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Saving Mr Rohee

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This situation is different, Rhoee did not fire a shot or instruct anyone to fire the shot. In fact if anyone is to blame it is Brummel, he is being given a free pass by the AFC/PNc creeps for political gain. After all he is head of the police and dictates polices. So far we have had no international bodies calling for Rhoee's head, only the aFc/PNc creeps with the intent of political gain. 


Confirms my new crusade. Some ppl are excellent as party stalwarts and should never be given the task as public servants. Clement Rohee, Ramotar and Moses Nagamootoo are such men.


However, Cheddie forced the man into spheres of which he was lacking severely. CBJ did the same thing with Mohammad Feroze. He wasted value years by naming Rohee to Foreign Affairs and Feroze to Home Affairs.


I will continually say, "that man Cheddie was an idiot who toyed with the national interests of all Guyanese."


CBJ was like Nero, he played games while Guyana burns daily.  


The Home Affairs Ministry needs to be split into two. 1. The Hinterland Security Ministry responsible for security in hinterland communities. 2. Urban Security Ministry responsible for security in urban areas. Each with its own Minister and its own police force.

Originally Posted by Wally:

The Home Affairs Ministry needs to be split into two. 1. The Hinterland Security Ministry responsible for security in hinterland communities. 2. Urban Security Ministry responsible for security in urban areas. Each with its own Minister and its own police force.

Not. Just needs better divisionalization with empowered divisional heads but reporting to the Minister of HA.


The Ministry is too big Baseman.  In a sense the Ministry is the de facto Ministry of Defence and the Immigration Ministry.  It has to be reformed.  Too big for one Minister.

Originally Posted by Wally:

The Ministry is too big Baseman.  In a sense the Ministry is the de facto Ministry of Defence and the Immigration Ministry.  It has to be reformed.  Too big for one Minister.

The ministry, in terms of budget and people is no larger than a mid-sized US company or a mid-side US city department.  The whole of Guyana has less people that Queens Boro and you say they cannot manage one department as one.  Come on Wally, kech lil sense.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This situation is different, Rhoee did not fire a shot or instruct anyone to fire the shot. In fact if anyone is to blame it is Brummel, he is being given a free pass by the AFC/PNc creeps for political gain. After all he is head of the police and dictates polices. So far we have had no international bodies calling for Rhoee's head, only the aFc/PNc creeps with the intent of political gain. 

Bgurd, Rohee may not have fired a shot or even instructed anyone to do so, but the fact that he is head of that Ministry puts him in a bad light. The actions of his subordinates good or bad will have a direct reflection on him. So wheter he was overseas, sound asleep or taking a crap, he will none the less be called to account for the actions of those within his command.
But look on the bright side. If push comes to shove, the Ruling Party may do to him what they did to Gajraj and Killaman Lall; send him overseas to some far away place until things cool down.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This situation is different, Rhoee did not fire a shot or instruct anyone to fire the shot. In fact if anyone is to blame it is Brummel, he is being given a free pass by the AFC/PNc creeps for political gain. After all he is head of the police and dictates polices. So far we have had no international bodies calling for Rhoee's head, only the aFc/PNc creeps with the intent of political gain. 

Bgurd, Rohee may not have fired a shot or even instructed anyone to do so, but the fact that he is head of that Ministry puts him in a bad light. The actions of his subordinates good or bad will have a direct reflection on him. So wheter he was overseas, sound asleep or taking a crap, he will none the less be called to account for the actions of those within his command.
But look on the bright side. If push comes to shove, the Ruling Party may do to him what they did to Gajraj and Killaman Lall; send him overseas to some far away place until things cool down.

Sheik101, take Commonsense 101 and stop talking "crap".

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This situation is different, Rhoee did not fire a shot or instruct anyone to fire the shot. In fact if anyone is to blame it is Brummel, he is being given a free pass by the AFC/PNc creeps for political gain. After all he is head of the police and dictates polices. So far we have had no international bodies calling for Rhoee's head, only the aFc/PNc creeps with the intent of political gain. 

Bgurd, Rohee may not have fired a shot or even instructed anyone to do so, but the fact that he is head of that Ministry puts him in a bad light. The actions of his subordinates good or bad will have a direct reflection on him. So wheter he was overseas, sound asleep or taking a crap, he will none the less be called to account for the actions of those within his command.
But look on the bright side. If push comes to shove, the Ruling Party may do to him what they did to Gajraj and Killaman Lall; send him overseas to some far away place until things cool down.

Sheik101, take Commonsense 101 and stop talking "crap".

Perhaps it would best if you explain yourself rather than making statements as above.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This situation is different, Rhoee did not fire a shot or instruct anyone to fire the shot. In fact if anyone is to blame it is Brummel, he is being given a free pass by the AFC/PNc creeps for political gain. After all he is head of the police and dictates polices. So far we have had no international bodies calling for Rhoee's head, only the aFc/PNc creeps with the intent of political gain. 

