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Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This is a political discussion forum and if you cannot stand the heat, stay away from the kitchen.


The challenge is accepted!

Now stop the anti man phrase and post lie a true serviceman.


Ow Gad, somebody tell dis impotent hindu what Joker meant by the above.


It means I'm gonna spend some good time to make you Joker's new bytch

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This is a political discussion forum and if you cannot stand the heat, stay away from the kitchen.


The challenge is accepted!

Now stop the anti man phrase and post lie a true serviceman.


Ow Gad, somebody tell dis impotent hindu what Joker meant by the above.


It means I'm gonna spend some good time to make you Joker's new bytch

get in line bro . . . my pimp hand is strong

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This is a political discussion forum and if you cannot stand the heat, stay away from the kitchen.


The challenge is accepted!

Now stop the anti man phrase and post lie a true serviceman.


Ow Gad, somebody tell dis impotent hindu what Joker meant by the above.


It means I'm gonna spend some good time to make you Joker's new bytch

get in line bro . . . my pimp hand is strong


You think this auntyman knows that he's pickin fights with the OLD SCHOOL GNIers?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

In the interest of the safety of members who have been threatened on this BB, should the US military be contacted ?

 Creep, go fu..k your self. I would bitch slap your pathetic ass for being an  annoyance and I have never was remotely near a combat zone. You are enough of a buzzing ghat to make one one want to step on your behind.


I never thought that people attack military service records. Of all the things to attack a person over, I wouldn't have guessed this. I know people whose lives were destroyed by PTSD and these pieces of cow shyte can make fun of them just for a cheap thrill.

To date, not a single person attacked your military record. You call posters antimen and threaten other people here. You attack hunduism the oldest religion in the world.


There is a vast difference in attacking your vile and indecent posts and someone attacking your military record. You are so messed up mentally that you cannot even make a sensible differentiation. Post any proof here of someone who attacked your record.


It seems that you have a very low self esteem since your are quick on your feet to attack and call other antimen and gay and using vile words to describe hindus.   You now try to could the facts by claiming that people are attacking your military record. Read my posts here.


Listen, the republican party kicked you to the curb and the judge threw the book at you but that is no excuse to come here and attack other people in the hope that you will get a thrill of it.


You have a lot of issues. You claim to be a muslim in an effort to stat a Hindus vs Muslim divide when in fact you are a confirmed catholic. There is nothing wrong with Islam, it is a religion of peace and you will gain tremendous strength if you so wish.


I am a hindu and find that your anti hindu posts fill of hate on this BB is totally unacceptable. Now let us get the facts straight. 

This is a political discussion forum and if you cannot stand the heat, stay away from the kitchen.

You are a shriveled brain racist who instead of seeking to carry on a dialog latches on to misunderstood concepts or reporting and ceaseless repeat them like an ADD nut.


I endured  a month of your piddling assumption that I was a thief because I said that I knew a fellow and called him friend , a councilman who was jailed for corruption.  Mind you, I knew the fellow when we were in our mid 20s and that was some 25 years ago. That is the kind of piddling shit head you are.


Farouk has one of the biggest ego ever. Is that not the reason he is annoying most of the time? And that he has low self esteem is only a concept one with truly low self concept  could envision for him. Farouk thinks himself divinely gifted, supremely intelligent and purposely planted here on earth as an upgrade program for  those lesser than he. And that happens to be everybody! I think you got the wrong person here again!


You are a political dunce to ceaselessly repost the court ruling on his case. What he did was routine. Further, he came out behind but he was right  to contest the Governors decision. Campaigns question everything in a process beginning with the way fors  are filled in to signatures to who collect the signatures..... any deviation from process because that is their job. They lose 90 percent of the time in court contests! So, what the hell is your point?


And who gives a damn if you find feel offended as a hindu? I for one thinks all religion are farcical and composed of highly organized structures based on absolute falsehoods beginning with the claim there is a god! Religion in short, to me at least, is the offense!  In any event,  Hindus should be offended that you represent yourself as a template for Hindu morality.


Do not speak of discussion unless you can discuss anything. I am waiting for that. To date all you do is rattle racist bilge, make stupid insinuation and pretend you are an upright Brahmin. I say you are a reeking, piddling trifling little scumbag

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This is a political discussion forum and if you cannot stand the heat, stay away from the kitchen.


