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This latest shooting by Police ranks(accidental or not) has convinced many even further that there are elements in the Guyana Police Force working along with Bharat as part of his sinister plan to bring the democratically elected PPP/C government down using street protests and other violent means, whilst blaming the opposition.

There is a view out there that with the Linden Commission of Inquiry not providing the bombshell needed and the dwindling public interest in the Agricola killing, this latest act is aimed at providing Bharat with another opportunity to whip up anti-opposition sentiments. It is noticeable that it is Bharat who has the most to benefit from this latest killing and it follows his pattern of incitement from the days of the Phantoms and the Fineman gang recruited to enforce PPP regime vision of the future.

To underline this theory of police elements being involved it was pointed out that such a scenario is not impossible given that we have a former police commissioner(Henry Greene) assassinated whilst on his way with damning evidence to bring down the PPP regime. His execution was designed to  deflect the focus of any investigation in the interest of the PPP.

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Originally Posted by Mr.T:
This latest shooting by Police ranks(accidental or not) has convinced many even further that there are elements in the Guyana Police Force working along with Bharat as part of his sinister plan to bring the democratically elected PPP/C government down using street protests and other violent means, whilst blaming the opposition.

There is a view out there that with the Linden Commission of Inquiry not providing the bombshell needed and the dwindling public interest in the Agricola killing, this latest act is aimed at providing Bharat with another opportunity to whip up anti-opposition sentiments. It is noticeable that it is Bharat who has the most to benefit from this latest killing and it follows his pattern of incitement from the days of the Phantoms and the Fineman gang recruited to enforce PPP regime vision of the future.

To underline this theory of police elements being involved it was pointed out that such a scenario is not impossible given that we have a former police commissioner(Henry Greene) assassinated whilst on his way with damning evidence to bring down the PPP regime. His execution was designed to  deflect the focus of any investigation in the interest of the PPP.


I suppose you are going to tell us that Hamilton Green killed his wife and Vincent Teekah too?

Oh, wait a minute. This was durning the PNC terrorist regime. 


B J is the man in the van.  He control the gang of eight who took over the party from our people the Jagans.  There is no need for him to pull off a coup.  Only one individual can pull off a coup in Guyana right now and that is the goat man. The goat man got ambition to rule that is why his supporters such as Rev Al are on here every day.


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