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skeldon_man posted:

humane form of ethnic cleansing. He refers to the PPP supporters as Indian KKK.

If PPP supporters peddle the same lies about blacks as do the white supremacists, then I will continue to call them Indo KKK.  The Grand Wizard being Bharat Jagdeo, ably assisted by Rohee (who is ashamed of his part black ancestry) and by Ravi Dev, a known hater of blacks.

caribny posted:

And face facts, Guyana is becoming less Indian and more mixed.

Carib, you should come out and say that Guyana MUST be made a blackman country. I can say that I want Guyana to become a coolie man country. I know that is not going to happen without ethnic cleansing.
So basically you are calling for ethnic cleansing.

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:

And face facts, Guyana is becoming less Indian and more mixed.

Carib, you should come out and say that Guyana MUST be made a blackman country. I can say that I want Guyana to become a coolie man country. I know that is not going to happen without ethnic cleansing.
So basically you are calling for ethnic cleansing.

Why is douglarization so threatening to you?  A dougla is some one who is part Indian and part black. 

Is it that you think that blacks are degenerates? 

Is it that you think that you are culturally so "pure" that you aren't already "culturally douglarized". Any Indian national will quickly point out to you traits that they consider to be (Afro) Caribbean.

Relax Skeldon, YOU are already a dougla!

Skeldon, I will leave you with your ethnic angst. Guyana is a multi ethnic, multi cultural, and multi religious country. Alongside Trinidad and Suriname, it is one of the Caribbean's most interesting countries.

True Guyanese embrace this diversity.  They also make use of the full cultural menu that is available to them.  A major reason why Guyanese thrive when we migrate is that we have an ability to quickly adjust to different cultural settings, as this is part of daily life in Guyana.

Wallow as you will in your mistaken belief that you are "purely" of India.  I suspect that 1.2 billion people will laugh at you.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:

And face facts, Guyana is becoming less Indian and more mixed.

Carib, you should come out and say that Guyana MUST be made a blackman country. I can say that I want Guyana to become a coolie man country. I know that is not going to happen without ethnic cleansing.
So basically you are calling for ethnic cleansing.

Why is douglarization so threatening to you?  A dougla is some one who is part Indian and part black. 

Is it that you think that blacks are degenerates? 

Is it that you think that you are culturally so "pure" that you aren't already "culturally douglarized". Any Indian national will quickly point out to you traits that they consider to be (Afro) Caribbean.

Relax Skeldon, YOU are already a dougla!

Skeldon, I will leave you with your ethnic angst. Guyana is a multi ethnic, multi cultural, and multi religious country. Alongside Trinidad and Suriname, it is one of the Caribbean's most interesting countries.

True Guyanese embrace this diversity.  They also make use of the full cultural menu that is available to them.  A major reason why Guyanese thrive when we migrate is that we have an ability to quickly adjust to different cultural settings, as this is part of daily life in Guyana.

Wallow as you will in your mistaken belief that you are "purely" of India.  I suspect that 1.2 billion people will laugh at you.

In the USA the Blackman marries or live with a Black woman, but when they become successful , they look for any race that is light skinned and dump their child mother. The other night there was a tribute to Eddie Murphy, his woman was a pretty White Woman. So even Blacks think of them selves as been inferior. There was a joke , You can close your eyes ,but when you drive through East Coast Demerara ,you know when you pass Buxton, the same can be said of Cashbah in Uitvlugt.

kp posted:

There was a joke , You can close your eyes ,but when you drive through East Coast Demerara ,you know when you pass Buxton, the same can be said of Cashbah in Uitvlugt.

Thank God it was a joke, kp. Some of my best Afro friends and acquaintances were from Casbah. And they were good role models for the youths of any race.

kp posted:

In the USA the Blackman marries or live with a Black woman, but when they become successful , they look for any race that is light skinned and dump their child mother. The other night there was a tribute to Eddie Murphy, his woman was a pretty White Woman. So even Blacks think of them selves as been inferior. There was a joke , You can close your eyes ,but when you drive through East Coast Demerara ,you know when you pass Buxton, the same can be said of Cashbah in Uitvlugt.

When people make statements they should get the facts first.  Celebrities are such a minute part of the population that what they do is meaningless.

FACT.  College educated black men are NOT more likely than are those who didn't graduate college to marry interracially.

FACT.  College educated black women are more likely to than are the non college educated because there are at least 2-3X as many black women with college degrees than there are black men.

caribny posted:
baseman posted:

Nuff BJ critics will be staying at the Marriot.

So what.  They would be in Guyana whether the Marriott was there or not. Now LOCALLY owned hotels will be less likely to get business.

Buddy's didn't attract new tourists and neither will Marriott.

They will attract nuff from Brooklyn.  Alyuh just like bite the hand that feed.  Alyuh cuss out the stadium, now it's a key national infrastructure for events, same with Marriot. 

caribny posted:

When people make statements they should get the facts first.  Celebrities are such a minute part of the population that what they do is meaningless.

FACT.  College educated black men are NOT more likely than are those who didn't graduate college to marry interracially.

