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Former Member

Is Goolsarran a forensic auditor?

Dear Editor,
The NICIL preliminary audit report is now available on the web.  I see Mr Brassington took the 85 page report and responded with 211 pages. He responded to every paragraph. At the end of the report, Mr Brassington shows all of the questionnaires produced by Mr Goolsarran and NICIL’s answers.
It is clear to me that Mr Goolsarran is biased.  I would even say that this is not a forensic audit; this is a witch-hunt.  And this was the same man that audited NICIL before. And why did he go back all the way to 2002, two years after he finished his audit?
Here are a couple of reasons why Goolsarran is not professional.  Brassington should write the accounting body and the ACCA because this type of report attacking people is nasty. He attack Luncheon, Ashni Singh, and Brassington plus the whole Cabinet.
First the report is not written as an audit report. I am a layperson. So I wanted to see where Mr Goolsarran got his information. So he had some questionnaires and lots of answers from Brassington. But what did he do with it? I don’t see this covered in his report. Paragraph by paragraph, Goolsarran makes statements but I keep wondering, where is this information coming from?  In a few cases, he refers to the minutes of the Board but I don’t see him referring to the answers from Brassington. The report is just a long narrative.
Second, I wanted to see if Mr Goolsarran had any evidence of anything illegal. I know Goolsarran is not a lawyer. I see a few references but I can’t find any legal references for Goolsarran to show that the law is broken. It looks like all opinion. Some weeks ago, Mr Brassington issued a press release. I read the release and realise that nothing in Goolsarran report contradicts Brassington
Third, Brassington keep referring to the accounts already being audited and a clean audit opinion. So I was hoping to see that he interviewed the Auditor General Sharma. Also that he would show what was in the audited financials and how it was wrong. But again, nothing. So we have two auditors—one say the accounts are fine but Goolsarran fine-tooth comb everything, write a long report but has no proof.
Finally, I wanted to see if this was a fair report. After all, this is an auditor. But the thing read like a Kaieteur News article.  In fact, the report must be written from Kaieteur Newsroom.  Because he take all of the articles Kaieteur attacking Brassington on and write the report. Like the High Street property is scrapped—but where is the evidence? I see they had architects and structural engineers like Gaskin but Goolsarran ignore this. The secret bank account—I didn’t see any evidence. Where is the proof of things being illegal—you mean everybody who do business or buy a property from NICIL doing illegal business?  Everybody has lawyers. Are we to believe Goolsarran is right and everybody else is wrong?
I look at Brassington response and this man is professional. I hope someone investigates Goolsarran and how the audit report end up in Kaieteur News and Stabroek News. Can someone say which forensic report Goolsarran did before because this report definitely is not a forensic report.
And he got handpicked and paid $7 million so far. The Government should release his contract and his terms of reference.

Michael Fredrick

Replies sorted oldest to newest

asj posted:

I see a man lying with his mouth open, and bucket of soup (PNC/AFC soup) is being drained into his open mouth.

These scumbags in the AFC/PNC have destroyed our beautiful Guyana.

yuji22 posted:
asj posted:

I see a man lying with his mouth open, and bucket of soup (PNC/AFC soup) is being drained into his open mouth.

These scumbags in the AFC/PNC have destroyed our beautiful Guyana.

Where is the destruction?

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
asj posted:

I see a man lying with his mouth open, and bucket of soup (PNC/AFC soup) is being drained into his open mouth.

These scumbags in the AFC/PNC have destroyed our beautiful Guyana.

Where is the destruction?

You are blinded by your ignorance.

Cobra posted:

Goolsarran is a forensic witch hunter. He's taking incompetent Granger for a ride of his life. Time will prove that everything will fall back in their faces.

The new gov't is within it's right to carry out forensic audit,there was a lot of grey areas how the the previous manage the country.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
asj posted:

I see a man lying with his mouth open, and bucket of soup (PNC/AFC soup) is being drained into his open mouth.

These scumbags in the AFC/PNC have destroyed our beautiful Guyana.

Where is the destruction?

Django, the deterioration of Guyana starts with the failed economy that will eventually take a toll on the beauty of our country. So far they haven't done anything new, and all that the PPP built is at risk. People are seeing. People are talking. People are concern. PNC don't want to hear anything from anybody. They already get the power they need to frigg us over and over.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
asj posted:

I see a man lying with his mouth open, and bucket of soup (PNC/AFC soup) is being drained into his open mouth.

