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Adult Bullying


You may not hear a lot about adult bullying, but it is a problem. Read this article to learn more about different types of adult bullies and get some ideas on how to deal with an adult bully. Adult bullying is a serious problem and may require legal action.

One would think that as people mature and progress through life, that they would stop behaviors of their youth. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Sadly, adults can be bullies, just as children and teenagers can be bullies. While adults are more likely to use verbal bullying as opposed to physical bullying, the fact of the matter is that adult bullying exists. The goal of an adult bully is to gain power over another person, and make himself or herself the dominant adult. They try to humiliate victims, and “show them who is boss.”

There are several different types of adult bullies, and it helps to know how they operate:

  1. Narcissistic Adult Bully: This type of adult bully is self-centered and does not share empathy with others. Additionally, there is little anxiety about consequences. He or she seems to feel good about him or herself, but in reality has a brittle narcissism that requires putting others down.
  2. Impulsive Adult Bully: Adult bullies in this category are more spontaneous and plan their bullying out less. Even if consequences are likely, this adult bully has a hard time restraining his or her behavior. In some cases, this type of bullying may be unintentional, resulting in periods of stress, or when the bully is actually upset or concerned about something unconnected with the victim.
  3. Physical Bully: While adult bullying rarely turns to physical confrontation, there are, nonetheless, bullies that use physicality. In some cases, the adult bully may not actually physically harm the victim, but may use the threat of harm, or physical domination through looming. Additionally, a physical bully may damage or steal a victim’s property, rather than physically confronting the victim.
  4. Verbal Adult Bully: Words can be quite damaging. Adult bullies who use this type of tactic may start rumors about the victim, or use sarcastic or demeaning language to dominate or humiliate another person. This subtle type of bullying also has the advantage – to the bully – of being difficult to document. However, the emotional and psychological impacts of verbal bullying can be felt quite keenly and can result in reduced job performance and even depression.
  5. Secondary Adult Bully: This is someone who does not initiate the bullying, but joins in so that he or she does not actually become a victim down the road. Secondary bullies may feel bad about what they are doing, but are more concerned about protecting themselves.

Workplace bullying can make life quite miserable and difficult. Supervisors should be made aware of adult bullies, since they can disrupt productivity, create a hostile work environment (opening the company to the risk of a law suit) and reduce morale.

It is important to note, though, that there is little you can do about an adult bully, other than ignore and try to avoid, after reporting the abuse to a supervisor. This is because adult bullies are often in a set pattern. They are not interested in working things out and they are not interested in compromise. Rather, adult bullies are more interested in power and domination. They want to feel as though they are important and preferred, and they accomplish this by bringing others down. There is very little you can do to change an adult bully, beyond working within the confines of laws and company regulations that are set up. The good news is that, if you can document the bullying, there are legal and civil remedies for harassment, abuse and other forms of bullying. But you have to be able to document the case.

Adult bullies were often either bullies as children, or bullied as children. Understanding this about them may be able to help you cope with the behavior. But there is little you can do about it beyond doing your best to ignore the bully, report his or her behavior to the proper authorities, and document the instances of bullying so that you can take legal action down the road if necessary.


Found this interesting article.

Some members of GNI,should take note.

Django posted:

Why trying to be shady ??,this is the person you are referring to,

Quote: "dull boy(adjective) django"

what propaganda ??? i confront the lies you are spreading.

The appropriate adjective for you is,Kerr you dumb S...nt.

I mentioned one time you can only say things behind a keyboard,the bullied are like that.

It was a hypothetical reference, not intent on singling out any one person. In fact there may be multiple dull boys on this site, all those who peddle pnc propaganda despite the glaring evidence of their incompetence. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:

Why trying to be shady ??,this is the person you are referring to,

Quote: "dull boy(adjective) django"

what propaganda ??? i confront the lies you are spreading.

The appropriate adjective for you is,Kerr you dumb S...nt.

I mentioned one time you can only say things behind a keyboard,the bullied are like that.

It was a hypothetical reference, not intent on singling out any one person. In fact there may be multiple dull boys on this site, all those who peddle pnc propaganda despite the glaring evidence of their incompetence. 

Who are you referring to as "lilmohan". You lie when you say "not intent on singling out any one person". You are one sicko. You need psychological help. Turd 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:

Why trying to be shady ??,this is the person you are referring to,

Quote: "dull boy(adjective) django"

what propaganda ??? i confront the lies you are spreading.

The appropriate adjective for you is,Kerr you dumb S...nt.

I mentioned one time you can only say things behind a keyboard,the bullied are like that.

It was a hypothetical reference, not intent on singling out any one person. In fact there may be multiple dull boys on this site, all those who peddle pnc propaganda despite the glaring evidence of their incompetence. 

"The guideline is that these adjectives should not be mean spirited. For instance a certain pnc propagandist is now referred to as "dull boy" or "slow boy" which is an appropriate description considering that despite all the evidence of pnc incompetency, this person continues to spread propaganda on their behalf."


The above is what you wrote,omitted from your reply for reasons of wiggling out when confronted.

Sorry,highly Educated you are no match for Django,you have been trying for a while on GNI to belittle and demean,you are loosing give it a rest,stick to the discussion.

Django posted:


The above is what you wrote,omitted from your reply for reasons of wiggling out when confronted.

Sorry,highly Educated you are no match for Django,you have been trying for a while on GNI to belittle and demean,you are loosing give it a rest,stick to the discussion.

Sure django, continue to toot your own horn.  I am not the one who is always defensive of their educational background. In fact I will give you an honorary BS from the University of Cunumunu just so you feel adequate. 

