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July 29 2019

The new chairman of the country’s elections body, Justice (retired) Claudette Singh, says she will carry out her functions according to the law and constitution and “nothing else.”

“I am endeavouring to have free, fair and transparent elections,” she told reporters after she was appointed Monday morning by President David Granger.

Her stellar career in law gave her the titles “Iron Lady” and the “Hanging Judge” and she was mindful of those titles in not making much of the fact that she is the first woman to chair the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).

It was Justice Singh who had vitiated the 1997 elections on the grounds that it was unconstitutional for GECOM to require the use of a special voter ID card for those elections.

Justice (retired) Claudette Singh takes the oath [DPI photo]

She had initially declined nomination when first approached by Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo, who was required to submit a list of six persons for the President to choose one in 201

But on Friday, the Opposition Leader said he had an extensive discussion with her and she decided to put up her name for nomination. Within hours, she was selected for appointment by the President.

Reflecting on her decision, she gave this reason: “…they asked me for the sake of the country, and that is it, nothing else.”

L-R: Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo, Justice (rtd) Claudette Singh and President David Granger (News Room photo]

“I am just hoping I would do something for Guyana because there is only one way – in accordance with the law, in accordance with the constitution, and nothing else.”

Justice Singh will most likely take up her position at High Street, Kingston on Tuesday.

She said she will hold separate meetings with Commissioners representing the government and the opposition and then will meet with them together.

“I believe in inclusivity,” she declared.

“I do not believe in people walking out when there is disagreement; I believe in sitting down and hammering out whatever the problem is.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Leonora posted:

Thatcher was the Iron Lady. Glad to see Guyana has one too. 

I’m surprised you have not declared how you know she, and she mother and father, and the neighbor.  And some long Nancy story of how Alyuh go way back.  And how she like you and all your family.  

Her father was a rice and cattle farmer from your neck of the woods.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:

Thatcher was the Iron Lady. Glad to see Guyana has one too. 

I’m surprised you have not declared how you know she, and she mother and father, and the neighbor.  And some long Nancy story of how Alyuh go way back.  And how she like you and all your family.  

Her father was a rice and cattle farmer from your neck of the woods.

Bang, baddang, bang as the kettles flying around the place.  



Let her do what she think is right.  I wish her all the best whatever she choses!

As long as there is peace, PPP or  Coalition, don’t matter.  Both will  tief. PNC does get caught, PPP tief and never get caught.  Who you prefer!


This is her first assignment to find out who authorize GECOM to file a court case on the same day  she was taking the oath as chairwoman. 

Authority to file legal proceedings on behalf of GECOM questioned by Nandlall

Former Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mohabir Anil Nandlall, today on behalf of Christopher Ram, in a statement, informed that “At approximately 4 pm this afternoon, an Application was filed, purportedly, on behalf of the Guyana Elections Commission, by Stanley Marcus SC., which is fixed for hearing on 30th July 2019, at 5 pm before the Honourable Chief Justice.”

According to Nandlall, “In short, this Application is for the Honourable Chief Justice to recuse herself, from hearing the matter at caption, on the ground that the Chief Justice, allegedly, issued a Press Release and that alleged Press Release contains certain statements which raise the likelihood of bias on the part of the Honourable Chief Justice.”

Notably, Nandlall stated “… I have consulted with at least 3 Commissioners of GECOM and have been advised that:

a) GECOM has not met since 11th June 2019;

b) Mr. James Patterson officially demitted office on 24th June 2019;

c) The new Chairman is yet to commission a meeting with the Commissioners.

In the circumstances, I feel compelled to ask; who retained and authorized Mr. Stanley Marcus to file this Application? It certainly cannot be GECOM.”

Below is the full statement from Mohabir Anil Nandlall: 

Christopher Ram v The Chief Elections Officer, The Commissioner of National Registration, The Guyana Elections Commission, Attorney-General

When the Honourable Chief Justice, Roxanne George-Wiltshire, heard the captioned case, on 23rd July 2019, Mr. Neil Boston SC., informed the Court that, in association with Mr. Rex McKay SC. and Mr. Roysdale Forde, he represents the Chief Elections Officer and the Commissioner of National Registration (Mr. Keith Lowenfield). No one appeared for the Guyana Elections Commission. The Attorney-General appeared in person.

