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Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Kari:


To address whether the AFC will survive or not, I present their performance in the last two elections.


2011     7 seats     35,333 =10.3% of votes cast


2006     6 seats     28,366 =8.1% of votes cast


* I added the percentages to kari's numbers above.


* Lemme repeat! 3rd parties have always tapped into the 10-12% of Guyanese voters who are anti PPP/PNC.


* The most votes percentage wise a 3rd party has ever received in a free and fair election in Guyana was 12.3% the UF got in 1964 ?




* Can the AFC match the UF's 12.3% in the next election or have they peaked at the 10.3% they got in 2011 ?


* I rather suspect the AFC has peaked---MOSES HAS BECOME STALE BREAD---it was his novelty in the AFC that motivated Berbicians to support the AFC in 2011----but it's now 2014 and Moses freshness in the AFC has become smelly, musty and stagnant.




Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Kari:


To address whether the AFC will survive or not, I present their performance in the last two elections.


2011     7 seats     35,333 =10.3% of votes cast


2006     6 seats     28,366 =8.1% of votes cast


* I added the percentages to kari's numbers above.


* Lemme repeat! 3rd parties have always tapped into the 10-12% of Guyanese voters who are anti PPP/PNC.


* The most votes percentage wise a 3rd party has ever received in a free and fair election in Guyana was 12.3% the UF got in 1964 ?




* Can the AFC match the UF's 12.3% in the next election or have they peaked at the 10.3% they got in 2011 ?


* I rather suspect the AFC has peaked---MOSES HAS BECOME STALE BREAD---it was his novelty in the AFC that motivated Berbicians to support the AFC in 2011----but it's now 2014 and Moses freshness in the AFC has become smelly, musty and stagnant.



Now we see some numbers....good. The numbers Rev added shows that the AFC INCREASED their percentage of votes from 2006 to 2011. But Ii said that before so Rev's revelation of support for the thesis that the AFC may break out of the 3rd party mold and become a 33% party is not really a revelation by him.


Rev failed to understand my polemic in the opening comments about the question of 3rd party or a 3-party mix. Then again English Comprehension (or numbers) are not his forte. His literacy continues to be questionable.


We can ignore his emotional content (that's all he writes - emotional, psychotic crap - look at his threads on Social) - such as Moses becoming Stale Bread and his freshness becoming smelly, musty, and stagnant. All emotional words with no basis in reason, figures or facts.



Contrary to the barking of its detractors, the AFC is growing from strength.

Thinking Guyanese understand that the AFC and APNU voted similarly in parliament on an issue-by-issue basis against the corrupt PPP.

As it did in 2006 and 2011, the AFC will contest coming elections solo.

And, as I pointed out three or four weeks ago, Moses Nagamootoo will be the AFC Presidential candidate and a prominent and lovely Afro-Guyanese woman will be the AFC Prime Ministerial candidate.

That combination will make Rohee's knees wobble.

Originally Posted by Kari:


Rev failed to understand my polemic in the opening comments about the question of 3rd party or a 3-party mix. Then again English Comprehension (or numbers) are not his forte. His literacy continues to be questionable.




* You are engaging in fantasy and wishful thinking when you posit that the AFC could one day have the same gravitas as the PPP and PNC in Guyana politics and match those 2 parties in terms of votes acquired in a general election.


* The fact is the AFC is destined to remain a 3rd party in Guyana's politics. And I have already pointed out that the best performance by a 3rd party in Guyana's election history was the 12.3% the UF achieved in 1964. The AFC will struggle mightily to match that 12.3%.


* In my estimation, the AFC peaked in 2011. The next AFC leader Moses Nagamootoo is stale bread in Guyana's politics. He lacks the freshness and vigor and originality to catalyze the AFC into a genuine, bonafide political party in Guyana, on the same level as the PPP and PNC.






Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Contrary to the barking of its detractors, the AFC is growing from strength.



* The AFC received 8.1% of the votes in 2006 and 10.3% of the votes in 2011. Now, if the AFC were to surpass the 12.3% of the votes the UF received in 1964, most by a 3rd party in Guyana's history, then I'd be convinced they are growing from strength to strength like you mentioned.


* But like I said, I rather suspect the AFC peaked at 10.3% in 2011. You and karimullah's hero Moses Nagamootoo has become stale bread in Guyana.


