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Former Member

Guyana yet to lower gas price

January 18, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

As countries worldwide lower their gas prices at the pump, Guyana is yet to join, even as the average price of gasoline around the world is US$2.09 per gallon. However, there is substantial difference in these prices among countries. As a general rule, richer countries have higher prices while poorer countries and the countries that produce and export oil have significantly lower prices. One notable exception is the U.S. which is an economically advanced country but has low gas prices. The differences in prices across countries are due to the various taxes and subsidies for gasoline. All countries have access to the same petroleum prices of international markets but then decide to impose different taxes. As a result, the retail price of gasoline is different. In some cases, like Venezuela, the government even subsidizes gasoline and therefore people there pay close to nothing to drive their cars. Government has a mechanism in place to adjust petroleum prices in a more timely fashion, whereby prices will be regulated under the Energy Ministry. This Ministry has the power to alter price changes in accordance with the imported price of petroleum products. In Guyana the government charges a 50 per cent excise tax. One of the primary reasons gas prices rise or fall is the fluctuation in the price of crude oil. U.S. refineries buy several million barrels of oil every day to supply the world’s biggest economy, so even small price changes make a big difference. When crude oil prices go up or down, gas prices tend to follow. And right now, oil prices are on the decline. Oil prices have been falling for several reasons, including the increased U.S. crude production and an outlook for weaker growth in global oil demand. Meanwhile, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) decided toward the end of 2014 not to manipulate prices by restricting oil production. Overall, government energy forecasters expect crude prices to be significantly lower in 2015.

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Why is gas price so high in Guyana?

January 18, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

By Ralph Seeram After finishing this article I am going to fill up my SUV. I am so happy buying gas these days. Before, I paid reluctantly, muttering some choice cuss words towards the big oil companies for ripping me off. These days I leave the gas pumps with a smile; I am going to pay US$1.99 per gallon for gasoline. Why am I so happy?  Up to about three months ago I was paying an average of US$3.50 per gallon. Considering that I fill up about five times a month using about 70gls a month, it means I am saving approximately a little over US$100.00 per month. That’s, a good chunk of money. I mentioned SAVING a hundred bucks, but am I literally saving that money? Am I taking it and put it aside and stashing it as saving? Of course not; all it did was to give me more spending money, which goes back in the economy. Multiply by several million motorists in the US, and you get the idea why the US economy is on the rise. Consumers are spending more, which in turn spreads the wealth a little. This is especially true for those at the low end of the economic scale, who need the disposable income more than anyone else. The gas situation in Guyana caught my attention; the prices did not go down proportionally as they should. As the gas went down the excise tax went up. Whatever savings that should be passed on the buses and taxi were taken away by the government. If the approximately 40 per cent reduction in gas was passed on, passengers would see a reduction in bus and taxi fares, manufactures would see reduced transportation costs and if the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) passed on the big saving to its customers manufacturers would be able to pass on the saving to consumers. This means that the local man or woman in the street will do as I did; they will not literally put aside that saving, but spend it back on other items, pumping more cash into the economy, more VAT (taxes) for the government. But no, the government got greedy. It wants the saving for itself. Its appetite for spending taxpayers’ dollars, wasting  taxpayers’ dollars, especially on projects that should be the domain of private enterprise like the Marriott Hotel  knows no bounds. It bothers me. GPL is saving big time on fuel costs, its excuse for the high electricity cost, but is it passing this big saving to its consumers? No it also got a greedy appetite. It bothers me. Since I mention the new Marriott, what’s up with the design? I saw a recent picture of it and if I did not read the caption, I would have thought it was either a hospital or a prison, not a hotel. So much for aesthetics. Still on the subject, the owner of the Pegasus Hotel, Robert Badal, called the PPP government’s bluff and made a bid for an equity partner for the Marriott Hotel. Who wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to invest roughly 18 per cent or US$8M and get two- thirds share in a US$57M hotel, plus all the tax incentives. You don’t see much of this type of opportunity in the investment world. The weird thing is that the GOVERNMENT for all the lies, could not find takers for this great investment, or so it appears. Then up comes Badal (who I am sure knew they would refuse him) to grab at the deal only to be rebuffed with the poor excuse that the man is not serious. One gets the impression that the government is waiting for a β€œstraw person. No one knows officially where the money came from to build the hotel but no doubt taxpayers’ money is sitting on that building. It bothers me. The Guyanese public has been told so often that the Government has turned into a dictatorship, spending money illegally and so forth because President Donald Ramotar using his constitutional power to suspend Parliament. Not to mention that the opposition also wanted to shut down Parliament at least for three months using their constitutional right to pass a vote of no confidence against the government. What caught my attention is all the Members of Parliament were still drawing their salaries; yes both Government and Opposition Parliamentarians were getting paid handsomely to do nothing. I never knew the β€œPimp” was making so much money to arrange sex romps. Since according to the opposition the suspension was so undemocratic, I would think they would have refused to take that generous pay they get monthly as a protest to the government. I think that was the right thing to do if they felt the actions of the President was so undemocratic. Why take the Guyanese tax payers money if you are not working for it. That bothers me. This week we had Mr. Feral Blast delivering his own β€œferal blast’ to another departing Diplomat. I have always maintained that the PPP has a Public Relations problem, and has the worst spokespersons in Dr. Roger Luncheon and Clement Rohee. These two have no idea of diplomacy or etiquette. So Luncheon called departing British High Commissioner Andrew Ayre a β€œpariah” and described him as dishonorable. It seems that’s the norm for the PPP. Thye party is thin-skinned. Arrogance has reached such heights that the party feels it is beyond criticism. That really bothers me. And finally as the elections are near and the PPP is in full campaign mode, quite a few of them are having shivers. They know this election coming is not a sure thing, and they can be out of power. Why are they shivering? Because if the PPP loses power some of those rear ends will be put to use, voluntarily or involuntarily, in prison. And that don’t bother me. Ralph Seeram can be reached at email: and Facebook.


