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Hydro is good for Guyana.  But the strategy of putting all of your eggs in one basket does not work for Guyana.  A country that is covered with mostly jungle.  What we needed are several small scale hydro projects near towns and cities that do not cost much money to build and maintain.  That approach backed up by solar, wind and wave technology would make Guyana self sufficent in electrical power.  Instead we as a nation will be going into $1 billion us debt for a hydro project that may take several million dollars to maintain in thick jungle.  Those of us who have worked in Jungle areas know the cost of keeping the jungle back.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Hydro is good for Guyana.  But the strategy of putting all of your eggs in one basket does not work for Guyana.  A country that is covered with mostly jungle.


What we needed are several small scale hydro projects near towns and cities that do not cost much money to build and maintain. 


That approach backed up by solar, wind and wave technology would make Guyana self sufficent in electrical power.  Instead we as a nation will be going into $1 billion us debt for a hydro project that may take several million dollars to maintain in thick jungle.


Those of us who have worked in Jungle areas know the cost of keeping the jungle back.

1. The options for about eighty ( 80 ) pico, micro, small, medium, and large hydroelectric power projects are investigated and documented.


2. The option for a medium/large scale project is selected as the better approach.


3. My personal experiences in Guyana were office responsibilities plus extended periods in the jungles for hydroelectric feasibility studies.


4. Current issue is to ensure the construction of a project.


5. Solar, wind, and wave technology are options which indeed can be pursued by private investors.


Wally .. when a hydroelectric development project is undertaken in Guyana, I provided in an earlier thread my intended involvement in the process.


Succinctly ..


1. I will cover the cost of my presence .. in other words; no financial involvement/support from the Guyana government.


2. My services and involvement will be free and entirely independent of the Government.

Originally Posted by Wally:

DG if you were given the responsibility of building several small scale hydro projects near to several towns and cities I know you will find the best equipment at the cheapest cost that is easy to maintain in the long run.

Hopefully Wally, there are numerous individuals and companies that can accommodate those undertakings.

Originally Posted by Wally:

DG I know that people like you don't have any motive to make a quick, fast and slippery buck on the Guyanese tax payers.


That is why it is people like you and others like you that should be spear heading this hydro effort.

Wally .. as the first Specialist Hydropower Engineer, Guyana government, I am sure that now there are many other Guyanese who can contribute to the development of this type of project.


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