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The PPP has to take some responsibility for the state of the police and prison system.

July 12, 2017 Source

Dear Editor,

The June 9 Camp Street prison conflagration that pretty much destroyed this complex continues to spawn myriad news angles to help readers capture the whole emerging picture of what happened, why it happened and what jittery citizens can expect in the form of public safety going forward. This is more especially so since the May 2016 recommendations of the $13 million Commission of Inquiry, headed by former Justice James Patterson, following the unrest at the Camp Street prison which resulted in the deaths of 17 inmates.

But the one news story that caught my interest and spurred my decision to write was the Stabroek News article, ‘Jagdeo slams government for prison unrest,’ (July 11), in which he described the tragedy as an outrageous spectacle of a “bumbling, inept and incompetent” government.

I have previously characterized the coalition regime in similar terms in different matters, but this tragedy cannot be solely linked to the coalition regime. Following the Mash Day 2002 jailbreak, which spawned Guyana’s biggest crime spree and claimed a large number of lives over a four-year period, the Bharrat Jagdeo administration appeared at its wits end to find a solution to a badly compromised police force.

So, it turned to the British in 2006 for help to reform the police, and the British responded with a $6B security sector grant with one stipulation: British police officers must be allowed to work alongside local police officers during the reformation process.

The Jagdeo administration balked at the stipulation and, according to former HPS, Dr Roger Luncheon, the rejection of the offer was an unwillingness to compromise Guyana’s sovereignty by allowing the British to conduct live firing exercises in Guyana’s hinterland. The British Embassy clarified that assertion via a press release that the exercise did take place without live firing.

Editor, while Guyanese long suspected the rejection had to do with the Jagdeo administration not wanting the British police discovering the extent of politics and criminality in Guyana, what Guyanese may never know was the extent to which the British security sector reform could have positively impacted not only the Guyana Police Force, but the Guyana Prison Service. After all, the prison system is an integral part of any public safety/security sector.

After that rejection, Guyana saw a series of piecemeal efforts at security sector reform, including the proposal to hire former New York Police and Corrections Commissioner, Bernard Kerik, for US$200,000 and another US-based private security firm for about US$400,000. But it was the local private sector, which seemed to understand one of the root causes for the dysfunctional security sector when it expressed “deep satisfaction” with a security plan unveiled by then Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee in 2013 and warned that for the measures to be successful pay levels for all personnel in the police, prison and fire services had to be raised. (‘Private sector welcomes security reforms but says pay must be boosted,’ SN, January 4, 2013).

Whether there was a link between low pay among police, prison and fire service personnel and the propensity for corruption in the disciplined services remains to be officially authenticated, but as recently as 2016, the USAID put out a report  that suggested “a significant need to reform the Guyana Police Force (GPF) and strengthen its investigations and prosecutions”. And citing information from the Government of Guyana Justice System Strategy, 2006-2010, the report further stated that an estimated 90 per cent of prosecutions are unsuccessful making the GPF “the least-trusted institution in the country’. (‘There is significant need to reform the Guyana Police Force -USAID Report,’ KN, Aug 23, 2016).

Then there was a KN report on Sep 3, 2016, which stated, “A US$946,000 (G$190M) grant from the United States is expected to go a long way in removing the ‘corrupt and inefficient’ elements of Guyana’s criminal justice system while instilling in it, mechanisms that are guaranteed to strengthen it.”

Add to the foregoing reports the other troubling reports of prison warders being in collusion with prisoners in what can best be described as a vibrant organized contraband business behind prison walls, and we can get a picture of what is wrong with Guyana’s broken security sector and efforts needed to fix it. Even the judiciary is caught in the sticky web as we see rulings or decisions that appear to make no sense given that persons were being remanded or sentenced for non-violent and petty crimes to a burgeoning, over-populated prison system.

Did it have to take this prison tragedy for the authorities to activate the early release of persons charged with or convicted of non-violent or petty crimes? And when will a law be passed to stop jailing persons caught with ganja utensils or minuscule amounts of weed?

Anyway, make no mistake about it: the coalition may be inept or incompetent because it lacks the right people or it is incapable of expeditiously undoing over two decades of institutionalized corruption, but Jagdeo and the PPP have to take some responsibility for the current state of affairs affecting the police and the prison system, rather than use the tragedy to score cheap political points. They missed a huge golden opportunity when they rejected that British offer.

Yours faithfully,

Emile Mervin

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skeldon_man posted:

If the PPP took some, would the PNC take the rest? Or does it depend on what percentage you want to give the PPP?