The Baccoo predicted that they would bow under pressure after the people realized that they were being ripped off by the PPP tiefmen.


The Baccoo Speaks


The goldfields are not the places they used to be because of technology. And this is the downside, because people who are anxious to get rich would do the unthinkable to grab gold. This is why another miner is going to get killed.
His employer is going to cause other workers to beat him severely.
Another shocking revelation is going to set tongues wagging. Someone is going to accuse a politician of demanding money for a favour. Shocked, the person is going to tell others, much to the anger of the politician.
Then this man would be found unconscious at the side of a roadway. Make your conclusion.
The government is going to bow to public pressure and pass on the saving from oil purchases to the people. The situation provided a windfall which the government simply pocketed, but people want relief from still high gas prices and electricity bills.
They are going to speak out and the government, as it prepares for elections, will buckle.

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by asj:

These scumbags within the PPP/C has finally decide to reduce Gas Prices by 30 Percent, finally, after a little bit of cussing and insulting, they were forced to comply with reducing prices gas. Gasoline which were selling at 995.00 will be now be selling at 695.00.


More Later: 

I am glad that these scumbags within the PPP/C has have finally decide decided to reduce Gas Prices by 30 Percent. Way to go PPP. More money in the pockets of the people.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

These scumbags within the PPP/C has finally decide to reduce Gas Prices by 30 Percent, finally, after a little bit of cussing and insulting, they were forced to comply with reducing prices gas. Gasoline which were selling at 995.00 will be now be selling at 695.00.


More Later: 

I am glad that these scumbags within the PPP/C has have finally decide decided to reduce Gas Prices by 30 Percent. Way to go PPP. More money in the pockets of the people.

You bugga batty is writing sheer skont, the prices will take effect in the future. When you don't know something and you are playing like you know, you just make your self a friggin idiot, skonthle 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

These scumbags within the PPP/C has finally decide to reduce Gas Prices by 30 Percent, finally, after a little bit of cussing and insulting, they were forced to comply with reducing prices gas. Gasoline which were selling at 995.00 will be now be selling at 695.00.


More Later: 

I am glad that these scumbags within the PPP/C has have finally decide decided to reduce Gas Prices by 30 Percent. Way to go PPP. More money in the pockets of the people.

You bugga batty is writing sheer skont, the prices will take effect in the future. When you don't know something and you are playing like you know, you just make your self a friggin idiot, skonthle 

Bai Ramotar shoe print battie: you rite. You batty batty and skonthole mek you friggin stinkmouth cyan't write wan prapppa sentence. Weh you bin ah skool heh? You shuud ah guh back an sue dem techa fuh mek you so friggin sthupid. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

These scumbags within the PPP/C has finally decide to reduce Gas Prices by 30 Percent, finally, after a little bit of cussing and insulting, they were forced to comply with reducing prices gas. Gasoline which were selling at 995.00 will be now be selling at 695.00.


