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Former Member

Mohamed Khan, an Essequibian, was a PPP activist and RPA functionary. This is what he wrote in yesterday's Stabroek News:

Dear Editor,

In the PPP Central Committee’s report at the congress and in a number of reports by delegates from the workshops a lot was said about corruption and the negative attitude of some leaders in addressing problems at the grassroots level. After Cheddi’s death, the delegates at that congress began explaining that it is foreign to the spirit of Marxism-Leninism to elevate corrupt persons, and to transform one such person into a regional official. Such a comrade supposedly knows everything, sees everything, thinks for everyone, can do anything and is infallible in his behaviour.

Delegates detected in the party leadership those negative characteristics which resulted later in grave consequences in the form of the loss of the November 2011 general elections. Fearing the future fate of the of the party and nation, delegates as I understand it from inside the party, pointed out that it was necessary to consider transferring the Minister of Home Affairs, who is doing a disservice to the government and had a no confidence vote against him in parliament, to the position of general secretary because Comrade Rohee did not have a proper attitude toward his comrades, members of the public and the Guyana Police Force (GPF).

It was reported in the press that he was appointed by the Central Executive of the party to the position of general secretary. Comrade Rohee will accumulate immeasurable power in his hands and I am not certain whether he will be always able to use this power with the required care.

The Leader of the AFC Mr Khemraj Ramjattan is proposing that he should remove himself from the position of Minister of Home Affairs or any ministerial position, and another competent comrade selected for it. Mr Rohee, who absolutely does not tolerate collegiality as a minister, acted not through persuasion, but by imposing his concepts and demanding absolute submission to his opinion.

Yours faithfully,
Mohamed Khan


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

The best in the PPP leaves the worse taste in the mind of the public.

This seals the victory(majority) for the PPP in the next election.

That will be in the counting. The consensus is Rohee is universally disliked. He has a capacity to finagle young Amerind girls, consort with drug lords and regale in his insight and associations with the seamier side of life. I am sure he will do the PPP good but the Opposition better. The demographics do not favor the PPP. They will ply the Amerind in region 8 with beads and trinkets since it is there they will hope to get the seat on trade. It will not happen there either even if the give the entire 3k or more complete PPP red regalia from their under clothes to Ts, spray the grass red and offer every able body citizen a red balahoo.


The writer of the letter was at one time a very staunch member/ supporter  of the PPP. He was a close associate of the fearless Ishak Bashir who was shot by PNC thugs in the early 1970's.


I share his opinion of Rohee who I have known since his entry into politics through the PPP's youth arm the PYO. Rohee is very abrasive in his dealing with his subordinates. He lacks the necessary congenial interpersonal skills required for this sensitive and responsible position. His appointment to the GS position has sent a strong signal that the cabal does not respect the wishes of the members of the party who did not give Rohee any substantial votes for the CC position. As someone pointed out on another thread there were at least nine others who polled more votes that Rohee.


In addition to his his short comings there are some very serious questions regarding Rohee. Why did his wife commit suicide ? Why was his visa revoked at one time by the USA ? How did he  accumulate substantial assets to acquire properties on a minister's salary ? What arrangements were made for Rohee to acquire a house lot at Pradoville2 ? and the list goes on. 


I knew Clement Rohee personally since 1970 and interacted with him at various levels until 1994. Based on my experiences, my attitude to him is mixed.

On the positive side, Rohee is a self-taught person who educated himself by reading widely and intensively. This is significant because he didn't have a full high school education. He also taught himself Spanish and is now fluent in that language.

On the negative side, his acerbic and heavy-handed style is certainly not endearing.

As the PPP/C government's first Foreign Affairs Minister and top diplomat, Mr Rohee was most undiplomatic in his professional and personal interactions. Further, he drove away from his ministry many professional foreign service officers who were willing and able to represent the PPP/C government.

Judging from several reports, as Home Affairs Minister, Mr Rohee seems to enjoy minimal respect among the top brass of the Guyana Police Force.

Within the PPP, I've been told many members work along with Mr Rohee only because they have to.

It's left to be seen how successfully he will inspire and mobilize members to win back majority rule in the next general elections.


Rohee is not capable of winning back the members/supporters who left or did not vote for the PPP in 2011. In fact he was one of the reasons why many did not support the party at the last general elections.


Many party supporters here in the belly of region 6 doesn't care for Rohee.


Appointments r not made on merits within the PPP. It was always that way from its creation. Its very first congress, there were inconsistencies from its leadership, but the grass-roots were insignificant in the eyes of the GT boys.


Some 60 years later, the grass-roots still doan count.


**************The writer of the letter was at one time a very staunch member/ supporter  of the PPP. He was a close associate of the fearless Ishak Bashir who was shot by PNC thugs in the early 1970's************


Why did he leave the PPP?  

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

The best in the PPP leaves the worse taste in the mind of the public.

This seals the victory(majority) for the PPP in the next election.


I hope they legalise marijuana soon so you could get better quality weed soon. It appears like the blackmarket weed is clouding your thinking.  

