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Is Germany poised to break free from US?

US President Barack Obama [L) speaks at a press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. (file photo)

 US President Barack Obama (L) speaks at a press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. (file photo)
Tue Oct 29, 2013 12:6PM
By Rodney Shakespeare
Is Germany about to break free from Europe, from the USA, and, in particular, from Zionist Israel?

Since the end of the Second World War Germany has essentially been in a posture of polite deference. This is because it has been blamed for causing the war. The West, however, has been careful not to blame Germany in quite the blatant way that it did after the First World War.

After all, the failings of Western finance capitalism, as manifested in the 1930s Great Depression, were a major part of the causes of the War and the UK, for example, was long willing to let Hitler get away with aggression because it wanted a strong Germany as a bulwark against Soviet communism.

Nevertheless, the Zionists, ignoring other genocides (e.g., of the Rohingya in Myanmar or Tutsis in Rwanda) and, in particular, denying their own creeping genocide of Palestinians, have played upon feelings of guilt to ensure that Germany is thoroughly blamed for the War and so is amenable to aiding, in practice, the expansion of Israel into the lands of others. This has been done through subtle browbeating and much propaganda in films and television (which industries are largely controlled by Zionist interests).

One result of the browbeating has been that the mighty industry of Germany has supplied Israel with Dolphin submarines which now contain nuclear missiles targeted on Berlin, London, Paris and Rome as well as Washington DC and New York.

Yes, the Israelis have targeted their so-called allies because they are implementing the Samson Option in which if Israel falls in any way it will take down everybody else, including its allies.

In the Biblical story Samson destroyed himself but also destroyed his enemies at the same time. Israel’s hundreds of nuclear bombs and missiles ensure that the Option can likely only be defeated if the USA has the technical capability, and the political will, to identify the position of all of the Israeli Dolphin submarines and then destroy them all - at the same time.

An international boycott of Israel could also be effective (as it was with South Africa) but it should never be forgotten that the Zionists are paranoid, spitefully vicious and predisposed to destruction.

Yet Germany is now aware that it has been conned into letting Israel expand on its way to a Greater Israel extending from the eastern shores of the Mediterranean across to the river Euphrates in Iraq; and from Syria down to the river Nile. For sure, the people of Germany will not be tolerating this for much longer.
Moreover, increasingly, Germans have become aware that their country, as part of the P5 + 1, has been conned into putting sanctions on Iran. Germans won’t put up with that for much longer, either.

Germany is also looking for a chance to re-set its relations with both Europe and the USA. In Europe, Germany is bank-rolling an increasingly disastrous European economy. It will not continue to do so for ever and, at some point, together with a group of northern European nations, may decide break free leaving a southern Europe very much behind.

As regards the USA, dear-oh-dear! When apparent friends are suddenly revealed as betrayers, something has to happen, doesn’t it?

Firstly, Germany discovered that its gold, allegedly safely guarded in Fort Knox in America the USA, no longer exists. The key evidence is that in February 2013 the USA Federal Reserve refused to submit to an audit of its gold holdings. Only crooks (or the USA Federal Reserve) do that sort of thing.

Whereupon Germany, very sensibly, demanded that its gold be repatriated immediately. The USA then responded by proposing that Germany’s gold be sent back over seven years. Yet if somebody owes you money but proposes to pay you back over seven years, the writing is on the wall, isn’t it?

The gold situation has been succinctly described by Susan Lindauer who said, “The USA has been storing Germany’s gold and is no longer capable of returning it.” By which is meant that the USA no longer has the gold. She added, “America is decline and as we fall we are behaving more aggressively towards traditional allies.”

Yes, exactly, and Germany is on the receiving end. Life under the East German communist stasi (secret police) was grim not least the betrayals by friends who had been coerced or blackmailed to betray. The present German Chancellor Angela Merkel experienced the ghastly behaviour of the stasi but now what does she find? Why, not only that the German population in general is being spied on but that, she, the German Chancellor for heaven’s sake, has been spied on for over ten years!

To make it all worse (if that is possible) US President Obama thinks he is being clever by giving misleading answers about this matter. Yet there are at least another thirty five world leaders who have been spied on as well so if Obama thinks he can mislead another thirty five times he is mistaken.

Germany, among others, is waking up to the fact that the USA has become an arrogant spying monster (although those Iranian students in 1979 were the first to recognize the truth when they took over the American Embassy calling it “The Conquest of the Spy Den”!)

All in all, Germany is waking up to European weakness, to the betrayals of the USA and to the evils of Zionism particularly in its control of the USA. Soon, Germany could be breaking free of Europe, of Zionism and of the USA (and not before time….)

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Germany seeking ways to distance itself from US: Analyst


US President Barack Obama [L) and German Chancellor Angela Merkel


A prominent analyst says Germany is distancing itself from the United States following revelations on Washington’s espionage activities on German citizens.

“Germany, among others, is waking up to the fact that the USA has become an arrogant spying monster,” Rodney Shakespeare wrote in a column for Press TV on Tuesday.

The German weekly Der Spiegel said in a report published on Saturday that the magazine had seen secret documents from the US National Security Agency which show that German Chancellor Angela Merkel's mobile phone had been listed by the agency’s Special Collection Service (SCS) since 2002.

The report adds that the German chancellor’s mobile number was still on a surveillance list in June 2013.

“All in all, Germany is waking up to European weakness, to the betrayals of the USA and to the evils of Zionism particularly in its control of the USA. Soon, Germany could be breaking free of Europe, of Zionism and of the USA,” wrote Shakespeare.
He noted that Germany is looking for a chance to “re-set its relations with both Europe and the USA.”

“In Europe, Germany is bank-rolling an increasingly disastrous European economy. It will not continue to do so for ever and, at some point, together with a group of northern European nations, may decide break free leaving a southern Europe very much behind,” Shakespeare wrote.

On Monday, Germany’s Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said his country’s confidence in the United States has been shaken by the spying revelations.

The NSA is reported to have monitored the telephone conversations of 35 world leaders.

“Yet Germany is now aware that it has been conned into letting Israel expand on its way to a Greater Israel extending from the eastern shores of the Mediterranean across to the river Euphrates in Iraq; and from Syria down to the river Nile. For sure, the people of Germany will not be tolerating this for much longer,” Shakespeare wrote.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:

President of Germany has a PhD in physics. That means he rules over Obama's Harvard law any day. 

Brilliant indeed. You are one of a kind. A sample indeed.

I will soon be BSC (Econ.), ACCA. Can you ever? 


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