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Dem boys seh…Nuff dutty story gun come out
December 21, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News

Bar Rat want tell de nation that de Waterfalls paper sell he and de Chronicle a printing press without tender.
Bar Rat was de man who buy de printing press from de Waterfalls paper fuh give de Chronicle. He pay next to nutten. Was a spare press.
De same time de Chronicle was struggling and dem didn’t got money fuh buy nutten. Dem boys know that nuff time de Waterfalls paper use to print fuh dem.
Dem hear when Bar Rat call de Waterfalls boss man and beg he. Things meet de stage wheh de Waterfalls boss man tell he that he prepare to give dem de press fuh free because Bar Rat start fuh grumble how Chronicle ain’t got money.
Out of shame, though, he end up paying next to nutten. Dem boys seh that de money which Bar Rat seh is tens of millions that he get de Chronicle fuh pay, can’t even install a newspaper printing press. Now people want fuh know if he tell de Chronicle one price and pay de Waterfalls paper one price. Dem boys got to check if de Chronicle still owe fuh de press.

As dem want talk bout printing press, de printing press at de Hard Times paper is another story but that is to come later. De Rat and Bobby should get jail and dem gun get jail. Dem use a fake invoice fuh evade tax. De Waterfalls boss man confront de Rat wid de fake invoice in he Bar Rat own office. All he coulda do was down he head.
De Hard Times paper claim one price but when dem boys check wid de company wha dem buy it from in India de price was something else. Anyhow, that story fuh later.

Something else. Gerry Gouveia bareface. He had de nerve to talk how protesters protest outside he place—Duke Lodge. That is not he place. Dem boys seh that de protesters own de place. De government spend $60 million according to Brazzy and then sell Gerry de place fuh $140 million.
Is de annex that he get fuh nutten. Tony Reid bid $70 million and run. One man bid $50 million but dem give Gerry who bid under $40 million. All dem dutty story gun come out.

Talk half.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Nuff:
De Rat and Bobby should get jail and dem gun get jail. Dem use a fake invoice fuh evade tax. De Waterfalls boss man confront de Rat wid de fake invoice in he Bar Rat own office. All he coulda do was down he head.

Those are fighting words my friend! Big Grin
Did Jagdeo pay taxes on the US$100,000 worth of goods Ed Ahmad shipped to Guyana to build his mansion at Pradoville 2?

Jagdeo is one of the cheapest people I have run across in a long time. The man also lacks a moral compass as can be witnessed by his cuss down style of politics.
BJ needs to now push the PPP for the social welfare outlets which I advised him and he will redeem himself. Afros will never fully like him as he dissed their freedom fighters, but he could work on giving Afros more. He must have seen, the Govt jobs just don't cut it. Many Afros youths are in the villages with nothing to do and their payments are not coming.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Is de annex that he get fuh nutten. Tony Reid bid $70 million and run. One man bid $50 million but dem give Gerry who bid under $40 million. All dem dutty story gun come out.[/b]
Talk half.

Is like dem BMW Pavi bought for next to nothing.
Sledgehammer is a PPP soupie who is trying to distort the facts. He is pretending not to know that the so called freedom fighters were PPP hitmen hired by the PPP drugbaron Roger Khan. One of their jobs was to assassinate Sawh. When some of them were caught, the PPP let them escape. When the whole gang was finally caught each one was executed on orders of the PPP so that they could not talk in court. And when they were buried is only their family and a few friends attended. The PNC knew they were PPP hitmen, so no black showing of mass hysteria and anger against the PPP were evident. Freedom fighters my foot.
Whose gossip column was this taken from?

Nuff (the racist) has so much envy and jealousy for Jagdeo he can't let go.

