed the speech. The London-based al-Quds al-Arabi published a harsh editorial attacking Netanyahu's speech titled "Don't make us choose between Israel and Iran."


Abdel Bari Atwan said, "No one believes the liar speaker and no one skipped a beat over his drawing. Pretending to safeguard peace, security and stability in the region, Netanyahu completely disregarded the Palestinian issue and the only time he mentioned it was when he condemned Abu Mazen's (Mahmoud Abbas) speech – a speech by a weak man seeking public sympathy and explaining his people's suffering in a tedious manner."


Atwan further added, "Netanyahu's speech and his red lines are a call for war or preparation for it at best….we don't need Netanyahu or anyone else to lecture us and the world about the Iranian threat, as the real danger threatening us is the Israeli warheads aimed at our heads."


He concluded the editorial by stating, "When faced with a choice between Netanyahu's aggressive Israel and an Iran that defends itself, its land and its honor, we stand by Iran."


Lebanon's an-Nahar newspaper published an op-ed titled, "Netanyahu, the war preacher."


"Netanyahu has taken advantage of the Iranian threat to prevent any discussion on a peace deal with the Palestinians and effectively prevent such an agreement. Instead of advocating peace at the UN, he called on the international community to wage a new war with his demand for a red line for Iran. But Netanyahu's cries for war will fall on deaf ears as the world does not want to embark on a new military escapade in the region."


'Netanyahu turns to our subconscious'


Imad Abdullah Ayasrah, a Jordanian political analyst, highlighted a different aspect of Netanyahu's speech. "Netanyahu presented us with an obvious psychological speech in which he turns to one's subconscious and transfers the Iranian threat to the ears of the international community. As far as I'm aware, speeches by Arabs rarely rely on psychologists to convey what they want in the simplest way.



"Netanyahu's drawing, with all its simplicity, was prepared by an army of experts and has the clear markings of a message to the subconscious that Iran will use the bomb immediately when uranium enrichment hits the 90% mark.


"The speech made the world feel like Iran's nuclear program is of a military nature and the question is not whether Iran will produce a bomb but when will it use it."


"I am not defending Netanyahu but in all fairness his speech is one of the most creative political speeches I have ever heard. This is the power of the media war." He concluded by saying, "We, Israel's enemies, know when its leaders distort reality, but the question is how Israel's allies will respond to these speeches."

Replies sorted oldest to newest

"Okay, it's official," The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg wrote. "Netanyahu has no idea what he's doing. He has just turned a serious issue into a joke."

Goldberg continued: "Netanyahu's bomb cartoon is the Middle East equivalent of Clint Eastwood's chair."

"Apparently Netanyahu took a chart-making course from Paul Ryan," the comedian Rob Delaney tweeted.

"I didn't realize nuclear bombs looked like the bombs from Super Mario," Buzzfeed's Andrew Kaczynski quipped.

"Netanyahu has reduced nuclear war diplomacy to cartoons and markers," Sam Stein tweeted.

Many Twitter users questioned the wisdom of bringing clip art to the U.N., while some referenced a Roadrunner comparison.

"Excuse me, Prime Minister Netanyahu?" Rex Huppke wrote. "Wile E. Coyote called. He wants his bomb back."

Originally Posted by TI:
When the infidels dropped over 1,000 missiles in a single night on defenseless Iraq, did you worry too?

Shyte Saddam had the Shite muslims under his thumb. He torture dem. He slaughter dem. Doan blame America for the bombs. Allah answered the Shite supplications-they free now. And Allah with the muslim lobby in America even made Colon Powell see a great many Weapons of Mass Destruction piled up in Iraq. 


Suh, Colon Powel must be blamed for all dem bombs and not the Greta Bush.


The experts are telling us that Iran is at least three years away from building one nuclear bomb.  Did anyone in the US or Israel question what Iran can possibly do with one nuclear bomb?  Do they/we believe the Iranians are nuts to start nuclear war on Israel with one single nuclear bomb?? The Israelis have hundreds of nuclear bombs ready to go at a moments notice. Any attempt to annihilate Israel with Nuclear weapons will result in the complete destruction of Iran by Israel or her allies in the West.

