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Irfaan Ali’s inauspicious start

People on the campaign trail always make statements that sound good. The reality is something else. Irfaan Ali is someone who has always found time to talk to me. We shared some interesting moments when he was Minister.
Overall, he is a decent person. I remember doing a story on a fellow who had defrauded Guyana Water Inc. and got dismissed. Of course, he was not the first to stare the truth in the face and decided to contest it in the courts.
This fellow filed a writ. I remember calling him and asking him if he were crazy, if he thought he could win in the courts. It did not matter to him, because I could not seek any compensation from him. And that is a problem with the legal system. People can sue and cost you money. Then they drop the suit, but you have already paid your lawyer. Your money goes down the drain.
I went to Irfaan and asked him whether something was wrong, mentally, with his former employee. Irfaan picked up the phone and called the fellow. He simply told him to drop the suit or have some worse indiscretions become part of the lawsuit.
I never heard from the fellow again.
There was the Irfaan who hosted a housing exposition. I spoke with him on site and got an insight into his thinking. He was shrewd and he was familiar with the contractors. I found him a great fellow. That was not the same person I saw when he hosted his first press conference.
He knew that there would be questions about his qualifications. There was information that some of his qualifications were forged. The degree from Sunderland, at least the document he presented, was flawed.
The certificate would usually carry the candidate’s registration number. That was missing from Irfaan’s. There were other discrepancies that were never addressed.

Jagdeo simply told reporters that the issue was not up for discussion. Irfaan, rather than address the issue, decided that it was all out there and that he had nothing more to say. When the reporters insisted, he simply said that his leader had spoken about it and that he had nothing further to say.
For the man who hopes to be president, it is not ingenious to hide behind the leader. He gave the same answer to some other questions when he should have been putting his own stamp on things. In the wake of the press conference, people began to doubt his leadership capability.
On the trail, outside the capital, Irfaan spoke of creating 50,000 jobs. When I heard this claim, I said that he had to be a dreamer. For starters, he is claiming that there are 50,000 Guyanese who need jobs. Where are these Guyanese?
He spoke about getting the support of the private sector. A simple analysis would reveal that those whom Irfaan is targeting are already employed. Even if he were to reopen all the sugar estates, he could not find 50,000 people.
And when he talks about reopening the sugar estates, he parrots Jagdeo. Jagdeo argues that it is more expensive to keep the estates closed than to have them function even at a fantastic loss. Surely, that could not be true.
Irfaan is also talking about unemployed sugar workers. He described them as starving. Anyone who knows Guyanese would know that they simply do not starve. We always find something to provide an income. Some of the sugar workers are already employed.
The people who are complaining about the closure of the sugar estates are the vendors and shop owners who made their money from the sugar workers. One man called me to say that when the sugar estates were operational, he grossed a couple hundred thousand dollars each day. Of course! He was a beneficiary of the huge subsidies the government was pouring into the sugar industry.
Irfaan more than most knows that the future is not in sugar. He knows that the oil revenue would be a boon to any government. In fact, many would not even worry about employment. Government would fund many welfare projects.
His biggest problem at this time is to prove that he is his own man. He certainly did not do that at his press conference. He hosted the conference at the Office of the Opposition Leader. Why? He could have used Freedom House, the headquarters of his party.

He kept referring to his leader. He is supposed to be the leader, the man who should be making the decisions. But if he keeps looking to Jagdeo, then people would conclude that Jagdeo is really running the country.
To rely on Jagdeo is to sink his hopes, because the older folks have their issues with the opposition leader. He was never able to shake off the reports of corruption directed at him.
So for Irfaan, who has a cloud over his head, to team up with a man who had an umbrella of corruption over him, is certainly not the best thing.
Then he uses Kwame McCoy as his moderator. He could not have done worse, given Kwame’s image when he sheltered under Jagdeo’s wing. To the casual observer, Irfaan is Jagdeo’s boy, Jagdeo’s shadow.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PPP will contest upcoming election with a Manifesto --- a program of political, economic and social benefits the Party will provide if it wins. That manifesto is currently being crafted by a top-level PPP team headed by its Leader.

As president, Irfaan Ali's mandate would be to ensure that every manifesto promise is kept and fulfilled. President Ali won't be a one-man show. His presidency will be a collective PPP operation involving a quality ministerial cabinet. People need to understand that.

Of course there will be detractors and hostile anti-PPP obstructionism. No matter, the PPP government's actions will speak for themselves.