Its the PPP which never wants to take responsibility.  Those who supported the Coalition are quite willing to accuse them of being ineffective.

The notion that Jagdeo is screaming about this is quite hilarious as it was under his watch that the most heinous criminal activity occurred, including the murder of a PPP minister, and yet he didn't do anything.  Terrified that the UK cops would catch the drug runnings of his cronies he declined help.

Last edited by Former Member

Let us be real here. The PNC owns this. They demoralized the prison administration into cowering before the prisoners hence emboldening the bandit’s to commit this arson and escape. During ppp time prison officer were given authority to manhandle the prisoners. When jackass Granger took power he tied their hands and prisoners became out of control.



The PPP has to take some responsibility for the state of the police and prison system.

July 12, 2017 Source


While Emile Mervin's views has salient information, his statement about the PPP are irrelevant.

The composition of the police force has its historical background of its ranks primarily being of Afro-Guyanese since 1839.

The current issues of the prison relate to the approach and focus of the administration to supervise the prisoners.

While it is noted that the prison is overcrowded, the effectiveness of the individuals to supervise the prisoners is the foremost issue.

Drugb posted:

Let us be real here. The PNC owns this. They demoralized the prison administration into cowering before the prisoners hence emboldening the bandit’s to commit this arson and escape. During ppp time prison officer were given authority to manhandle the prisoners. When jackass Granger took power he tied their hands and prisoners became out of control.

There is more to be added,someone should have picked up on the plan to escape.

here is an article.

Eight escapees still on the run

Two days later …

-masterminds seized revolver from warder


The number of Camp Street Prison inmates unaccounted for after Sunday’s breakout stands at eight, according to Director of Prisons Gladwyn Samuels, who also said yesterday that the four masterminds took a service revolver from a warder.

In wake of the destruction of the prison, officials had initially said that five inmates were missing.

Samuels told Stabroek News that up to early Monday morning, the number of inmates who were unaccounted for stood at nine but one of them, murder accused Shamudeen Mohamed, was recaptured late Monday night at Tuschen, East Bank Essequibo. There was no word from the authorities yesterday on the manhunt for the escapees – particularly the masterminds.

So far, four of the missing prisoners have been named as Bartica massacre convict Mark Royden Williams and murder accused Stafrei Alexander and Uree Varswyk, and accused Trinidadian drug trafficker Cornelius Thomas. The other missing prisoners have not been identified.

Williams was in February of this year sentenced to death after being convicted on seven of the twelve counts of murder in the February 17, 2008 Bartica massacre. Alexander was charged for multiple murders, including that of Linden businesswoman Shevon Gordon, while Varswyk, a former Tactical Services Unit trainer, was last year committed to stand trial for the murder of Sterling Products Ltd. security guard Wilfred Stewart, who was shot multiple times during a foiled robbery of the East Bank Demerara establishment.

Samuels identified the three men as the main orchestrators of the breakout and he said he believes that the fires that were set at the facility were used as a smokescreen for their escape.

Fires had been set last year as well when inmates were protesting against conditions under which they were incarcerated and the lengthy pre-trial delays. On March 3, 2016, 17 inmates, who were trapped, perished in a fire and many others were injured.

Samuels said that the roughly 1,000 prisoners that had to be relocated to Lusignan made it difficult to do a roll call but that wardens “who knew their faces” accounted for those present.

This newspaper contacted Samuels yesterday when he was examining the rubble on site and as a result he did not have the requisite records with him on who the escapees were but promised to answer all questions “after 5pm.”

When he was called, he was rushing to a joint services meeting and up to press time calls to him were not returned.

Meanwhile, the government’s Department of Public Information (DPI) yesterday noted that on Sunday, there were 1,018 prisoners registered at the Georgetown Prison, but only 980 inmates were at the prison at the time of the fire/breakout. The other 38 inmates were out of the prison on labour duties. They were returned to the location on Sunday evening and are all accounted for.

Although one prisoner escaped while the transfers were being done from Georgetown to Lusignan, he was recaptured the same night. As a result, it said a total of 1,010 prisoners from the Georgetown Prison are accounted for. “Of the 1,010 inmates some were moved to Mazaruni while the majority remain at Lusignan at this time,” it said, while adding that an official announcement by the police force was expected last evening on the missing prisoners.


Four escapees were recorded by CCTV cameras surrounding the prison. Their feeds are not relayed to the prison’s surveillance room, which only received feeds from cameras located at various points in the prison and on its fence.

A prison warden, who was on-duty at the time the unrest started, said that it seems that the masterminds planned their escape for Sunday because of the reduced traffic around the prison and by extension the capital.