Jagdeo probably sitting back and enjoying life; relieved of his stress of running Guyana, while these fools continue to wreak havoc about him. Smile Stop living in the past!!
Gyal don't try that trick here. You think is all men are as dumb as the ones you hang out with? See how Jagdeo fool you? Now you believe he is a saint. Men will do or say just about anything in exchange for a chance to remove your underwear with trembling fingers. So don't get fooled by what Jagdeo tell you in private.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Gyal don't try that trick here. You think is all men are as dumb as the ones you hang out with? See how Jagdeo fool you? Now you believe he is a saint. Men will do or say just about anything in exchange for a chance to remove your underwear with trembling fingers. So don't get fooled by what Jagdeo tell you in private.

Hehe...where did u dream that. Donald is the new president let's focus on him. You old farts are too hung up on the past. Smile
Originally posted by alena:
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Gyal don't try that trick here. You think is all men are as dumb as the ones you hang out with? See how Jagdeo fool you? Now you believe he is a saint. Men will do or say just about anything in exchange for a chance to remove your underwear with trembling fingers. So don't get fooled by what Jagdeo tell you in private.

Hehe...where did u dream that. Donald is the new president let's focus on him. You old farts are too hung up on the past. Smile

you think Ramoutar was born recently? He is a big part of the past
Originally posted by alena:
Hehe...where did u dream that. Donald is the new president let's focus on him. You old farts are too hung up on the past. Smile

Old wood burns best and longest Wink. Ramotar only in the job for a few weeks. Thieves should be tracked down and dealt with, even if they were once president.
Originally posted by alena:
Whose gossip column was this taken from?

Nuff (the racist) has so much envy and jealousy for Jagdeo he can't let go.

Jagdeo probably sitting back and enjoying life; relieved of his stress of running Guyana, while these fools continue to wreak havoc about him. Smile Stop living in the past!!

Like you have a soft spot for Jaggy? Wink
Coolie man is like crab that is why they can't progress - alway trying to drag the each other down. Black man stands united no matter what.

Basdeo Panday who said he is done with politics now trying to run Bissessar out of her seat. He taking a page out of Guyana politics.
Originally posted by Jupiter:
This is a reply to "Sledgehammer".
Your comment should not have been printed. It reeks of racism.

Sir/Madam, why do you make such a statement without understanding my line of thinking. As I said, I am an Indian who thought Afros were unjust in their behaviour towards Indians. Now I have seen the light and finaly got my head around the historical injustice. First it was the Brits who exploited Afros, then came the PNC who were worse than the Brits, then came the PPP who turned out worse than the PNC.

It seems the Afros getting a bad deal all around. As a citizen of Guyana, I want to see this rectified thus my bold proposal. Why are the Afro youth so upset? We Indians need to ensure Afros get equal access to educaton, jobs and the economic pie. As Indians we, knowingly or unknowingly, seem to always grab a bigger share than they are entitled to, I say we take some of it and award back to Afros.

How to do it, that's always a challenge, so I propose social outlets until we could get the tax rules to rectify the imbalance. As I said in another post, special tax and VAT free status are in perfect order and impose additonal taxes on the Indians to fund it. Indians will complain, but will find a way to deal with it anyway, we always did. Just look how we trived under the PNC. PPP need not worry, the Indians will still vote PPP and maybe few Afros do and the PPP will by forever in power. It's a win-win model, don't you think?
Originally posted by JT:
Coolie man is like crab that is why they can't progress - alway trying to drag the each other down. Black man stands united no matter what.

Basdeo Panday who said he is done with politics now trying to run Bissessar out of her seat. He taking a page out of Guyana politics.

True, I tell many friends, Indians are the worse thing ever to have happened to Guyana. I support more mixed marriages as it will get rid or dilute that defective gene we Indians seem to possess. We denigrate other Indians but kiss-up and suck-up to Afros and Whites though they still turn around and kick us in the face.
ASjh STUPID yuh STUPID??? Since when an EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT is subject to Tax on building materials??? Gwan suh DUMMY!!!!
Originally posted by Nuff:
Did Jagdeo pay taxes on the US$100,000 worth of goods Ed Ahmad shipped to Guyana to build his mansion at Pradoville 2?

