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caribny posted:

The fact remains that blacks in Guyana and T&T are less entrepreneurial than their counterparts in places like Grenada, Barbados and Jamaica.  You can blame the PNM and the PNC for that. 

Last weekend I was in Martinique and I noticed quite a few Chinese, running some small businesses. I also ran into a St Lucian coconut street vendor who is doing brisk business.  

Django posted:
caribny posted:
Chief posted:

By 2015 they saw him as a PNC stooge. Look how the PPP clowns here boasted about how poorly the AFC did in Ramjattan's and Nagamootoo's villages in 2015.  

Actually that's a lie,

Auchlyne/Whim 2015 Elections.

APNU/ AFC :  227 votes

PPP               :  476 votes

Region 6 results.  In 2011 the PPP got 32.3k votes and the combined APNU/AFC won 22.3k votes.  In 2015 the PPP won 39.6 votes (7.4 more than in 2011) while the coalition won 22.1 k 200 FEWER than in 2011.

Nationwide the coalition saw an increase in votes by 18% and yet they LOST votes in region 6? Clearly the increased turn out within the PNC areas in Region 6 like New Amsterdam was offset by a vote swinging towards the PPP.  The PPP saw its votes increase by 22% in region 6.

The Coalition underperformed in Region 6 because the AFC lost ground.



caribny posted:
Django posted:
caribny posted:
Chief posted:

By 2015 they saw him as a PNC stooge. Look how the PPP clowns here boasted about how poorly the AFC did in Ramjattan's and Nagamootoo's villages in 2015.  

Actually that's a lie,

Auchlyne/Whim 2015 Elections.

APNU/ AFC :  227 votes

PPP               :  476 votes

Region 6 results.  In 2011 the PPP got 32.3k votes and the combined APNU/AFC won 22.3k votes.  In 2015 the PPP won 39.6 votes (7.4 more than in 2011) while the coalition won 22.1 k 200 FEWER than in 2011.

Nationwide the coalition saw an increase in votes by 18% and yet they LOST votes in region 6? Clearly the increased turn out within the PNC areas in Region 6 like New Amsterdam was offset by a vote swinging towards the PPP.  The PPP saw its votes increase by 22% in region 6.

The Coalition underperformed in Region 6 because the AFC lost ground.



Winds of change are blowing. AFC is dead meat as the AFC boys preached.

Chief posted:


It will be interesting to hear what you have to say as to what and how Guyana can move forward.

The population needs to cease being corrupt. Stakeholders need to cease being corrupt.  Guyanese are corrupt through and through which is why the country is so sordid.  I can think of no other nation in the English Caribbean where someone can steal someone else's property while it is being occupied merely by bribing someone to change title ownership.

The PPP and the PNC are corrupt because Guyanese allow them to be. NO WAY that this would be allowed in Barbados.

Chief posted:
caribny posted:

The fact remains that blacks in Guyana and T&T are less entrepreneurial than their counterparts in places like Grenada, Barbados and Jamaica.  You can blame the PNM and the PNC for that. 

Last weekend I was in Martinique and I noticed quite a few Chinese, running some small businesses. I also ran into a St Lucian coconut street vendor who is doing brisk business.  

Martinique is a French "colony". so isnt relevant to my comments.

caribny posted:
Chief posted:


It will be interesting to hear what you have to say as to what and how Guyana can move forward.

The population needs to cease being corrupt. Stakeholders need to cease being corrupt.  Guyanese are corrupt through and through which is why the country is so sordid.  I can think of no other nation in the English Caribbean where someone can steal someone else's property while it is being occupied merely by bribing someone to change title ownership.

The PPP and the PNC are corrupt because Guyanese allow them to be. NO WAY that this would be allowed in Barbados.

Nobody cares about Barbados.

caribny posted:
Django posted:
caribny posted:
Chief posted:

By 2015 they saw him as a PNC stooge. Look how the PPP clowns here boasted about how poorly the AFC did in Ramjattan's and Nagamootoo's villages in 2015.  

Actually that's a lie,

Auchlyne/Whim 2015 Elections.

APNU/ AFC :  227 votes

PPP               :  476 votes

Region 6 results.  In 2011 the PPP got 32.3k votes and the combined APNU/AFC won 22.3k votes.  In 2015 the PPP won 39.6 votes (7.4 more than in 2011) while the coalition won 22.1 k 200 FEWER than in 2011.

Nationwide the coalition saw an increase in votes by 18% and yet they LOST votes in region 6? Clearly the increased turn out within the PNC areas in Region 6 like New Amsterdam was offset by a vote swinging towards the PPP.  The PPP saw its votes increase by 22% in region 6.

The Coalition underperformed in Region 6 because the AFC lost ground.

All stated are true, i specifically mentioned Naga's hometown.

The Coalition votes aren't  from PPP strong holds, it's from their strongholds, APNU/AFC  can win the Elections easily by encouraging their supporters to turn out in full force.The percentage of turnout in PPP stronghold are larger than the Coalition's turnout.

Last edited by Django
caribny posted:
Chief posted:


It will be interesting to hear what you have to say as to what and how Guyana can move forward.

The population needs to cease being corrupt. Stakeholders need to cease being corrupt.  Guyanese are corrupt through and through which is why the country is so sordid.  I can think of no other nation in the English Caribbean where someone can steal someone else's property while it is being occupied merely by bribing someone to change title ownership.

The PPP and the PNC are corrupt because Guyanese allow them to be. NO WAY that this would be allowed in Barbados.

Corruption is a product of greed on one side and inequities on the other.  Corruption cannot just be wished away. Neither the carrot nnor stick alone will work.  And You need both and give people skin in the game. 

Chief posted:


You have to be careful of what you are saying. Facts are easily available to obtain. Do not try to come with false figures to justify tour racial divisiveness.


And I provided the facts to prove my point.  The fact is that even in his own village Nagamootoo was rejected and clearly he did worse else where on the Corentyne.


Baseman posted:


Corruption is a product of greed on one side and inequities on the other.  Corruption cannot just be wished away. Neither the carrot nnor stick alone will work.  And You need both and give people skin in the game. 

Elsewhere in the English Caribbean corruption is the concern of business people.  In Guyana even the poor are impacted by corruption because it is practiced by everyone.  It is part of the culture, which is why Guyana will remain rotten.

Django posted:
Chief posted:

I am see you g this differently. 

People who voted for AFC are not  happy with them and might end up staying away from voting.

Wouldn't count on that, their support aren't wholly East Indians.

In fact at least 50% weren't Indians, aside from 2011 when some in Region 6 wanted to spite the PPP by siding with Nagamootoo.


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