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Hispanic media to GOP: “Cuidado!”: If you want to see how big of a potential problem Republicans have with Spanish-language media right now in this immigration debate, look no further than what Univision TV anchor Jorge Ramos said earlier this week. All House Republicans have to do is vote “against immigration reform or boycott the process… That's enough to make your candidate lose the presidential election in the United States in 2016,” Ramos wrote (translated into English). 

Liz Cheney launched her campaign for Senate on Wednesday by calling the 69-year-old Republican senator she's looking to unseat "confused."

Cheney made official her Republican primary challenge in Wyoming to veteran Sen. Mike Enzi on Wednesday, calling for a "new generation" of conservative leaders in Washington. And, in the first of two campaign stops today, she said the state's senior senator must have been "confused" when he said Cheney had promised not to challenge him if he sought re-election.


Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is losing altitude with some conservatives because he’s the Republican face of immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. Yet he’ll have a lot of company in the 2016 field if he runs for the GOP presidential nomination.


In fact almost every Republican weighing a 2016 race—from Jeb Bush and Chris Christie to Paul Ryan and Bobby Jindal—favors some path to citizenship like the one in the comprehensive reform bill passed by the Senate, or is open to a variation of it.


“Any Republican with a national perspective understands the dynamics of the politics of the 21st century,” says GOP pollster Whit Ayres, a Rubio adviser. That is, the Hispanic share of the electorate is rising fast, and the GOP share of Hispanic votes keeps falling.


Do you think Rubio should run as an Independent in 2016? Keep in mind that most Hispanic voters are democrats - California, New York and Florida are the three major States for Hispanics.

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Can the republican find a challenger to take on Hillary? Can a young covservative go against an old experienced Hillary? If they pass the immigration reform bill in the house, they may stand a fighting chance and hope for glory.


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