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Former Member

collusion, coordinated ‘secret’ operations at CJIA as passengers whisked to city hideouts

Questions are being raised now, with troubling news that thousands of Haitians entered the country over the past few months with little evidence that they have left.

Haitian nationals at the CJIA yesterday.

This has triggered grave concerns as to why there has been no or little action by the authorities.
From accounts of various sources, the arrival of the Haitians started to escalate earlier this year.
According to figures acquired by Kaieteur News, in January, 952 passengers arrived from Haiti. From February to July, it was 673, 345, 1321, 2010, 1749 and 1552 respectively.
This is just over 8,600 Haitians who arrived in the last seven months. They all arrived on flights of the Panamanian-owned Copa Airlines.

The Charlotte Street building where another group was taken.

Haiti, a French-Creolese speaking country of 10 million, shares its land mass with the Dominican Republic. It has been ravaged with hurricanes and earthquakes, with CARICOM member states understandably softening their stance on the beleaguered citizens.
However, Guyana has not officially announced that it has taken a policy to grant citizenship to Haitians, similar to what is happening in Region One with Venezuelan migrants.
Yesterday at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, at Timehri, the Copa Airlines flight arrived shortly before 2pm. The passengers had travelled from Haiti, stopped over in Panama, before flying to Guyana.
Under arrangements, Guyana can grant them an automatic six-month stay.In front of Arrivals area, three uniformed police ranks were present. There were persons speaking Spanish and French-Creolese waiting with families.In total, over 40 Haitians arrived on that Copa flight.
Airport officials said that the Copa flights have been coming daily with over 50 Haitians on average arriving.
Copa conducts up to six flights to Guyana weekly.
Persons who spoke French-Creolese, and who appeared to be Haitians,

One of the minibuses filled with passengers leaving the Timehri airport, yesterday afternoon.

were approaching the passengers who came off the flights. They were armed with photos of the passengers in their phones. The passengers were then whisked away to minibuses in the parking area. There were children and women included.
At the airport, drivers and others were not too keen to talk about the situation. They did say that the “organisers” had connections, as they had contacts with the “people” inside the Arrivals area.

The ‘B’ Field, Sophia property where a group of Haitians were taken

They were unable to say where the Haitians were being taken.
The Haitians left the airport after 4pm, with a dark-coloured RZ minibus, BSS 2130.
The bus made several detours, as if to shake off anyone who may have been following.
The first stop was made at the Sunflower Hotel and Fast Food restaurant, at the corner of Cummings Street and South Road, where someone in the front left seat very briefly interacted with a man decked in all-white, standing at the side of the road.
The bus then sped off, turning north into Light Street, then onto Charlotte Street, where about 15 passengers hurriedly exited for a nearby building that housed a business called ‘Hair Obsession’ downstairs.
The bus then sped off. The vehicle circled the street a number of times.
After the bus circled the block, the driver parked it on Winter Place, between Brickdam and Croal Street. There, it stayed parked for much of the afternoon while the driver sat on the corner of Croal and Winter Place.
Another Pitbull bus, BTT7252, headed to ‘B’ Field Sophia where it dropped off a number of Haitians at a private property.
In recent days, photos surfaced of Haitians arriving by the busloads at a South Road hotel.
Authorities had denied anything of that nature and deemed it fake news.
The Opposition had questioned the Coalition Government via the Parliamentary committee stage about the presence of foreign CARICOM nationals.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

ksazma posted:
Dave posted:

This is how them gon get register in the H2H registration. 

I believe GECOM is also in Haiti doing H2H. Then those registered are then showing up at CJIA. 😀

Don’t laugh.  This could happen.  At this point I don’t rule out anything.

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:

Human trafficking, authorities need to investigate.

Is this the increase in visitors they boast about? Give them citizenship papers and let them register in the H2H PNC rigging campaign. I don't think this is human trafficking. The immigration officers at CJI turn their backs on wrongdoings. They must have been instructed by Granger and Harmon to let them pass. Dem ah wan ah abie.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Human trafficking, authorities need to investigate.

I don't think this is human trafficking.

The immigration officers at CJI turn their backs on wrongdoings.They must have been instructed by Granger and Harmon to let them pass. Dem ah wan ah abie.

Haiti is part of CARICOM, no orders have to be given.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Human trafficking, authorities need to investigate.

I don't think this is human trafficking.

The immigration officers at CJI turn their backs on wrongdoings.They must have been instructed by Granger and Harmon to let them pass. Dem ah wan ah abie.

Haiti is part of CARICOM, no orders have to be given.

So dem ah wan ah Guyanese abie?

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Human trafficking, authorities need to investigate.

I don't think this is human trafficking.

The immigration officers at CJI turn their backs on wrongdoings.They must have been instructed by Granger and Harmon to let them pass. Dem ah wan ah abie.

Haiti is part of CARICOM, no orders have to be given.

So dem ah wan ah Guyanese abie?

