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Here is the deal.  The Chinese win lucrative, most likely no bid contracts which they finance.  They then refuse to hire Guyanese.  The projects have most likely not undergone proper feasibility studies, but are the same White Elephant monuments that Chinese have long offered similarly primitive countries in Africa, in exchange for raping these countries' resources and refusing to hire locals.


Guyanese, who experience great difficulty in obtaining decent employment from the Chinese, will be obligated to repay debt that will be in the billions. This while there is no assurance that these projects will generate the revenues to service debt.


I can see the headlines after 28 years of PPP rule when they are tossed out, having driven the nation into a ditch.


Here is the catch though.  Unlike the post 1992 periodm we will be less able to write off this debt, so will be crippled like Jamaica which has had a stagnant economy for 20-30 years.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Here is the deal.  The Chinese win lucrative, most likely no bid contracts which they finance.  They then refuse to hire Guyanese.  The projects have most likely not undergone proper feasibility studies, but are the same White Elephant monuments that Chinese have long offered similarly primitive countries in Africa, in exchange for raping these countries' resources and refusing to hire locals.


Guyanese, who experience great difficulty in obtaining decent employment from the Chinese, will be obligated to repay debt that will be in the billions. This while there is no assurance that these projects will generate the revenues to service debt.


I can see the headlines after 28 years of PPP rule when they are tossed out, having driven the nation into a ditch.


Here is the catch though.  Unlike the post 1992 periodm we will be less able to write off this debt, so will be crippled like Jamaica which has had a stagnant economy for 20-30 years.

Keep on dreaming, that is ALL you are capable of.

Originally Posted by Mahen:

China want TV licence, the got it.  When Linden asked they were told - join the queue.


Is this fair?


The people in Linden are parasites---gimme, gimme, gimme!


The producers in Guyana---the DOERS---they are the ones who must be rewarded.


The Chinese are making a significant contribution to the growth and development of Guyana---and the PPP has chosen to reward them.




After the construction is completed Guyanese will get jobs---in the meantime---let the Chinese do the building.




What makes this whole Marriott saga stink even more is this: the hotel is supposed to be a private enterprise. But so far both the Guyanese and Chinese government have gotten involved. So where is the private enterprise angle in all of this?


Next stop the Armillia falls project. Since we don't have the skills that means that the project will be competed by the Chinese. How Guyana is going to pay it back is a big mystery. If people don't have  a job they won't have any money to spend, and the government won't be collecting taxes to put towards clearing the debt.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Rev does it not bother you that many who voted PPP, because they expected economic opportunities, are now being told by the PPP that they are too lazy to deserve employment so workers from China are being imported to do what many Guyanese can do?

The construction jobs building the Marriott---those are temporary---there is no problem with the Chinese having those---the jobs after the project is completed---those will be the permanent jobs---and those are the jobs Guyanese will get.






The Spaniards and Portuguese came to West Africa bearing gifts, then slavery after that.


The Spaniards came to the New World bearing gifts, then took the native lands.


The East India Company came to India and they took over the whole sub-continent.


The Chinese wrecked the American economy.


And in Africa the cycles starts all over again. The Chinese are there bribing the African Chiefs of today.


And in the Caribbean they are at it bribing the new natives with lots of money and teking over vast tracks of land.


Something blinds the world to this.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Rev does it not bother you that many who voted PPP, because they expected economic opportunities, are now being told by the PPP that they are too lazy to deserve employment so workers from China are being imported to do what many Guyanese can do?

I thought it was important for all governments to instill a sense of pride of its citizens. Guyana is not a wealthy country and the need to work and develop their skills to further build. 

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Rev does it not bother you that many who voted PPP, because they expected economic opportunities, are now being told by the PPP that they are too lazy to deserve employment so workers from China are being imported to do what many Guyanese can do?

I thought it was important for all governments to instill a sense of pride of its citizens. Guyana is not a wealthy country and the need to work and develop their skills to further build. 

Only rev al, baseman and nehru are happy that WORKING CLASS Guyanese are being deprived of jobs while wealthy PPP supporters have gotten the govt to guarantee that if the hotel fails they will be reimbursed their investment.


Rev in any country construction jobs are considered lucrative.  Other hotel jobs are usually low wage, like cleaners, kitchen staff (the chefs will be foreign), desk staff, etc.  The Management will be foreign a sthey can LEGITIMATELY say that Guyanese lack the skills....not true for construction,


So are we to be happy with only the worst paying jobs?  This reminds of the old Bookers days when foreigners got the best jobs and left Guyanese toi cut cane and clean trenches.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

The trade with the Chinese has to be 50/50. Guyana should not earn most of its foreign currency from trade with Canada then turn around and give that foreign currency to China.  I say 50/50 trade with the Chinese or no trade at all 

 Sir, that is not how the Chinese work. If they give a loan for a project they not only implant themselves as the one managing the project developing the project but the monies goes to them to pay themselves. Additionally, the country seeking these projects are always money poor and resource rich. They are often in the hands of poor people. The Chinese have a habit of greasing the hands of the officials in charge to facilitate the deal in the first place. Then they ask for access to what ever resource in the nation they want. Meanwhile, their workers come in and with them an army of people to supply them their needs and they do so all on government subsidy to leech every business opportunity in the society. They are small business killers in the society the invade. Check Africa. Even the thousands of year craft of hand made kente cloth is gone because they dumped cheap machine made copies forcing the traditional weavers out of business. Ask the chinese for a straight up loan to design, manage and build a project using your own ingenuity and people as workers with no side deals and you will not get it.


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