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Image result for obama crying

Crocodile tears:

It seems like Friday may never reach for Americans to celebrate their renewed victory from a dead beat president who brought shame and disgrace to America. 

This man cried like a baby since he set foot in the white house. His crying blight the entire nation. Chief didn't offer his brother a tissue to wipe his tears. Is he going to cry again on Friday?

Image result for obama whining

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Prince posted:

Image result for obama crying

Crocodile tears:

It seems like Friday may never reach for Americans to celebrate their renewed victory from a dead beat president who brought shame and disgrace to America. 

This man cried like a baby since he set foot in the white house. His crying blight the entire nation. Chief didn't offer his brother a tissue to wipe his tears. Is he going to cry again on Friday?

Image result for obama whining

Whether you like him or not, he is a good and honest man.

ba$eman posted:

Many Black church goers are unhappy with Obama slanting America towards Sodom and Gomorrah.

Sodom and Gomorrah event was not an act of god as stated in the bible; it was a meteorite the grazed the French Alps and continued to it's destination. The biblical fanatics took it as a sign of god, the same way they claimed Moses parted the Red Sea.


Crying out of one eye or two is not selective crying, I have seen some cry without tears. As far as shitting if not in a toilet or latrine is infantile, when we barn we shit in pampers or diapers when we get old we shit in depends or shit anyway, some here are not that old where as they need depends, but yet they shit all the time by mouth and all over them self.     


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