The challenge is accepted!

Now stop the anti man phrase and post lie a true serviceman.


Ow Gad, somebody tell dis impotent hindu what Joker meant by the above.


It means I'm gonna spend some good time to make you Joker's new bytch

get in line bro . . . my pimp hand is strong


You think this auntyman knows that he's pickin fights with the OLD SCHOOL GNIers?

bai, yugeee cry and run away from this forum several times already . . . he is just a few menstrual cramps away from padding that record [no pun intended]

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This is a political discussion forum and if you cannot stand the heat, stay away from the kitchen.


The challenge is accepted!

Now stop the anti man phrase and post lie a true serviceman.


Ow Gad, somebody tell dis impotent hindu what Joker meant by the above.


It means I'm gonna spend some good time to make you Joker's new bytch

get in line bro . . . my pimp hand is strong


You think this auntyman knows that he's pickin fights with the OLD SCHOOL GNIers?

bai, yugeee cry and run away from this forum several times already . . . he is just a few menstrual cramps away from padding that record [no pun intended]


What's yuji22's old handle?

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This is a political discussion forum and if you cannot stand the heat, stay away from the kitchen.


The challenge is accepted!

Now stop the anti man phrase and post lie a true serviceman.


Ow Gad, somebody tell dis impotent hindu what Joker meant by the above.


It means I'm gonna spend some good time to make you Joker's new bytch

get in line bro . . . my pimp hand is strong


You think this auntyman knows that he's pickin fights with the OLD SCHOOL GNIers?

bai, yugeee cry and run away from this forum several times already . . . he is just a few menstrual cramps away from padding that record [no pun intended]


What's yuji22's old handle?

dunno . . . his 'record' was established with the current handle

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This is a political discussion forum and if you cannot stand the heat, stay away from the kitchen.


The challenge is accepted!

Now stop the anti man phrase and post lie a true serviceman.


Ow Gad, somebody tell dis impotent hindu what Joker meant by the above.


It means I'm gonna spend some good time to make you Joker's new bytch

get in line bro . . . my pimp hand is strong


You think this auntyman knows that he's pickin fights with the OLD SCHOOL GNIers?

bai, yugeee cry and run away from this forum several times already . . . he is just a few menstrual cramps away from padding that record [no pun intended]


What's yuji22's old handle?

dunno . . . his 'record' was established with the current handle



All I see is wan auntyman braying about being an "upper middle class" resident of Woodbridge, Ontario and threatening to resign from GNI a few times last year.


God knows he's Guyana's first "upper middle class" resident of such an exclusive enclave in Vaughan

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This is a political discussion forum and if you cannot stand the heat, stay away from the kitchen.


The challenge is accepted!

Now stop the anti man phrase and post lie a true serviceman.


Ow Gad, somebody tell dis impotent hindu what Joker meant by the above.


It means I'm gonna spend some good time to make you Joker's new bytch

get in line bro . . . my pimp hand is strong


You think this auntyman knows that he's pickin fights with the OLD SCHOOL GNIers?

bai, yugeee cry and run away from this forum several times already . . . he is just a few menstrual cramps away from padding that record [no pun intended]


What's yuji22's old handle?

dunno . . . his 'record' was established with the current handle



All I see is wan auntyman braying about being an "upper middle class" resident of Woodbridge, Ontario and threatening to resign from GNI a few times last year.


God knows he's Guyana's first "upper middle class" resident of such an exclusive enclave in Vaughan

Bai, yugii is obsess with yuh, he want you pitcha to put on his alta to artie twice daily and fall at yuh foot...he already gat Kwamee and Lubumba in place...

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

In the interest of the safety of members who have been threatened on this BB, should the US military be contacted ?

 Creep, go fu..k your self. I would bitch slap your pathetic ass for being an  annoyance and I have never was remotely near a combat zone. You are enough of a buzzing ghat to make one one want to step on your behind.


I never thought that people attack military service records. Of all the things to attack a person over, I wouldn't have guessed this. I know people whose lives were destroyed by PTSD and these pieces of cow shyte can make fun of them just for a cheap thrill.

To date, not a single person attacked your military record. You call posters antimen and threaten other people here. You attack hunduism the oldest religion in the world.


There is a vast difference in attacking your vile and indecent posts and someone attacking your military record. You are so messed up mentally that you cannot even make a sensible differentiation. Post any proof here of someone who attacked your record.


