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Iraqi Christians are fleeing Mosul after Islamist militants threatened to kill them unless they converted to Islam or paid a "protection tax".

A statement issued by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (Isis) was read out at the city's mosques.

It called on Christians to comply by midday on Saturday or face death if they did not leave the northern city.

Isis has control of large parts of Syria and Iraq and said last month it was creating an Islamic caliphate.

The ultimatum cited a historic contract known as "dhimma," under which non-Muslims in Islamic societies who refuse to convert are offered protection if they pay a fee, called a "jizya".

"We offer them three choices: Islam; the dhimma contract - involving payment of jizya; if they refuse this they will have nothing but the sword," the Isis statement said.

Iraqi women pray at a church outside the northern city of Mosul - 1 July 2014

"Christian families are on their way to Dohuk and Irbil," in the neighbouring autonomous region of Kurdistan, Patriarch Louis Sako told the AFP news agency.

"For the first time in the history of Iraq, Mosul is now empty of Christians," he said.

The patriarch, one of the most senior Christian clerics in Iraq, said militants had been seen tagging Christian houses with the letter N for "Nassarah", a term used for Christians in the Koran.

Community destroyed

Iraq is home to one of the world's most ancient Christian communities but its population has dwindled amid growing sectarian violence since the US-led invasion in 2003.

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The former employee at the National Agency for American security, Edward Snowden, revealed that the British and American intelligence and the Mossad worked together to create the ex-EIIL or Islamic State Iraq and the Levant, according to Iranian news agency Farsnews.

Snowden said the intelligence services of three countries, namely the United States, Britain and the Zionist entity have worked together to create a terrorist organization that is able to attract ALL extremists of the world to a one place, using a strategy called “the hornet’s nest”.

The documents of the American National Security Agency refers to “the recent implementation of an old known as the <hornet’s nest> to protect the Zionist entity PLANbritannique, and creating a religion including Islamic slogans reject any religion or faith.

According to documents Snowden, “The only solution for the protection of the <Jewish State> is to create an enemy near its borders, BUT the draw against Islamic states who oppose his presence.

Leaks revealed that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi took an intensive military training for a whole year in the hands of Mossad, besides COURSES theology and master the art of speech.

Originally Posted by Mars:

God is great.

So why He nah helping the poor Iraqi Christians bai? Why He nah helping de poor Muslim and Christian Palestinians right now? Why He put dem Jews through so much torture and misery? Why He nah tekkin' dem poor Hindus out of dem abject poverty? God nah help nobady right now. Or maybe it is us humans who have failed ourselves by not raising ourselves to a higher level, socially, politically or economically. I think that as long as we continue to remain stagnant in these areas, God would be no more than a figurehead to us.


The Bible says that the truth shall set you free. Unfortunately those who follow it doesn't heed this message but continue to allow Israel to abuse the Palestinians by providing them with support including weaponry.


The Qur'an says that one should stand firm to justice even if it is against one's own 'benefit'. Yet those who follow it are heedless in this message and continue to ignore the wrongs carried out by others who profess to follow Islam while condemning others for doing the same thing. Hypocritical behavior to its very core even as Muhammad stated that while a Muslim could possess wrong thoughts and actions, a Muslim can never be a hypocrite. They too supply their underground activists with monetary support and weaponry that hurt others even though Muhammad stated that "a Muslim is one by whose hands his neighbors are safe".


In other-words, we are all screwed.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mars:

God is great.

So why He nah helping the poor Iraqi Christians bai? Why He nah helping de poor Muslim and Christian Palestinians right now? Why He put dem Jews through so much torture and misery? Why He nah tekkin' dem poor Hindus out of dem abject poverty? God nah help nobady right now. Or maybe it is us humans who have failed ourselves by not raising ourselves to a higher level, socially, politically or economically. I think that as long as we continue to remain stagnant in these areas, God would be no more than a figurehead to us.