At approximately 4pm this afternoon, an Application was filed, purportedly, on behalf of the Guyana Elections Commission, by Stanley Marcus SC., which is fixed for hearing on 30th July 2019, at 5 pm before the Honourable Chief Justice.

In short, this Application is for the Honourable Chief Justice to recuse herself, from hearing the matter at caption, on the ground that the Chief Justice, allegedly, issued a Press Release and that alleged Press Release contains certain statements which raise the likelihood of bias on the part of the Honourable Chief Justice.

I will forebear from addressing the merits and or demerits and the motive of the said Application at this forum but will certainly do so at the hearing of the Application in the Court.

However, I have consulted with at least 3 Commissioners of GECOM and have been advised that:

a) GECOM has not met since 11th June 2019;
b) Mr. James Patterson officially demitted office on 24th June 2019;
c) The new Chairman is yet to commission a meeting with the Commissioners.

In the circumstances, I feel compelled to ask; who retained and authorized Mr. Stanley Marcus to file this Application? It certainly cannot be GECOM.

These are fresh proceedings and one cannot argue that the same authority, by which he appeared before the Caribbean Court of justice, continues to apply.

GECOM should publicly state its position on this matter, earliest.

ksazma posted:

Time will tell if she is going to uphold the law or succumb to the PNC.

Dat is what we have to wait for and NOT prejudge the honorable Judge. From her actions, decisions and explanations we will able to verify if it is accordance with the CCJ and the Constitution.


Appointment of a chairman in accordance to the constitution is just one step towards free elections. We still have a way to go. If the president continues to play games then just a mere appointment of a chairperson won't be very helpful.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Baseman posted:

Let her do what she think is right.  I wish her all the best whatever she choses!

As long as there is peace, PPP or  Coalition, don’t matter.  Both will  tief. PNC does get caught, PPP tief and never get caught.  Who you prefer!

Given that we haven't heard of any lavish new mansions being built by PNC ministers I will suggest that the PPP steals more.  The issue is that for every $1 that Jagdeo stole he used to give the PNC boys 2 cents so they cannot squeal on him.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Let her do what she think is right.  I wish her all the best whatever she choses!

As long as there is peace, PPP or  Coalition, don’t matter.  Both will  tief. PNC does get caught, PPP tief and never get caught.  Who you prefer!

Given that we haven't heard of any lavish new mansions being built by PNC ministers I will suggest that the PPP steals more.  The issue is that for every $1 that Jagdeo stole he used to give the PNC boys 2 cents so they cannot squeal on him.

You didn’t hear about Annette Ferguson mansion?  You really slacking up.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

You didn’t hear about Annette Ferguson mansion?  You really slacking up.

Is it bigger than Jagdeo's and also does she own Florida real estate as does Jagdeo?  Not counting the money that he has stashed away in Mumbai.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Let her do what she think is right.  I wish her all the best whatever she choses!

As long as there is peace, PPP or  Coalition, don’t matter.  Both will  tief. PNC does get caught, PPP tief and never get caught.  Who you prefer!

Given that we haven't heard of any lavish new mansions being built by PNC ministers I will suggest that the PPP steals more.  The issue is that for every $1 that Jagdeo stole he used to give the PNC boys 2 cents so they cannot squeal on him.

For the first few years of the PPP regime there was no thievery. Cheddi was no thief. This one started on the first day. They are on track to put the PPP to shame. You need to be impartial with your criticisms and not be as you protest against with Indians, a party hack.

Well, you need not respond. I have important work to do and family business to take care of  that demands my time so I  will not be checking in for a few months. Will come back when the elections are set...if ever Granger allows it in the next year.

Stormborn posted:

For the first few years of the PPP regime there was no thievery. Cheddi was no thief. This one started on the first day. They are on track to put the PPP to shame. You need to be impartial with your criticisms and not be as you protest against with Indians, a party hack.