Billy Ram Balgobin
The Israelis long term plan is to occupy more land, move into Jordan and Egypt, and rebuild their temple in Jerusalem as their populations expands. Any strong country like Iraq or Iran would stand in their way. They waged a long assault against against Iraq with the same nuclear bomb argument, and bombed Iraq in 2003. Now they are hoping to have Iran leveled in the same way. Many years ago in Forbes magazine, Steve Forbes wrote an article advocating an assault against Iraq for all sorts of stupid reasons. I responded to him that the real reason was not Israel's safety, but their plan for expansion and need for oil. The Israelis have shown that they care little for world opinion, and their final goal is to occupy an oil rich territory. They will push and push until there is no resistance, and then move in backed by the US.

Bai, yuh ignoring the Koran. Abraham came from Ur, that place is in Iraq and close to Saudi Arabia and Iran. Abraham descendants are supposed to inherit all the lands the eyes could c.

I doan know where the marauding muslims came from and occupied those lands but I know they all leaving to live in the West. Perhaps, their agenda is to torment west just as how they tormented Africa, India, Persia and every where else they descended upon.


Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Why Israel is not a member of the arms control organisation since about 1967?


Also, doesn't Israel indeed have fully developed nuclear weapons, unverified of course, because it is not a member of the organisation?

Israel's position on their nuclear weapons has always been the same..."not confirmed of denied." If in this modern day we're still asking this question, then what the world is supposed to believe? For Israelis to be a part of the non-proliferation treaty they would have to admit to having nuclear weapons. I think Israel gets the world hanging by a thread. I wish to further state that the prediction of WWIII in right in our face, and it will happen as it was predicted.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Why Israel is not a member of the arms control organisation since about 1967?


Also, doesn't Israel indeed have fully developed nuclear weapons, unverified of course, because it is not a member of the organisation?

Israel's position on their nuclear weapons has always been the same..."not confirmed of denied." If in this modern day we're still asking this question, then what the world is supposed to believe? For Israelis to be a part of the non-proliferation treaty they would have to admit to having nuclear weapons. I think Israel gets the world hanging by a thread. I wish to further state that the prediction of WWIII in right in our face, and it will happen as it was predicted.

And, since about 1967 Israel continues to avoid declaring its nuclear capabilities.

Originally Posted by baseman:

The Arabs cannot do shyte, they kill mattie to protect their lil sand-dunes and have no strategic vision.  Iran is the only capable agitator in that region and all the Arabs are doing is helping Western powers to bring them down.  Arabs are dumb, Israel will walk all over them for generations.

Arabs are too corrupt, too venal, always asking for bribes for everything. Their definition of intelligence is associated with their ability to bribe and make a living out of it. They actually take pride in their venality. This mentality has been used by foreign powers to make them fight among themselves and destroy their own countries, something they happily do for money.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Bai, yuh ignoring the Koran. Abraham came from Ur, that place is in Iraq and close to Saudi Arabia and Iran. Abraham descendants are supposed to inherit all the lands the eyes could c.

I doan know where the marauding muslims came from and occupied those lands but I know they all leaving to live in the West. Perhaps, their agenda is to torment west just as how they tormented Africa, India, Persia and every where else they descended upon.



If you read Jewish history you will find out when the Romans destroyed the Jewish temple and took away Jews to Rome, some ran away to the mideast, Africa and India, and those who were left stayed there and converted to Islam during the building of the Dome of the Rock. Many of those present day Palestinians are descendants of those original Jews.  The new European Jews in Israel are European transplants. Their heritage is from European converts and the Khazers. They have nothing to do with Abraham. 

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Bai, yuh ignoring the Koran. Abraham came from Ur, that place is in Iraq and close to Saudi Arabia and Iran. Abraham descendants are supposed to inherit all the lands the eyes could c.

