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Chief posted:
ksazma posted:

Racism, bigotry and prejudice is in style right now. Unfortunately, it is only going to get worse before it gets better.

Donald Trump is leading the pack to spread hate. 

The hatred in the USA today is a reaction to the hatred coming from many like you within and outside the society.  America is under seige from Barbarians.

ba$eman posted:
seignet posted:

Trump will fix it. The Police departments needs a strong voice to hold them in line. 

The person Trump will assign is Newt.  He understands the issue and history behind the issue.  Newt will champion new laws and new standards for anyone carrying a weapon in the name of law!

Newt was behind the whole over policing that was put in place in the 90s.

Now what is he actually doing to deal with out of control police officers shooting and killing law abiding citizens?

The most egregious example of this was the man who was shot in front of his family.  This after practicing the recommended cautious behavior that black men must adopt when confronted by an angry racist cop.

Have you heard Newt condemn the behavior of the savage minority of the police force who treat blacks like stray dogs?

Let us be honest.  Newt wants to end the "war on drugs" now that the biggest drug addiction is among the white population.

Amral posted:

2 police shootings and in 2 days. Both blacks being shot dead by police.

The unfortunate reality is however terrible we may think it is one cannot fathom the reality of Jim crow. No we cannot if we try get back to the hell of a pre Dr King era.

I do not know what when you went to canada but back in 77 when I was barely seventeen some white kids almost killed me in the junction because I had a white girl friend. I had to jump across the subway tracks.

Folks in Hamilton and Kitchener use to advise us as kids not to confront white racism. Downtown was the same shit. I used to play my guitar close to temperance and young and often got the racist crap hurled at me. Two years later when I came to the US it was like paradise here compared to TT. No one openly called you "n*i*g**s" as they did in Toronto.

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
.  America is under seige from Barbarians.

Yes.  Donald Trump!

He is a true American who builds with bricks and mortar.  And he will build a big tall wall to protect the nation from the Barbarians!  

He is a fat cat white person who leeches on Corporate welfare to do what he does and when he fails rob the carcarass built on other people's money. Even his present campaign is a business for him with all of his kids on the payroll and all his companies rendering services. He is a complete and total leech.

ba$eman posted:
Chief posted:
ksazma posted:

Racism, bigotry and prejudice is in style right now. Unfortunately, it is only going to get worse before it gets better.

Donald Trump is leading the pack to spread hate. 

The hatred in the USA today is a reaction to the hatred coming from many like you within and outside the society.  America is under seige from Barbarians.

Bau Ba$e, your comments are becoming  more and more desperate. Your credibility has been AWOL for a while now. Your reasoning, such as it is, is mere ramblings. I feel pity for you.

ba$eman posted:
Chief posted:
ksazma posted:

Racism, bigotry and prejudice is in style right now. Unfortunately, it is only going to get worse before it gets better.

Donald Trump is leading the pack to spread hate. 

The hatred in the USA today is a reaction to the hatred coming from many like you within and outside the society.  America is under seige from Barbarians.

America today is one of the most powerful nation on the planet and nowhere is it under siege. Obama can whipe out ISIS in a day. Bush took two weeks to take Iraq with over a million standing army, an intact airforce and tanks. Isis has less than 50K fighters and that is also a fluid number as people slink back into their Sunni tribes away from organized fighting. 

I hope Hilary goes in ( she will be the next president) with a few thousand troops somewhere between Libya and Syria and hold some turf and begin to move people off mainland Greece to a place where they can start a life and rebuild a real government. Other than that one cannot be there as a fighting force for a people who do not value their culture and society to fight for it.  Syrians and Iraquis have to build their societies. If cannot be built by the west.


Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
.  America is under seige from Barbarians.

Yes.  Donald Trump!

He is a true American who builds with bricks and mortar.  And he will build a big tall wall to protect the nation from the Barbarians!  

He is a fat cat white person who leeches on Corporate welfare to do what he does and when he fails rob the carcarass built on other people's money. Even his present campaign is a business for him with all of his kids on the payroll and all his companies rendering services. He is a complete and total leech.

Que Sera Sera, whatever will be, will be.

Donald Trump will be President. Events are going to unfold that forces the electorate to heed him.

Experience doan matter, it is the tenacity to stamp and squish. Something like a mild fascism.

seignet posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
.  America is under seige from Barbarians.

Yes.  Donald Trump!

He is a true American who builds with bricks and mortar.  And he will build a big tall wall to protect the nation from the Barbarians!  

