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Is Elisabeth Harper, the stupidest person in the world?

April 11, 2015 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists,

Elisabeth Harper told the press there are attempts to blackmail her over the alleged $700 million that her son is being sued for and which, according to reports, she legally guaranteed the repayment. The evidence she supplied are e-mails which threatened to expose her. The plot is hatched by APNU-AFC which is offering $1.1 billion to a person to undo Mrs. Harper. That Mrs. Harper could receive a nonsensical email that most of us in public life get every day and show it to the Guyanese people indicate what a stupid person she is. Or she is so in love with herself that she actually believes that the opposition will pay the billion dollars to scandalize her because she is the most prized possession in Guyana. Maybe one of us needs to show Mrs. Harper the types of email we get every day. If we were narcissistic like Harper we would fill up the newspapers with the threats we get all the time. Stupid people sit on their computers and make mischief. If you are moronic you will become a fool like them if you believe what is sent to you. I will give Harper just one example. During the Crum-Ewing vigil, I received an email that informed me that I am next and it will happen one week after the vigil. I could accuse Mrs. Harper’s party of sending that correspondence. I could now call on her to denounce her party for trying to intimidate me. In fact, I know that 98 percent of the hate messages I get on the internet are from the people that are supportive of Elisabeth Harper’s party. Mrs. Harper has destroyed her credibility and has now become the laughing stock of the nation because of that fictional blackmail threat she said she received and which is purported to come from APNU-AFC. Which sane Guyanese would believe that someone sent Mrs. Harper a blackmail note and openly told her that they would be paid US$5 million by APNU-AFC to scandalize her if she doesn’t cooperate? Mrs. Harper doesn’t realize the extent to which she has reduced Guyana in the eyes of the world with her nonsensical cry of extortion. The talk of Guyana is this US$5 million. People are laughing at it. I went to two opposition public meetings on Thursday night and it created a huge roar of laughter when speaker after speaker made mention of it. Let us look at another dimension of Harper’s comedy show. If for just one project – to besmirch Harper – the opposition is spending $1.1 billion, then, surely, one can safely conclude that dozens of billions will be used by APNU-AFC for this campaign, making it the most expensive election battle in the history of the Caribbean. If $1.1 billion is for a dirty work on Harper, then how much is the opposition spending to tarnish Ramotar? Let’s put that at $4 billion. Then to get Jagdeo, that would probably be $10 billon. So between Harper, Ramotar and Jagdeo the opposition will spend $15 billion. The more you think about Harper’s nonsense the more it becomes clear that this woman is unfit to be the Prime Minister of Guyana. Any politician from the PPP’s side who believes that APNU-AFC will pay US$5 million to vilify them is an extremely imbecilic person who does not deserve to be involved in public life, period. This US$5 million story reveals the bankruptcy of the PPP. Surely, Mrs. Harper would have gone to her party’s leadership and asked for advice as to what public relations angle she should take. What is the advice she got? Accuse the opposition of inventing the plot. Well nothing wrong with that. The UK is in the throes of an election campaign and some invented plots are making the rounds one of which is that the First Minister of Scotland told a French diplomat that she prefers a Conservative victory over the Labour Party. The woman said she never uttered such words. If the PPP and Elisabeth Harper are going to invent a plot to hurt APNU-AFC, surely it cannot be that comical as the one we are seeing – APNU-AFC paying someone US$5 million to dirty Mrs. Harper over her son’s court case where he is being sued for failing to repay $700 million. By the way, did Harper’s son actually take the money? That’s a big sum.

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Quote "Mrs. Harper has destroyed her credibility and has now become the laughing stock of the nation because of that fictional blackmail threat she said she received and which is purported to come from APNU-AFC."unquote


What collateral does she have?


Was it a political collateral, her access to govt officials that sealed the deal?


If so, she is the newest addition to the PPP Crime Family.


But she is a good, Christian woman, she would not do such things; she is clean.


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