I doan know where the marauding muslims came from and occupied those lands but I know they all leaving to live in the West. Perhaps, their agenda is to torment west just as how they tormented Africa, India, Persia and every where else they descended upon.



If you read Jewish history you will find out when the Romans destroyed the Jewish temple and took away Jews to Rome, some ran away to the mideast, Africa and India, and those who were left stayed there and converted to Islam during the building of the Dome of the Rock. Many of those present day Palestinians are descendants of those original Jews.  The new European Jews in Israel are European transplants. Their heritage is from European converts and the Khazers. They have nothing to do with Abraham. 

Jews are black ppl-atleast suh black ppl claim. And them white skin Arabs, wey dem come from?

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Bai, yuh ignoring the Koran. Abraham came from Ur, that place is in Iraq and close to Saudi Arabia and Iran. Abraham descendants are supposed to inherit all the lands the eyes could c.

I doan know where the marauding muslims came from and occupied those lands but I know they all leaving to live in the West. Perhaps, their agenda is to torment west just as how they tormented Africa, India, Persia and every where else they descended upon.



If you read Jewish history you will find out when the Romans destroyed the Jewish temple and took away Jews to Rome, some ran away to the mideast, Africa and India, and those who were left stayed there and converted to Islam during the building of the Dome of the Rock. Many of those present day Palestinians are descendants of those original Jews.  The new European Jews in Israel are European transplants. Their heritage is from European converts and the Khazers. They have nothing to do with Abraham. 

bai, doan waste yuh time explainin anyting tuh sagga bai. he nah smartah dan wan 5th gradah.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Bai, yuh ignoring the Koran. Abraham came from Ur, that place is in Iraq and close to Saudi Arabia and Iran. Abraham descendants are supposed to inherit all the lands the eyes could c.

I doan know where the marauding muslims came from and occupied those lands but I know they all leaving to live in the West. Perhaps, their agenda is to torment west just as how they tormented Africa, India, Persia and every where else they descended upon.



If you read Jewish history you will find out when the Romans destroyed the Jewish temple and took away Jews to Rome, some ran away to the mideast, Africa and India, and those who were left stayed there and converted to Islam during the building of the Dome of the Rock. Many of those present day Palestinians are descendants of those original Jews.  The new European Jews in Israel are European transplants. Their heritage is from European converts and the Khazers. They have nothing to do with Abraham. 

bai, doan waste yuh time explainin anyting tuh sagga bai. he nah smartah dan wan 5th gradah.

Dey sey some ppl born with knowledge in dem head, like dem bin on earth before. 


Perhaps, if u bold enough u could read Jeremiah 36-all of it.


U can deny the existence of the Jew all u want, IT DOAN MEAN they did not exist and coming back and came back to the land of their heiritage. Remember cooolie bai, you're an indian and not an Arab. Use your cooolie brains. 

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Bai, yuh ignoring the Koran. Abraham came from Ur, that place is in Iraq and close to Saudi Arabia and Iran. Abraham descendants are supposed to inherit all the lands the eyes could c.

I doan know where the marauding muslims came from and occupied those lands but I know they all leaving to live in the West. Perhaps, their agenda is to torment west just as how they tormented Africa, India, Persia and every where else they descended upon.



If you read Jewish history you will find out when the Romans destroyed the Jewish temple and took away Jews to Rome, some ran away to the mideast, Africa and India, and those who were left stayed there and converted to Islam during the building of the Dome of the Rock. Many of those present day Palestinians are descendants of those original Jews.  The new European Jews in Israel are European transplants. Their heritage is from European converts and the Khazers. They have nothing to do with Abraham. 

bai, doan waste yuh time explainin anyting tuh sagga bai. he nah smartah dan wan 5th gradah.

Dey sey some ppl born with knowledge in dem head, like dem bin on earth before. 


Perhaps, if u bold enough u could read Jeremiah 36-all of it.