Originally Posted by TI:

**************The writer of the letter was at one time a very staunch member/ supporter  of the PPP. He was a close associate of the fearless Ishak Bashir who was shot by PNC thugs in the early 1970's************


Why did he leave the PPP?  

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

This seals the victory(majority) for the PPP in the next election. 


Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by TI:

**************The writer of the letter was at one time a very staunch member/ supporter  of the PPP. He was a close associate of the fearless Ishak Bashir who was shot by PNC thugs in the early 1970's************


Why did he leave the PPP?  

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

This seals the victory(majority) for the PPP in the next election. 


We still need to know whether he can travel to the States, if needed, to conduct the business of the Party.

Originally Posted by TI:

Well,I guess anyone who left the PPP cannot comment on PPP workings...they have their own agenda, like the ex-PPP AFC folk


It is only de few Crab Louse

making it dem business

to comment on the AFC workings....


De Rat, De Duck or De Goat

know their limitations... 

and will never ask a Question like...


Why or How come the AFC supporting

De Hydro Project now???


Why or How is Nigel Hughes

de Company Secretary for AFHI????


No one can say now

Lk they asking stupid Questions....

The Day before de Vote...

De Duck, Sam and Ashni .....

bend over...and Beg....


De Rat, De Duck, Brassington  & Ashni

all promise...dis aint no secret...

Nothing to hide....nothing to fear

Dem Got Independent Experts and

Professionals Involved...

to see everything go right in future


Only a Crab Louse would feels

it is his right....... to go there

Ex-PPP folks Don't care about

Kwame, Ramotar Or Jagdeo affairs



Goat say...

De Prezie, Leader or General Secretary....

would leave dem kind-a question...

to dem...

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:


We still need to know whether he can travel to the States, if needed, to conduct the business of the Party.

Yes....With restrictions....

he was in florida de other day.

and said wuking with PNC Thugs....

who bus ee ass in de past...

was not his #1 choice


Reggie Bhagwandin hails from Mahaica-Mahaicony area. He has been a longtime PPP supporter. Reggie thinks Rohee is over-extending himself with too much power. Here is his letter in today's Stabroek News:

Dear Editor,

When Cde Donald Ramotar declined re-election to the post of General Secretary (GS) of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) to focus on his presidency he displayed a great deal of mature leadership. His realization that the office of President and that of the GS of the party carry a demanding workload and that if he retains both it might well be a disservice to one or both offices, speaks volumes about his maturity.

In like manner the new General Secretary of the PPP, Cde Rohee, should realize that he should not be coy when responding to whether he can function as both the GS and Home Affairs Minister.  He should take a cue from the President especially at this crucial juncture of the PPP.

In the same vein, there seems to be a belief amongst senior party leaders that the more positions and committees they are on the more their status within the party will be enhanced.  This might very well be the case, but in the end the party suffers due to them having to divert their energies into many areas and at the end of the day they are not able to achieve much.

On another related matter, languishing in various advisory positions in the government is a set of party stalwarts who should return to Freedom House to strengthen the party.  I am referring here to Cdes Navin Chandarpal, Feroze Mohammed, Gail Teixeira, Harripersaud Nokta, Kellawan Lall and Clinton Collymore.  Amongst this elite set of stalwarts reside a total of more than two centuries of institutional data of party activism.  Could you imagine the transformation that will take place at Freedom House if some or all of them returned?

Yours faithfully,
Reggie Bhagwandin


the ppp is its worse enemy puting rohee in that position is hanging themself the ppp will never learn party boys before sence rohee cannot protect the indians in guyana as minister of home affairs now how the hell he can talk to the grassroot  people 

Originally Posted by TI:

All the non PPP followers are expert at PPP internal governance.

Jagdeo was the best president Guyana ever had; I hope Rohee continues in the same vein. 

that is why most of your family is running out of guyana 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by TI:

All the non PPP followers are expert at PPP internal governance.

Jagdeo was the best president Guyana ever had; I hope Rohee continues in the same vein. 

that is why most of your family is running out of guyana 


de banna hoping De Goat

continue in De Same vein

like De Super Crab Louse Jagabat.

Look .....all dem Crab Louse`

sucking de same Blood.

Yuh think any ah dem ...

really care about de vein

All dem Crab Louse ...want...

is de Blood....

Just watch dem 4 operate

in de Bushy Park (Guyana)


Last edited by Former Member

Churchil now showing up as comrade. we know all you tricks. I understand why Rohee is in your throat. He rejected your beggings for a diplomatic job but he knows you better. just an opportunist.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

The best in the PPP leaves the worse taste in the mind of the public.

This seals the victory(majority) for the PPP in the next election.


I hope they legalise marijuana soon so you could get better quality weed soon. It appears like the blackmarket weed is clouding your thinking.  


Weh me cyan get sum ah dis black makit weed? Dis good quality weed too weak fuh me.

Originally Posted by TI:

All the non PPP followers are expert at PPP internal governance.

Jagdeo was the best president Guyana ever had; I hope Rohee continues in the same vein. 

General Secretary means he's Guyana's next President.  Who don't like it, let's see if they revolt.  


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