In Guyana, people vote for party regardless of who is at the helm. The difference was 2015 where Nagamootoo managed to screw some traditional PPP supporters. But then he got screwed by the PNC.


AFC was screwed by the PNC and Mitwah was willing to give his life for the AFC/PNC back then. Moses and Ramjattan screwed their supporters too.  Mitwah took a royal screw from the PNC.

AFC is screwed ! Too much screwing for AFC supporters and they love bending over for the PNC !

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

The PPP will contest upcoming election with a Manifesto --- a program of political, economic and social benefits the Party will provide if it wins. That manifesto is currently being crafted by a top-level PPP team headed by its Leader.

As president, Irfaan Ali's mandate would be to ensure that every manifesto promise is kept and fulfilled. President Ali won't be a one-man show. His presidency will be a collective PPP operation involving a quality ministerial cabinet. People need to understand that.

Of course there will be detractors and hostile anti-PPP obstructionism. No matter, the PPP government's actions will speak for themselves.

Gilly.. you talking promises like 50,000 job kinda promises right?


He knew that there would be questions about his qualifications. There was information that some of his qualifications were forged. The degree from Sunderland, at least the document he presented, was flawed.
The certificate would usually carry the candidate’s registration number. That was missing from Irfaan’s. There were other discrepancies that were never addressed.

Mitwah posted:

Gilly, where are these 50,000 people that are looking for work?

Destitute women, youths, people left to fend for a living with menial jobs.

I do actually believe there could be 50k unemployed/under employed!

ksazma posted:

Why Guyana doesn't have 50k people needing work?

If we are talking real jobs where people could sustain themselves/families, the number might even be higher!

We have come to normalize scrounging with people working!

Gilbakka posted:

The PPP will contest upcoming election with a Manifesto --- a program of political, economic and social benefits the Party will provide if it wins.

Every Political Party does the same, nothing new , some of the promises are full filled and some aren't.

That manifesto is currently being crafted by a top-level PPP team headed by its Leader.

A failed leader, where projects became white elephants, cronyism,corruption,drug running,smuggling, tax evasion..etc..was at it's peak. With the impending oil revenues, the leader isn't to be trusted.

As president, Irfaan Ali's mandate would be to ensure that every manifesto promise is kept and fulfilled. President Ali won't be a one-man show.

Manifesto Promises are to lure people, don't bank on that.We are aware of the man who will call the shots,he  will be in a darkroom with folded sleeves.

His presidency will be a collective PPP operation involving a quality ministerial cabinet.People need to understand that.

Recycled folks with questionable qualifications, who are already proven to be corrupted. Well...some of the people don't care or grasp leadership, it's all about East Indian pun tap.

Of course there will be detractors and hostile anti-PPP obstructionism.No matter, the PPP government's actions will speak for themselves.

It's already known how the New PPP govern for 18 yrs, their style was to fatten themselves, friends and families, their actions are there for every one to see.


Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

The PPP will contest upcoming election with a Manifesto --- a program of political, economic and social benefits the Party will provide if it wins.

Every Political Party does the same, nothing new , some of the promises are full filled and some aren't.

That manifesto is currently being crafted by a top-level PPP team headed by its Leader.

A failed leader, where projects became white elephants, cronyism,corruption,drug running,smuggling, tax evasion..etc..was at it's peak. With the impending oil revenues, the leader isn't to be trusted.

As president, Irfaan Ali's mandate would be to ensure that every manifesto promise is kept and fulfilled. President Ali won't be a one-man show.

Manifesto Promises are to lure people, don't bank on that.We are aware of the man who will call the shots,he  will be in a darkroom with folded sleeves.

His presidency will be a collective PPP operation involving a quality ministerial cabinet.People need to understand that.

Recycled folks with questionable qualifications, who are already proven to be corrupted. Well...some of the people don't care or grasp leadership, it's all about East Indian pun tap.

Of course there will be detractors and hostile anti-PPP obstructionism.No matter, the PPP government's actions will speak for themselves.

It's already known how the New PPP govern for 18 yrs, their style was to fatten themselves, friends and families, their actions are there for every one to see.


Your comments are appreciated. 

Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

Why Guyana doesn't have 50k people needing work?

Perhaps, I should have asked where are these 50,000 jobs?

I see that Mitwah bent over for the PNC in campaign mode.

Gilbakka posted:


As president, Irfaan Ali's mandate

The only mandate that Puppet Irfaan will have is following Jagdeo's orders.