Well, you need not respond. I have important work to do and family business to take care of  that demands my time so I  will not be checking in for a few months. Will come back when the elections are set...if ever Granger allows it in the next year.

listen to this fraudulent jackass dissemble

he goes back near 30 years to tell us that Cheddi was no thief

well, it is also a fact that Hoyte was no thief

and there is ZERO evidence that Granger is/was a thief

all 3 had people steal under their watch

but Bharat Jagdeo is the ONLY tiefman Chief Executive that there ever was in Guyana's history . . . and that's saying a LOT since we had Forbes Burnham at the controls for near 30 years

dead silence to this salient FACT from the eliding fool as he heads out the door for hiatus to avoid LASH!

grim joke to even speak of the small bore stealing under the Coalition in the same breath as the out-of-control, decade-and-a-half, LOOTING of public assets under the PPP Plunderer-in-Chief

imagine, Jagdeo gave away a vast oilfield to a crony 'operating' from a basement with a laptop and a rolodex! . . . Equatorial Guinea style

is the Coalition guilty of ANYTHING even close to the boldass Fip "hydro" Motilall scam?

is the Coalition guilty of ANYTHING even close to the criminal spectrum giveaway?

is the Coalition guilty of ANYTHING even close to the enduring Berbice Bridge con?

is the Coalition guilty of ANYTHING even close to the decade long, tens of US$ millions Babby Ramroop procurement scams?

is the Coalition guilty of ANYTHING even close to the the tens of US$ millions 'disappeared' in the "hauling cable from Brazil" scam overseen by Alexei Ramotar?

the real estate scams with cronies like manni are in a class by themselves . . . Pradoville is actually small beer?

and i haven't forgotten the egregious BK and the Chinese

and the allied drug trafficking, the murdering, and the money laundering crimes that would require a separate posting to be done justice

so banna, go wipe your six? smelly asses with a brick and disappear

and get some help for the head before you come back and expose yourself you insecure, schizophrenic dumb donkey

ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:

For the first few years of the PPP regime there was no thievery. Cheddi was no thief. This one started on the first day. They are on track to put the PPP to shame. You need to be impartial with your criticisms and not be as you protest against with Indians, a party hack.

Well, you need not respond. I have important work to do and family business to take care of  that demands my time so I  will not be checking in for a few months. Will come back when the elections are set...if ever Granger allows it in the next year.

listen to this fraudulent jackass dissemble

he goes back near 30 years to tell us that Cheddi was no thief

well, it is also a fact that Hoyte was no thief

and there is ZERO evidence that Granger is/was a thief

all 3 had people steal under their watch

but Bharat Jagdeo is the ONLY tiefman Chief Executive that there ever was in Guyana's history . . . and that's saying a LOT since we had Forbes Burnham at the controls for near 30 years

dead silence to this salient FACT from the eliding fool as he heads out the door for hiatus to avoid LASH!

grim joke to even speak of the small bore stealing under the Coalition in the same breath as the out-of-control, decade-and-a-half, LOOTING of public assets under the PPP Plunderer-in-Chief

imagine, Jagdeo gave away a vast oilfield to a crony 'operating' from a basement with a laptop and a rolodex! . . . Equatorial Guinea style

is the Coalition guilty of ANYTHING even close to the boldass Fip "hydro" Motilall scam?

is the Coalition guilty of ANYTHING even close to the criminal spectrum giveaway?

is the Coalition guilty of ANYTHING even close to the enduring Berbice Bridge con?

is the Coalition guilty of ANYTHING even close to the decade long, tens of US$ millions Babby Ramroop procurement scams?

is the Coalition guilty of ANYTHING even close to the the tens of US$ millions 'disappeared' in the "hauling cable from Brazil" scam overseen by Alexei Ramotar?

the real estate scams with cronies like manni are in a class by themselves . . . Pradoville is actually small beer?

and i haven't forgotten the egregious BK and the Chinese

and the allied drug trafficking, the murdering, and the money laundering crimes that would require a separate posting to be done justice

so banna, go wipe your six? smelly asses with a brick and disappear

and get some help for the head before you come back and expose yourself you insecure, schizophrenic dumb donkey

I went back to compare between Granger and him. I stand by that. Granger has to be one dumb assed man to let his pack run wild under his watch. Surely he knows the ministry directly under him is giving away land to in large plots to even people who work there. I also doubt Jagdeo immediately dived headlong into give aways even if he developed into an uber scoundrel.