It seems that you have a very low self esteem since your are quick on your feet to attack and call other antimen and gay and using vile words to describe hindus.   You now try to could the facts by claiming that people are attacking your military record. Read my posts here.


Listen, the republican party kicked you to the curb and the judge threw the book at you but that is no excuse to come here and attack other people in the hope that you will get a thrill of it.


You have a lot of issues. You claim to be a muslim in an effort to stat a Hindus vs Muslim divide when in fact you are a confirmed catholic. There is nothing wrong with Islam, it is a religion of peace and you will gain tremendous strength if you so wish.


I am a hindu and find that your anti hindu posts fill of hate on this BB is totally unacceptable. Now let us get the facts straight. 

This is a political discussion forum and if you cannot stand the heat, stay away from the kitchen.

You are a shriveled brain racist who instead of seeking to carry on a dialog latches on to misunderstood concepts or reporting and ceaseless repeat them like an ADD nut.


I endured  a month of your piddling assumption that I was a thief because I said that I knew a fellow and called him friend , a councilman who was jailed for corruption.  Mind you, I knew the fellow when we were in our mid 20s and that was some 25 years ago. That is the kind of piddling shit head you are.


Farouk has one of the biggest ego ever. Is that not the reason he is annoying most of the time? And that he has low self esteem is only a concept one with truly low self concept  could envision for him. Farouk thinks himself divinely gifted, supremely intelligent and purposely planted here on earth as an upgrade program for  those lesser than he. And that happens to be everybody! I think you got the wrong person here again!


You are a political dunce to ceaselessly repost the court ruling on his case. What he did was routine. Further, he came out behind but he was right  to contest the Governors decision. Campaigns question everything in a process beginning with the way fors  are filled in to signatures to who collect the signatures..... any deviation from process because that is their job. They lose 90 percent of the time in court contests! So, what the hell is your point?


And who gives a damn if you find feel offended as a hindu? I for one thinks all religion are farcical and composed of highly organized structures based on absolute falsehoods beginning with the claim there is a god! Religion in short, to me at least, is the offense!  In any event,  Hindus should be offended that you represent yourself as a template for Hindu morality.


Do not speak of discussion unless you can discuss anything. I am waiting for that. To date all you do is rattle racist bilge, make stupid insinuation and pretend you are an upright Brahmin. I say you are a reeking, piddling trifling little scumbag

Strom, looks like you had your cassava bread this morning. Your post is of the usual nonsense that you post on a daily basis.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

In the interest of the safety of members who have been threatened on this BB, should the US military be contacted ?

 Creep, go fu..k your self. I would bitch slap your pathetic ass for being an  annoyance and I have never was remotely near a combat zone. You are enough of a buzzing ghat to make one one want to step on your behind.


I never thought that people attack military service records. Of all the things to attack a person over, I wouldn't have guessed this. I know people whose lives were destroyed by PTSD and these pieces of cow shyte can make fun of them just for a cheap thrill.

To date, not a single person attacked your military record. You call posters antimen and threaten other people here. You attack hunduism the oldest religion in the world.


There is a vast difference in attacking your vile and indecent posts and someone attacking your military record. You are so messed up mentally that you cannot even make a sensible differentiation. Post any proof here of someone who attacked your record.


It seems that you have a very low self esteem since your are quick on your feet to attack and call other antimen and gay and using vile words to describe hindus.   You now try to could the facts by claiming that people are attacking your military record. Read my posts here.


Listen, the republican party kicked you to the curb and the judge threw the book at you but that is no excuse to come here and attack other people in the hope that you will get a thrill of it.


You have a lot of issues. You claim to be a muslim in an effort to stat a Hindus vs Muslim divide when in fact you are a confirmed catholic. There is nothing wrong with Islam, it is a religion of peace and you will gain tremendous strength if you so wish.


I am a hindu and find that your anti hindu posts fill of hate on this BB is totally unacceptable. Now let us get the facts straight. 

This is a political discussion forum and if you cannot stand the heat, stay away from the kitchen.

You are a shriveled brain racist who instead of seeking to carry on a dialog latches on to misunderstood concepts or reporting and ceaseless repeat them like an ADD nut.