These scumbags in the AFC/PNC have destroyed our beautiful Guyana.

Where is the destruction?

You are blinded by yourignorance.

I am beyond that bhai,maybe you fit in that category.

Cobra posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
asj posted:

I see a man lying with his mouth open, and bucket of soup (PNC/AFC soup) is being drained into his open mouth.

These scumbags in the AFC/PNC have destroyed our beautiful Guyana.

Where is the destruction?

Django, the deterioration of Guyana starts with the failed economy that will eventually take a toll on the beauty of our country. So far they haven't done anything new, and all that the PPP built is at risk. People are seeing. People are talking. People are concern. PNC don't want to hear anything from anybody. They already get the power they need to frigg us over and over.

Too early to call,let us judge after their one year rule,that's my take.


With spending so many billions of dollars, the PNC/APNU is trying to that it is prudent to spend without getting any factual answers in this case, all can Goolsarran comes up with is all that he thinks (simply no facts)

quote "Are we to believe Goolsarran is right and everybody else is wrong?
I look at Brassington response and this man is professional. I hope someone investigates Goolsarran and how the audit report end up in Kaieteur News and Stabroek News. Can someone say which forensic report Goolsarran did before because this report definitely is not a forensic report.

As Guyanese would say, seems like the Government get lang lang kack right in their batty.

And the joke is they paid G$7 Million for same.



This clueless AFC/PNC government has just only just started their destruction of Guyana. More to come. 

Like PNC part one, Indos were their first target and then they emptied the treasury to fill the pockets of their friends like Chirs Ram, Goolsarran, Moses and Ramjattan.

These are the scums who are a complete disgrace to Indos.

asj posted:

With spending so many billions of dollars, the PNC/APNU is trying to that it is prudent to spend without getting any factual answers in this case, all can Goolsarran comes up with is all that he thinks (simply no facts)

quote "Are we to believe Goolsarran is right and everybody else is wrong?
I look at Brassington response and this man is professional. I hope someone investigates Goolsarran and how the audit report end up in Kaieteur News and Stabroek News. Can someone say which forensic report Goolsarran did before because this report definitely is not a forensic report.

As Guyanese would say, seems like the Government get lang lang kack right in their batty.

And the joke is they paid G$7 Million for same.

well, since there is no there there . . . why y'all stressing and raising yuh blood pressure so?


Last edited by Former Member

Goolsarran accused of ignoring NICIL’s opinion

Former Auditor General Anand Goolsarran

Former Auditor General Anand Goolsarran

NICIL/AHI Forensic Audit


– gives deceptive facts on LINMINE



By Edward Layne


Former Auditor General Anand Goolsarran has gained the spotlight once again for reportedly deliberately misrepresenting facts regarding the accounting by the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) during his forensic audit of the holding company.

NICIL, in a statement on Saturday, said that over the past two weeks, the final draft forensic audit report of NICIL and Atlantic Hotel Incorporated (AHI) has been serialised in the media, even before NICIL was given the opportunity to review and comment, despite being assured in writing by the “forensic auditor” Goolsarran, that the final draft would be available to the holding company.

The statement said that Goolsarran in his final report claimed that the audited accounts of NICIL for 2012 showed some $103.2 million as having been written off as loss on disposal and based on explanation, this was a consequence of the fire in Linden which destroyed buildings belonging to NICIL.

However, he is contending in the audit report that in accordance with Section 346 of the Companies Act, bad debts can only be written off with the approval of the Minister and there was no evidence to show this approval was granted.

But, NICIL disputed this claim and noted that the forensic auditor was misrepresenting the facts, pointing out that Section 346 of the Companies Act does not speak to the writing-off of bad debts.

Section 346 of the Companies Act states that “a Government company shall not later than six months after the end of each calendar year submit to the Minister a report containing an account of its transactions throughout the preceding calendar year in such detail as the Minister may direct; and a statement of the accounts of the company audited in accordance with Section 345.”

At no point did this Section refer to bad debts.