U can deny the existence of the Jew all u want, IT DOAN MEAN they did not exist and coming back and came back to the land of their heiritage. Remember cooolie bai, you're an indian and not an Arab. Use your cooolie brains. 

Fortunate for me I don't limit myself to the minimum the world has to offer. But if you insist on doing so, go right ahead. I know enough of the Bible to make informed arguments about it.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Bai, yuh ignoring the Koran. Abraham came from Ur, that place is in Iraq and close to Saudi Arabia and Iran. Abraham descendants are supposed to inherit all the lands the eyes could c.

I doan know where the marauding muslims came from and occupied those lands but I know they all leaving to live in the West. Perhaps, their agenda is to torment west just as how they tormented Africa, India, Persia and every where else they descended upon.



If you read Jewish history you will find out when the Romans destroyed the Jewish temple and took away Jews to Rome, some ran away to the mideast, Africa and India, and those who were left stayed there and converted to Islam during the building of the Dome of the Rock. Many of those present day Palestinians are descendants of those original Jews.  The new European Jews in Israel are European transplants. Their heritage is from European converts and the Khazers. They have nothing to do with Abraham. 

bai, doan waste yuh time explainin anyting tuh sagga bai. he nah smartah dan wan 5th gradah.

Dey sey some ppl born with knowledge in dem head, like dem bin on earth before. 


Perhaps, if u bold enough u could read Jeremiah 36-all of it.


U can deny the existence of the Jew all u want, IT DOAN MEAN they did not exist and coming back and came back to the land of their heiritage. Remember cooolie bai, you're an indian and not an Arab. Use your cooolie brains. 

Fortunate for me I don't limit myself to the minimum the world has to offer. But if you insist on doing so, go right ahead. I know enough of the Bible to make informed arguments about it.

Follies of foolish man who challenges God's words and the same

 words copied in the Koran by Mohammad.

Originally Posted by TI:

You a Christian or Jew? You always quoting from Old Testament but you don't follow the old testament.


Deuteronomy 22:22 "If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die."


Half of the Christians going to die...hehehe!


The faith is bedded in Judaism, so I would say I am a Jew.


This thing about a Christian faith was quoted by Islam in the 5th century.


Dueteronomy was a book given to the Jews to purge them from the ways of the Egytians. Jews were a ppl chosen to usher in the Messiah of the world. 




Originally Posted by seignet:


The faith is bedded in Judaism, so I would say I am a Jew.


This thing about a Christian faith was quoted by Islam in the 5th century.


Dueteronomy was a book given to the Jews to purge them from the ways of the Egytians. Jews were a ppl chosen to usher in the Messiah of the world. 




If you are a Jew then you don't believe in Jesus the Lord and Savior!  You will have to be stoned!

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by seignet:


The faith is bedded in Judaism, so I would say I am a Jew.


This thing about a Christian faith was quoted by Islam in the 5th century.


Dueteronomy was a book given to the Jews to purge them from the ways of the Egytians. Jews were a ppl chosen to usher in the Messiah of the world. 




If you are a Jew then you don't believe in Jesus the Lord and Savior!  You will have to be stoned!

Messianic Jew.


I strongly support Israel and its right to survive in a very hostile region but Netanyahu is behaving like a fool by trying to stage a war against Iran. This can prove to be a costly mistake since the United States under the current administration is taking a more responsible and cautious approach towards Iran.


Israel would be wise not to start a premature war with the international community in no mood for a war In the Middle East. The region needs stability right now.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

I strongly support Israel and its right to survive in a very hostile region but Netanyahu is behaving like a fool by trying to stage a war against Iran. This can prove to be a costly mistake since the United States under the current administration is taking a more responsible and cautious approach towards Iran.


Israel would be wise not to start a premature war with the international community in no mood for a war In the Middle East. The region needs stability right now.

I support Israel's right to survive also. The trouble is that they started the hostilities and have been the biggest trouble maker in that region over the past six decades.


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