* But let's be patient. The elections will hopefully be held in a few months and we'll all see the real numbers. We'll find out if the AFC did, indeed, peak in 2011 at 10.3% or if they are like you said "growing from strength to strength."




Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Kishan...enough of pictures we have seen a thousand will just sink a discussion revealing the failings of some on GNI

Mr. Moderator:


* Thanks for deleting the pornographic photos kishan posted. Excellent job! Keep the threads clean.



LOL! Rev ass kissing.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Kishan...enough of pictures we have seen a thousand will just sink a discussion revealing the failings of some on GNI

The pictures are more effective than the jaco Waco narratives. Who is complaining? you missed the thread where I said repetitive pictures and posts will subject the the poster to a few days off...

It is stupid practice and very juvenile

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Kishan...enough of pictures we have seen a thousand will just sink a discussion revealing the failings of some on GNI

The pictures are more effective than the jaco Waco narratives. Who is complaining? you missed the thread where I said repetitive pictures and posts will subject the the poster to a few days off...

It is stupid practice and very juvenile

 China man says: Pitcha worth 1000 words!



* Looks like karimullah has run away from this thread. I see him starting multiple meaningless threads in Political taking cheap shots at his fellow posters.




* And the truth is the AFC is destined to remain a 3rd party in Guyana politics and will never have the same gravitas as the PPP and PNC.---the 10.3% the AFC received in 2011 will mark their peak.




Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Kishan...enough of pictures we have seen a thousand will just sink a discussion revealing the failings of some on GNI

The pictures are more effective than the jaco Waco narratives. Who is complaining? you missed the thread where I said repetitive pictures and posts will subject the the poster to a few days off...

It is stupid practice and very juvenile

90% of DG's posts advise other forum members to look for some proverbial man in the mirror. Will you give him time off for this or does he get a break for being old and demented?

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I will be very surprise if the KFC survives after the next Election.

Bhai Nehru,

They might will still be around. However, you might see them suffer the same fate as the UF...a slow death.

skeldon_guy, you'll have to detail reasons why current evidence shows that the AFC will suffer a slow death. Saying so alone will not make it so, or convince people who read your comment that it is deigned to be so.




Keep it real!

Historical trends..GAIL, GUMP, ROAR, UF,WPA etc.

Keep in mind also that the leaders are very ambitious individuals. At some point in time we will see a power struggle and an implosion. Guyanese kultcha!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Kishan...enough of pictures we have seen a thousand will just sink a discussion revealing the failings of some on GNI

The pictures are more effective than the jaco Waco narratives. Who is complaining? you missed the thread where I said repetitive pictures and posts will subject the the poster to a few days off...

It is stupid practice and very juvenile

90% of DG's posts advise other forum members to look for some proverbial man in the mirror. Will you give him time off for this or does he get a break for being old and demented?

Until someone find the man in the mirror, I see no problem

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I will be very surprise if the KFC survives after the next Election.

Nehru, use of KFC instead of AFC impresses no one and is a sign of sophomoric tomfoolery. So the choice is yours to continue to use it or be a grown up....your call.


To address whether the AFC will survive or not, I present their performance in the last two elections.


2011     7 seats     35,333


2006     6 seats     28,366


By contrast the PPP had this result


2011     32 seats     166,340


2006     36 seats     183,867


The PPP lost 4 seats and over 17,000 votes - and over 6,000 new voters VOTED.


The AFC GAINED 1 seat and just under 7,000 votes.


What does this evidence say abot the AFC's chances of surviving?


Be real now......and reason.....reason....reason


Actually this might reflect more dissatisfaction within the bases of the two major parties.  You will note that the PPP lost 4 seats but APNU gained 3 seats, so benefitted more from shifts than did the AFC.


APNU did a solid job in getting its mainly African and mixed voter base out, and it apparently benefitted from the shifting of much of G/towns population to the WBD, as its region 3 vote increased significantly.


The AFC benefitted from a loss of support in Regions 5 and 6 where Nagamootoo had support.  He wasn't able to use this to make inroads into Regions 2 and 3, where voter turn out declined.


So I am really not sure if the AFC has established a core base as the PPP and APNU definitely have, even if shrinking.


The problem that the AFC has is the perception that they cant win, and that they will have to rely on one of the major parties to have any impact.  Even you stated that its joint action with APNU which has led to some successes.


