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“Raphel, good afternoon. I need to speak with you urgently re: Jonny Welshman, who sought my services. In your interest and that of your family’s I think this matter should be settled quickly and discreetly.” – Jaya Manickchand

Attorney sought settlement from Trotman, before denying representing accuser - court papers
Although attorney Jaya Manickchand has denied representing Johnny Antony Welshman, the man who has made abuse allegations against Speaker Raphael Trotman, court filings show that she sent text messages lobbying for a settlement on his behalf.

The four text messages have been labelled as an exhibit in legal proceedings filed on Monday by attorney Nigel Hughes on behalf of Trotman, who has secured an injunction against Welshman, barring him from publishing any material relating to the allegations in the print or electronic media.

Trotman, who has denied the allegations, is seeking damages in excess of $50 million for libel contained in statements made by Welshman and published in the Stabroek News, Guyana Times and on Welshman’s Facebook page.

In his Ex Parte Affidavit in support of his application for the injunction, Trotman says he feared that various elements in the political arena are attempting to smear his name and threaten him in an attempt to impact upon the discharge of his responsibilities as Speaker.

According to the affidavit, on September 19 Trotman received several texts from Manickchand, who informed him that she had been contacted by Welshman and that there was a matter that should be settled quickly in the interest of his family.

According to the exhibit, the first message was sent at 5:27 pm last Friday.

It reads, “Raphel, good afternoon. I need to speak with you urgently re: Jonny Welshman, who sought my services. In your interest and that of your family’s I think this matter should be settled quickly and discreetly.”

The second message, which was sent two minutes later, said, “If a settlement cannot be reached I will recuse myself from the matterâ€Ķ I think that you have young daughters who need protection from a mean press and you have your reputation at stake.”

Stabroek News called the number from where the text messages originated and Manickchand answered. However, she declined to comment. “I don’t have a comment on the matter madam,” she said.

Manickchand, who is sister of Education Minister Priya Manickchand, had previously served as a nominee of the ruling party on the Guyana Elections Commission (Gecom).

Welshman had told Stabroek News that Manickchand was representing him but on Sunday, shortly after both Trotman and his party the Alliance For Change had sent out separate statements condemning the allegations being made, she said she had not been retained by him.

Manickchand, who had refused to comment on the issue when initially contacted, had subsequently explained that Welshman had approached her office on Friday last while she was out and she later contacted him via telephone and he made certain allegations.

She said she advised him to approach the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) since she was not the person from whom to seek legal advice. She acknowledged that she had spoken to him on more than one occasion between Friday and Saturday but made it clear that she had not been retained by him.

According to the affidavit, after receiving the texts from Manickchand, Trotman called her and denied the allegations and also advised that the man should report the matter to the police. Further, the document said, Trotman was not prepared to enter into any discussion about a settlement for something that he did not do. It was thereafter that Trotman immediately contacted his attorney, who conducted a search on Facebook for the defendant’s page. As a result of what was discovered, he said he immediately became concerned that Welshman was part of an orchestrated political smear campaign intended to discredit him by publishing an interview with him on NCN, “a known government news agency.”

Trotman’s party, the AFC, yesterday said it was evident from the text messages that Manickchand acted extensively on behalf of Welshman and was deeply involved in representing his interests.

“The AFC calls on Ms Manickchand, a former PPP nominated Gecom commissioner, to frankly admit her full role. The party believes that any attempt whether by Ms Manickchand, her representatives or agents or anyone else, to create a public impression that she has not been acting on behalf of Mr Welshman would be disingenuous, wicked and false,” it said in a statement.

It also reiterated its position that they were party to a plot to entrap Trotman in an attempt to derail the impending no-confidence motion before the National Assembly.

“Once again the AFC condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the reprehensible exploitation of such a heinous crime against minors, for political purposes and calls on Ms Manickchand to fully acknowledge her role in acting on behalf of Mr Welshman in this processâ€Ķ,” it added.

