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With no medical background, Lawrence says she confident as Health Minister

– ‘Appointment might not be good for nation’s health’ – Ramsammy

Public Health Minister Volda Lawrence

Volda Lawrence, who was recently reassigned from her post as Social Protection Minister, believes she is competent enough to serve in her new capacity as Public Health Minister regardless of her limited experience and knowledge in that sector.

Lawrence will be taking up her new post today. During a brief interview with Guyana Times on Thursday, the Minister said she is very elated with her new appointment and believes she will manage the Ministry effectively.

“I am happy that the fact you know is that I am a people’s person and I will have the opportunity once again to serve people and to serve them at a critical juncture of their lives, and that is during their illness,” she stated.

Asked about her qualifications for the post, the Minister posited that she does not need to be a medical practitioner to serve in that capacity.
“I believe that his Excellency in his wisdom knows best,” she said.

Meanwhile, a former Minister of Health, Dr Leslie Ramsammy has said that while one is not required to be a medical doctor in order to serve as Public Health Minister, he sees the appointment of Volda Lawrence as one where it seems that her loyalty to the People’s National Congress (PNC) may take precedence over the development of all of “our people”.

On Tuesday, Government made public its decision to reshuffle the Cabinet, removing Public Health Minister, Dr George Norton as head of that Ministry and replacing him with Social Protection Minister Volda Lawrence.

While the move was said to be a remedy to the management issues of the Ministry, there have been concerns in some quarters that Lawrence should not have been placed in that position because she is unqualified for it.

 Dr Leslie Ramsammy

Needs of sector

“The fact that Ms Lawrence is not a doctor does not disqualify her to be Minister of Health. What the matter is… if she will manage based on the need of the sector or she relies on political sycophants,” Ramsammy said.

He said that as a Guyanese who continues to hope for the best for the country, he extends best wishes to all three Ministers in their new portfolio.

“The movement of Dr Norton has been necessitated by what the President describes as an effort to remedy management deficiencies at the Ministry of Public Health. In less than two years, [the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change] APNU/AFC has squandered virtually all the gains made in health under the [People’s Progressive Party] PPP” Ramsammy noted.

He said the downward trajectory in health as seen in the lack of medicines and essential medical supplies, vaccine coverage, reduced surgical loads, increased maternal mortality rate and increased outbreaks of certain infectious conditions have been as a direct result of political machinations, adding that D Norton is the fall guy.

“The corrupt deals with the ‘house for a medical warehouse’ and the procurement of medicines and supplies from friends and donors of APNU/AFC was not just mismanagement by Dr Norton. These were decisions driven by the Cabinet”.

Similarly, the former Health Minister said management decisions for the Georgetown Public Hospital, New Amsterdam and other hospitals were driven by political motivations. He emphasised that Dr Norton has taken the fall.

“But now he has denied he mismanaged the sector and has stated he knows little about his new Ministry. By his own admission the President is abdicating his duty. He has taken a person he himself described as mismanaging an important sector and asked him to manage social cohesion. It exposes how little regard the President and APNU/AFC have for unity and harmony in our country” Ramsammy explained.

Reshuffling no help

Ramsammy said no amount of reshuffling will help as long as these important functions are driven by political considerations.

“I pray that all three succeed for Guyana’s sake. But I have little confidence that this Granger move will improve status quo. Indeed, there is a rich possibility of worsening the situation,” DrRamsammy said.

After declaring late last year that there would be no changes to his Cabinet, President David Granger in a surprise move, on Tuesday, made some significant changes to his pool of decision makers.

Dr Norton continuously found himself in “hot water” over the past months, especially as it relates to the controversial rental of the pharmaceutical bond at Sussex Street, Georgetown, which is billing Government in excess of $14 million per month.

The Head of State explained that it was his responsibility to continuously assess the ability of his Cabinet; hence, he found it necessary to look at the way the Public Health, Social Protection and Social Cohesion Ministries were performing and made some adjustments accordingly.

Like her predecessor at the Public Health Ministry, Minister Lawrence had found herself in several controversial situations last year. She came under fire after throwing her support behind an alleged child molester who had contested and was elected in his constituency during the March 2016 Local Government Elections. This issue sparked much public outrage, particularly among rights groups and activists who staged several protests outside the Ministry calling for Lawrence to be removed from office.

