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Albouystown man shot

June 23, 2015 10:21 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

gun[] – Twenty – eight – year old Ian Ambrose has been admitted to a city hospital, nursing a gunshot wound to his shoulder.

A police report revealed that at about 08:50 hours on Tuesday, June 23, Ambrose of Cooper Street, Albouystown, was standing on the Tucville Bridge, when a man approached and shot him to his left shoulder and escaped.

No arrest has been made and police investigations



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Originally Posted by yuji22:

Here we go again. Why is Ramjattan silent ?

And I thought PPP was bad at Crime fighting. Well, The CRIMINAL PNC and the 2 house slaves are condoning CRIMES.  Remember Buxton, Agricolla and Linden???

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Here we go again. Why is Ramjattan silent ?

And I thought PPP was bad at Crime fighting. Well, The CRIMINAL PNC and the 2 house slaves are condoning CRIMES.  Remember Buxton, Agricolla and Linden???

We need to keep up the pressure on APNU in combatting crime. PPP and Rohee were terrible and useless in combatting crime.


APNU campaigned on a crime fighting platform, they must deliver.


Ramjattan appears to be impotent in combatting crime.


President Granger must personally take charge of the crime situation and make Guyana a safe country.

Last edited by Former Member

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