I commented on Ramorar so I do not need to explain myself to you. Check the add I created and posted here against  him in the last election if you want to know what I think.

My point is that these fellows in office are growing to be just as they are the longer they stay. Flip them out is my advise. Now crow on that. I think they are on a running start!

Stormborn posted:

I went back to compare between Granger and him. I stand by that.

you're an idiot beyond reason

you can "stand" in the little wading pond you think is a lake and holler some more until you tire and head for your "in-laws" . . . where you are supposedly overdue


no one really cares banna . . . you are a laughing stock

i'm convinced you have head problems

a lot of people here feel the same but are too polite to say

i'm not

ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:

I went back to compare between Granger and him. I stand by that.

you're an idiot beyond reason

you can "stand" in the little wading pond you think is a lake and holler some more until you tire and head for your "in-laws" . . . where you are supposedly overdue


no one really cares banna . . . you are a laughing stock

i'm convinced you have head problems

a lot of people here feel the same but are too polite to say

i'm not

I do not see reason mediating the difference between crooks. You saying I am a laughing stock is sufficient reason to believe the contrary. And politeness has never been a characteristic of posters here

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:

I do not see reason mediating the difference between crooks.

a couple of posts ago, you were doing EXACTLY that


Sorry, above I was making exclusions!

Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:

I do not see reason mediating the difference between crooks.

a couple of posts ago, you were doing EXACTLY that


Sorry, above I was making exclusions!

ummm . . . ok

that clears everything up, nuh?


Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:

For me it does.

ahmm . . . ok

What no resistance! I am not amused. Now I have to go to youtube for entertainment. Shame on you!

you see, you want to reduce and downgrade my scrutiny with dueling one liners

it's a nice dodge

but i'm not playing

Stormborn posted:

For the first few years of the PPP regime there was no thievery. Cheddi was no thief. This one started on the first day. They are on track to put the PPP to shame. You need to be impartial with your criticisms and not be as you protest against with Indians, a party hack.

Well, you need not respond. I have important work to do and family business to take care of  that demands my time so I  will not be checking in for a few months. Will come back when the elections are set...if ever Granger allows it in the next year.

listen to this fraudulent jackass dissemble

he goes back near 30 years to tell us that Cheddi was no thief

well, it is also a fact that Hoyte was no thief

and there is ZERO evidence that Granger is/was a thief

all 3 had people steal under their watch

but Bharat Jagdeo is the ONLY tiefman Chief Executive that there ever was in Guyana's history . . . and that's saying a LOT since we had Forbes Burnham at the controls for near 30 years

dead silence to this salient FACT from the eliding fool as he heads out the door for hiatus to avoid LASH!

grim joke to even speak of the small bore stealing under the Coalition in the same breath as the out-of-control, decade-and-a-half, LOOTING of public assets under the PPP Plunderer-in-Chief

imagine, Jagdeo gave away a vast oilfield to a crony 'operating' from a basement with a laptop and a rolodex! . . . Equatorial Guinea style

is the Coalition guilty of ANYTHING even close to the boldass Fip "hydro" Motilall scam?

is the Coalition guilty of ANYTHING even close to the criminal spectrum giveaway?

is the Coalition guilty of ANYTHING even close to the enduring Berbice Bridge con?

is the Coalition guilty of ANYTHING even close to the decade long, tens of US$ millions Babby Ramroop procurement scams?

is the Coalition guilty of ANYTHING even close to the the tens of US$ millions 'disappeared' in the "hauling cable from Brazil" scam overseen by Alexei Ramotar?

the real estate scams with cronies like manni are in a class by themselves . . . Pradoville is actually small beer?

and i haven't forgotten the egregious BK and the Chinese

and the allied drug trafficking, the murdering, and the money laundering crimes that would require a separate posting to be done justice

so banna, go wipe your six? smelly asses with a brick and disappear

and get some help for the head before you come back and expose yourself you insecure, schizophrenic dumb donkey

ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:

For the first few years of the PPP regime there was no thievery. Cheddi was no thief. This one started on the first day. They are on track to put the PPP to shame. You need to be impartial with your criticisms and not be as you protest against with Indians, a party hack.