However, she found herself back into the limelight more recently when she counter-protested a vigil held by the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) against Government’s move to revoke the lease on the CheddiJagan Research Centre Inc on Friday last.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Actually, there are numerous people without medical background who head hospitals in the US and other countries.

I would be more concerned about her knowledge, experience and temperament of running an organization....


I think Ramsammy is raising a very valid point.  In the event of a Health crisis in Guyana, is the bottle pelter capable of taking on the responsibility of the nation's health.

The two most important sectors for the sustenance of a country is healthcare and education.  Is Volda the right person for the job?

Bibi Haniffa
RiffRaff posted:

Actually, there are numerous people without medical background who head hospitals in the US and other countries.

I would be more concerned about her knowledge, experience and temperament of running an organization....

Name them!

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
RiffRaff posted:

Actually, there are numerous people without medical background who head hospitals in the US and other countries.

I would be more concerned about her knowledge, experience and temperament of running an organization....

Really?? You dont know her temperament??  Her knowledge??  Experience??  Are you under a friggin ROCK?????

Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Actually, there are numerous people without medical background who head hospitals in the US and other countries.

I would be more concerned about her knowledge, experience and temperament of running an organization....

Really?? You dont know her temperament??  Her knowledge??  Experience??  Are you under a friggin ROCK?????

are you stupid?

I just said I would be more concerned about her knowledge, experience and tempersment


Through a family friend, and with my writing background, I was given the opportunity to write the Berrien County Hospital’s annual report. Compiling the report brought me into every department—from the lab and radiology to everything in between, from acute care to long-term care.

RiffRaff posted:
Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Actually, there are numerous people without medical background who head hospitals in the US and other countries.

I would be more concerned about her knowledge, experience and temperament of running an organization....

Really?? You dont know her temperament??  Her knowledge??  Experience??  Are you under a friggin ROCK?????

are you stupid?

I just said I would be more concerned about her knowledge, experience and tempersment

Ok Ray, gimme FIRE. I misread your comment. I thought you said you did not know. But why should you have concern when the FACTS tells a vivid story, see my point.

RiffRaff posted:

This was 40 years ago and she had a Master's Degree in Business.  Her responsibilities were managing.  And she was an employee of the Hospital prior to becoming CEO.

"Through a family friend, and with my writing background, I was given the opportunity to write the Berrien County Hospital’s annual report. Compiling the report brought me into every department—from the lab and radiology to everything in between, from acute care to long-term care.

It was a whole new world for me. In that moment, I knew I wanted to work there.

That's when I returned to school for business classes, and then eventually to a master's degree. And I continued to become more engaged in activities at the hospital. At the age of 29, I became the hospital's CEO."

Bibi Haniffa
RiffRaff posted:

I also think most Ministers in Guyana are not that good...lots of square pegs who just get the perks because they are part of the party structure

This former Minister of Health is not a square peg.

Former Minister of Health and former Minister of Agriculture of Guyana Leslie Ramsammy M.Sc., Ph.D.

Dr. Ramsammy has a long career in public health as a leader in Guyana, the Caribbean region, and globally, with a particular focus on efforts to curtail malaria and AIDS.   He has served as a member of the Guyana Parliament  since 1997. He is also trained as a basic scientist, having received his Ph.D. in biochemistry from St. John’s University in New York in the 1980s.

Since 2001, Dr. Ramsammy has dedicated much of his career to the elimination of HIV/AIDS, and the Guyana National AIDS Program made tremendous strides under his leadership as health minister, reducing the spread of the disease particularly among pregnant women and babies being born to HIV-positive mothers. He was Chairman of the Executive Board of Pan Caribbean Partnership against HIV/AIDS, Chairman of the CARICOM Council for Human and Social Development and Chairman of the Caribbean Public Health Agency. Dr. Ramsammy was honored by the Guyana National AIDS Programme Secretariat in 2010 for his vision in pursuing the elimination of new HIV infections and for his successful decade-long stewardship as health minister. 