Bgurd, Rohee may not have fired a shot or even instructed anyone to do so, but the fact that he is head of that Ministry puts him in a bad light. The actions of his subordinates good or bad will have a direct reflection on him. So wheter he was overseas, sound asleep or taking a crap, he will none the less be called to account for the actions of those within his command.
But look on the bright side. If push comes to shove, the Ruling Party may do to him what they did to Gajraj and Killaman Lall; send him overseas to some far away place until things cool down.

What is Brummels purpose then if he is given a free pass? Is he just a token and Rhoee the real commish?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This situation is different, Rhoee did not fire a shot or instruct anyone to fire the shot. In fact if anyone is to blame it is Brummel, he is being given a free pass by the AFC/PNc creeps for political gain. After all he is head of the police and dictates polices. So far we have had no international bodies calling for Rhoee's head, only the aFc/PNc creeps with the intent of political gain. 

Bgurd, Rohee may not have fired a shot or even instructed anyone to do so, but the fact that he is head of that Ministry puts him in a bad light. The actions of his subordinates good or bad will have a direct reflection on him. So wheter he was overseas, sound asleep or taking a crap, he will none the less be called to account for the actions of those within his command.
But look on the bright side. If push comes to shove, the Ruling Party may do to him what they did to Gajraj and Killaman Lall; send him overseas to some far away place until things cool down.

Sheik101, take Commonsense 101 and stop talking "crap".

hey, U mentally deformed, racist moron . . . wanna explain EXACTLY what is "crap[py]" about his statement?


or maybe, like drugb, U enjoy braying from your ass; just because . . .

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This situation is different, Rhoee did not fire a shot or instruct anyone to fire the shot. In fact if anyone is to blame it is Brummel, he is being given a free pass by the AFC/PNc creeps for political gain. After all he is head of the police and dictates polices. So far we have had no international bodies calling for Rhoee's head, only the aFc/PNc creeps with the intent of political gain. 

Bgurd, Rohee may not have fired a shot or even instructed anyone to do so, but the fact that he is head of that Ministry puts him in a bad light. The actions of his subordinates good or bad will have a direct reflection on him. So wheter he was overseas, sound asleep or taking a crap, he will none the less be called to account for the actions of those within his command.
But look on the bright side. If push comes to shove, the Ruling Party may do to him what they did to Gajraj and Killaman Lall; send him overseas to some far away place until things cool down.

Sheik101, take Commonsense 101 and stop talking "crap".

hey, U mentally deformed, racist moron . . . wanna explain EXACTLY what is "crap[py]" about his statement?


or maybe, like drugb, U enjoy braying from your ass; just because . . .

Redux, The Chap would have to take the next two days TRYING to explain it to you and I am not sure drawing the explanation will help, you DUMB FOOL!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This situation is different, Rhoee did not fire a shot or instruct anyone to fire the shot. In fact if anyone is to blame it is Brummel, he is being given a free pass by the AFC/PNc creeps for political gain. After all he is head of the police and dictates polices. So far we have had no international bodies calling for Rhoee's head, only the aFc/PNc creeps with the intent of political gain. 

Bgurd, Rohee may not have fired a shot or even instructed anyone to do so, but the fact that he is head of that Ministry puts him in a bad light. The actions of his subordinates good or bad will have a direct reflection on him. So wheter he was overseas, sound asleep or taking a crap, he will none the less be called to account for the actions of those within his command.
But look on the bright side. If push comes to shove, the Ruling Party may do to him what they did to Gajraj and Killaman Lall; send him overseas to some far away place until things cool down.

Sheik101, take Commonsense 101 and stop talking "crap".

hey, U mentally deformed, racist moron . . . wanna explain EXACTLY what is "crap[py]" about his statement?


or maybe, like drugb, U enjoy braying from your ass; just because . . .

Redux, The Chap would have to take the next two days TRYING to explain it to you and I am not sure drawing the explanation will help, you DUMB FOOL!!!!

yaaaawn . . .

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This situation is different, Rhoee did not fire a shot or instruct anyone to fire the shot. In fact if anyone is to blame it is Brummel, he is being given a free pass by the AFC/PNc creeps for political gain. After all he is head of the police and dictates polices. So far we have had no international bodies calling for Rhoee's head, only the aFc/PNc creeps with the intent of political gain. 

Bgurd, Rohee may not have fired a shot or even instructed anyone to do so, but the fact that he is head of that Ministry puts him in a bad light. The actions of his subordinates good or bad will have a direct reflection on him. So wheter he was overseas, sound asleep or taking a crap, he will none the less be called to account for the actions of those within his command.
But look on the bright side. If push comes to shove, the Ruling Party may do to him what they did to Gajraj and Killaman Lall; send him overseas to some far away place until things cool down.