Jagdeo is one of the cheapest people I have run across in a long time. The man also lacks a moral compass as can be witnessed by his cuss down style of politics.
Originally posted by Nehru:
ASjh STUPID yuh STUPID??? Since when an EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT is subject to Tax on building materials??? Gwan suh DUMMY!!!!
Originally posted by Nuff:
Did Jagdeo pay taxes on the US$100,000 worth of goods Ed Ahmad shipped to Guyana to build his mansion at Pradoville 2?

Jagdeo is one of the cheapest people I have run across in a long time. The man also lacks a moral compass as can be witnessed by his cuss down style of politics.
This is for his private home ... what makes him exempt? Who died and made him king.

Are you saying that if a citizen wishes to build a house and import goods for the house from overseas he is subjected to tax but because Jagdeo is/was president he can import/export for free?

You need a stick lash with that kind of mentality. No wonder the country is so damn backwards. You think a US president can avoid taxes?
Originally posted by Nehru:
ASjh STUPID yuh STUPID??? Since when an EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT is subject to Tax on building materials??? Gwan suh DUMMY

The above is the most idiotic statement I have ever heard.

Imagine Ed Ahmad can send down goods to Jagdeo to build a US$Million mansion and the crook Jagdeo isn't supposed to pay taxes as per Nehru up above.

Talk about reason to storm the Bastille. These people need a good stick lash!
Originally posted by alena:
Jagdeo probably sitting back and enjoying life; !!

You are simple if you believe this. The man is sitting back, giving orders and laughing at how quickly they are being carried out even though he no longer has the title of president.

You will foind out at some point what his plans are, but I doubt a man who is under 50 will sit down and enjoy life...especially when he has dictatorial tendencies and a huge ego.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
True, I tell many friends, Indians are the worse thing ever to have happened to Guyana..

sledge what kind of mental problems do you have? I know this is a skit you are trying out for Ron Robinson.
quote"The APNU list of Parliamentarians raises eyebrows for the startling omissions and reinforces the call by OneVoice News for the abolition of the closed list system by all political parties in Guyana.

It is clear just by a cursory look at this list that several of those selected are mere political hacks and hangers-on with connections to the King Maker.. .unquote

quote...The recent exclusion of Mr. Aubrey Norton, Nicole Telford and others from the APNU list of representatives is a glaring example of all that is wrong with the system. It is a well known fact that Norton has not had a stellar relationship with PNC leadership and sources close to the selection process have told OVNN that it was this fact that resulted in his disrespectful and unceremonious omission from the list of representatives. Nicole Telford would have easily been a more effective pick to represent NFA than the ailing Keith Scott who is still recovering from a recent stroke. Mr. Scott is simply unable to perform at the very high level required of this parliament and the fact that he was chosen further reinforces that merit was not a major criteria in the male dominated, closed door, selection process.

It was also brought to our attention that one female candidate held a significant advantage because of her close relationship with a very influential party big-shot. If these allegations are true then what example does this set for Guyanese women, for our daughters? The APNU must take a long hard look in the mirror and cleanse itself from elements that bring such shame and dishonor to the partnership".unquote


Caribj....whats your thoughts on the issue?
Originally posted by albert:

Caribj....whats your thoughts on the issue?

That you ought to ask yourself what Jagdeo is up to and leave APNU to deal with their own issues.
The issues of A.P.N.U seems greater than what the Guyanese populace thought.....Congress Place seems to be a house divided among themselves...even before they enter into the National Assembly...would 1964 repeat itself?....only time will tell
Originally posted by albert:
The issues of A.P.N.U seems greater than what the Guyanese populace thought.....Congress Place seems to be a house divided among themselves...even before they enter into the National Assembly...would 1964 repeat itself?....only time will tell

So you have conceded that he is rogue and a crook.
Originally posted by albert:
The issues of A.P.N.U seems greater than what the Guyanese populace thought

If you think this rambling idiocy makes us not hear the screaming that is happening within Freedom House it isnt working. We hear all the screams about whose fault it is that the PPP is now the servant of APNU and the AFC and must do as they are told...that the black thugs didnt bring in any votes and that Indos "let us down". And that Amerindians are useless because they stayed home.
Does Jagdeo pick his friends at rum-shop meetings or someone out to shit on his parade everytime? He sure been making criminal choices.