More Later: 

I am glad that these scumbags within the PPP/C has have finally decide decided to reduce Gas Prices by 30 Percent. Way to go PPP. More money in the pockets of the people.

You bugga batty is writing sheer skont, the prices will take effect in the future. When you don't know something and you are playing like you know, you just make your self a friggin idiot, skonthle 

Bai Ramotar shoe print battie: you rite. You batty batty and skonthole mek you friggin stinkmouth cyan't write wan prapppa sentence. Weh you bin ah skool heh? You shuud ah guh back an sue dem techa fuh mek you so friggin sthupid. 


Originally Posted by asj:

Tuare booth pan chate hai? Tu kutti ka bacha

You skoant ah run kum hey fuh mek comment and you cyan't write wan prappa friggin statement or spell you name korrekly. You tink gulab jamoon ah gee way hey? You can write all the friggin hindi, urdu, greek, arabic or anything you want. De fact remain dat you poorly hedukated an you want fuh show haff hey.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

These scumbags within the PPP/C has finally decide to reduce Gas Prices by 30 Percent, finally, after a little bit of cussing and insulting, they were forced to comply with reducing prices gas. Gasoline which were selling at 995.00 will be now be selling at 695.00.


More Later: 

I am glad that these scumbags within the PPP/C has have finally decide decided to reduce Gas Prices by 30 Percent. Way to go PPP. More money in the pockets of the people.

You bugga batty is writing sheer skont, the prices will take effect in the future. When you don't know something and you are playing like you know, you just make your self a friggin idiot, skonthle 

Bai Ramotar shoe print battie: you rite. You batty batty and skonthole mek you friggin stinkmouth cyan't write wan prapppa sentence. Weh you bin ah skool heh? You shuud ah guh back an sue dem techa fuh mek you so friggin sthupid. 

Don't thank me for insulting you. It was my pleasure, diarrhea of the mouth; constipation of the ideas,

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Tuare booth pan chate hai? Tu kutti ka bacha

You skoant ah run kum hey fuh mek comment and you cyan't write wan prappa friggin statement or spell you name korrekly. You tink gulab jamoon ah gee way hey? You can write all the friggin hindi, urdu, greek, arabic or anything you want. De fact remain dat you poorly hedukated an you want fuh show haff hey.

When I was writing for you wife and daughter, they were enjoying it and that is what was important, you shithead.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Tuare booth pan chate hai? Tu kutti ka bacha

You skoant ah run kum hey fuh mek comment and you cyan't write wan prappa friggin statement or spell you name korrekly. You tink gulab jamoon ah gee way hey? You can write all the friggin hindi, urdu, greek, arabic or anything you want. De fact remain dat you poorly hedukated an you want fuh show haff hey.

When I was writing for you wife and daughter, they were enjoying it and that is what was important, you shithead.

Ignorance is your first name. No wonder our President Ramotar shoved his big toe down the crack of your ass. Doe it still hurt?

You behave like a juvenile whose girlfriend just dumped him. If I had a daughter, I would have taken offence. If you were around my wife, she would have preferred filing her nails before paying attention to you. A piece of advice..go back to school. You are never too old to learn.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Tuare booth pan chate hai? Tu kutti ka bacha

You skoant ah run kum hey fuh mek comment and you cyan't write wan prappa friggin statement or spell you name korrekly. You tink gulab jamoon ah gee way hey? You can write all the friggin hindi, urdu, greek, arabic or anything you want. De fact remain dat you poorly hedukated an you want fuh show haff hey.

When I was writing for you wife and daughter, they were enjoying it and that is what was important, you shithead.

Ignorance is your first name. No wonder our President Ramotar shoved his big toe down the crack of your ass. Doe it still hurt?

You behave like a juvenile whose girlfriend just dumped him. If I had a daughter, I would have taken offence. If you were around my wife, she would have preferred filing her nails before paying attention to you. A piece of advice..go back to school. You are never too old to learn.

Believe me, I don't want to make a monkey out of you. Why should I take all the credit?