“The forensic auditor’s statement is inconsistent because it refers to loss of assets and bad debts as interchangeable terms which can be accounted for in a like manner. Since the assets were complacently destroyed and non-recoverable, management applied the accounting concept of prudency. IAS states: An asset should be removed from the statement of financial position on disposal or when it is withdrawn from use and no future economic benefits are expected from its disposal. The gain or loss on disposal is the difference between the proceeds and the carrying amount and should be recognised in profit and loss,” NICIL stated.

Goolsarran also claimed that in 2003, LINMINE was recorded in the books of NICIL as a subsidiary with a value of $3.483 billion; however, in 2004, the value was reduced to zero, and up to the time of reporting LINMINE remained a subsidiary of NICIL.

He said that in 2002 and 2003, the Auditor General disclaimed his opinion of LINMINE’s financial statements because of uncertainties of a fundamental nature mainly relating to fixed assets, inventories, accumulated losses and lack of evidence that the entity had the ability, for the foreseeable future, to survive as a going concern.

NICIL, in its defence, said that on December 8, 2004, LINMINE was privatised to OBMI, a joint venture company with the Government of Guyana and the remaining assets that did not form part of the privatisation were transferred to NICIL, pursuant to Cabinet’s Decision and Vesting Order# 36 of 2004.

“It was prudent to write down the value of the investment to zero, since the company ceased operations of its core business and all of its remaining assets were transferred to NICIL,” it stated

According to NICIL, every question asked by the forensic auditor was answered prior to submission of his report, adding that there was no evidence of Goolsarran seeking to clarify any of these matters.

“The audit fails to show what information was sought, what NICIL provided, and how the conclusions were arrived at. All vouchers of expenditure were made available for inspection from 2002 to 2014. All of the funds of NICIL that reflect average annual expenditure of G$150 million are gross expenditure figures before netting off revenue; the associated revenue reduced the net expenditure… More importantly, these funds are properly accounted for and audited by the Auditor General in each year’s audit report, all of which received clean audit opinion, NICIL stated.

Meanwhile, NICIL had contested most of Goolsarran’s report into the Marriott on the basis that he did not request the source documents on many occasions, but formed ill-informed opinions.


More importantly, these funds are properly accounted for and audited by the Auditor General in each year’s audit report, all of which received clean audit opinion, NICIL stated.

Meanwhile, NICIL had contested most of Goolsarran’s report into the Marriott on the basis that he did not request the source documents on many occasions, but formed ill-informed opinions


Dem boys seh…Brassington singing ‘What a friend we have in Jordan’

December 21, 2015 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

If a man go to de gate and he see a sign ‘Beware of de dog. It bites’; de man gun stand up at de gate and call or he gun pick up a stick to protect himself. Uncle Sam tell Soulja Bai people that Brassington going away fuh good, that he done buy de plane ticket.
Dem boys feel that Soulja Bai people would do like de man who read de dog sign and protect himself. De least dem coulda do was keep de man in de country till dem done investigate him. De people lef him to run way. And to mek matters worse, Uncle Sam tell Soulja Bai people that Brassington not coming back.
It could only mean that somebody protecting Brassington and dem boys got a suspicion. Some of dem even believe that de man tek nuff money. Soulja Bai meeting wid dem Tuesday and somebody should explain to him why dem behaving so.
All over de place people talking how dem waiting fuh see who gun get put before de court because that was de election promise and de people read but all de corruption.
Basil de Willie is a lawyer; Rum Jattan is a lawyer; Moses is a lawyer. Dem know crime when dem see it and dem know that people got to get prosecute.
But all of dem ain’t saying nutten. Li’l Joe believe that some of he mates collect money from some of dem who get investigate. That is why people seh that dem vote fuh a change and dem getting an exchange.
It can’t be that some of dem stupid. De auditors ask Brassington fuh information pun de Marriott, he give dem de records fuh Sun and Sand. When dem ask him fuh information pun NICIL he give dem information pun de Berbice Bridge.
De auditor get vex and dem tell he that he mekking dem a skull cap. Then he tell dem that dem must give him four more days.
Dem boys seh that de auditors know he stalling. But as dem seh, de devil got a friend. That is why Brassington singing ‘What a friend I have in Jordan.’
Talk half and don’t hold you breath fuh dem charges.


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