The Bible says that the truth shall set you free. Unfortunately those who follow it doesn't heed this message but continue to allow Israel to abuse the Palestinians by providing them with support including weaponry.


The Qur'an says that one should stand firm to justice even if it is against one's own 'benefit'. Yet those who follow it are heedless in this message and continue to ignore the wrongs carried out by others who profess to follow Islam while condemning others for doing the same thing. Hypocritical behavior to its very core even as Muhammad stated that while a Muslim could possess wrong thoughts and actions, a Muslim can never be a hypocrite. They too supply their underground activists with monetary support and weaponry that hurt others even though Muhammad stated that "a Muslim is one by whose hands his neighbors are safe".


In other-words, we are all screwed.

I guess the sarcasm flew right over your head 

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mars:

God is great.

So why He nah helping the poor Iraqi Christians bai? Why He nah helping de poor Muslim and Christian Palestinians right now? Why He put dem Jews through so much torture and misery? Why He nah tekkin' dem poor Hindus out of dem abject poverty? God nah help nobady right now. Or maybe it is us humans who have failed ourselves by not raising ourselves to a higher level, socially, politically or economically. I think that as long as we continue to remain stagnant in these areas, God would be no more than a figurehead to us.


The Bible says that the truth shall set you free. Unfortunately those who follow it doesn't heed this message but continue to allow Israel to abuse the Palestinians by providing them with support including weaponry.


The Qur'an says that one should stand firm to justice even if it is against one's own 'benefit'. Yet those who follow it are heedless in this message and continue to ignore the wrongs carried out by others who profess to follow Islam while condemning others for doing the same thing. Hypocritical behavior to its very core even as Muhammad stated that while a Muslim could possess wrong thoughts and actions, a Muslim can never be a hypocrite. They too supply their underground activists with monetary support and weaponry that hurt others even though Muhammad stated that "a Muslim is one by whose hands his neighbors are safe".


In other-words, we are all screwed.

Do not conflate the problems of Iraq with that of Israel. The only similarity is that the evil is in god's name.   Jews are rationalization their land grab on the back of god while playing the blame game to a world still guilty for  remaining quiet in their times of need.


And Americans will get tired of lying to themselves that there is anything moral to what Israel is doing and giving them the benefit of the doubt. Intolerance of  religious minorities demanding their way in all things never come to any good. If Israel does not let the Palestinian go they will create an apartheid state that is no less evil than what we had in South Africa and no amount of modern instruments of war would keep them safe in a society where they are outnumbered ten to one.


This does not excuse the rabid forms of Islam we see springing up like weed. These disproportionally murder or abuse others not like themselves. I think much of what is presented as Islam in the modern world is a diseased theology  needing a cure and only a massive and honest re assessment from other Muslim can correct the faith.They need a Martin Luther and   something similar to his 95 indictments to stimulate a reformation.


If Islam cannot reconcile religion and secularism, adjust to  religious pluralism   it will be  doomed to attracting to  itself this subaltern dredge of diseased and afflicted with a latent moral insufficiency. This idea of massive knee bending to the most "true" faith will suffocate itself on a deluge of the hapless ignorant.  The modern age predicate inclusiveness and insularism has no place in it.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mars:

God is great.

So why He nah helping the poor Iraqi Christians bai? Why He nah helping de poor Muslim and Christian Palestinians right now? Why He put dem Jews through so much torture and misery? Why He nah tekkin' dem poor Hindus out of dem abject poverty? God nah help nobady right now. Or maybe it is us humans who have failed ourselves by not raising ourselves to a higher level, socially, politically or economically. I think that as long as we continue to remain stagnant in these areas, God would be no more than a figurehead to us.


The Bible says that the truth shall set you free. Unfortunately those who follow it doesn't heed this message but continue to allow Israel to abuse the Palestinians by providing them with support including weaponry.


