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Police round up known characters at Stabroek Square …TSU members pick up several men for questioning   
Written by Michel Outridge  
Friday, 18 January 2013 22:36

POLICE yesterday carried out an impromptu raid around Stabroek Market where they singled out known characters and rounded them up into a police van shortly after 14:00hrs.


Men are picked up and whisked away by the police

In this exercise carried out by members of the Tactical Services Unit (TSU), several men were picked up and taken away by the police for questioning. Men and teenagers who were found loitering and in possession of weapons and other instruments such as knives were also targeted by the party of policemen yesterday. In a separate incident, the police on Thursday conducted an early morning raid in the areas of East and West Ruimveldt and East La Penitence, Georgetown, and arrested six men, during which 10 buildings were cordoned off and searched. In this operation, one flat screen television, one laptop computer, seven DVD players, one play station, and a motorcycle, which are suspected to be stolen or unlawfully obtained, were seized by the police.

Police pick up ‘known’ persons at Stabroek Market yesterday

In addition, a nipper and a pair of military boots were found. Six men have been arrested and are in police custody pending investigations into armed robbery and break and enter and larceny. A similar operation conducted by the police on January 9 saw 11 men arrested for various offences during a ‘cordon and search’ operation in several city wards.

Eight buildings in Albouystown and West Ruimveldt, in Georgetown, were searched. The men held were in custody pending investigations into armed robberies and crimes involving narcotics, and two of them have been positively identified as the perpetrators of recent armed robberies, police said.


Police round up known characters at Stabroek


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Doctrine of Pre-emption.  The GoG needs to snuff-out budding terrorists as soon as they raise their heads.  These terrorists are just waiting for a break-down in law and order to pounce on the innocent.  Bring them in, break them down, snuff them out early.  It's the best way to prevent another round of unwelcome phantomization.


No use picking a couple of leaves off the parasite invested tree. If you want real result you need to cut the trunk and dig up the roots. But the PPP too scared of getting hit by falling branches. Falling leaves don't hurt.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

No use picking a couple of leaves off the parasite invested tree. If you want real result you need to cut the trunk and dig up the roots. But the PPP too scared of getting hit by falling branches. Falling leaves don't hurt.

The PNC Buxton/Agricola terrorists squad trunks have been felled.  However, there are the seedlings who try to revive and regenerate. Yank it out as a twig before it becomes a tree.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

No use picking a couple of leaves off the parasite invested tree. If you want real result you need to cut the trunk and dig up the roots. But the PPP too scared of getting hit by falling branches. Falling leaves don't hurt.

The PNC Buxton/Agricola terrorists squad trunks have been felled.  However, there are the seedlings who try to revive and regenerate. Yank it out as a twig before it becomes a tree.

But the PPP domestic terrorist squad remain very much alive, inserting themselves into Agricola to create mayhem and sexual abuse on East Indians.



We got to keep the attack on them - Horse, Beast and all them PPP terrorist must be under constant attack.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

No use picking a couple of leaves off the parasite invested tree. If you want real result you need to cut the trunk and dig up the roots. But the PPP too scared of getting hit by falling branches. Falling leaves don't hurt.

The PNC Buxton/Agricola terrorists squad trunks have been felled.  However, there are the seedlings who try to revive and regenerate. Yank it out as a twig before it becomes a tree.


We are eagerly waiting for the PPP to launch the investigation from 2000 to 2010. PNC already accepted that. I would urge you to get your new-found PPP buddies to agree to the Inquiry. Hey this is your chance to concertize your scare Indo strategy forever.  


Dear Editor,
The ruling by Chief Justice Chang affirms that as an elected MP, Rohee could not be gagged. I share this opinion and, indeed, no one objected or protested when Rohee voted on issues, which is a form of speech in Parliament.
Whether he could speak as Home Affairs Minister in the face of the no-confidence motion touching and concerning his discharge of that portfolio is another matter. He may speak but we will not hear him or act upon any thing he may say, which is a political risk for the  government.
When Rohee was not in play, we saw less rancour and greater cooperation amongst the parties. He could aid these positive vibes by staying under wraps until the Privileges Committee disposes of the contention.
As for the APNU motion for an inquiry into violence during 2004 and 2010, we feel that though it focuses on a period when Guyana experienced the greatest danger of becoming a narco-state, any meaningful probe must be wider and ought to begin from the immediate post independence period. It must include rigged elections, attacks on press freedom, political violence and House of Israel thuggery, etc.
Most of all a comprehensive inquiry must help to bring healing, after the example of South Africa. It is late in the day but we need light to shine on our divisive past of almost 50 years of PNC-PPP rule, and our version with a Truth Commission may help.
Moses V. Nagamootoo
AFC Vice-Chairman

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

No use picking a couple of leaves off the parasite invested tree. If you want real result you need to cut the trunk and dig up the roots. But the PPP too scared of getting hit by falling branches. Falling leaves don't hurt.