Brazil governor who appeared at PPP/C rally ousted over 2010 campaign violation
By Stabroek editor.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011 Updated: 1:07 pm

An electoral court in Brazil has ordered the ouster of the Governor of the Brazilian state of Roraima for a 2010 offence, the same man who created a furore here by appearing on a PPP/C campaign platform in Lethem on November 6, 2011.

According to the Associated Press, an official for Roraima state’s electoral court said that Governor Jose de Anchieta Junior and Deputy Governor Chico Rodrigues illegally distributed T-shirts to voters during the October 31, 2010, election in Roraima and paid campaign staff with cash, which is forbidden by law.

The official declined to be identified because she was not authorized to speak to the press. She told AP that Anchieta Junior and Rodrigues will appeal the court’s 3-2 ruling.

According to reports in the Brazilian media, this is the second time in eleven months that the Regional Electoral Court of Roraima (RR-TRE) had stripped Anchieta Júnior of his office. In the decision, the election judges upheld by three votes to two a case filed by prosecutors and said that borrowing and spending during the campaign by the governor illegal. The Court also decided that the former governor Neudo Ribeiro Campos (PP) would return to office.

The Brazilian reports said that three charges were brought by prosecutors against the chief executive. The first related to the purchase of 45,000 yellow shirts – the colour of the PSDB (Anchieta Júnior‘s party) – and distributed as campaign gifts. The second charge referred to money spent on campaign staff. The problem, according to prosecutors, was that the payment was made in cash.

The third matter related to financial transactions, including money deposited in a private transport company.

The governor’s lawyers are confident of a successful appeal but the former governor Neudo Campos believes that the sacking de Anchieta will be confirmed.

In February this year, the TRE stripped Anchieta of office for the first time over the unauthorized use of Radio Roraima during the campaign. An injunction granted by the Minister of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) Versiani Arnold enabled the governor to remain in office until Nov. 29.


Following the furore over his presence at the PPP/C meeting in Lethem on November 6, Brazil issued a statement reiterating its position of non-intervention and neutrality as it related to then impending elections.

“The Embassy of Brazil wishes to clarify the circumstances of the visit of His Excellency the Governor of the State of Roraima, José de Anchieta Junior, to Lethem on Sunday, 6th November, 2011.

“When the Governor learned about President (Bharrat) Jagdeo’s visit to Lethem he took the opportunity to visit him in order to discuss subjects related to the border as well as the integration between Roraima and Guyana.

Roraima governor José de Anchieta Junior speaking at the meeting.
“Governor Anchieta also had the chance to meet Donald Ramotar at a courtesy meeting. The Governor took the initiative to salute the community attending the meeting, residents of both Lethem and Bonfim.

“The Embassy of Brazil also reiterates the well known and traditional position of the Brazilian Government in favour of the principles of non-intervention and self-determination. Therefore, the Brazilian Government understands that Guyana -as well as any country- is entitled to choose their representatives in an independent, free and transparent way. Following this principle, the presence of a Brazilian authority to salute the communities at the above-mentioned meeting should not be construed as a support for any of the political parties contesting the forthcoming elections.

“The Brazilian Government expresses, therefore, its total neutrality and impartiality in the development of the electoral process in Guyana and expresses its best wishes and confidence in a successful outcome, as by all expected.”

While the statement said that the governor was only saluting the communities he did go on to praise President Jagdeo and laud his achievements.

Both APNU and the AFC had condemned the presence of the governor at the meeting and the AFC staged a protest outside of the Brazilian embassy over it.

Diplomatic observers say both the government and the governor should have been acutely aware that it was improper for Anchieta Junior and his delegation to be present at a party meeting.

The Government Information Agency reporting on the meeting said “The event was graced by Governor of the State of Roraima, José de Anchieta Junior, with whom the President met to discuss several projects that will benefit the citizens of both Guyana and Brazil.

