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Former Member

Gandhi said:


Many men eat meat and beef but observe the cardinal virtue of human compassion and truth are better hindus than the hypocrite that stays away from meat, preaches culture, music, prayers etc but are untruthful and have no compassion for fellow mankind.



I watch as a Hindu President with a Hindu wife deny the workers a fair share of the Guyanese loaf of bread and then "back ball on another man's woman" and the FIRST LADY alright with that and then they run to the mandir and say, they are hindus and god fearing people.


Utter lies  - they are devils.

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Tulsidas did not share the Ramayana with us for the benefit of the HYPOCRITES, who has "Lord Rama name on his lips, but a knife to stab all that he represents in its back" by thieving from the poor and robbing the treasury and indulging in all type of sexual gyration on other people's woman.



How would Danald enjoy another man "back-balling" DEO?

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Gandhi said:


Many men eat meat and beef but observe the cardinal virtue of human compassion and truth are better hindus than the hypocrite that stays away from meat, preaches culture, music, prayers etc but are untruthful and have no compassion for fellow mankind.

They Boast about rubbing shoulders with the President, Eating Pork, Drinking Rum, practicing Buggery and coming from the Nasty Brotels on Lombard street...Nehru can tell you.



I watch as a Hindu President with a Hindu wife deny the workers a fair share of the Guyanese loaf of bread and then "back ball on another man's woman" and the FIRST LADY alright with that and then they run to the mandir and say, they are hindus and god fearing people.

Who yuh think they fooling....those Hindus at the Mandir.....


Utter lies  - they are devils. Funny-Fellas who openly practice Buggery


Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Gandhi said:


Many men eat meat and beef but observe the cardinal virtue of human compassion and truth are better hindus than the hypocrite that stays away from meat, preaches culture, music, prayers etc but are untruthful and have no compassion for fellow mankind.

They Boast about rubbing shoulders with the President, Eating Pork, Drinking Rum, practicing Buggery and coming from the Nasty Brotels on Lombard street...Nehru can tell you.



I watch as a Hindu President with a Hindu wife deny the workers a fair share of the Guyanese loaf of bread and then "back ball on another man's woman" and the FIRST LADY alright with that and then they run to the mandir and say, they are hindus and god fearing people.

Who yuh think they fooling....those Hindus at the Mandir.....


Utter lies  - they are devils. Funny-Fellas who openly practice Buggery




Originally Posted by Jalil:

I watch as a Hindu President with a Hindu wife deny the workers a fair share of the Guyanese loaf of bread and then "back ball on another man's woman" and the FIRST LADY alright with that and then they run to the mandir and say, they are hindus and god fearing people.

Who yuh think they fooling....those Hindus at the Mandir.....


Utter lies  - they are devils. Funny-Fellas who openly practice Buggery



 I wonder if Dharmic Sabha President Dr Vindhya Persaud saw these pictures and whether she approves of the President backballing and dancing with a woman without underwear.

Anyway, here's one representative response:

High-level slackness and vulgar legacies

January 19, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 



The photo circulating of this country’s leader gyrating behind a woman (also known as ‘backballing) at the army’s Old Year’s Night bash epitomises the vulgarity, slackness, depravity and lewdness of the two most recent presidencies. It reminds us of the no-limits approach that typifies the rule of both individuals, a period when Guyana has slouched into its most immoral, crass and contemptible mould.

The ‘backball’ is a naturally vulgar dance. Its inherent obscenity is magnified when it is performed in any public sphere and moreso when it is performed in public settings where dignitaries such as the leaders of this country are attending.
Shame on the GDF and the President. The latter is following in the ‘backballing’ footsteps of his predecessor, a man who had no problem receiving a ‘backball’. It confirms how tragically leadership in this country has declined under the last two presidencies. This shameful incident validates the belief among Guyanese that the moral compasses of both men have gone awry.
It must also be said that the women who have ‘backballed’ both of these men obviously felt no powerful respect for them, to the extent that these women felt perfectly comfortable to do what they did. It seems these women must have felt these men were tolerant of indignity and tawdriness and receptive to indecency, and they were proved right.

Cheddi Jagan, Forbes Burnham and Desmond Hoyte never engaged in this lewdness or entertained such advances, nor did they remotely give off ‘vibes’ that they would allow such scandalous behaviour. What is worse with this sordidness is this is not the first time this has occurred nor is it the first time public figures have commented on this behaviour by the two leaders.
Stella Ramsaroop wrote an article titled “Presidential backball” on October 15, 2011 during the height of the PPP election campaign when our two most recent leaders received “backballs” at their rallies. There was outrage at the smuttiness of their conduct then. Proper leaders would have heeded the moral warnings from these public commentaries. It seems like our current leader did not care about the public consternation from the last time he was ‘backballed’ or he sees nothing morally decrepit with it, which is why he went right ahead and had another ‘backball’. What can we expect from a man whose ascension to the presidency has been a terrible continuation of the politics of his predecessor?

In a country where women are routinely treated like garbage by many men, ‘backballing’ presidents gyrating on bent over women is clearly the kind of absurd message the leaders of this country must not send to these brutalized women.
If a man with all the powers available to the presidency would do nothing different from the tarnished legacy of his predecessor, why should we expect him to stop ‘backballing’? How could the leader of a party filled with crudity and boorishness and constantly celebrating ineptitude find the courage to morally refuse a backball if he lacks the stomach to do the right thing within his own party?

Our last two presidents have ‘backballed’ all over Guyana, and our nation seems to be going further into a hole of immorality, vulgarity and profanity. At this rate, the Guyanese people have no chance of ever getting up off the floor again.
“Backballing” is in the nature of some among us, it is part of their innate core willingness to engage in slackness at the drop of a hat. And in the above cases, the administrations are a reflection of these ‘backballing’ atrocities.
It is no wonder this country wakes up every day to a new act of wrongness and nastiness that the leaders turn around and defend to the hilt.
M. Maxwell

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Jalil, If I clap trhis 8 inches pun yuh, I am confident you will give me yuh house and Land!!!!



Is Nehru a Funny Fella?

If he is not a B@tty Boy he will not have a problem explaining what he means in his post.


Yuji love Kwamee and does call eeee....trhis

Who 8" yuh want clap?

How yuh know trish got 8"?


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