Django posted:
Drugb posted:
"The guideline is that these adjectives should not be mean spirited. For instance a certain pnc propagandist is now referred to as "dull boy" or "slow boy" which is an appropriate description considering that despite all the evidence of pnc incompetency, this person continues to spread propaganda on their behalf."


The above is what you wrote,omitted from your reply for reasons of wiggling out when confronted.

Sorry,highly Educated you are no match for Django,you have been trying for a while on GNI to belittle and demean,you are loosing give it a rest,stick to the discussion.

Don't you know that Drugb discusses posters but not topics? Like yuh slow or wha?!

Drugb posted:
Django posted:


The above is what you wrote,omitted from your reply for reasons of wiggling out when confronted.

Sorry,highly Educated you are no match for Django,you have been trying for a while on GNI to belittle and demean,you are loosing give it a rest,stick to the discussion.

Sure django, continue to toot your own horn.  I am not the one who is always defensive of their educational background. In fact I will give you an honorary BS from the University of Cunumunu just so you feel adequate.

Bhai, don't need no honarary degree especially from Cunumunu University,looks like Yugiski and you are awarded a degree from there.

I am happy with my life experiences,researches and interactions with people of all walks of life.

To be factual when you are confronted,you seem to be at a loss pondering "how the heck that guy could do that" he shouldn't be smarter,I attended greater Institutions,so you resort to adjectives,etc....

As i said stick to discussion,don't attack the messenger,not healthy for debates.

Django posted:

Bhai, don't need no honarary degree especially from Cunumunu University,looks like Yugiski and you are awarded a degree from there.

I am happy with my life experiences,researches and interactions with people of all walks of life.

To be factual when you are confronted,you seem to be at a loss pondering "how the heck that guy could do that" he shouldn't be smarter,I attended greater Institutions,so you resort to adjectives,etc....

As i said stick to discussion,don't attack the messenger,not healthy for debates.

Don't fool your self that you are some type of intellectual, all you do is post pnc propaganda handed down to you by your paymasters. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:

Bhai, don't need no honarary degree especially from Cunumunu University,looks like Yugiski and you are awarded a degree from there.

I am happy with my life experiences,researches and interactions with people of all walks of life.

To be factual when you are confronted,you seem to be at a loss pondering "how the heck that guy could do that" he shouldn't be smarter,I attended greater Institutions,so you resort to adjectives,etc....

As i said stick to discussion,don't attack the messenger,not healthy for debates.

Don't fool your self that you are some type of intellectual, all you do is post pnc propaganda handed down to you by your paymasters. 

There you go again,believe what you want,you seem to be in your own Cocoon,someday you will emerge,hopefully your sanity prevails when it occur.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:

Deryck is no match to the mighty Mitwah. 

He is no match to anyone,whose views differs on GNI,getting busted daily.

DEm seh wen yuh ketch wan pakoo buss he back and rub sum salt. 

Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:

Deryck is no match to the mighty Mitwah. 

He is no match to anyone,whose views differs on GNI,getting busted daily.

DEm seh wen yuh ketch wan pakoo buss he back and rub sum salt. 

Drugb is not a pakoo. He's more like a bacoo pelting wild and non-stop. Mitwah and Django gotta go to Suriname fo someting to fix Drugb.

Gilbakka posted:
Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:

Deryck is no match to the mighty Mitwah. 

He is no match to anyone,whose views differs on GNI,getting busted daily.

DEm seh wen yuh ketch wan pakoo buss he back and rub sum salt. 

Drugb is not a pakoo. He's more like a bacoo pelting wild and non-stop. Mitwah and Django gotta go to Suriname fo someting to fix Drugb.

Wah rass dis? You telling lilmohan and he lap dog fuh wuk obeah pun meh?

Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted: Drugb is not a pakoo. He's more like a bacoo pelting wild and non-stop. Mitwah and Django gotta go to Suriname fo someting to fix Drugb.

Wah rass dis? You telling lilmohan and he lap dog fuh wuk obeah pun meh?

Yuh friken? Not to worry; just one more dip in the Demerara River mouth will invalidate their obeah.


Congrats to Django Bhai for receiving an award from The Cunumunu University. Was TK a Lecturer at that Cunumunu University with his, what if this and what if that ?

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Congrats to Django Bhai for receiving an award from The Cunumunu University. Was TK a Lecturer at that Cunumunu University with his, what if this and what if that ?

Sorry bhai, I will never accept any award from haters and racist.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Congrats to Django Bhai for receiving an award from The Cunumunu University. Was TK a Lecturer at that Cunumunu University with his, what if this and what if that ?

Sorry bhai, I will never accept any award 

I am congratulating you for receiving your award from the Cunumunu University. Are you ashamed to acknowledge that you graduated from there ?

It's ok Man, we understand.


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Congrats to Django Bhai for receiving an award from The Cunumunu University. Was TK a Lecturer at that Cunumunu University with his, what if this and what if that ?

Sorry bhai, I will never accept any award 

I am congratulating you for receiving your award from the Cunumunu University. Are you ashamed to acknowledge that you graduated from there ?

It's ok Man, we understand.


You and the other one you jamming lolllo with are Graduates from there.


About False name, Django is Dheema and Cobra is Chul, Chul.

The only difference that Django is more qualified, he graduated for the Cunumunu University with honours.

Note: Django and Cobra are not real names.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Congrats to Django Bhai for receiving an award from The Cunumunu University. Was TK a Lecturer at that Cunumunu University with his, what if this and what if that ?

Sorry bhai, I will never accept any award from haters and racist.

But you will still call one of the "haters and racist" bhai. Good man you are.


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