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April 13, 2022

In January 2022, the International Republican Institute (IRI) designed and commissioned a national public opinion poll through its ‘Strengthening Democracy Through Polling Data and Peacebuilding’ program. To date, IRI has polled more than 1.5 million citizens through over 1000 polls in over 100 countries. Findings indicate high interest in electoral reforms; 81% feel that such reforms are necessary. The majority of adults in Guyana (58%) think they are “very” necessary. The poll was conducted by CID Gallup throughout all regions of Guyana and is the first IRI public opinion poll to ask for opinions and perceptions of Guyanese on governance issues. This polling is part of IRI’s National Endowment for Democracy (NED) funded programming and will be shared with stakeholders, who have been consistently engaged with IRI on these issues.

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I just had a quick look at the entire report.  It is bad news for the established political parties and for the country as a whole.  One statistic that sticks out is that 77% of the youngest group surveyed would leave the country if given an opportunity, 57% saying they definitely will. 


Thanks to the shortsightedness of about three people in the AFC, all the efforts to build a third force from 2011 went up in smoke. The report indicates there is perhaps a 15% vote for a combined and unified third party. They have to rebuild from scratch. But de big mule in de room: there is no skillful leader for a third force. There are two candidates but they are dual citizens. So, get accustomed to it. Jagdoe will run things again in 2025. Perhaps tenant Su will be the weakest link in the chain. But Jagdoe and Irfaan understand the politics of tokenism and razzle dazzle better than the PNC. Razzle dem, dazzle dem with lights and roads and they will vote for cup...while abie frens and family get most contracts.


Even though, Jagdoe and Irfaart will razzle and dazzle dem with lights and roads, young people still want to migrate to greener pastures. Jagdoe is the supreme leada and will control things by having the final say who will be the closest members of his oligarchy as we see in Russia, China, Iran and even the USA.

@Mitwah posted:

Even though, Jagdoe and Irfaart will razzle and dazzle dem with lights and roads, young people still want to migrate to greener pastures. Jagdoe is the supreme leada and will control things by having the final say who will be the closest members of his oligarchy as we see in Russia, China, Iran and even the USA.

Bingo! It really is an oligarchy...they have extensive network of businesses. However, oligarchs can deliver basic things that impress people who did not have these amenities before. We can say what we want, Putin consistently gets about 55% to 60% of the support in Russian surveys. But Guyana has an important difference re Russia.


I guess the USA is now an oligarchy.

In a 2015 interview, former President Jimmy Carter stated that the United States is now "an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery" due to the Citizens United v. FEC ruling which effectively removed limits on donations to political candidates.[33] Wall Street spent a record $2 billion trying to influence the 2016 United States presidential election.

BRB, please explain:  the top 400 wealthiest Americans "have more wealth than half of all Americans combined.



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