Just like how Guyanese goes to other CARICOM countries, don't hear any complaints except for some in Barbados.

Dondadda posted:

Winston Felix ordered hundreds of thousands of Birth Certificates just after he became Minister of Citizenship. Why do you think this is? 

The numbers game have changed, Indo-Guyanese are no longer in the 50 % of the population, since then all sort of theories come from Freedom House.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Human trafficking, authorities need to investigate.

I don't think this is human trafficking.

The immigration officers at CJI turn their backs on wrongdoings.They must have been instructed by Granger and Harmon to let them pass. Dem ah wan ah abie.

Haiti is part of CARICOM, no orders have to be given.

So dem ah wan ah Guyanese abie?

Just like how Guyanese goes to other CARICOM countries, don't hear any complaints except for some in Barbados.

But why do the Haitians run and hide in black populated crime-ridden areas like Plaisance?


I don’t take instructions from FH. Get that straight. What I am saying is factual. They made early preparations after they got elected to rig the next elections. Now is the time to use them to do the rigging. They want 2/3 majority to change the Constitution.

Django posted:
Dondadda posted:

Winston Felix ordered hundreds of thousands of Birth Certificates just after he became Minister of Citizenship. Why do you think this is? 

The numbers game have changed, Indo-Guyanese are no longer in the 50 % of the population, since then all sort of theories come from Freedom House.

Not when you fetch Haitians to offset the Indians. Dem ah fetch trouble from bush and bring am home.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Dondadda posted:

Winston Felix ordered hundreds of thousands of Birth Certificates just after he became Minister of Citizenship. Why do you think this is? 

The numbers game have changed, Indo-Guyanese are no longer in the 50 % of the population, since then all sort of theories come from Freedom House.

Not when you fetch Haitians to offset the Indians. Dem ah fetch trouble from bush and bring am home.

They are passing through Guyana, heading to other countries.

Same was happening with Chinese and Indians (India) on the latter Gail.T. inform the US Embassy on Minister giving out passports.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Dondadda posted:

Winston Felix ordered hundreds of thousands of Birth Certificates just after he became Minister of Citizenship. Why do you think this is? 

The numbers game have changed, Indo-Guyanese are no longer in the 50 % of the population, since then all sort of theories come from Freedom House.

Not when you fetch Haitians to offset the Indians. Dem ah fetch trouble from bush and bring am home.

They are passing through Guyana, heading to other countries.

Same was happening with Chinese and Indians (India) on the latter Gail.T. inform the US Embassy on Minister giving out passports.

Maybe with the help of the PNC. That is after they vote in Guyana's election. Make sense?

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Dondadda posted:

Winston Felix ordered hundreds of thousands of Birth Certificates just after he became Minister of Citizenship. Why do you think this is? 

The numbers game have changed, Indo-Guyanese are no longer in the 50 % of the population, since then all sort of theories come from Freedom House.

Not when you fetch Haitians to offset the Indians. Dem ah fetch trouble from bush and bring am home.

They are passing through Guyana, heading to other countries.

Same was happening with Chinese and Indians (India) on the latter Gail.T. inform the US Embassy on Minister giving out passports.

Incorrect.  Most still live in Guyana.  They are working primarily in the construction industry.  There is a hotel on Charlotte Street that is currently housing over 50 of them.  There are similar hotels across the country.  The question is who is financing them.  Who is paying for their transportation to their new found homes?  Justice Singh is going to have her hands full with this mess.

Bibi Haniffa
Dondadda posted:

Winston Felix ordered hundreds of thousands of Birth Certificates just after he became Minister of Citizenship. Why do you think this is? 

Felixx is the second hardest core PNC of the list.  H Greene is the hardest. There can be no compromise with people who are so deeply hardcore. So don't be a fool like C. Jargon and try.

Last edited by Prashad
Django posted:

Human trafficking, authorities need to investigate.

Haitians used to fly Insel, a Curacao based airline to Suriname, via Curacao.  That airline collapsed, so Haitians began to fly to Guyana via Panama, and then cross over to Suriname.  Some move on to French Guiana to live.  Others live on the Suriname border, but cross over to FG every day to work.

Euros are much better for a Haitian than GYD.

skeldon_man posted:


But why do the Haitians run and hide in black populated crime-ridden areas like Plaisance?

So why doesnt Jagdeo go to Plaisance and go find all 20,000 Haitians hiding there.

Tell you what.  Guyanese speak with a heavy "R" sound.  Haitians have an inability to pronounce "R".  So even assuming that these Haitians know English tell me how they can hide from Jagdeo who is busy hunting them down as greedily as a slave master hunts down escaped slaves.

Given that Guyanese like to run their mouths can you describe how 20,000 Haitians are hiding?  How are they earning a living?  When do they shop and where?   Let me help you.  All of this is in Cayenne French Guiana.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:


But why do the Haitians run and hide in black populated crime-ridden areas like Plaisance?