Sheik101, take Commonsense 101 and stop talking "crap".

hey, U mentally deformed, racist moron . . . wanna explain EXACTLY what is "crap[py]" about his statement?


or maybe, like drugb, U enjoy braying from your ass; just because . . .

Redux, The Chap would have to take the next two days TRYING to explain it to you and I am not sure drawing the explanation will help, you DUMB FOOL!!!!

yaaaawn . . .

Now you are in your League.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This situation is different, Rhoee did not fire a shot or instruct anyone to fire the shot. In fact if anyone is to blame it is Brummel, he is being given a free pass by the AFC/PNc creeps for political gain. After all he is head of the police and dictates polices. So far we have had no international bodies calling for Rhoee's head, only the aFc/PNc creeps with the intent of political gain. 

Bgurd, Rohee may not have fired a shot or even instructed anyone to do so, but the fact that he is head of that Ministry puts him in a bad light. The actions of his subordinates good or bad will have a direct reflection on him. So wheter he was overseas, sound asleep or taking a crap, he will none the less be called to account for the actions of those within his command.
But look on the bright side. If push comes to shove, the Ruling Party may do to him what they did to Gajraj and Killaman Lall; send him overseas to some far away place until things cool down.

Sheik101, take Commonsense 101 and stop talking "crap".

hey, U mentally deformed, racist moron . . . wanna explain EXACTLY what is "crap[py]" about his statement?


or maybe, like drugb, U enjoy braying from your ass; just because . . .

The same thing you excrete from your mouth.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This situation is different, Rhoee did not fire a shot or instruct anyone to fire the shot. In fact if anyone is to blame it is Brummel, he is being given a free pass by the AFC/PNc creeps for political gain. After all he is head of the police and dictates polices. So far we have had no international bodies calling for Rhoee's head, only the aFc/PNc creeps with the intent of political gain. 

Bgurd, Rohee may not have fired a shot or even instructed anyone to do so, but the fact that he is head of that Ministry puts him in a bad light. The actions of his subordinates good or bad will have a direct reflection on him. So wheter he was overseas, sound asleep or taking a crap, he will none the less be called to account for the actions of those within his command.
But look on the bright side. If push comes to shove, the Ruling Party may do to him what they did to Gajraj and Killaman Lall; send him overseas to some far away place until things cool down.

Sheik101, take Commonsense 101 and stop talking "crap".

hey, U mentally deformed, racist moron . . . wanna explain EXACTLY what is "crap[py]" about his statement?


or maybe, like drugb, U enjoy braying from your ass; just because . . .

The same thing you excrete from your mouth.

not your best effort . . . i suggest you consult more widely and come again

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This situation is different, Rhoee did not fire a shot or instruct anyone to fire the shot. In fact if anyone is to blame it is Brummel, he is being given a free pass by the AFC/PNc creeps for political gain. After all he is head of the police and dictates polices. So far we have had no international bodies calling for Rhoee's head, only the aFc/PNc creeps with the intent of political gain. 

Bgurd, Rohee may not have fired a shot or even instructed anyone to do so, but the fact that he is head of that Ministry puts him in a bad light. The actions of his subordinates good or bad will have a direct reflection on him. So wheter he was overseas, sound asleep or taking a crap, he will none the less be called to account for the actions of those within his command.
But look on the bright side. If push comes to shove, the Ruling Party may do to him what they did to Gajraj and Killaman Lall; send him overseas to some far away place until things cool down.

Sheik101, take Commonsense 101 and stop talking "crap".

hey, U mentally deformed, racist moron . . . wanna explain EXACTLY what is "crap[py]" about his statement?


or maybe, like drugb, U enjoy braying from your ass; just because . . .

The same thing you excrete from your mouth.

not your best effort . . . i suggest you consult more widely and come again

I guess you nrrd an explanation. That is what I am here for. Baseman is saying that you NOT only talking SHIT but SHIT flowing from your mouth.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This situation is different, Rhoee did not fire a shot or instruct anyone to fire the shot. In fact if anyone is to blame it is Brummel, he is being given a free pass by the AFC/PNc creeps for political gain. After all he is head of the police and dictates polices. So far we have had no international bodies calling for Rhoee's head, only the aFc/PNc creeps with the intent of political gain. 

Bgurd, Rohee may not have fired a shot or even instructed anyone to do so, but the fact that he is head of that Ministry puts him in a bad light. The actions of his subordinates good or bad will have a direct reflection on him. So wheter he was overseas, sound asleep or taking a crap, he will none the less be called to account for the actions of those within his command.
But look on the bright side. If push comes to shove, the Ruling Party may do to him what they did to Gajraj and Killaman Lall; send him overseas to some far away place until things cool down.