Gilbakka quit being an idiot pretending that Irfaan is a valid candidate!  The man isn't even able to pretend that he isn't.

caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:


As president, Irfaan Ali's mandate

The only mandate that Puppet Irfaan will have is following Jagdeo's orders.

Gilbakka quit being an idiot pretending that Irfaan is a valid candidate!  The man isn't even able to pretend that he isn't.

Maybe PPP should select Hammie Green for their candidate. Would this make you happy?

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:


As president, Irfaan Ali's mandate

The only mandate that Puppet Irfaan will have is following Jagdeo's orders.

Gilbakka quit being an idiot pretending that Irfaan is a valid candidate!  The man isn't even able to pretend that he isn't.

Maybe PPP should select Hammie Green for their candidate. Would this make you happy?


...they should select Kwame McCoy....why? because he is the REAL McCoy....and if he get beat up again during the election ole man Granger gon come to his rescue...


Nehru posted:
Mitwah posted:

Gilly, where are these 50,000 people that are looking for work?

The Sugar Estates. Jagdeo has a Plan that will work

Just as dem people had Coke in de poke dem gon have Coke in the sugar taraassss.

Last edited by cain
yuji22 posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

Why Guyana doesn't have 50k people needing work?

Perhaps, I should have asked where are these 50,000 jobs?

I see that Mitwah bent over for the PNC in campaign mode.

I am disappointed that it's not Nandalall.

Gilbakka posted:

The PPP will contest upcoming election with a Manifesto --- a program of political, economic and social benefits the Party will provide if it wins. That manifesto is currently being crafted by a top-level PPP team headed by its Leader.

As president, Irfaan Ali's mandate would be to ensure that every manifesto promise is kept and fulfilled. President Ali won't be a one-man show. His presidency will be a collective PPP operation involving a quality ministerial cabinet. People need to understand that.

Of course there will be detractors and hostile anti-PPP obstructionism. No matter, the PPP government's actions will speak for themselves.

The PPP had 23 years and their collective intellectual reserves only brought us totalized corruption and a racist pillaging of the state assets. Irfart was a part of this looting. His present status as the PPP "ideologically approved" candidate portends a continuation of the same insipid, uncreative, kleptocratic ways. 

They have let the nation down every time they were given the opportunity to rescue it. There is not much daylight between them and the PNC. The idea  that this is the currency that is sold to the electors simply illustrate the political trap that has ensnared the guyanese people in a seven decades of misery. 

My advice is to vote for any third party and not waste an emotional investment on hoping that these snakes can be anything else than is their nature. 

Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

Why Guyana doesn't have 50k people needing work?

Perhaps, I should have asked where are these 50,000 jobs?

I see that Mitwah bent over for the PNC in campaign mode.

I am disappointed that it's not Nandalall.

In my opinion, Nandlall was always the best option. Ali should do the right thing and step aside. 

ksazma posted:

In my opinion, Nandlall was always the best option. Ali should do the right thing and step aside. 

Can Ali step aside without the blessing of the PPP Leader? Nandlall would have been wearing Ali's shoes today if the Leader wanted that. Let's be frank. The Leader probably believes that Ali is the better hombre to carry out the PPP Manifesto from A to Z, skipping B and J.

Gilbakka posted:
ksazma posted:

In my opinion, Nandlall was always the best option. Ali should do the right thing and step aside. 

Can Ali step aside without the blessing of the PPP Leader? Nandlall would have been wearing Ali's shoes today if the Leader wanted that. Let's be frank. The Leader probably believes that Ali is the better hombre to carry out the PPP Manifesto from A to Z, skipping B and J.

Better hombre = best puppet. Too many geriatrics in the PNC and PPP.

caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

As president, Irfaan Ali's mandate

The only mandate that Puppet Irfaan will have is following Jagdeo's orders.

Gilbakka quit being an idiot pretending that Irfaan is a valid candidate!  The man isn't even able to pretend that he isn't.

Well, guys, someone who just returned from a meeting with Pres. Granger said the Pres. is now fully cured and ready to rumble with Bharrat and his boys! Let the games begin!      

Leonora posted:
caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

As president, Irfaan Ali's mandate

The only mandate that Puppet Irfaan will have is following Jagdeo's orders.

Gilbakka quit being an idiot pretending that Irfaan is a valid candidate!  The man isn't even able to pretend that he isn't.

Well, guys, someone who just returned from a meeting with Pres. Granger said the Pres. is now fully cured and ready to rumble with Bharrat and his boys! Let the games begin!      