  APNU has a problem and that is the legacy of the "slo fiah mo fiah" era which cost them some of its middle class base, as the defection of people like Trotman and Hughes indicates.  So they will gladly "let" the AFC be the more aggressive parties. They also know that it is to their benefit if AFC activities pull Indian votes away from the PPP, or cause them to simplay not vote at all.


The AFC has emerged as an intermediary party which consists of the blacks who Indians can work with, and the Indians who black can work with.  I only wonder if the Guyanese electorate is sophisticated enough to understand the usefulness of this.


Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The People will be reminded:


* The people were reminded in 2011 and this was the result:






* THE AFC GOT 10.3% IN 2011, and that likely is their peak. It will be all downhill from there.


* Now in the last 3 years President Ramotar, who was a newbie in 2011, has won the trust and confidence of many more Guyanese.


* And in the meantime PPP HATER Moses Nagamootoo has become STALE, SMELLY, STINKY, SOUR bread.




Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The People will be reminded:


* The people were reminded in 2011 and this was the result:






* THE AFC GOT 10.3% IN 2011, and that likely is their peak. It will be all downhill from there.


* Now in the last 3 years President Ramotar, who was a newbie in 2011, has won the trust and confidence of many more Guyanese.


* And in the meantime PPP HATER Moses Nagamootoo has become STALE, SMELLY, STINKY, SOUR bread.




The moderator should ban you for changing my post.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Historical trends..GAIL, GUMP, ROAR, UF,WPA etc.

Keep in mind also that the leaders are very ambitious individuals. At some point in time we will see a power struggle and an implosion. Guyanese kultcha!

Guyana today is not the country that it was even 20 years ago.  As the older folks die off and as a post independence generation dominates the legacy of the 60s wears off.  While I don't see the AFC ever winning an election, I do see a softening and shrinking of the support bases of the major parties giving them a place which the older parties lacked.


The UF failed because it was a party built for a group of people who subsequently left Guyana.  The Portuguese and mulatto middle class.  They succeeded in getting much of the Amerindian vote because of the influence of the Catholic church.


Well UF supporters mainly fled to Guyana, and the Catholic church is a shadow of itself.  The UF failed to transform itself to attract a new support base. 

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The People will be reminded:


* The people were reminded in 2011 and this was the result:






* THE AFC GOT 10.3% IN 2011, and that likely is their peak. It will be all downhill from there.


* Now in the last 3 years President Ramotar, who was a newbie in 2011, has won the trust and confidence of many more Guyanese.


* And in the meantime PPP HATER Moses Nagamootoo has become STALE, SMELLY, STINKY, SOUR bread.




Rev it is clear that all that motivates you is a blind hatred of blacks (we all remember your bigoted rants against Obama in 2012 and derogatory remarks against Guyanese blacks, and blacks in general) is all that motivates you.


Because ever single reasonable and open minded PPP supporters will recognize the following;


1. The PPP has failed to attract the African, and more interestingly, the mixed vote. The part of the electorate which is expanding fastest is the mixed vote, so this becomes part of a demographic time bomb against the PPP especially combined with.


2.  The Indian population is shrinking as many join their families overseas  and


3. Many Indians are tired of being used by the PPP and are looking for an alternative.  They are less motivated by fear of Afro Guyanese, and while they will not support the PNC, apology or not, they will not vote based simply on fear of them.


So an honest PPP supporter would instead by attempting to discuss what the PPP did wrong, how could it regain support within its base, and how it can make inroads into the African and the emerging mixed vote.


But you engage in vulgarity instead.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

, Moses Nagamootoo will be the AFC Presidential candidate and a prominent and lovely Afro-Guyanese woman will be the AFC Prime Ministerial candidate.

That combination will make Rohee's knees wobble.

I am hearing that the AFC is being seen by many blacks as an alternate Indian party.  The Indians who don't like the PPP gravitate to the AFC.


If you put a giant like Nagamootoo with a black woman who is merely symbolic, I expect this perception do deepen.  As you have seen Sam Hinds has been completely unable to make any break through for the PPP into the African/mixed vote.  That because people see him lacking in clout.


Not that they are opposed to this perception because they see it achieving the goal of splitting the Indian vote.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

Rev it is clear that all that motivates you is a blind hatred of blacks.