Sheik101, take Commonsense 101 and stop talking "crap".

hey, U mentally deformed, racist moron . . . wanna explain EXACTLY what is "crap[py]" about his statement?


or maybe, like drugb, U enjoy braying from your ass; just because . . .

The same thing you excrete from your mouth.

not your best effort . . . i suggest you consult more widely and come again

I guess you nrrd an explanation. That is what I am here for. Baseman is saying that you NOT only talking SHIT but SHIT flowing from your mouth.

yaaaawn . . .

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

These AFc fools rudux and mitwun are in denial, they follow the AFC but do not know their evil purpose. 

Drugee, practice your braying  5 times:

Bray Roheehaaa, Roheehaaa, Roheeehaaaa, Roheeehaaa, Roheehaaa.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

These AFc fools rudux and mitwun are in denial, they follow the AFC but do not know their evil purpose. 

Perfect analysis of the AFC stooges and mouthpiece.


The goat man aim is to take over the PPP and the Presidency of the country from Ramoutar. The goat man already got he supporters on the board here.  You will see how they will come out and start attacking when the goat man  start his campaign in a few years.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

The goat man aim is to take over the PPP and the Presidency of the country from Ramoutar. The goat man already got he supporters on the board here.  You will see how they will come out and start attacking when the goat man  start his campaign in a few years.

Nah, after Ramotar, a new generation of leadership will take hold.


That is why the goat man supporters start preparing already.  Eight years from now the goat man is still in the age to be President and his supporters are experienced seasoned vets who will give the supporters of Nandilal, Ben and Robert a hard fought campaign.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

That is why the goat man supporters start preparing already.  Eight years from now the goat man is still in the age to be President and his supporters are experienced seasoned vets who will give the supporters of Nandilal, Ben and Robert a hard fought campaign.

Nah, Guyana is moving away from the "goatman" political mentality to one of practical and pragmatism.  The PPP is very strong and confident and in control of the nation.  The space has now been created for the rise of a more balanced and intellectual class of leaders.  In the end, we will all have Ex-prezzy Jagdeo to thank for this.


Baseman I am a Jagan family supporter who would like to see the Jagans regain control of the leadership of the PPP party to make it Progressive again.  So I do not necessary share your views. But 8 years from now there will be a young group of Jagans that may be ready to come forward for political leadership.  It will bring a breath of fresh air and new ideas to the party and people of Guyana.

Last edited by Prashad
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Baseman I am a Jagan family supporter who would like to see the Jagans regain control of the leadership of the PPP party to make it Progressive again.  So I do not necessary share your views. But 8 years from now there will be a young group of Jagans that may be ready to come forward for political leadership.  It will bring a breath of fresh air and new ideas to the party and people of Guyana.

I do not believe in dynasty politics as such only if a Jagan proves a worthy leader for the time, then so be it.  However, the name should not give special advantage, I mean, just look at lose canon wannabe Joey (Cheddie) Jagan and smokey-dopey grandson "Cheddie".

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Baseman I am a Jagan family supporter who would like to see the Jagans regain control of the leadership of the PPP party to make it Progressive again.  So I do not necessary share your views. But 8 years from now there will be a young group of Jagans that may be ready to come forward for political leadership.  It will bring a breath of fresh air and new ideas to the party and people of Guyana.

I do not believe in dynasty politics as such only if a Jagan proves a worthy leader for the time, then so be it.  However, the name should not give special advantage, I mean, just look at lose canon wannabe Joey (Cheddie) Jagan and smokey-dopey grandson "Cheddie".

I agree. Dynasty is for the Illiterate and Stupid.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

The Jagan family has several moderate members such as Barbara, Clive and others who are very progressive.

Why are you enamored with a last name rather than political philosophy?

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Baseman I am a Jagan family supporter who would like to see the Jagans regain control of the leadership of the PPP party to make it Progressive again.  So I do not necessary share your views. But 8 years from now there will be a young group of Jagans that may be ready to come forward for political leadership.  It will bring a breath of fresh air and new ideas to the party and people of Guyana.



My fada said this is one of the most stupid comment on this blog.  Like the Jagan family think they own the PPP.  None of them did much for the ordinary people other than Cheddi and Janet but all of them want to reap the sugar cane from Cheddi and Janet sweat.


So what happen to Rohee and Luncheon and Ramotar and Navin and all the other old timers who give their blood, time and life for the PPP?


They must tek back seat when Barbara and Joey and Clive and Nadira and all they lazy ass Jagans wake up after meking million off of the poor people?


Shame on the Jagan clan.


That is what my fada said.


Nuff rat mouth here all probably getting paid by the Gang of eight. All paid for by the gang of eight and their paid associates.  Never dis the Jagan clan.  They are the heart and soul of the PPP party and for the majority of Jagan supporters they will always be in our hearts.

Last edited by Prashad

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