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Excerpts from the 90 million pieces of silver (source - KN)

"Asked why he had not turned over his information to Granger, Ramjattan said: “I thought it out thoroughly and decided to make it public; but I think my original position was that it was offered to Opposition members".           


"I can’t really recall saying that it is only members of APNU. I said clearly Members of the Opposition. But I can understand the motivation behind the Chronicle to do whatever they do.” (Yeh, blame the Chronicle).


Gentlemen, Ramjattan stated that none of the seven MP's in AFC camp is part of this involvement. Please read the sentence above and tell me if Ramjattan is not incriminating himself and member of the AFC in this involvement?


1) Opposition = AFC

2) Opposition = APNU

3) Joint Opposition = APNU/AFC


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I always maintained that stealing and telling lies are dangerous, but when you do it professionally, you don't have to worry about getting caught or look like a fool. Them Jamaican would say Ramjattan is a fenke-fenke liar. He is not professionally tailored to tell a good nancy story to begin.


When I told HM_Redux that the PPP should offer Ramjattan 30 million pieces of silver, he said the AFC can't thief like the PPP. Now Ramjattan is admitting that MP's of AFC and APNU cannot be trusted. What a revelation this is.


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