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Danyael posted:
yuji22 posted:

Mis Danyella,

Run and duck for cover now because you cannot face the truth.

Where is the Black representation in Obama's cabinet ?

All you can do is make excuses. 

Obama was president...he had 4 black people as opposed to 6 by bush and 0 so far by trump  in his cabinet. More precisely he did not have a cabinet of billionaires or nut jobs. I have more problems with what Obama did not do for minorities than who he had in his cabinet.

Obama was consumed by legacy very early on.  He threw all his weight behind Obamacare wanting to leave it like SS, Medicare, etc.  He had little focus on the daily needs of the suffering people, many his own constituency!  He was not that interested in Black people, at the top or at the bottom!  He conned them!

I don't know what it is, but for some reason he was reluctant to push an inner city renewal initiative.  Black incarceration laws remained intact.  Maybe he did not want to come across as a pro-Black president?  However, had he also pushed a Rural initiative, it would seem to balance out.

However, I don't think he was interested in that, he preferred a big headline initiative.  Now both "his people" and the rural poor are left in a squalor ripe for a guy like Trump.

On the International stage, the biggest burning issue, Israel/Palestinian is left untouched!  He seem not interested.  He got himself carried away by regime change and the Arab spring.  Both were run away issues which ended in the mess of today.

Yes, he gave us the Iran deal and the opening with Cuba.  Well, not sure who pushed who, we sat back waiting for sanctions to topple Iran.  It did not work.  They were on the cusp of a nuclear breakout and the sanctions were about to erode with China and India about to balk!  Cuba was a cake walk as the mood in the nation has shifted in favor of an easing anyway!

Today, Obama leaves office, the Palestinian issue languishes, the rest of the ME is a quagmire and the Russian Bear is on the march.  The economy is, at best, drifting.  These are major issues left on the plate of Trump!

This guy Obama has left a HUGE HUGE mess for Trump to deal with.  By any measure, Obama's is an "almost" failed presidency!

Oh, I almost forgot North Korea......and Trump will also have to deal with a collapsing Guyana!

Last edited by Former Member

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