In the affidavit, Trotman admitted that he had been familiar with Welshman for several years as he is the son of one of his friends, Johnny Welshman senior.

He also recounted that on August 13, 2014, while at his office at the firm of Chapman and Trotman, his secretary informed him that a man named “Johnny Welshman” was outside to see him. He subsequently met the man, who introduced himself as the man’s son and said that he needed reference. Trotman said that given his general nature, he did provide the reference.

Trotman added that Welshman subsequently appeared at his chambers and said that he had applied for a job at a city hotel and that he needed Trotman to call and put in a good word for him. However, Trotman said he indicated that he was unable to assist in this regard.

He said later, on or about September 8, while he was out of the jurisdiction, he received an email from his office informing him that Welshman had appeared accompanied by a police officer and was attempting to serve process on his father who he could not locate. Trotman, the affidavit said, instructed his staff not to accept service of any documents for Welshman’s father. It was subsequent to this that he received the text messages from Manickchand about a settlement.

The court has granted an order directing Welshman to forthwith remove from his Facebook page all material and publications relating and or referring to the plaintiff in relation to the issue of sexual assault. A check of Welshman’s Facebook page revealed that he himself had removed all posts relating to the issue.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

This young man should set up his own talk show. I think he can be a good counter to the madman, Mark Benschop. He is brave and determined to bring to the light his unfortunate circumstance and the politician who victimized him.

So why you all in the PPP do not fund it for young welsman so he can tarass Uncle raphael?

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

This young man should set up his own talk show. I think he can be a good counter to the madman, Mark Benschop. He is brave and determined to bring to the light his unfortunate circumstance and the politician who victimized him.

So why you all in the PPP do not fund it for young welsman so he can tarass Uncle raphael?

I am toying with the idea.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

This young man should set up his own talk show. I think he can be a good counter to the madman, Mark Benschop. He is brave and determined to bring to the light his unfortunate circumstance and the politician who victimized him.

The PPP is getting undercover Chinese funding for a propaganda media outlet. The Chinese need to cover their ass in the theft of our natural resources and the need the PPP so they are doing what I predicted, funding this propaganda enterprise.


They will need the likes of little Johnny and his fantastic tales. You can be his producer since you are inclined to dumbspreak as he is. Apply for a job t here since you seem to have an interest. The PPP per nandalal insist the only need elite propagandists!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I think this young man is genuinely hurt and feel the Justice System is against him. The KFC Lawyers are indeed rascals who would go to any lenght to deceive and corrupt. What a bloody SHAME!!!


* There may be some truth to that young man's accusations against Raphael Trotman.


* Now that Trotman and his AFC/PNC gang have been fired from parliament----the case brought forth by Welshman ought to be heard not covered up.







Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I think this young man is genuinely hurt and feel the Justice System is against him. The KFC Lawyers are indeed rascals who would go to any lenght to deceive and corrupt. What a bloody SHAME!!!


* There may be some truth to that young man's accusations against Raphael Trotman.


* Now that Trotman and his AFC/PNC gang have been fired from parliament----the case brought forth by Welshman ought to be heard not covered up.







Just as much that there are some truths that you were also buggered.


He also told everyone that he had an interview with the BBC, that he was staying at the Pegasus and that he was interviewed by the DPP which she promptly denied. The building where he claimed that he was raped by a family friend did not even exist at the time he said that the assault happened. The PPP picked a real winner to mount their evil attacks on anyone who dares to question their out of control corruption. What a nutcase.


Now the other GNI PPP nutcases are trying to convince us that Johnny is a beacon of truth.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Bill Ram Balgobin, you are a low breed. Anil seh suh.

Mits, you should rise above this "low breed" thing as a devout hindu. Leave that to the braying jackass.

He started the name calling. The PPP has been hijacked by a bunch of evil men.

I am glad to see you can substitute "evil men" for "low breed".


