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Iranian companies active in Latin American mines


Sunday Jan 20, 2013,07:29 PM GMT, Source


An Iranian deputy minister of industry, mine and trade says Iranian private companies are operating in mines sector of Latin American countries.

“Some Iranian companies have invested in the mining sector of Latin American countries and are working in that region's mines,” Mohammad-Taqi Korei said Sunday, adding that Iranian government would support other firms interested in South American projects.

“Iran’s presence in South American mines is aimed at exporting technical and engineering services [and] to this end, the government provides Iranian companies with necessary information about mines in the countries in this region,” he stated.

Iran has reportedly been operating in mines in Venezuela, Ecuador, Brazil and Bolivia. It has also agreed to prospect for lithium, a strategic metal, in Bolivia, and mine for gold in Venezuela.

The Islamic Republic has been expanding relations with Latin American countries over the past few years, describing the effort as one of its major foreign policy strategies.

Major Latin American nations have also enhanced their diplomatic and trade ties with Iran in recent years, while their relations with the United States have been downgraded amid popular demands for ending dependency on Washington.

Iran’s rising popularity in Latin America has raised major concerns in Washington, which regards the region as its strategic backyard and traditional sphere of influence.

Lithium to be recovered from the salt lake in Bolivia is not tendered to foreign companies at this time. The Bolivians are hoping to development this project entirely on their own thereby increasing the wealth of the country instead of earning only royalties. The Government of Guyana should do the same with all the minerals the land is holding.


So far, the South Koreans, the Chinese and the Japanese have all being trying to change the policy of the Bolivian government on its desire to develop a Lithium processing industry. It is a strategic resource in the future.


The Iranians will never use Lithium in the volume as the Asian countries.




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