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It is time for an Anti-Corruption Agency

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Originally Posted by Mitwah:

It is time for an Anti-Corruption Agency

The difference between the PNC and AFC, the latter i filled with personal grudge and animosity as opposed to and semblance of objectivity.  This mentality is what drove the AFC into the sidelines and will remain there.


The PPP has alot of issues and the PNC understands it's own power and limits andis taking a pragmatic approach.  The PPP should offer some carrots to the PNC to help bring balance and reconciliation to the nation.


If the AFC/PNC can convince the public that the PPP is bad for Guyana then they too will ascend to power and take over the alleged corrupt practices and fill their pockets. I know they can't wait. The same people alleging corruption were the same individuals who were only seemingly yesterday enjoying the spoils of corrupt practices under the PPP and PNC. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

If the AFC/PNC can convince the public that the PPP is bad for Guyana then they too will ascend to power and take over the alleged corrupt practices and fill their pockets. I know they can't wait. The same people alleging corruption were the same individuals who were only seemingly yesterday enjoying the spoils of corrupt practices under the PPP and PNC. 

You even more dumb than you loo in that avatar.

To get in power in Guyana means being even more corrupt than those at the top. Dem backdam PPP lackies only worry about what's to eat and drink at election rallies. Dem know is the only time dem gonna get the PPP to do anything else for dem.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Or the AFC and the PNC could use their majority to actually mobilize the people into forcing changes, apart from only making demands at press conferences for an end to corruption, injustice and unfairness.


But then again the PPP can be very vindictive.

The guys in the AFC complaining about the "pro-PPP compliant APNU/PNC".  Clearly the PNC seems to be crafting a different relationship with the PPP than the AFC seems interested.  The PNC is definitely more mature and understand the complexities of governing.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Or the AFC and the PNC could use their majority to actually mobilize the people into forcing changes, apart from only making demands at press conferences for an end to corruption, injustice and unfairness.


But then again the PPP can be very vindictive.

The guys in the AFC complaining about the "pro-PPP compliant APNU/PNC".  Clearly the PNC seems to be crafting a different relationship with the PPP than the AFC seems interested.  The PNC is definitely more mature and understand the complexities of governing.

That because they are different faces on the same side of the coin. As the article says: The nation has been waiting patiently for President Ramotar to act; it is now clear he is not going to do so. 

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Or the AFC and the PNC could use their majority to actually mobilize the people into forcing changes, apart from only making demands at press conferences for an end to corruption, injustice and unfairness.


But then again the PPP can be very vindictive.

The guys in the AFC complaining about the "pro-PPP compliant APNU/PNC".  Clearly the PNC seems to be crafting a different relationship with the PPP than the AFC seems interested.  The PNC is definitely more mature and understand the complexities of governing.

That because they are different faces on the same side of the coin. As the article says: The nation has been waiting patiently for President Ramotar to act; it is now clear he is not going to do so. 

When everyone seem to be wrong, just maybe you are wrong.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Or the AFC and the PNC could use their majority to actually mobilize the people into forcing changes, apart from only making demands at press conferences for an end to corruption, injustice and unfairness.


But then again the PPP can be very vindictive.

The guys in the AFC complaining about the "pro-PPP compliant APNU/PNC".  Clearly the PNC seems to be crafting a different relationship with the PPP than the AFC seems interested.  The PNC is definitely more mature and understand the complexities of governing.

That because they are different faces on the same side of the coin. As the article says: The nation has been waiting patiently for President Ramotar to act; it is now clear he is not going to do so. 

When everyone seem to be wrong, just maybe you are wrong.

Let's hope so.


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