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Iran's supreme leader pledged Friday to aid any nation or group that challenges Israel and said any military strikes over the Islamic Republic's nuclear program would damage U.S. interests in the Middle East "10 times over."

The nationally broadcast comments by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei staked out a hard line in apparent replies to suggestions that military strikes are an increasing possibility if sanctions fail to rein in the Islamic Republic's nuclear program.

It also may signal that Tehran's proxy forces — led by Lebanon's Islamic militant group Hezbollah — could be given the green light to revive attacks on Israel as the showdown between the archfoes intensifies.

The West and its allies fear Iran could use its uranium enrichment labs — which make nuclear fuel — to eventually produce weapons-grade material. Iran insists it only seeks reactors for energy and medical research.

Israel has so far publicly backed the efforts by the U.S. and European Union for tougher sanctions that target Iran's crucial oil exports. But Israeli leaders have urged even harsher measures and warn that military action remains a clear option despite Western appeals to allow time for the economic pressures and isolation to bear down on Iran.

Although Israel has raised the strongest hints over a military campaign, Khamenei reserved some of his strongest comments for Israel's key U.S. ally.

"A war itself will damage the U.S. 10 times over" in the region, said Khamenei.


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Originally posted by Lucas:
Israel and US want to eradicate Islam from the face of earth. Will they listen?

Is not Islam they want to eradicate. They want to challenge God's prophesy of the end times.

What Israel and America don't realize that money making jews are driving the end times scenerio an accelerated pace. Their schemes of making money have destoryed the moral values of all of God's creation.

Let us not forget that the creator of the nuclear bomb was a jew and many of the discoveries in the nuclear field is attributed jews. Christ knew over 2000 years ago of these days and he came to tell them about God. They refused to listen.

It is strange that the USA and Israel want to tell Iran not to make the bomb, when these countries have these weapons in large quantities.

America is no where mentioned in the Torah, Tal mud or the Bible but Persia and Israel does. God has always worked things out among these two nations. Then again God created that region and His city of Jerusalem.

America is a sinful nation that abandoned God and have the Almighty replaced with gods of the muslims, aethist, hindus, the money making jews, witches and scorers.

Israel and America should be well adviced that they have much more to fear from Pakistan than Iran. The Devil has given them the bomb and clouds the vision of those who looked to Iraq and Iran as threats while Pakistan spirals into anarchy. The Tailban only have the bribe the correct Pakistani official with enough money and they would a hove deliverable bomb.
Originally posted by Lucas:
Israel and US want to eradicate Islam from the face of earth. Will they listen?

It's a cat and mouse game Israel and America MAY be playing. The timing of the strike will run into November election. Obama doesn't want to strike Iran first. Israel MAY start the job, and America will get sucked in order to finish it. Israel can't risk a war on its own even with the backing of the Arab league. Even if its a game, Iran must stop threatening its neighboring States in the Middle East.

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