The warden, who spoke on condition of anonymity, related that while none of the wardens located at the main gate knew exactly when the first set of prisoners broke out of their cells, it was “a few minutes to four [4pm]” when they heard what sounded like “things crashing.” Shortly after, the alarm went off.

“We can’t say exactly [when] but like it was in the condemned section. From at the front you can’t really hear exactly what is going on at the back but now it seems that they like they used the improvised weapons they had and hit out the boards and break out. We didn’t even know they had all that going on. Then them … in the strong cell [which holds on remand capital offences prisoners] come out to into the yard and it must be was hard to control them. We see smoke. Same time we see prisoners running ‘Wild West’ towards we and I just drop everything and run,” the warden said.

“Looking back on everything, I believe that it was well orchestrated by those in the condemned section, mostly Williams. You have to see that boy operate. You would swear he doesn’t do some of the cruel things the other prisoners says he do until you in an area and you hear him talk with your own ears. He is very quiet and sly and would watch at you from underneath and smile but don’t let that smile fool you. Every one of us knows the influence he has on the other inmates… if he say is so, it is so and that is it,” the warden added.


The warden told of Varswyk often boasting that he was a trainer of police officers and that he knew the logistics of the country well. He said that many times persons believed that he was embellishing his knowledge because “life was not easy for any old police in the jail. So he had to make up to get that image.”

This newspaper had arrived shortly after 4pm on Sunday and several armed prison wardens were seen outside of the jail. One with blood on his clothes told Stabroek News that there had been an altercation between the wardens and some of the prisoners and one of the officers was relieved of his gun and held hostage.

A gunfight subsequently ensued and one of the prison wardens was shot, another one chopped and four of the prisoners escaped.

According to two kitchen staffers, it was during the scheduled dinner feeding that the prisoners launched their attack. They recounted that the attack began around 3 pm.

“It was feeding time and they were all coming out and it was a vulnerable time when they catch we. The cells were open. They staged it,” one of the women said.

“I woulda be a dead woman. One had a long juka (a sharp pointed object) to my face but is good thing I don’t deal badly with jail man,” another of the women added.

Recounting their experiences, the women said they had to climb walls and the fence to get out and a few prisoners assisted them to escape.

The woman said as the attack ensued, a prisoner ran into the office of a prison warden, who they identified as Hubert Trim and started chopping him. “He was off guard and they go ’til to his office. I don’t know is wha Trim do them I don’t know,” she said sympathetically.

Trim, who was the Officer-in-Charge on Sunday, remains in the Intensive Care Unit at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). Four others who were injured, Jason Maltay, Peter Gonsalves, Earl Barthness and Simeon Sandy, were all discharged from hospital yesterday. The injured were either shot or chopped or both.

One prison warden, Odinga Wickham, was shot multiple times to the body and he died while receiving treatment at the GPHC.

A warden yesterday pointed out that Trim was stern and would not be compromised and that was why “most of the hardened criminals hated him.” He said that when on duty, Trim ensured that the prisoners followed directions and would often order “shake downs,” which led to the discovery of contraband.

Wickham, who worked in the Information Technology section, was not a duty officer. On Sunday, he was preparing computers for a programme to teach inmates. His colleagues believe that was trying to escape, since he was in an office on the top flat of the administrative building at the time the riot started.

This newspaper understands that the wooden sections were still being used to house inmates at the prison because a 200-cell concrete building to the northern side was still under construction.

Samuels said that construction workers are working around the clock trying to complete the concrete prison.

When an official was asked why condemned prisoners are not sent to the Mazaruni Prison and are instead housed at in the wooden structure created for them since 1884, he informed that Mazaruni does not have the capacity.

“Unlike what many people think, Mazaruni is not as safe as Camp Street. They don’t have the capacity in many ways to hold, who we would call very dangerous prisoners. They would not be able to handle the bad eggs who would want to start up riots and things like that… well, you might say neither did we but I am telling you that there is different and you have to go to see. The prisoners there are easier to control and they do not give the type of stress these in capital and condemnees (sic) give,” the official said, while informing that there were 25 inmates on death row up to Sunday.

“The wood was always a problem and every day you came to work you just had to say your prayers and pray that they don’t hold one head one day and decide to rip this place apart with their hands. I mean come on, old wood with 1,000 prisoners whose adrenaline running and are desperate to see the other side of the fence…what else do you expect?” the warden added.


Pnc need to grow some balls and put the trouble makers of the lot in solitary or good old reliable ball and chains. Isolate the bad eggs and 80% of the problem solved. But I suspect there was collusion between the guards and prisoners 


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