The PNC Buxton/Agricola terrorists squad trunks have been felled.  However, there are the seedlings who try to revive and regenerate. Yank it out as a twig before it becomes a tree.


We are eagerly waiting for the PPP to launch the investigation from 2000 to 2010. PNC already accepted that. I would urge you to get your new-found PPP buddies to agree to the Inquiry. Hey this is your chance to concertize your scare Indo strategy forever.  

According to the PNC and their katahar allies, Guyana's history began in 1992.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

No use picking a couple of leaves off the parasite invested tree. If you want real result you need to cut the trunk and dig up the roots. But the PPP too scared of getting hit by falling branches. Falling leaves don't hurt.

The PNC Buxton/Agricola terrorists squad trunks have been felled.  However, there are the seedlings who try to revive and regenerate. Yank it out as a twig before it becomes a tree.


We are eagerly waiting for the PPP to launch the investigation from 2000 to 2010. PNC already accepted that. I would urge you to get your new-found PPP buddies to agree to the Inquiry. Hey this is your chance to concertize your scare Indo strategy forever.  

According to the PNC and their katahar allies, Guyana's history began in 1992.

Thanks for confirming this is the position of the PNC.


The AFC position according to Moses Nags - he want an investigation from the 1950 to now.


Through cleaning and have a proper healing of this wound.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

No use picking a couple of leaves off the parasite invested tree. If you want real result you need to cut the trunk and dig up the roots. But the PPP too scared of getting hit by falling branches. Falling leaves don't hurt.

The PNC Buxton/Agricola terrorists squad trunks have been felled.  However, there are the seedlings who try to revive and regenerate. Yank it out as a twig before it becomes a tree.


We are eagerly waiting for the PPP to launch the investigation from 2000 to 2010. PNC already accepted that. I would urge you to get your new-found PPP buddies to agree to the Inquiry. Hey this is your chance to concertize your scare Indo strategy forever.  

According to the PNC and their katahar allies, Guyana's history began in 1992.

No it did not begin in 1992. Great horrors occur before 1985. Nevertheless in any Inquiry you need realistic forensic parameters. So I'd say 2000 is a reasonable, not perfect, starting date. Now you have a chance to forever blame the blackman for the heinous crimes that took place over that period. The leader of the blackman party wants to start at 2000, someone in Parliament mysteriously changed it to 2004. Now you have a chance to blame the blackman forever by agreeing to 2000 to 2010. Good luck.  

Originally Posted by baseman:

Doctrine of Pre-emption.  The GoG needs to snuff-out budding terrorists as soon as they raise their heads.  These terrorists are just waiting for a break-down in law and order to pounce on the innocent.  Bring them in, break them down, snuff them out early.  It's the best way to prevent another round of unwelcome phantomization.

They're just rounding up petty thieves. When are they going to round up the real tiefmen who operate from Freedum House on Rob Street? 

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Doctrine of Pre-emption.  The GoG needs to snuff-out budding terrorists as soon as they raise their heads.  These terrorists are just waiting for a break-down in law and order to pounce on the innocent.  Bring them in, break them down, snuff them out early.  It's the best way to prevent another round of unwelcome phantomization.

They're just rounding up petty thieves. When are they going to round up the real tiefmen who operate from Freedum House on Rob Street? 

Petty criminals getting away sooner or later graduate up-stream.  Remove it as a twig, not a grown tree.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Doctrine of Pre-emption.  The GoG needs to snuff-out budding terrorists as soon as they raise their heads.  These terrorists are just waiting for a break-down in law and order to pounce on the innocent.  Bring them in, break them down, snuff them out early.  It's the best way to prevent another round of unwelcome phantomization.

"Doctrine of pre-emption" LOL . . . what a poorly educated dope

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Doctrine of Pre-emption.  The GoG needs to snuff-out budding terrorists as soon as they raise their heads.  These terrorists are just waiting for a break-down in law and order to pounce on the innocent.  Bring them in, break them down, snuff them out early.  It's the best way to prevent another round of unwelcome phantomization.

They're just rounding up petty thieves. When are they going to round up the real tiefmen who operate from Freedum House on Rob Street? 

Petty criminals getting away sooner or later graduate up-stream.  Remove it as a twig, not a grown tree.

Petty criminals will never in their lifetime be able to match the tiefing skills of the current PPP cabal.


What is your plan to deal with the out of control tiefin that is being planned and executed from the Rob Street den?


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