All that you are you owe to your parents. Why don't you send them a penny and square the account?


Doe it still hurt? Schoolmaster that is a nice question, why not let your daughter and wife answer that, and by the way give them my name.


Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Tuare booth pan chate hai? Tu kutti ka bacha

You skoant ah run kum hey fuh mek comment and you cyan't write wan prappa friggin statement or spell you name korrekly. You tink gulab jamoon ah gee way hey? You can write all the friggin hindi, urdu, greek, arabic or anything you want. De fact remain dat you poorly hedukated an you want fuh show haff hey.

When I was writing for you wife and daughter, they were enjoying it and that is what was important, you shithead.

Ignorance is your first name. No wonder our President Ramotar shoved his big toe down the crack of your ass. Doe it still hurt?

You behave like a juvenile whose girlfriend just dumped him. If I had a daughter, I would have taken offence. If you were around my wife, she would have preferred filing her nails before paying attention to you. A piece of advice..go back to school. You are never too old to learn.

Believe me, I don't want to make a monkey out of you. Why should I take all the credit?


All that you are you owe to your parents. Why don't you send them a penny and square the account?


Doe it still hurt? Schoolmaster that is a nice question, why not let your daughter and wife answer that, and by the way give them my name.


So I missed an "S" typing it.
What a F'cking dum suar? There is no hope for you.

Don't bring your domestic problems here.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Tuare booth pan chate hai? Tu kutti ka bacha

You skoant ah run kum hey fuh mek comment and you cyan't write wan prappa friggin statement or spell you name korrekly. You tink gulab jamoon ah gee way hey? You can write all the friggin hindi, urdu, greek, arabic or anything you want. De fact remain dat you poorly hedukated an you want fuh show haff hey.

When I was writing for you wife and daughter, they were enjoying it and that is what was important, you shithead.

Ignorance is your first name. No wonder our President Ramotar shoved his big toe down the crack of your ass. Doe it still hurt?

You behave like a juvenile whose girlfriend just dumped him. If I had a daughter, I would have taken offence. If you were around my wife, she would have preferred filing her nails before paying attention to you. A piece of advice..go back to school. You are never too old to learn.

Believe me, I don't want to make a monkey out of you. Why should I take all the credit?


All that you are you owe to your parents. Why don't you send them a penny and square the account?


Doe it still hurt? Schoolmaster that is a nice question, why not let your daughter and wife answer that, and by the way give them my name.


So I missed an "S" typing it.
What a F'cking dum suar? There is no hope for you.

Don't bring your domestic problems here.

And whils't you are at it, you should note that 'skont' is spelled like I write it and not like how an ass hole like you write it eg skoant.


What happen? did Kwambe bugger you and your wife and daughter, stop getting so bassidy.


Jab tu paida hua tho aagey se ya peechey se nikla tha chutiya?


Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Tuare booth pan chate hai? Tu kutti ka bacha

You skoant ah run kum hey fuh mek comment and you cyan't write wan prappa friggin statement or spell you name korrekly. You tink gulab jamoon ah gee way hey? You can write all the friggin hindi, urdu, greek, arabic or anything you want. De fact remain dat you poorly hedukated an you want fuh show haff hey.

When I was writing for you wife and daughter, they were enjoying it and that is what was important, you shithead.

Ignorance is your first name. No wonder our President Ramotar shoved his big toe down the crack of your ass. Doe it still hurt?

You behave like a juvenile whose girlfriend just dumped him. If I had a daughter, I would have taken offence. If you were around my wife, she would have preferred filing her nails before paying attention to you. A piece of advice..go back to school. You are never too old to learn.

Believe me, I don't want to make a monkey out of you. Why should I take all the credit?


All that you are you owe to your parents. Why don't you send them a penny and square the account?


Doe it still hurt? Schoolmaster that is a nice question, why not let your daughter and wife answer that, and by the way give them my name.


So I missed an "S" typing it.
What a F'cking dum suar? There is no hope for you.

Don't bring your domestic problems here.

And whils't you are at it, you should note that 'skont' is spelled like I write it and not like how an ass hole like you write it eg skoant.


What happen? did Kwambe bugger you and your wife and daughter, stop getting so bassidy.


Jab tu paida hua tho aagey se ya peechey se nikla tha chutiya?