He is a fat cat white person who leeches on Corporate welfare to do what he does and when he fails rob the carcarass built on other people's money. Even his present campaign is a business for him with all of his kids on the payroll and all his companies rendering services. He is a complete and total leech.

Que Sera Sera, whatever will be, will be.

Donald Trump will be President. Events are going to unfold that forces the electorate to heed him.

Experience doan matter, it is the tenacity to stamp and squish. Something like a mild fascism.

Bookmark this page. He will lose by the worse margins ever. Romney will get the laugh laugh because he will be too busy choking and swallowing his sputum. He does not have the numbers. He needs 70 percent white folks to win. Additionally he has to run the board of 17 red states where he is already showing unrecoverable deficits and he does not have the electoral infrastructure to do so even if he had the money.

Last edited by Former Member
Blacks in this country were doomed shortly after the Civil war ended and the Presidential election was in question giving rise to a deal to let the Northern Republicans have the Presidency but remove Federal troops from the (racist Democratic) South so that Reconstruction could not be enforced. It took 100 years and MLK to get the Civil Rights Legislation passed. Then came the Newt Gingrich (Trump's favorite for running mate) foisting of the crime bill along with Bill Clinton that has led to so much incarceration of Black heads of household. Now that whites are being abused by drugs we suddenly see Newt calling for measures other than lock dey rass up.
The assassinations of those cops are unwarranted even as a protest to Black Lives not getting consideration like white lives. But like how the GOP campaigned for a Donald Trump-like candidate (it could have been a monkey - little better than the Orangutan) and it would have been what the Republicans wanted what with what they did to Obama with birther and you lie, being Muslim (as if that's bad anyhow) etc.
They wanted an ISIS and got it. They wanted a Trump and got the Donald, Now with the NRA's assistance they got kids killed in Newton and now cops. Two chairs for the Republicans. Vote them in and they'll give you more. 
ba$eman posted:

He is a true American who builds with bricks and mortar.  And he will build a big tall wall to protect the nation from the Barbarians!  

Typical Trump racist.

Good thing that Canada will build a wall to prevent that country from Americans fleeing the Trump fascist regime, should he win.

Then you will stew in the gravy that he is making for you.

Kari posted:
ba$eman posted:
Chief posted:
ksazma posted:

Racism, bigotry and prejudice is in style right now. Unfortunately, it is only going to get worse before it gets better.

Donald Trump is leading the pack to spread hate. 

The hatred in the USA today is a reaction to the hatred coming from many like you within and outside the society.  America is under seige from Barbarians.

Bau Ba$e, your comments are becoming  more and more desperate. Your credibility has been AWOL for a while now. Your reasoning, such as it is, is mere ramblings. I feel pity for you.

And the thing is that most GOP leaders are fleeing from being connected to Trump in any way, and he has problems raising cash.

Pity for Trump that its only the ignorant, and the racist who support him.

Stormborn posted:

Bookmark this page. He will lose by the worse margins ever. Romney will get the laugh laugh because he will be too busy choking and swallowing his sputum. He does not have the numbers. He needs 70 percent white folks to win. Additionally he has to run the board of 17 red states where he is already showing unrecoverable deficits and he does not have the electoral infrastructure to do so even if he had the money.

Apparently FL is showing the best margins for a Democrat that it has for some time, and now even GA is a possible Democratic win.

By the time Hillary is finished showing the white working class how Trump stiffed them by not paying them, or by using illegal workers Trump will be mince meat.

The election is between a crook, and a careless woman who is technology challenged, so cannot remember complex passwords.

No doubt who will win.

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:

do you think Trump knows how email work? Ask any of the people ( not working in tech) here to set up an email account for an email client and they wont know what the hell the settings are.

The man is a billionaire. He does not need to know everything. The world leaves the know it all to you. Carry on, someday the world population would recognize you as "their only citizen" who knows it all.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:

do you think Trump knows how email work? Ask any of the people ( not working in tech) here to set up an email account for an email client and they wont know what the hell the settings are.

The man is a billionaire. He does not need to know everything. The world leaves the know it all to you. Carry on, someday the world would recognize you as "their only citizen" who knows it all.

So is Hillary. Last time I check she was was some 500 million in the black. Why do you think the GOP are so snippy about her email skills?

And as Mark Cuban noted Trump is about that much despite his big mouthed claims of billionaire status. His name is on most of the assets he claims


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