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Finance Minister says unaware how ads for CDB-funded projects placed

Posted By Staff Writer On May 31, 2014 @ 5:10 am In Local News | No Comments

Outgoing Chairman of the Board of Governors of Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh says that he is unaware of how advertisements for CDB-funded programmes are placed in the media and would raise the issue with the relevant department.

Singh was responding to questions at Thursday’s closing pressing conference for the annual meeting of the CDB Board of Governors, where he was asked about discrimination in the placement of advertisements for CDB projects. These ads have been placed only in the Guyana Chronicle and the Guyana Times and this was pointed out in a public statement issued on Wednesday by Guyana Publications Inc (GPI), publishers of the Stabroek News and the Sunday Stabroek.

When asked by Stabroek News how the CDB will be addressing the government’s withholding of taxpayer-funded state advertising, Singh said that he is not aware

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