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When it comes to Guyana, the CCJ is out like south. Granger and his Coalition goons buried law and order and it will take a exorcism over Guyana to purify that God forsaken place. That is what happens when despots are given any opportunity. They end up fvcking everything up.

Baseman posted:

Dr Jagdeo must be allowed political freedom in Guyana.  CCJ does not run things!

All you back stabbing political gutter rats haul ayuh rass!!

Are you for real ? 

Last edited by Django
Baseman posted:

Dr Jagdeo must be allowed political freedom in Guyana.  CCJ does not run things!

All you back stabbing political gutter rats haul ayuh rass!!

Dude, we are all gutter rats ie from the backwater villages of outcasts of India. Jagdeo however, seem to like the patina of his origins. Some of us habitually take baths these days and are averse to communal shitting!

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:

No sense in these PPP idiots. The PPP need to jettison  Jagdeo not seek to use him as a summoning piper to only loyal indian sheep. Relying solely on Indian as ones base misses much of the middle where there are 20 percent mixed race that can go either way ( and most will naturally gravitate to the APNU) and Amerindians who do not care for a jagdeo 3 term.

This is what you get when you have a bunch of petrified thinkers dominating thought and from whom ideology is transmitted to the community. The PPP is completely lacking in creativity. One goes to them only because of fear of Granger. What a detestable lot! 

Suh how you bai Shuman doing na ? You were beating up you chest and now Shuman went naked infront Granger, cup in hand. 

The PPP will do what the PPP has to do !

Hey Hey Hey 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:
Stormborn posted:

No sense in these PPP idiots. The PPP need to jettison  Jagdeo not seek to use him as a summoning piper to only loyal indian sheep. Relying solely on Indian as ones base misses much of the middle where there are 20 percent mixed race that can go either way ( and most will naturally gravitate to the APNU) and Amerindians who do not care for a jagdeo 3 term.

This is what you get when you have a bunch of petrified thinkers dominating thought and from whom ideology is transmitted to the community. The PPP is completely lacking in creativity. One goes to them only because of fear of Granger. What a detestable lot! 

Suh how you bai Shuman doing na ? You were beating up you chest and now Shuman went naked infront Granger, cup in hand. 

The PPP will do what the PPP has to do !

Hey Hey Hey 

You are the epitome of an idiot. He is Amerind so if he chooses to go to granger in native garb it is no different than you the balahoo brahmin turning up with your dothi. He does what he does and the PPP does what the PPP does indeed but the PPP selecting chubby boy and the rat; both uber crooks is as stupid as you can get. It is even more stupid than Shuman seeking a place with APNU.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Dr Jagdeo must be allowed political freedom in Guyana.  CCJ does not run things!

All you back stabbing political gutter rats haul ayuh rass!!

Are you for real ? 

As real as they come.  Dr Jagdeo is an Honorary Doctor!  Are you arguing that?

Stop acting like a political gutter rat!  You izz me (jine) fambly so I know you izz not a gutter rat!

Hey, I was at a big family event in Queens last night and found out I had another family posting here!  No, not Mits, another!  I was also able to resolved a mystery, a pretty woman who showed up on my 23 & Me, I met her.  She was even prettier than the pic, but then again, she is my relative!  We are beautiful people!

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
kp posted:

You mean the PPP can't find other qualified candidates , too many old baggage . The electorates are TIRED with the same old shit, so why complain about the PNC when the PPP is planning the same.

 Keeping the oil wealth close to friends, Ali and Jagdeo should put oil up their ass.

This is the reason why Jagdeo  SELECT  Irfan. Bunch of selfish arss hole. 

The business community throws their support with AFC in 2015 because of this same nonsense, they were disappointed with AFC in the last 4 years, word on the street is their support is now going to Badal party .. 

Nagamootoo was their biggest problem.

Stormborn posted:
Sean posted:
Stormborn posted:

No sense in these PPP idiots. The PPP need to jettison  Jagdeo not seek to use him as a summoning piper to only loyal indian sheep. Relying solely on Indian as ones base misses much of the middle where there are 20 percent mixed race that can go either way ( and most will naturally gravitate to the APNU) and Amerindians who do not care for a jagdeo 3 term.

This is what you get when you have a bunch of petrified thinkers dominating thought and from whom ideology is transmitted to the community. The PPP is completely lacking in creativity. One goes to them only because of fear of Granger. What a detestable lot! 

Suh how you bai Shuman doing na ? You were beating up you chest and now Shuman went naked infront Granger, cup in hand. 

The PPP will do what the PPP has to do !

Hey Hey Hey 

You are the epitome of an idiot. He is Amerind so if he chooses to go to granger in native garb it is no different than you the balahoo brahmin turning up with your dothi. He does what he does and the PPP does what the PPP does indeed but the PPP selecting chubby boy and the rat; both uber crooks is as stupid as you can get. It is even more stupid than Shuman seeking a place with APNU.

Hey Hey Hey. You Mattie buck man shoved a spear in your back. You always pick losers. 

Crooked Hillary, Mueller Hoax, AFC, PNC, Shuman. Speaks volume of your ignorance and lack of credibility.

Last edited by Former Member

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