The Qur'an says that one should stand firm to justice even if it is against one's own 'benefit'. Yet those who follow it are heedless in this message and continue to ignore the wrongs carried out by others who profess to follow Islam while condemning others for doing the same thing. Hypocritical behavior to its very core even as Muhammad stated that while a Muslim could possess wrong thoughts and actions, a Muslim can never be a hypocrite. They too supply their underground activists with monetary support and weaponry that hurt others even though Muhammad stated that "a Muslim is one by whose hands his neighbors are safe".


In other-words, we are all screwed.

I guess the sarcasm flew right over your head 

Not really but I just wanted to voice my opinion on all the nonsense going on in the name of religion. It should have done so without using your quote although its sarcastic nature still seemed to provide an opening for my opinion. Maybe next time I will approach it differently.  

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mars:

God is great.

So why He nah helping the poor Iraqi Christians bai? Why He nah helping de poor Muslim and Christian Palestinians right now? Why He put dem Jews through so much torture and misery? Why He nah tekkin' dem poor Hindus out of dem abject poverty? God nah help nobady right now. Or maybe it is us humans who have failed ourselves by not raising ourselves to a higher level, socially, politically or economically. I think that as long as we continue to remain stagnant in these areas, God would be no more than a figurehead to us.


The Bible says that the truth shall set you free. Unfortunately those who follow it doesn't heed this message but continue to allow Israel to abuse the Palestinians by providing them with support including weaponry.


The Qur'an says that one should stand firm to justice even if it is against one's own 'benefit'. Yet those who follow it are heedless in this message and continue to ignore the wrongs carried out by others who profess to follow Islam while condemning others for doing the same thing. Hypocritical behavior to its very core even as Muhammad stated that while a Muslim could possess wrong thoughts and actions, a Muslim can never be a hypocrite. They too supply their underground activists with monetary support and weaponry that hurt others even though Muhammad stated that "a Muslim is one by whose hands his neighbors are safe".


In other-words, we are all screwed.

Do not conflate the problems of Iraq with that of Israel. The only similarity is that the evil is in god's name.   Jews are rationalization their land grab on the back of god while playing the blame game to a world still guilty for  remaining quiet in their times of need.


And Americans will get tired of lying to themselves that there is anything moral to what Israel is doing and giving them the benefit of the doubt. Intolerance of  religious minorities demanding their way in all things never come to any good. If Israel does not let the Palestinian go they will create an apartheid state that is no less evil than what we had in South Africa and no amount of modern instruments of war would keep them safe in a society where they are outnumbered ten to one.


This does not excuse the rabid forms of Islam we see springing up like weed. These disproportionally murder or abuse others not like themselves. I think much of what is presented as Islam in the modern world is a diseased theology  needing a cure and only a massive and honest re assessment from other Muslim can correct the faith.They need a Martin Luther and   something similar to his 95 indictments to stimulate a reformation.


If Islam cannot reconcile religion and secularism, adjust to  religious pluralism   it will be  doomed to attracting to  itself this subaltern dredge of diseased and afflicted with a latent moral insufficiency. This idea of massive knee bending to the most "true" faith will suffocate itself on a deluge of the hapless ignorant.  The modern age predicate inclusiveness and insularism has no place in it.

Regarding religion and secularism, there is room for both in Islam but unfortunately the religious zealots do everything to suppress the secular part. Take these two Qur'anic verses for instance;


"O ye who believe! When the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday (the Day of Assembly), hasten earnestly to the Remembrance of Allah, and leave off business (and traffic): That is best for you if ye but knew!


And when the Prayer is finished, then may ye disperse through the land, and seek of the Bounty of Allah. and celebrate the Praises of Allah often (and without stint): that ye may prosper. Q: 61:9-10


There are other areas where during the time of the prophet people of other faiths were allowed to maintain their faiths unhindered and with protection. However a lot of that began to change as early as when Umar was Caliph. Umar may have been very instrumental in expanding the Muslim empire but he was perhaps the first with authority that started changing the prophet's teachings and actions.



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