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Fiscal consolidation has to happen in Guyana and the best way for that to happen is to spend the people's money more efficiently - more competition in the procurement system.


This will contribute to the acceleration in growth over the next several years.


But if this happen, Irfaat the ALI BABA of the PPP will not be able to tief the next billion.


In the PPP it is friends and family OVER the people.


For a country the size of Guyana with a population of less than a million people things like the rate of production and all sorts of isms and western bright lights/pop culture does not really matter.  The state can provide its people with a simple but good quality life.


Full employment


Free Education


Free Healthcare


Free housing


Free land for growing food


Last edited by Former Member

Fighting corruption has been on the agenda of the Ramotar administration. Many contractors are worried that they sub-standard work they did on roads will result on them not getting any more work from the gov't. Many of them now who are out in the cold are now running behind the AFC and PNC with the hopes of getting back in the loop if the PPP should lose power. An opportunistic opposition that allows it doors wide open for anyone to enter won't do this nation any good. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Fighting corruption has been on the agenda of the Ramotar administration. Many contractors are worried that they sub-standard work they did on roads will result on them not getting any more work from the gov't. Many of them now who are out in the cold are now running behind the AFC and PNC with the hopes of getting back in the loop if the PPP should lose power. An opportunistic opposition that allows it doors wide open for anyone to enter won't do this nation any good. 

To expose your lies, name me one contractor who has run to the opposition crying?  THIS IS  a blatant PPP LIE!


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