Well, you need not respond. I have important work to do and family business to take care of  that demands my time so I  will not be checking in for a few months. Will come back when the elections are set...if ever Granger allows it in the next year.

listen to this fraudulent jackass dissemble

he goes back near 30 years to tell us that Cheddi was no thief

well, it is also a fact that Hoyte was no thief

and there is ZERO evidence that Granger is/was a thief

all 3 had people steal under their watch

but Bharat Jagdeo is the ONLY tiefman Chief Executive that there ever was in Guyana's history . . . and that's saying a LOT since we had Forbes Burnham at the controls for near 30 years

dead silence to this salient FACT from the eliding fool as he heads out the door for hiatus to avoid LASH!

grim joke to even speak of the small bore stealing under the Coalition in the same breath as the out-of-control, decade-and-a-half, LOOTING of public assets under the PPP Plunderer-in-Chief

imagine, Jagdeo gave away a vast oilfield to a crony 'operating' from a basement with a laptop and a rolodex! . . . Equatorial Guinea style

is the Coalition guilty of ANYTHING even close to the boldass Fip "hydro" Motilall scam?

is the Coalition guilty of ANYTHING even close to the criminal spectrum giveaway?

is the Coalition guilty of ANYTHING even close to the enduring Berbice Bridge con?

is the Coalition guilty of ANYTHING even close to the decade long, tens of US$ millions Babby Ramroop procurement scams?

is the Coalition guilty of ANYTHING even close to the the tens of US$ millions 'disappeared' in the "hauling cable from Brazil" scam overseen by Alexei Ramotar?

the real estate scams with cronies like manni are in a class by themselves . . . Pradoville is actually small beer?

and i haven't forgotten the egregious BK and the Chinese

and the allied drug trafficking, the murdering, and the money laundering crimes that would require a separate posting to be done justice

so banna, go wipe your six? smelly asses with a brick and disappear

and get some help for the head before you come back and expose yourself you insecure, schizophrenic dumb donkey

Dam you are like ol Arjune here. That is too much dreariness to take with my caffè mocha. I am trying to stay awake not fall asleep.  Think I am going to listen to some Lynard Skynyrd to lift the gloom.

Last edited by Former Member

3 consecutive posts talking to yourself

back burnering the supposed "inlaw" commitments . . . for what?

that's most certainly a marker for something mental not good

what's bothering you fella . . . still searching hard for 'recovery'?

need a buckta?

Last edited by Former Member

Clear signs that Guyana is a shithole country. Sometime yesterday it was ruled that the current governor of Puerto Rico was illegally appointed. By the end of the day he was gone and a new person was sworn in as governor. Meanwhile Granger and his bunch of hooligans are still dragging their asses as they continue to break the same laws they helped pass.

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:

For the first few years of the PPP regime there was no thievery. Cheddi was no thief. .

And neither is Granger.  All of those Moscow trained communist began to steal so bad that Cheddi died of a broken heart.

I see that you have returned to the creature that you were when your callous disregard for comments made about a Buxton little girl caused me to stop lurking and start posting. The Indo KKK was in full session using their usual Klan like descriptions for black people. Rather than condemning them you told them to stop because it will cause an "afrocentric nut" to appear.

Well I appeared and I will not leave until the anti black nature of this site and the hypocrites who pretend that they don't condone it stop.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

Clear signs that Guyana is a shithole country. Sometime yesterday it was ruled that the current governor of Puerto Rico was illegally appointed. By the end of the day he was gone and a new person was sworn in as governor. Meanwhile Granger and his bunch of hooligans are still dragging their asses as they continue to break the same laws they helped pass.

Its a pity that you don't know that this is all a power play. A powerful man did what he did to guarantee him power next year.

I see you love this because this man is behaving just like Jagdeo.  Pity he used poor people on that island who aren't going to get the leadership that they deserved.  Just one set of crooks replacing another.


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