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Why is Ramjattan silent in these ongoing allegation? Ramjattan hasn't come forward and name his source of his allegation against the PPP, and even refused to name APNU MP's that are up for sale. Now, Trotman's colleagues are calling for his resignation in the face of sexual allegation.


Today, Granger condemn all child abusers in a statement made to Guyana Times. Granger is now afraid of Ramjattan and his ability to jeopardize APNU. Granger is keeping its distant from AFC and Ramjattan is recent recent weeks. Is Ramjattan trying to bring down APNU as a back stabber?


I do believe so!

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Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why is Ramjattan silent in these ongoing allegation? Ramjattan hasn't come forward and name his source of his allegation against the PPP, and even refused to name APNU MP's that are up for sale. Now, Trotman's colleagues are calling for his resignation in the face of sexual allegation.


Today, Granger condemn all child abusers in a statement made to Guyana Times. Granger is now afraid of Ramjattan and his ability to jeopardize APNU. Granger is keeping its distant from AFC and Ramjattan is recent recent weeks. Is Ramjattan trying to bring down APNU as a back stabber?


I do believe so!

First of all, any of Trotman's colleague who call for his resignation are hypocrites since they have not similarly voiced their opinion when any of a number of infraction of party and party affiliated members did or was accused of doing dastardly deeds. I do not know what happened and cannot voice an opinion except to say the circumstance is highly uncertain. The accuser is deemed by his own parent to be of poor character, mentally unstable and known to make spurious accusations.


You need to get off your high horse and let the story unfold as it should.



Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
The people of Guyana will determine who they trust to lead them...not you behind a computer

Bhai Cobra, The KFC are the BIGGEST hypocrites on the Planet. Should those people ever attain POWER, Guyana will be worst than the Bunham period.

I have said that MANY times right here on this Forum Mr Morderator. See we have more in common than I first thought.


What none of you seem to get is the absolute amoral position taken by Jaya to negotiate on behalf of an accuser for hush money with his molester! Note, he was supposedly a child at the time and this is a matter of grave concern. If the fellow did as he is accused of doing this woman would have done our nation a great harm!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

What none of you seem to get is the absolute amoral position taken by Jaya to negotiate on behalf of an accuser for hush money with his molester! Note, he was supposedly a child at the time and this is a matter of grave concern. If the fellow did as he is accused of doing this woman would have done our nation a great harm!

I agree. Attorneys all over the World lack basic morals.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

What none of you seem to get is the absolute amoral position taken by Jaya to negotiate on behalf of an accuser for hush money with his molester! Note, he was supposedly a child at the time and this is a matter of grave concern. If the fellow did as he is accused of doing this woman would have done our nation a great harm!

I agree. Attorneys all over the World lack basic morals.

Ramotar and Jagdeo and the entire cabal wuss dan any lawyer. Ask Anil Oh Nandalala baba binna ding dong.


The AFC has become a party of change to a party of shame. I am disappointed at Ramjattan false accusations, and I am sure the people who voted for them are also disappointed. At this juncture, if the people don't want the PPP in office, they don't have any choice than to vote them back in, because AFC and APNU are busy stabbing each other backs.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The AFC has become a party of change to a party of shame. I am disappointed at Ramjattan false accusations, and I am sure the people who voted for them are also disappointed. At this juncture, if the people don't want the PPP in office, they don't have any choice than to vote them back in, because AFC and APNU are busy stabbing each other backs.

More serpent piss daily.......................

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why is Ramjattan silent in these ongoing allegation? Ramjattan hasn't come forward and name his source of his allegation against the PPP, and even refused to name APNU MP's that are up for sale. Now, Trotman's colleagues are calling for his resignation in the face of sexual allegation.


Today, Granger condemn all child abusers in a statement made to Guyana Times. Granger is now afraid of Ramjattan and his ability to jeopardize APNU. Granger is keeping its distant from AFC and Ramjattan is recent recent weeks. Is Ramjattan trying to bring down APNU as a back stabber?


I do believe so!




You are right on track.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why is Ramjattan silent in these ongoing allegation? Ramjattan hasn't come forward and name his source of his allegation against the PPP, and even refused to name APNU MP's that are up for sale. Now, Trotman's colleagues are calling for his resignation in the face of sexual allegation.


Today, Granger condemn all child abusers in a statement made to Guyana Times. Granger is now afraid of Ramjattan and his ability to jeopardize APNU. Granger is keeping its distant from AFC and Ramjattan is recent recent weeks. Is Ramjattan trying to bring down APNU as a back stabber?


I do believe so!




You are right on track.

you mean cobra you right under the rock

Originally Posted by Cobra:

There are times when I believe Granger, and when he said publicly that child molesters must be condemn, I believe him wholeheartedly. This doesn't mean that Granger is prejudging Trotman, but there are something we must all agree on, and that is to protect children from pedophiles. 

How come you did not speak out on the Julius tape?

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
The people of Guyana will determine who they trust to lead them...not you behind a computer

Bhai Cobra, The KFC are the BIGGEST hypocrites on the Planet. Should those people ever attain POWER, Guyana will be worst than the Bunham period.

There is no news about Ramjattan and the AFC on any news prints this week after his political scandal made headline and then drop like a hot potato. He called on Sattaur to resign when he be shrouded in shame and resign.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
The people of Guyana will determine who they trust to lead them...not you behind a computer

Bhai Cobra, The KFC are the BIGGEST hypocrites on the Planet. Should those people ever attain POWER, Guyana will be worst than the Bunham period.

There is no news about Ramjattan and the AFC on any news prints this week after his political scandal made headline and then drop like a hot potato. He called on Sattaur to resign when he be shrouded in shame and resign.

He is probably planning new strategy now that the no confidence motion expolded in his face.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

There are times when I believe Granger, and when he said publicly that child molesters must be condemn, I believe him wholeheartedly. This doesn't mean that Granger is prejudging Trotman, but there are something we must all agree on, and that is to protect children from pedophiles. 

How come you did not speak out on the Julius tape?

Jus because I am a really good fren of DaCobra I will answer.

Look mits,is only the PPP who has the rights to buggery, so there ...heh...tek dat.


Doan worry Cob's I got tings in chek.


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