* I am a strong supporter of the PPP. I believe that the PPP is the party best equipped to lead Guyana to continued growth and development.


* What madness you are blabbering about hating blacks. It is clear you are who harbors tons of hate.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Rev it is clear that all that motivates you is a blind hatred of blacks.



* I am a strong supporter of the PPP. I believe that the PPP is the party best equipped to lead Guyana to continued growth and development.


* What madness you are blabbering about hating blacks. It is clear you are who harbors tons of hate.



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Rev it is clear that all that motivates you is a blind hatred of blacks.



* I am a strong supporter of the PPP. I believe that the PPP is the party best equipped to lead Guyana to continued growth and development.


* What madness you are blabbering about hating blacks. It is clear you are who harbors tons of hate.






Carib Is a blatant racist. He shows up here and attacks Indos and expect Indos to lie down and take it like the did during the Black dictatorship era of Hoyte and Burnham.


Carib is longing for the days when Blacks exploited, raped and killed Indos.


Thanks to Bharat and Uncle Gaj, we are now a proud people and will NEVER give up our country to Black dictators.


Granger rigged his own Leadership and Carib was elated and excited that another Black dictator is gunning for the Presidency to install his own brand of black dictatorship once again.


The shameless PNC and PNC lovers in the AFC will sell their female family members to the PNC.

Raymond, would you like me to respond in kind to the above?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Stale Bread Moses and Cockey Ramjattan will never be a part of any government in their lifetimes.


These traitors have sold out Indo Guyanese. They align themselves with PNC thugs in blocking economic development in an effort to destroy our beautiful motherland.


There meetings today are indication of the bleak future that waits these Indo Sellouts In the AFC.


These crabdawgs, Cockeye and Stale bread must be stopped. 

Raymond, would you like me to respond in kind to his statement re Moses & Prakash?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah, you shamelessly attack yuji on a daily basis and Ray shows a blind eye to your attacks.


I did not stoop to your levels and never will.


You belong to the gutter. You are an utter disgrace to Indos and Hindus.

Guys, cool it..let's stop the hatred and name calling.

This is why I don't want to respond in kind to his gutterish.. let's don't forget he drank a lot of trench water at #59.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Stale Bread Moses and Cockey Ramjattan will never be a part of any government in their lifetimes.


These traitors have sold out Indo Guyanese. They align themselves with PNC thugs in blocking economic development in an effort to destroy our beautiful motherland.


There meetings today are indication of the bleak future that waits these Indo Sellouts In the AFC.


These crabdawgs, Cockeye and Stale bread must be stopped. 

Raymond, would you like me to respond in kind to his statement re Moses & Prakash?

are you Moses or Ramjattan? Don't you attack the PPP folks? You tend to attack people personally and you still posting the same pics over and over again...

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Stale Bread Moses and Cockey Ramjattan will never be a part of any government in their lifetimes.


These traitors have sold out Indo Guyanese. They align themselves with PNC thugs in blocking economic development in an effort to destroy our beautiful motherland.


There meetings today are indication of the bleak future that waits these Indo Sellouts In the AFC.


These crabdawgs, Cockeye and Stale bread must be stopped. 

Raymond, would you like me to respond in kind to his statement re Moses & Prakash?

are you Moses or Ramjattan? Don't you attack the PPP folks? You tend to attack people personally and you still posting the same pics over and over again...

I am trying hard to comply with your request. So far, I have been refraining, from the personal attacks.  I will continue to post the pictures. It's my constitutional right. I will not subscribe to that kind of censoring.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Stale Bread Moses and Cockey Ramjattan will never be a part of any government in their lifetimes.



* Moses always dreamed of being a PPP presidential candidate, and of course, his bigger dream was to be President of Guyana.




* In the upcoming election, he will finally realize his dream. He gets to be the AFC's presidential candidate.


* Let's see if STALE BREAD Moses will top the 10.3% Rum Jhatt got in 2011.




Originally Posted by caribny:

Guyana today is not the country that it was even 20 years ago




* Guyana is surely not the country it was 20 years ago.


* 20 years ago Guyana was broke and bankrupt, thanks to your beloved PNC. But Today the PPP has Guyana pointed in the right direction.


* But Guyanese people need to be wary.




* That must never happen. The PPP must be given a majority in the next election.




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