Leonora welcome back to GNI.  I see you ready to put the boys in them place.  How was India?

Bibi Haniffa
Leonora posted:
caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

As president, Irfaan Ali's mandate

The only mandate that Puppet Irfaan will have is following Jagdeo's orders.

Gilbakka quit being an idiot pretending that Irfaan is a valid candidate!  The man isn't even able to pretend that he isn't.

Well, guys, someone who just returned from a meeting with Pres. Granger said the Pres. is now fully cured and ready to rumble with Bharrat and his boys! Let the games begin!      

Good to know, I wish Granger a speedy recovery ..

but was this meeting in Guyana or Cuba, cause a few days ago he was in Cuba taking Chemo. 

Leonora posted:
caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

As president, Irfaan Ali's mandate

The only mandate that Puppet Irfaan will have is following Jagdeo's orders.

Gilbakka quit being an idiot pretending that Irfaan is a valid candidate!  The man isn't even able to pretend that he isn't.

Well, guys, someone who just returned from a meeting with Pres. Granger said the Pres. is now fully cured and ready to rumble with Bharrat and his boys! Let the games begin!      

Cured, that's the same as him put in a jar of vinegar. Not good at all.

Dave posted:

Good to know, I wish Granger a speedy recovery ..

but was this meeting in Guyana or Cuba, cause a few days ago he was in Cuba taking Chemo. 

The meeting was in Guyana. That last Cuba trip was for a follow-up visit; he is now Cancer-Free; and of course he'll go occasionally to ensure all is well. 

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:
Leonora posted:
caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

As president, Irfaan Ali's mandate

The only mandate that Puppet Irfaan will have is following Jagdeo's orders.

Gilbakka quit being an idiot pretending that Irfaan is a valid candidate!  The man isn't even able to pretend that he isn't.

Well, guys, someone who just returned from a meeting with Pres. Granger said the Pres. is now fully cured and ready to rumble with Bharrat and his boys! Let the games begin!      

Cured, that's the same as him put in a jar of vinegar. Not good at all.

She is saying that he can float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.   What’s the date for the games?  

Bibi Haniffa
Leonora posted:
Dave posted:

Good to know, I wish Granger a speedy recovery ..

but was this meeting in Guyana or Cuba, cause a few days ago he was in Cuba taking Chemo. 

The meeting was in Guyana. That last Cuba trip was for a follow-up visit; he is now Cancer-Free; and of course he'll go occasionally to ensure all is well. 

Maybe he’s back .. two days ago I recall reading he is taking radiation treatment in Cuba since April 2nd but is due back this week . 

There was a picture of him at a botanical garden in Cuba . 


Here you go ..


Granger due to return this week after radiation therapy

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President David Granger and First Lady Sandra Granger during a visit to the National Botanic Garden of the University of Havana. (Guyana Embassy in Cuba photo)

President David Granger’s current radiation therapy regime, as part of his treatment for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, will conclude in the next four days, according to Guyana’s Ambassador to Cuba Halim Majeed.

President Granger has been in Cuba since April 2nd for treatment and Majeed yesterday also announced in a statement that his doctors have expressed their “full satisfaction” with his response to treatment and the overall state of his health.


While noting that the president will return to Guyana this week, Majeed said he has been keeping an active schedule in Havana.

He noted a recent visit by the Head of State to a school, Escuela Taller de la Habana in Old Havana, and his meeting with the administrative staff and two groups of trainees in a classroom situation.

The statement said the school was established in 1992 and is part of the Office of the Historian of the City of Havana. “It trains young people in a variety of skills such as masonry, plumbing and carpentry, among others, and helps them to achieve upward mobility in the system,” it explained, while adding that the president has expressed a strong interest in vocational and skills training and wanted to know and learn more about the Cuban approach to the training of Cuban youths who are not in the formal education system. He is hoping that the recently formed Guyana Youth Corps could benefit from the experience of the school and for future cooperation between the two institutions, the statement added.

Granger also visited the Cuban National Zoological Park and the National Botanic Garden of the University of Havana over the past two weeks. During his tour of both the Zoological Park and the Botanic Garden, the statement noted, he explained some aspects of Guyana’s Green State Strategy to the administrative staff and tasked the Guyana Embassy with developing Memoranda of Understanding between Guyana and those Cuban agencies.

