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Mitwah posted:

Why is it that so many parties  contesting the election?

It seems that not one party will come out with a significant lead. Can the PPP or the Coalition lead with 10 seats or more ?  Perhaps Guyana needs to move back to the constituency system.

Racial and political dicrimination are rampant. This makes it easy for vultures from other countries to step in and exploit.


At the end of the day, Guyana will for quite a while longer be about the PPP and PNC. There is no Coalition in existence as the AFC has morphed into the PNC like all the other parties that part of the APNU. Since the death of Burnham, Guyana has had countless parties contest the elections but when the duct settled, only the PPP and the PNC mattered. Except for a while when some PPP and PNC members got together and formed the AFC but that success was short lived as the AFC fell prey to the PNC. Incidentally your racial and political discrimination may find solitude in a government where there are no predominant party pressure so I am not sure why you sound so concerned by such an eventuality. When any nation is in such disarray it is only a matter of time before other countries to step in and exploit. While the door has always been open for other countries to do so, perhaps none were interested as prior to now, Guyana had nothing worth enough to other countries. But it is not only other countries who are vultures, even Guyanese who live in other countries become vultures in that manner. 


It was people like Mitwah who helped to put the PNC in office and instead of confronting traitors like Moses and Ramjattan, he wants what amounts to constitutional change of which Granger raped democracy and the constitution while Moses and Ramjattan endorsed all of Granger’s dirty habits. 

Change will come when people like Mitwah confront monsters like Moses and Ramjattan and admit they committed a grave mistake by supporting them.

The PPP had to go all the way to CCJ to get justice for Guyanese while Moses and Ramjattan stood firmly within the belly of the PNC.

Totaram posted:

How are Moses and Ramjattan traitors? They are patriots who acted to save Guyana from an out of control Jagdeo led PPP, a party that has strayed far from its roots.  

Looks like dis Totaram dude came here with hippo teeth for a newbie. Another old recycled poster reinventing himself. Abie guh ketch you, nah worry. Look like you related to Zara.

Last edited by Former Member

The Party's working class roots is what made it attractive to people of all walks of life .  Jagdeo and his acolytes have turned Jagan's party into a crony capitalist outfit serving the interests of "oligarchs".  That approach is not attractive to a large percentage of the electorate.  The result is the crass racism exhibited by PPP leaders that is in full view at election time.  It is for this reason that the coalition is likely to win on March 2.  Ideologically the coalition is closer to Jagan than the PPP.  

Totaram posted:

The Party's working class roots is what made it attractive to people of all walks of life .  Jagdeo and his acolytes have turned Jagan's party into a crony capitalist outfit serving the interests of "oligarchs".  That approach is not attractive to a large percentage of the electorate.  The result is the crass racism exhibited by PPP leaders that is in full view at election time.  It is for this reason that the coalition is likely to win on March 2.  Ideologically the coalition is closer to Jagan than the PPP.  

Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey prablem is chuch goin Granger do de same ting. Dem one love marginalise bais who was getting nuff patronage from Jagdoe now get more from Granger. Dem wuk right in he office and nuff a dem is dem ole male black army bais. Hey hey a dem marginalise bais was only movin in BMW and Benz from contracts fram abie fake BA/mastas Irfaan and fren help dactarate presi candidate Irfaan...hey hey hey. Now de man wukkin in Granger office. Hey hey dem one love bais like Ronan and CaribJ and Eric prappa marginalise...hey hey hey. 

Totaram posted:

Labba, all you hey, hey , hey ain't gonna change the fact that Jagdeo stole and sold the working class PPP.  And, I will take the church going Granger over Irfaan , the crook .  From Jagan to Irfaan:  how low can they go?  

Hey hey yuh fogget de Barge...ahem...ahem...ahem...Roberto Corbo? How bout de Dem Timbers and de one who requess US$ 100 grand back in Hoytie time. Hey hey hey. much dem bais get foh de Exxon contract? Hey hey hey...

Totaram posted:

The Party's working class roots is what made it attractive to people of all walks of life .  Jagdeo and his acolytes have turned Jagan's party into a crony capitalist outfit serving the interests of "oligarchs".  That approach is not attractive to a large percentage of the electorate.  The result is the crass racism exhibited by PPP leaders that is in full view at election time.  It is for this reason that the coalition is likely to win on March 2.  Ideologically the coalition is closer to Jagan than the PPP.  

Bullshit!! Talk is cheap!! Show one piece of evidence of your illiterate accusations!! You are no better than the Neemakaram Crabdaag, Gwan Suh Yuh Scamp!!

ksazma posted:
Totaram posted:
ksazma posted:
Totaram posted:

I don't think Ksazma knows the meaning of "defensive".  

I don't disagree. I am after-all a primary school dropout.

It shows!

See, now we pun de same page.

You Americans prey on the weak; countries that are divided like Guyana. “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.  

Will the PPP get more than 33 seats?

Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:
Totaram posted:
ksazma posted:
Totaram posted:

I don't think Ksazma knows the meaning of "defensive".  

I don't disagree. I am after-all a primary school dropout.

It shows!

See, now we pun de same page.

You Americans prey on the weak; countries that are divided like Guyana. “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.  

Will the PPP get more than 33 seats?

Bai, no one is a saint. That said, America is still the greatest benefactor of the rest of the world. People who chose to be divided amongst themselves should be blamed for the outcomes rather than outside influences. It is the behavior of all those despots in those undermined countries that are blameworthy.

I don't know how many seats the PPP will get. Heck, I don't even know if there will really be elections in Guyana on March 2, 2020. We will find out for sure in a month's time.

ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:
Totaram posted:
ksazma posted:
Totaram posted:

I don't think Ksazma knows the meaning of "defensive".  

I don't disagree. I am after-all a primary school dropout.

It shows!

See, now we pun de same page.

You Americans prey on the weak; countries that are divided like Guyana. “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.  

Will the PPP get more than 33 seats?

Bai, no one is a saint. That said, America is still the greatest benefactor of the rest of the world. People who chose to be divided amongst themselves should be blamed for the outcomes rather than outside influences. It is the behavior of all those despots in those undermined countries that are blameworthy.

I don't know how many seats the PPP will get. Heck, I don't even know if there will really be elections in Guyana on March 2, 2020. We will find out for sure in a month's time.

You are taught to believe that. The rest of the world doesn't think so. Your country is divided too. The Russians are capitalizing on that as your weakness. Take some time and find out how your Arab brothers think about your country. 

Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:
Totaram posted:
ksazma posted:
Totaram posted:

I don't think Ksazma knows the meaning of "defensive".  

I don't disagree. I am after-all a primary school dropout.

It shows!

See, now we pun de same page.

You Americans prey on the weak; countries that are divided like Guyana. “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.  

Will the PPP get more than 33 seats?

Bai, no one is a saint. That said, America is still the greatest benefactor of the rest of the world. People who chose to be divided amongst themselves should be blamed for the outcomes rather than outside influences. It is the behavior of all those despots in those undermined countries that are blameworthy.

I don't know how many seats the PPP will get. Heck, I don't even know if there will really be elections in Guyana on March 2, 2020. We will find out for sure in a month's time.

You are taught to believe that. The rest of the world doesn't think so. Your country is divided too. The Russians are capitalizing on that as your weakness. Take some time and find out how your Arab brothers think about your country. 

My Arab brothers are consistently foolish so their opinions don’t matter.


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