I endured  a month of your piddling assumption that I was a thief because I said that I knew a fellow and called him friend , a councilman who was jailed for corruption.  Mind you, I knew the fellow when we were in our mid 20s and that was some 25 years ago. That is the kind of piddling shit head you are.


Farouk has one of the biggest ego ever. Is that not the reason he is annoying most of the time? And that he has low self esteem is only a concept one with truly low self concept  could envision for him. Farouk thinks himself divinely gifted, supremely intelligent and purposely planted here on earth as an upgrade program for  those lesser than he. And that happens to be everybody! I think you got the wrong person here again!


You are a political dunce to ceaselessly repost the court ruling on his case. What he did was routine. Further, he came out behind but he was right  to contest the Governors decision. Campaigns question everything in a process beginning with the way fors  are filled in to signatures to who collect the signatures..... any deviation from process because that is their job. They lose 90 percent of the time in court contests! So, what the hell is your point?


And who gives a damn if you find feel offended as a hindu? I for one thinks all religion are farcical and composed of highly organized structures based on absolute falsehoods beginning with the claim there is a god! Religion in short, to me at least, is the offense!  In any event,  Hindus should be offended that you represent yourself as a template for Hindu morality.


Do not speak of discussion unless you can discuss anything. I am waiting for that. To date all you do is rattle racist bilge, make stupid insinuation and pretend you are an upright Brahmin. I say you are a reeking, piddling trifling little scumbag

Strom, looks like you had your cassava bread this morning. Your post is of the usual nonsense that you post on a daily basis.

Should I conclude you ate rotie to write the garbage above? Note my post is a point for point illustration of how stupid your post is.


When you begin to speak directly to the issues that plague our society without pretending your Brahmin designation alone gives you an edge then maybe you will start growing the necessary dendritic connections that would result in you truly using your thinking faculties.


Meanwhile you present as a classic mudhead.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Your are threatening members here.  


No one is making fun of any servicemen or women. Service to one's country is the greatest of deed. What is disturbing is what you post here and it calls your mental state into question.



Most of what Joker states here is quite factual. And I have to say I am very impressed by his knowledge of Guyana's ethnic politics. I don't know from where he picked up these deep insights, but suffice to say he has a superior understanding of Guyana's politics in my opinion. He has exposed how you ship Brahmins have exploited the Hindus for your economic rewards...all this while the Hindu population has declined by more than 10 percentage points in the PPP's two decades of power. I do not see anything here that he has said that would instigate Hindu-Muslim division. If you run to anyone to report him (as you have done to my work place) he is free to call me up and I shall testify on his behalf. 

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Who is dis lungeera Paul Chandra?



Farouk Samaroo:


No wonder the Democrat party in Queens rejected you---you are a gullible and naive little boy!hahahaha


Paul Chandra is the fake name the Rev Al handle  used to register on gni---Chandra paul is my favorite player---so reverse that and you get Paul Chandra.hahahaha





Farouk--didn't you claim Rev Al was Alexi Ramotar ? Now you believe he is the fake name he registered under---Paul Chandra ?




By the way Farouk--yuji is right---that stint in Afghanistan seems to have mentally F****d up your mind---seek treatment little boy.



That pic looks light, the real joker is 'black skinned'...boy like you using fading cream.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:


Farouk has one of the biggest ego ever. Is that not the reason he is annoying most of the time? And that he has low self esteem is only a concept one with truly low self concept  could envision for him. Farouk thinks himself divinely gifted, supremely intelligent and purposely planted here on earth as an upgrade program for  those lesser than he. And that happens to be everybody! I think you got the wrong person here again!



Farouk is also known for his unparalleled as well as infinite modesty. Why he's the most modest person there ever was, is, and ever shall be.


I could go on and on about Farouk's modesty but modesty forbids it.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Who is dis lungeera Paul Chandra?



Farouk Samaroo:


No wonder the Democrat party in Queens rejected you---you are a gullible and naive little boy!hahahaha


Paul Chandra is the fake name the Rev Al handle  used to register on gni---Chandra paul is my favorite player---so reverse that and you get Paul Chandra.hahahaha





Farouk--didn't you claim Rev Al was Alexi Ramotar ? Now you believe he is the fake name he registered under---Paul Chandra ?




By the way Farouk--yuji is right---that stint in Afghanistan seems to have mentally F****d up your mind---seek treatment little boy.



That pic looks light, the real joker is 'black skinned'...boy like you using fading cream.


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