You dumb S-K-U-N-T. That's the way it's spelled, you ignar. You are such an ass pretending to be important. Your expertise is cut and paste. A piece of advice: Don't make any comments. It only exposes your lack of an undestanding of english grammar. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Tuare booth pan chate hai? Tu kutti ka bacha

You skoant ah run kum hey fuh mek comment and you cyan't write wan prappa friggin statement or spell you name korrekly. You tink gulab jamoon ah gee way hey? You can write all the friggin hindi, urdu, greek, arabic or anything you want. De fact remain dat you poorly hedukated an you want fuh show haff hey.

When I was writing for you wife and daughter, they were enjoying it and that is what was important, you shithead.

Ignorance is your first name. No wonder our President Ramotar shoved his big toe down the crack of your ass. Doe it still hurt?

You behave like a juvenile whose girlfriend just dumped him. If I had a daughter, I would have taken offence. If you were around my wife, she would have preferred filing her nails before paying attention to you. A piece of advice..go back to school. You are never too old to learn.

Believe me, I don't want to make a monkey out of you. Why should I take all the credit?


All that you are you owe to your parents. Why don't you send them a penny and square the account?


Doe it still hurt? Schoolmaster that is a nice question, why not let your daughter and wife answer that, and by the way give them my name.


So I missed an "S" typing it.
What a F'cking dum suar? There is no hope for you.

Don't bring your domestic problems here.

And whils't you are at it, you should note that 'skont' is spelled like I write it and not like how an ass hole like you write it eg skoant.


What happen? did Kwambe bugger you and your wife and daughter, stop getting so bassidy.


Jab tu paida hua tho aagey se ya peechey se nikla tha chutiya?


You dumb S-K-U-N-T. That's the way it's spelled, you ignar. You are such an ass pretending to be important. Your expertise is cut and paste. A piece of advice: Don't make any comments. It only exposes your lack of an undestanding of english grammar. 

Why you all attack Skeldon Man like this?


Gov’t announces 30% reduction in gas and diesel prices

January 19, 2015 4:41 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-


By Kurt Campbell

Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh

Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh

[] - Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh on Monday, January 19, announced reductions in prices for gasoline, diesel and kerosene at the Guyana Oil Company (Guyoil) Stations.

The reduction is expected to take effect from January 19 at gas stations across the country with prices that are the lowest since early 2009.

Gas price will be reduced from $995per gallon to $695, representing a 30% reduction. Diesel price was also reduced by 30%, from $985 to $694 and Kerosene saw a reduction of 42%, from $850 to $496.

The issue of gas prices has generated considerable public discussion and debate in light of declining fuel prices on the world market, some of which the Finance Minister believes are misinformed.

At a press conference, Dr. Singh explained that β€œgovernment has had in place for the longest while a well-functioning mechanism for adjusting excise taxes charged on fuel products… the excise taxes rates are adjusted downwards when world market prices are moving upwards and the rates are adjusted upwards when world market prices are moving downwards.”

He reminded that during the period December 2008 and March 2012 the world market price for crude oil increased by 184% but the price for a gallon of gasoline in Guyana only increased by 77%.gas station

β€œThis was achieved by government lowering the tax rate on gasoline over that period.”

He said as prices started to subside on the world market, the tax rate was adjusted upwards.

β€œThis was done automatically and without contention for the past several years.”

The Minister explained that in keeping with the mechanism to adjust taxes on fuel, gasoline will now attract excise taxes at a rate of 50% and diesel at a rate of 42% with effect from January 20.

β€œThese prices will continue to be adjusted upwards and downwards as the world market prices fluctuate” the Finance Minister said.

No excise taxes will be charged on kerosene. The Minister urged other oil companies operating in Guyana to follow suit and reduce prices similarly and urged providers of transportation services to consider passing on these reduction in fuel prices immediately to the consumers and the travelling public.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Tuare booth pan chate hai? Tu kutti ka bacha

You skoant ah run kum hey fuh mek comment and you cyan't write wan prappa friggin statement or spell you name korrekly. You tink gulab jamoon ah gee way hey? You can write all the friggin hindi, urdu, greek, arabic or anything you want. De fact remain dat you poorly hedukated an you want fuh show haff hey.

When I was writing for you wife and daughter, they were enjoying it and that is what was important, you shithead.