Dave posted:

From that report, he’s still in Cuba .. who am I to know rass ... where is Django.. come in bhai or yo still sucking that cow bobby 

Maybe she heard Havana, Cuba and think they said Guyana, Cuba.  The name sound similar.  I can see the confusion.

Bibi Haniffa
Mitwah posted:

Irfaan Ali’s inauspicious start

People on the campaign trail always make statements that sound good. The reality is something else. Irfaan Ali is someone who has always found time to talk to me. We shared some interesting moments when he was Minister.
Overall, he is a decent person. I remember doing a story on a fellow who had defrauded Guyana Water Inc. and got dismissed. Of course, he was not the first to stare the truth in the face and decided to contest it in the courts.
This fellow filed a writ. I remember calling him and asking him if he were crazy, if he thought he could win in the courts. It did not matter to him, because I could not seek any compensation from him. And that is a problem with the legal system. People can sue and cost you money. Then they drop the suit, but you have already paid your lawyer. Your money goes down the drain.
I went to Irfaan and asked him whether something was wrong, mentally, with his former employee. Irfaan picked up the phone and called the fellow. He simply told him to drop the suit or have some worse indiscretions become part of the lawsuit.
I never heard from the fellow again.
There was the Irfaan who hosted a housing exposition. I spoke with him on site and got an insight into his thinking. He was shrewd and he was familiar with the contractors. I found him a great fellow. That was not the same person I saw when he hosted his first press conference.
He knew that there would be questions about his qualifications. There was information that some of his qualifications were forged. The degree from Sunderland, at least the document he presented, was flawed.
The certificate would usually carry the candidate’s registration number. That was missing from Irfaan’s. There were other discrepancies that were never addressed.

Jagdeo simply told reporters that the issue was not up for discussion. Irfaan, rather than address the issue, decided that it was all out there and that he had nothing more to say. When the reporters insisted, he simply said that his leader had spoken about it and that he had nothing further to say.
For the man who hopes to be president, it is not ingenious to hide behind the leader. He gave the same answer to some other questions when he should have been putting his own stamp on things. In the wake of the press conference, people began to doubt his leadership capability.
On the trail, outside the capital, Irfaan spoke of creating 50,000 jobs. When I heard this claim, I said that he had to be a dreamer. For starters, he is claiming that there are 50,000 Guyanese who need jobs. Where are these Guyanese?
He spoke about getting the support of the private sector. A simple analysis would reveal that those whom Irfaan is targeting are already employed. Even if he were to reopen all the sugar estates, he could not find 50,000 people.
And when he talks about reopening the sugar estates, he parrots Jagdeo. Jagdeo argues that it is more expensive to keep the estates closed than to have them function even at a fantastic loss. Surely, that could not be true.
Irfaan is also talking about unemployed sugar workers. He described them as starving. Anyone who knows Guyanese would know that they simply do not starve. We always find something to provide an income. Some of the sugar workers are already employed.
The people who are complaining about the closure of the sugar estates are the vendors and shop owners who made their money from the sugar workers. One man called me to say that when the sugar estates were operational, he grossed a couple hundred thousand dollars each day. Of course! He was a beneficiary of the huge subsidies the government was pouring into the sugar industry.
Irfaan more than most knows that the future is not in sugar. He knows that the oil revenue would be a boon to any government. In fact, many would not even worry about employment. Government would fund many welfare projects.
His biggest problem at this time is to prove that he is his own man. He certainly did not do that at his press conference. He hosted the conference at the Office of the Opposition Leader. Why? He could have used Freedom House, the headquarters of his party.

He kept referring to his leader. He is supposed to be the leader, the man who should be making the decisions. But if he keeps looking to Jagdeo, then people would conclude that Jagdeo is really running the country.
To rely on Jagdeo is to sink his hopes, because the older folks have their issues with the opposition leader. He was never able to shake off the reports of corruption directed at him.
So for Irfaan, who has a cloud over his head, to team up with a man who had an umbrella of corruption over him, is certainly not the best thing.
Then he uses Kwame McCoy as his moderator. He could not have done worse, given Kwame’s image when he sheltered under Jagdeo’s wing. To the casual observer, Irfaan is Jagdeo’s boy, Jagdeo’s shadow.


This thread is about Irfan's inasspicious start. He needs to come clean on his academic Diplomas.

kp posted:

He is expected to return to Guyana on Friday.

 There is no such thing as fully cured of that disease , maybe in remission?

Guyana will have hot cross buns on Friday.  Don’t know what they serve in Havana.  Maybe plantain chips, empanadas, or yuca con ajo.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

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