FACT.  College educated black women are more likely to than are the non college educated because there are at least 2-3X as many black women with college degrees than there are black men.

Why are you so fixated on interracial marriage?   In the US over the centuries since slavery, there is hardly any "black" person who is of pure African ancestry, not mixed with white or some other race. 

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
baseman posted:

Nuff BJ critics will be staying at the Marriot.

So what.  They would be in Guyana whether the Marriott was there or not. Now LOCALLY owned hotels will be less likely to get business.

Buddy's didn't attract new tourists and neither will Marriott.

They will attract nuff from Brooklyn.  Alyuh just like bite the hand that feed.  Alyuh cuss out the stadium, now it's a key national infrastructure for events, same with Marriot. 

Guyana functioned quite well before the stadium, and shortage of accommodation is hardly a problem in G/town.

After the celebration, what then. The stadium resumes its role as the New Thirst Park, except that it incurred debt which must be repaid in US DOLLARS!

Quit with your stupid excuses.

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

When people make statements they should get the facts first.  Celebrities are such a minute part of the population that what they do is meaningless.

FACT.  College educated black men are NOT more likely than are those who didn't graduate college to marry interracially.

FACT.  College educated black women are more likely to than are the non college educated because there are at least 2-3X as many black women with college degrees than there are black men.

Why are you so fixated on interracial marriage?   In the US over the centuries since slavery, there is hardly any "black" person who is of pure African ancestry, not mixed with white or some other race. 

Why don't you have a chat with your fellow Indo KKK who have a problem with douglarization.  THEY are the ones with a problem with interracial marriage.  To the point where their daughters kill themselves when their parents ban their black boy friend.

I merely repeat the FACTS.  Blacks are open to interracial marriage, but we aren't pining to be loved by non blacks. 

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

When people make statements they should get the facts first.  Celebrities are such a minute part of the population that what they do is meaningless.

FACT.  College educated black men are NOT more likely than are those who didn't graduate college to marry interracially.

FACT.  College educated black women are more likely to than are the non college educated because there are at least 2-3X as many black women with college degrees than there are black men.

Why are you so fixated on interracial marriage?   In the US over the centuries since slavery, there is hardly any "black" person who is of pure African ancestry, not mixed with white or some other race. 

Why don't you have a chat with your fellow Indo KKK who have a problem with douglarization.  THEY are the ones with a problem with interracial marriage.  To the point where their daughters kill themselves when their parents ban their black boy friend.

I merely repeat the FACTS.  Blacks are open to interracial marriage, but we aren't pining to be loved by non blacks. 

You think after 4 generations of coolies, a dougla child should be born to a coolie man. I have never seen this in my generation. If you have a negro gene in you, you think at some point in time, that mutated gene will manifest itself. So Carib man, I will debunk your claim about most coolies are dougla. Take this garbage and feed it to the people who worship you.

skeldon_man posted:
 So Carib man, I will debunk your claim about most coolies are dougla. Take this garbage and feed it to the people who worship you.

I forgot that I was talking to a simpleton. I called you a CULTURAL dougla.

Please don't make yourself a jackass by going to some one from India and screaming that there are no Afro Carib cultural aspects embedded within you.  They will quickly suggest that every time you open your mouth that influence is obvious.   Your accent is a CARIBBEAN one, and if you speak creolese, the influence is even more dominant. 



They will attract nuff from Brooklyn.  Alyuh just like bite the hand that feed.  Alyuh cuss out the stadium, now it's a key national infrastructure for events, same with Marriot. 

Guyana functioned quite well before the stadium, and shortage of accommodation is hardly a problem in G/town.

After the celebration, what then. The stadium resumes its role as the New Thirst Park, except that it incurred debt which must be repaid in US DOLLARS!

Quit with your stupid excuses.

Well, without anything, we could be swinging from tree to tree, and be comfortable at not knowing what we don't have!

Quit you asinine rants, you ungrate.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

When people make statements they should get the facts first.  Celebrities are such a minute part of the population that what they do is meaningless.

FACT.  College educated black men are NOT more likely than are those who didn't graduate college to marry interracially.

FACT.  College educated black women are more likely to than are the non college educated because there are at least 2-3X as many black women with college degrees than there are black men.

Why are you so fixated on interracial marriage?   In the US over the centuries since slavery, there is hardly any "black" person who is of pure African ancestry, not mixed with white or some other race. 

Why don't you have a chat with your fellow Indo KKK who have a problem with douglarization.  THEY are the ones with a problem with interracial marriage.  To the point where their daughters kill themselves when their parents ban their black boy friend.

I merely repeat the FACTS.  Blacks are open to interracial marriage, but we aren't pining to be loved by non blacks. 

Someone did mentioned some years back that you were spurned by an Indian woman. Did she commit suicide?   I don't see why you are fixated on douglarization.  People will marry as they wish without the need of advice from you or any other. What we notice in Guyana is that douglarization is not necessary the product of a marriage but rather illegitimate unions and sometimes rape.   


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