Ignorance is your first name. No wonder our President Ramotar shoved his big toe down the crack of your ass. Doe it still hurt?

You behave like a juvenile whose girlfriend just dumped him. If I had a daughter, I would have taken offence. If you were around my wife, she would have preferred filing her nails before paying attention to you. A piece of advice..go back to school. You are never too old to learn.

Believe me, I don't want to make a monkey out of you. Why should I take all the credit?


All that you are you owe to your parents. Why don't you send them a penny and square the account?


Doe it still hurt? Schoolmaster that is a nice question, why not let your daughter and wife answer that, and by the way give them my name.


So I missed an "S" typing it.
What a F'cking dum suar? There is no hope for you.

Don't bring your domestic problems here.

And whils't you are at it, you should note that 'skont' is spelled like I write it and not like how an ass hole like you write it eg skoant.


What happen? did Kwambe bugger you and your wife and daughter, stop getting so bassidy.


Jab tu paida hua tho aagey se ya peechey se nikla tha chutiya?


You dumb S-K-U-N-T. That's the way it's spelled, you ignar. You are such an ass pretending to be important. Your expertise is cut and paste. A piece of advice: Don't make any comments. It only exposes your lack of an undestanding of english grammar. 

Why you all attack Skeldon Man like this?

He is another dick head, I asked him one simple question, and he is yet to answer. Sali Kuta


Answer the question "What happen? did Kwambe bugger you and your wife and daughter, stop getting so bassidy, or should I include your mudda too?

Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "It only exposes your lack of an undestanding of english grammar."unquote


This skont hole only like to pretend that he went to school, but during his school days he was serenading Kwambe.

Don't have a spell checker to catch a missing letter. Your vulgarity shows your poor education. You can only cut and paste, refer to Kwamee and bugga, members of families and very frequently showing your gross ignorance. You are what Guyanese call "waste man".

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Tuare booth pan chate hai? Tu kutti ka bacha

You skoant ah run kum hey fuh mek comment and you cyan't write wan prappa friggin statement or spell you name korrekly. You tink gulab jamoon ah gee way hey? You can write all the friggin hindi, urdu, greek, arabic or anything you want. De fact remain dat you poorly hedukated an you want fuh show haff hey.

When I was writing for you wife and daughter, they were enjoying it and that is what was important, you shithead.

Ignorance is your first name. No wonder our President Ramotar shoved his big toe down the crack of your ass. Doe it still hurt?

You behave like a juvenile whose girlfriend just dumped him. If I had a daughter, I would have taken offence. If you were around my wife, she would have preferred filing her nails before paying attention to you. A piece of advice..go back to school. You are never too old to learn.

Believe me, I don't want to make a monkey out of you. Why should I take all the credit?


All that you are you owe to your parents. Why don't you send them a penny and square the account?


Doe it still hurt? Schoolmaster that is a nice question, why not let your daughter and wife answer that, and by the way give them my name.


So I missed an "S" typing it.
What a F'cking dum suar? There is no hope for you.

Don't bring your domestic problems here.

And whils't you are at it, you should note that 'skont' is spelled like I write it and not like how an ass hole like you write it eg skoant.


What happen? did Kwambe bugger you and your wife and daughter, stop getting so bassidy.


Jab tu paida hua tho aagey se ya peechey se nikla tha chutiya?


You dumb S-K-U-N-T. That's the way it's spelled, you ignar. You are such an ass pretending to be important. Your expertise is cut and paste. A piece of advice: Don't make any comments. It only exposes your lack of an undestanding of english grammar. 

Why you all attack Skeldon Man like this?

Kjb, Missed you. Where did you go?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "It only exposes your lack of an undestanding of english grammar."unquote


This skont hole only like to pretend that he went to school, but during his school days he was serenading Kwambe.

Don't have a spell checker to catch a missing letter. Your vulgarity shows your poor education. You can only cut and paste, refer to Kwamee and bugga, members of families and very frequently showing your gross ignorance. You are what Guyanese call "waste man".

Why do you need a spell checker to catch a missing letter, is your brains shallow? do you have shit accumulated in there, you are playing important so why you need a spell checker, you really need Kwambe to give you a good buggering.


Ass Whole like you, when you try to correct people, then you should be perfect.......not go begging for a spell checker, you dummy.





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