So why doesnt Jagdeo go to Plaisance and go find all 20,000 Haitians hiding there.

Tell you what.  Guyanese speak with a heavy "R" sound.  Haitians have an inability to pronounce "R".  So even assuming that these Haitians know English tell me how they can hide from Jagdeo who is busy hunting them down as greedily as a slave master hunts down escaped slaves.

Given that Guyanese like to run their mouths can you describe how 20,000 Haitians are hiding?  How are they earning a living?  When do they shop and where?   Let me help you.  All of this is in Cayenne French Guiana.

They are not in Plaisance alone. They are dispersed across the country. Many are living in hotels.  And they work mostly in the construction industry.  Several local employers including Roshan Khan have been approached to employ them.  Haiti is dumping them in Guyana.  No one is screening for criminal background, infectious disease, etc.  it’s a free for all.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Several local employers including Roshan Khan have been approached to employ them. 

"approached" by . . .?

which "construction [or other] industry" in Guyana employing more Haitians than ALL workers laid off from the closed sugar estates?

madness meet grinning crocodile meet malice meet ignorance


Last edited by Former Member

The slopster and his bass lilmohan up to wickedness to register dem hatians fuh pnc win elections. The jackass peddling pnc propaganda daily and now meking all type of excuse fuh dem arrival. Meanwhile everybady quiet quiet about H to H and why pnc so hard up fuh get it done. Wickedness and skullduggery asunder by the slop can crew. 

Drugb posted:

Wickedness and skullduggery asunder by the slop can crew. 

Merriam-Webster: Definition of "asunder


1into partstorn asunder


illiteracy is a very baaaad thing . . . especially when you are invincibly unaware


ronan posted:
Drugb posted:

Wickedness and skullduggery asunder by the slop can crew. 

Merriam-Webster: Definition of "asunder


1into partstorn asunder


illiteracy is a very baaaad thing . . . especially when you are invincibly unaware


Yes mister hinglish teacha. Now tell us why there is no link between importation of hatians starting just after the NC vote and calls for H to H by pnc/afc crooks. 

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
ronan posted:
Drugb posted:

Wickedness and skullduggery asunder by the slop can crew. 

Merriam-Webster: Definition of "asunder


1into partstorn asunder


illiteracy is a very baaaad thing . . . especially when you are invincibly unaware


Yes mister hinglish teacha.

now go hide from shame awhile in the DUNCE corner and come back refreshed


ksazma posted:

So now we cool with people using Guyana as an illegal pathway to enter other countries illegally?

ahmmm, that's actually the "blacks are the scourge of the world" bacoos chatting in your head . . . munching on the meager pickings you have left for brains

nothing more

separately, skeldon_man helping any with prep for the hood n sheet interview bai?

he was rejected on grounds of too much blackness, but you have better chemicals and time to bleach . . .

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

So now we cool with people using Guyana as an illegal pathway to enter other countries illegally? Or is this pathway explanation just another straw clutching endeavor?

I am astounded as how casually the administration are with the inability to keep up with people coming in. These are the same fools that send Guyanese to jail, seize their money and fine them huge sums for not properly entering or disembarking at an official a port of entry. I wonder where those 16 or so  Bengalis ( I think)who they had in jail for extended period because they could not raise money to cover their deportation. The inconsistencies of Guyanese administrations are something to behold

Last edited by Former Member

Guyana is on the precipice of a crisis never seen before in its history. The very existence of the state will be at risk.  Vultures are circling. Anyone who thinks this is a local crisis, are mistaken!

I predict bloodshed and foreign intervention if it get to much out of hand!

Stormborn posted:
ksazma posted:

So now we cool with people using Guyana as an illegal pathway to enter other countries illegally? Or is this pathway explanation just another straw clutching endeavor?

I am astounded as how casually the administration are with the inability to keep up with people coming in. These are the same fools that send Guyanese to jail, seize their money and fine them huge sums for not properly entering or disembarking at an official a port of entry. I wonder where those 16 or so  Bengalis ( I think)who they had in jail for extended period because they could not raise money to cover their deportation. The inconsistencies of Guyanese administrations are something to behold

And it is the same nonsense regardless of who is governing Guyana. The health of any society depends on how willing its people are to obey its laws. Guyanese in general has not really been a society willing to obey laws hence the phrase 'stricter the government, wiser the population'. There are people in America who has never even gotten a speeding ticket. Some Americans are so trained regarding honesty or law whereas so many Guyanese act differently when people are watching or not watching. This for the most part has left us with very poor civic representation since independence. Jagdeo is a relatively young person when compared to the many old dogs of every party and yet he learned very quickly how to be crooked. This perversion is so solidified that there is not much confidence that anyone would be revolutionary enough to reverse all the wickedness of Guyana's governments since independence. That said, The wicked PNC is the only party who seem to have a problem returning the keys when their time is up.


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