* There is no question Johnny Welshman is a severely disturbed and mentally unstable young man.


* But that doesn't mean to say Burger King did not commit a crime against a young child.




* Right now in Guyana---half the people think the speaker is guilty----the other half believe he is innocent.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:



* It is rare for the Dead Wuk/Dead Wood pandit to demonstrate any modicum of sense on GNI.


* Recently he has been feeling like a fish out of water----his vulgarity is no longer tolerated by admin ray.



Rev, The admin has to set some standards here. Yesterday the admin twice deleted the video of Johnny Welshman posted by Albert; yet 13 hours ago he allowed it. Go figure. What has changed?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Bill Ram Balgobin, you are a low breed. Anil seh suh.

Mits, you should rise above this "low breed" thing as a devout hindu. Leave that to the braying jackass.

skeldon_man, as a prominent GY "low breed" on GNI . . . thou doth protest too much methinks


har de har har har harrr!


Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Bill Ram Balgobin, you are a low breed. Anil seh suh.

Mits, you should rise above this "low breed" thing as a devout hindu. Leave that to the braying jackass.

skeldon_man, as a prominent GY "low breed" on GNI . . . thou doth protest too much methinks


har de har har har harrr!


Ah dem low breed coolie man in Guyana ah give dem Guyana blackman dry coconut. Go prattle to someone who cares.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Bill Ram Balgobin, you are a low breed. Anil seh suh.

Mits, you should rise above this "low breed" thing as a devout hindu. Leave that to the braying jackass.

skeldon_man, as a prominent GY "low breed" on GNI . . . thou doth protest too much methinks


har de har har har harrr!


Ah dem low breed coolie man in Guyana ah give dem Guyana blackman dry coconut.

leave the "coolie man in Guyana" out of yuh nonsense seÃąor low breed


nice try to deflect . . . it na wuk though

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* It is rare for the Dead Wuk/Dead Wood pandit to demonstrate any modicum of sense on GNI.


* Recently he has been feeling like a fish out of water----his vulgarity is no longer tolerated by admin ray.



Rev, The admin has to set some standards here. Yesterday the admin twice deleted the video of Johnny Welshman posted by Albert; yet 13 hours ago he allowed it. Go figure. What has changed?

Carib called a poster on GNI a MENTAL MIDGET. He was one hundred percent correct since that poster has never made a valuable contribution on GNI. 


His only contribution is vulgarity. It is part of every single post that he makes.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Bill Ram Balgobin, you are a low breed. Anil seh suh.

Mits, you should rise above this "low breed" thing as a devout hindu. Leave that to the braying jackass.

skeldon_man, as a prominent GY "low breed" on GNI . . . thou doth protest too much methinks


har de har har har harrr!


Ah dem low breed coolie man in Guyana ah give dem Guyana blackman dry coconut.

leave the "coolie man in Guyana" out of yuh nonsense seÃąor low breed


nice try to deflect . . . it na wuk though

Ddem coolie man in Guyana give you shits. Go ahead and call coolie low breeds. At the end of the day, it's the coolie man who will rule Guyana forever. Stop skinning you battie..arite.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Bill Ram Balgobin, you are a low breed. Anil seh suh.

Mits, you should rise above this "low breed" thing as a devout hindu. Leave that to the braying jackass.

skeldon_man, as a prominent GY "low breed" on GNI . . . thou doth protest too much methinks


har de har har har harrr!


Ah dem low breed coolie man in Guyana ah give dem Guyana blackman dry coconut.

leave the "coolie man in Guyana" out of yuh nonsense seÃąor low breed


nice try to deflect . . . it na wuk though

Ddem coolie man in Guyana give you shits. Go ahead and call coolie low breeds. At the end of the day, it's the coolie man who will rule Guyana forever. Stop skinning you battie..arite.

still trying desperately to cover yuh low breed self in the "coolieman in Guyana" camouflage, hmmm?


nothing more sad . . . lol


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