Dr. Ramsammy served as the President of 61st World Health Assembly in 2008-2009, becoming  the first Minister of the Americas to hold that post in over 35 years and only the second representative from the region to ever do so. Prior to that post, he served as President of the Pan American Health Organization’s 47th Directing Council.

Dr. Ramsammy’s impressive and extensive public health stewardship saw him elected Chairman of the Global Fund for Affordable Medicines for Malaria, a position he held from 2010 - 2011.  He has also served as Director of the Global Fund Board and its Policy and Strategy Committee representing Latin America and the Caribbean.


Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

I have a friend from Guyana who is the administrator at a Bronx nursing home, where I used to do portable X-ray and EKG. His name is Zakir Hussein. I don't know if he has medical background and I never asked, but he usually check the doctors daily log on patients and question them on medication, dosage and inspect X-ray results, etc. 

Last edited by Former Member
Mars posted:

Dr. Death Ramsammy was collaborating with a drug kingpin to carry out the extra judicial murders of Guyanese citizens who he swore to heal. Some role model for a Health Minister.

You might have to prove that in a court of law one day.  What happen to all the forensic audits on these guys?  How many millions of dollars of taxpayer money is going to be wasted on false accusations?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:

Dr. Death Ramsammy was collaborating with a drug kingpin to carry out the extra judicial murders of Guyanese citizens who he swore to heal. Some role model for a Health Minister.

You might have to prove that in a court of law one day.  What happen to all the forensic audits on these guys?  How many millions of dollars of taxpayer money is going to be wasted on false accusations?

Why would I have to prove that in a court of law? It is common knowledge since the evidence was borne out in the Roger Khan NY trial and published in the Guyana newspapers.

Not to mention his successor Dr. Bheri and his famous escapades.

Last edited by Mars

If Dr. Ramsammy is a collaborator with a drug kingpin who is in jail, why is he walking free?  And why was he granted a Fellowship at Harvard University with a record that you are alleging? 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

If Dr. Ramsammy is a collaborator with a drug kingpin who is in jail, why is he walking free?  And why was he granted a Fellowship at Harvard University with a record that you are alleging? 

He was never charged with an offence by the PPP government. Why would they charge one of their own who was doing their dirty work for them? That would be political suicide and expose their own murderous ways. Gajraj was also collaborating with the same drug kingpin and was never charged with an offence. Anyone surprised?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Bheri Ramsaran is a medical doctor.  Volda Lawrence has NO medical background.  Which one would you pick as Minister of Health?

Being a medical doctor does not guarantee that someone would be a competent public health administrator. These are two separate and distinct fields of work but I wouldn't expect you to understand.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why aren't they charged by the PNC boys who spent millions try to dig up dirt and false allegations?

Why didn't the PPP charge them since they committed those offences and the evidence came out while the PPP were in office.


Why don't you go and ask the PPP?  ANd since you seem to have the evidence, you are welcome to do so.  Dr. Ramsammy passed a detailed background test before he lectured at Harvard University. 

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

So bottle pelting Volda Lawrence is a competent Public Health Administrator?

I didn't say that she is but you're trying that say that being a medical doctor automatically qualifies someone to be a competent public health administrator. It's simply foolish to make that assumption for bitch slapping Bheri. 

Last edited by Mars
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Bheri Ramsaran is a medical doctor.  Volda Lawrence has NO medical background.  Which one would you pick as Minister of Health?

This is an idiotic question. Does not need a response.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why don't you go and ask the PPP?  ANd since you seem to have the evidence, you are welcome to do so.

I have no time to waste with clowns. I have my own life to worry about. That doesn't mean that I am prevented from commenting on their behavior.

Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

So bottle pelting Volda Lawrence is a competent Public Health Administrator?

I didn't say that she is but you're trying that say that being a medical doctor automatically qualifies someone to be a competent public health administrator. It's simply foolish to make that assumption for bitch slapping Bheri. 

Liar - I never said that.  I said that Volda Lawrence does not have the qualifications to be in charge of the healthcare system of a country.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why don't you go and ask the PPP?  ANd since you seem to have the evidence, you are welcome to do so.  Dr. Ramsammy passed a detailed background test before he lectured at Harvard University. 


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