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Originally Posted by Lucas:

Well, President Lugo is friend of Christina and Hugo


Last Nov. 20, Cristina FernÃĄndez declared that anniversary of a 1845 battle by Argentina against the British to be National Sovereignty Day, so that Argentines remember British free trade as their historic enemy. Now, on Feb. 24, she attacked the British-run Triple Alliance War of 1865-70, in which troops of her own Argentina joined with Brazil and Uruguay to annihilate Paraguay, which had become the most industrialized nation in South America, by adopting Alexander Hamilton's American System of political economy.

Standing next to Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo at the bi-national Yacyreta hydroelectric dam on the Argentine-Paraguayan border, FernÃĄndez praised the revered hero of that war, "the great patriot" Marshall Francisco Solano LÃģpez, who, against all odds, led the Paraguayan resistance to the Brazilian, Uruguayan, and Argentine troops, which were deployed against their own interests by a British Empire desperate to stamp out any examples of the successful American System in South America. That war, FernÃĄndez de Kirchner said, should better be called the "Triple Infamy" or the "Triple Treason" war, for "the shame that [it] meant for the history of the continent, which decimated the region's first industrial nation." Today, she added, we are thankfully free of "false regional conflicts, instigated from abroad to abort our possibilities of integration and unity."

Recalling Argentine leader Gen. Juan PerÃģn's 1974 visit to Paraguay, during which he returned the war booty seized by Argentine soldiers who looted the Paraguayian capital of AsunciÃģn in 1870, FernÃĄndez remarked, "Isn't it curious—Paraguay, governed by Marshall Francisco Solano LÃģpez, had the first foundries, the first railroads, the first factories, and we, under PerÃģn's Presidency ... had also become the first industrial country of Latin America."

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

Well, President Lugo is friend of Christina and Hugo


On Nov. 20, 2010, Cristina FernÃĄndez declared that anniversary of a 1845 battle by Argentina against the British to be National Sovereignty Day, so that Argentines remember British free trade as their historic enemy. Last year, on Feb. 24, she attacked the British-run Triple Alliance War of 1865-70, in which troops of her own Argentina joined with Brazil and Uruguay to annihilate Paraguay, which had become the most industrialized nation in South America, by adopting Alexander Hamilton's American System of political economy.

Standing next to Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo at the bi-national Yacyreta hydroelectric dam on the Argentine-Paraguayan border, FernÃĄndez praised the revered hero of that war, "the great patriot" Marshall Francisco Solano LÃģpez, who, against all odds, led the Paraguayan resistance to the Brazilian, Uruguayan, and Argentine troops, which were deployed against their own interests by a British Empire desperate to stamp out any examples of the successful American System in South America. That war, FernÃĄndez de Kirchner said, should better be called the "Triple Infamy" or the "Triple Treason" war, for "the shame that [it] meant for the history of the continent, which decimated the region's first industrial nation." Today, she added, we are thankfully free of "false regional conflicts, instigated from abroad to abort our possibilities of integration and unity."

Recalling Argentine leader Gen. Juan PerÃģn's 1974 visit to Paraguay, during which he returned the war booty seized by Argentine soldiers who looted the Paraguayian capital of AsunciÃģn in 1870, FernÃĄndez remarked, "Isn't it curious—Paraguay, governed by Marshall Francisco Solano LÃģpez, had the first foundries, the first railroads, the first factories, and we, under PerÃģn's Presidency ... had also become the first industrial country of Latin America."


Paraguay's former President Fernando Lugo was removed from his office after the Senate voted against him in an impeachment trial.


The impeachment trial was held at the Presidential palace in Asuncion on Friday.

Trial took place for five long hours in which 39 Senators voted to dismiss Mr. Lugo, while four Senators voted against and two were absent.


Mr. Lugo did not attended the trial instead watched it from the Presidential palace. His lawyers spoke on his behalf in front of the Senate.


His lawyers requested a period 18 days to prepare for their arguments but it was rejected by Senate.


The trial came a day after Paraguay's lower house of Congress voted to impeach Mr. Lugo.


"I say goodbye as President, however, Paraguay's democracy has been deeply wounded." a smiling Mr. Lugo said after the Senate removed him.


Military guard formally saw Lugo off with a bugle tune from the Presidential palace.

Lugo supporters took to the streets condemning the impeachment. Police drove them back on horseback using tear gas and water cannons.


Reason for Mr. Fernando Lugo Trial and Impeachment:

The trial was carried on Lugo on five charges of malfeasance in office

  • He was charged in his alleged role in a confrontation between police and landless farmers. Police tried to evict about 150 farmers from a remote, 4,900-acre forest reserve that left 17 dead and created much criticism of Lugo's role in it.
  • He improperly allowed for leftist parties to hold a political meeting in an army base in 2009.
  • He allowed about 3,000 squatters to illegally invade a large Brazilian-owned soybean farm
  • His government failed to capture members of Paraguayan People's Army, which carries out extortion kidnappings and occasional attacks on police.
  • He signed an international protocol without properly submitting it to Congress for approval.

Lugo in his early days stepped down as Roman Catholic to run for the Presidency.

Mr. Lugo has been removed after serving four years in the office. He ended 61 years of rule by the right-wing Coloradoparty. During his time in office allies have always disapproved his leftist policies and uncompromising style.


Lugo's impeachment has created much discontent among other leaders of the world.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said, "We won't recognize the illegal and illegitimate government."


Ecuador's President Rafael Correa said, "Our government wouldn't recognize any government in Paraguay other than Mr. Lugo's."


At present Vice-President of Paraguay, Federico Franco has been sworn in as President and will serve out the rest of Mr. Lugo's term, which ends in August 2013.

Mr. Franco said, "At this time, God and destiny wanted me to assume the Presidency."


Mr. Franco (49) is of the Authentic Radical Liberal Party was a former state Governor.


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