“The Governor lauded the leadership of President Jagdeo who will be demitting Office shortly, and said that Guyana has made tremendous progress in bettering the lives of its people. He also expressed the hope for the friendly relations between the two neighbouring countries would continue under the new administration.”
Jagdeo is forever drawing bad cards. The man picks the worse people to hang with.

Roger Khan, Ed Ahmad, and when he picked Kerik knowing the man was under investigation, that just proved what a kncklehead he is.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
BJ needs to now push the PPP for the social welfare outlets which I advised him and he will redeem himself. Afros will never fully like him as he dissed their freedom fighters, but he could work on giving Afros more. He must have seen, the Govt jobs just don't cut it. Many Afros youths are in the villages with nothing to do and their payments are not coming.

There are lots of vacancies in the canefields..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Jagdeo completed 5000 projects and created 50,000 jobs...
Really. In which industry did he create 50,000 jobs? I didn't know the gov't hired 50,000 employees.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Jagdeo is forever drawing bad cards. The man picks the worse people to hang with.

Roger Khan, Ed Ahmad, and when he picked Kerik knowing the man was under investigation, that just proved what a kncklehead he is.

The man is not my favorite and i'm glad he is off the scene. However, "bad card", man he threw the book of cards at those Buxton FF's. The only bad card is draw is taking too much away from poor Indians to govt afros via Govt jobs, roads and all he got was a vote for the APNU/PNC. He dissed the FF's, then he dissed the mostly Indian sugar workers so they dissed the PPP for the AFC. BJ should have made a contract with the Afros and let them know of the reparation payments he is making. No, instead he gave them and assumed they will keep track. The bloody APNU/PNC cannot even keep track of simple SOPs, could not keep track of KSI stocks, how you expect them to keep track of all the stuff he gave them. This is his "bad card".
Originally posted by Nuff:
Jagdeo is forever drawing bad cards. The man picks the worse people to hang with.

Roger Khan, Ed Ahmad, and when he picked Kerik knowing the man was under investigation, that just proved what a kncklehead he is.

Bai, is not hard card de man pulling

The PPP 'braintrust' DELIBERATELY went looking for a 'Bernie Kerik' . . . get my drift??
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Nehru:
ASjh STUPID yuh STUPID??? Since when an EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT is subject to Tax on building materials??? Gwan suh DUMMY!!!!
Originally posted by Nuff:
Did Jagdeo pay taxes on the US$100,000 worth of goods Ed Ahmad shipped to Guyana to build his mansion at Pradoville 2?

Jagdeo is one of the cheapest people I have run across in a long time. The man also lacks a moral compass as can be witnessed by his cuss down style of politics.
This is for his private home ... what makes him exempt? Who died and made him king.

Are you saying that if a citizen wishes to build a house and import goods for the house from overseas he is subjected to tax but because Jagdeo is/was president he can import/export for free?

You need a stick lash with that kind of mentality. No wonder the country is so damn backwards. You think a US president can avoid taxes?


You got nuff sense, Burnham died and made Bharrraaatt KING
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
True, I tell many friends, Indians are the worse thing ever to have happened to Guyana..

sledge what kind of mental problems do you have? I know this is a skit you are trying out for Ron Robinson.

Ah see CaribJ finally wizened up. Big Grin

Sledgyey uses American phrases like "got skin in the game"..."stacked the odds..."...."need to get their head around....this ....peave". I dig this guy with his "Georgetown, Guyana" location and his dougla gyurlfrien
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Jagdeo completed 5000 projects and created 50,000 jobs...
In which industry did he create 50,000 jobs? I didn't know the gov't hired 50,000 employees.

Its part of the 20,000 people who attended the Albion election meeting, in an area only able to hold a small portion of that.
BTW what happened to the votes of the thousands that were bussed, with chicken fried rice to PPP meetings....Dem PPP smartass neva learn.
Be patient with Rama, you have to catch him on he sober days.

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