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US government targeting Egypt for destabilization, eventual destruction?
By Dr Kevin Barrett with comments by Ron
Aug 13, 2013 - 5:13:40 AM

Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:34AM GMT

By Dr. Kevin Barrett

The recent appointment of 
death squad organizer Robert Ford as US Ambassador to Egypt suggests as much. 

Ford’s appointment sends a clear message: US policymakers want to destroy Egypt in the same way they have destroyed Iraq and Syria - by using death squads and false-flag terror to incite civil war. 

According to Global Studies professor Michel Chossudovsky, Robert Ford teamed up with notorious war criminal John Negroponte to apply the “Salvador Option” in Iraq in 2004. Chossudovsky writes: “The ‘Salvador Option’ is a ‘terrorist model’ of mass killings by US sponsored death squads. It was first applied in El Salvador (by Negroponte) in the heyday of resistance against the military dictatorship, resulting in an estimated 75,000 deaths.” 

Today’s Egypt, like 1980s El Salvador, is experiencing a heyday of resistance against military dictatorship. 
And Egypt’s military dictatorship (like El Salvador's 1980s junta) has already resorted to the mass murder of anti-government activists. Will Robert Ford, an expert in organizing political mass murder, help the Egyptian regime slaughter tens of thousands of peaceful protesters? 

No - it’s even worse than that! 

In the past, the US government would straightforwardly help dictators mass-murder their own people. 
In 1965 Indonesia, for example, CIA-controlled death squads murdered roughly one million opponents of the Suharto regime. The CIA collected the names of prospective victims, trained the death squads, and unleashed them. Most of the million people murdered by those CIA death squads were brutally tortured before death. (The CIA, of course, schooled the torturers in their devilish techniques - as it has in dozens of countries around the world, including Morocco, where I did my Ph.D. research and met a CIA-schooled torturer.) 

Today, the US is more interested in destroying Middle Eastern countries than in propping up Asian and Latin American dictators. So it has refined its use of death squads. Instead of simply murdering anti-government activists to prop up an American-owned puppet dictator, the US now sponsors death squads on both sides of the political-religious divide. The purpose: Create a civil war to weaken the targeted nation. 

That is what Robert Ford’s “Salvador Option” accomplished in Iraq in 2004 - 2006. And it is also what Ford’s “Salvador Option II” accomplished in Syria in 2011. 

In 2004, the Iraqi resistance was defeating the American invaders. 
So Ford and Negroponte used death squads and false flag terrorism to turn the various factions of the resistance against each other. They created US-sponsored “al-Qaeda” death squad units to brutally and indiscriminately attack Shia victims. And they encouraged (and in some cases manufactured) Shia retaliation - in the hope that it would alienate the larger Sunni community and lead to sectarian civil war. 

The American “Salvador Option” team was responsible for many if not most of the “suicide bombings” targeting Iraqi civilians during those years.
 They would pay an Iraqi to drive a truck to a market or mosque, park, and await further instructions. The truck would then be blown up by remote control, and the Iraqi would be posthumously labeled a “suicide bomber.” 

Ford and Negroponte used British as well as American false-flag terror units for some of their dirty work. One of those units, consisting of two British Special Forces officers dressed as Iraqis, was arrested by Iraqi police in Basra on September 19th, 2005. The Brits had been bombing mosques and markets in attacks blamed on “Iraqi sectarians.” When the two disguised British soldiers were arrested, their car was full of weapons and bombs. The day after their arrest, the British army destroyed the Basra jail, using tanks to demolish the walls, in order to recover their two false-flag terrorists, and protect them from the trial that would have exposed the crimes of Ford, Negroponte, and their British terror team in Basra. 

Perhaps the most notorious US-sponsored false-flag attack in Iraq - presumably planned by Ford and Negroponte - was the bombing of the al-Askari “Golden Dome” mosque in Samarra on February 22nd, 2006.Witnesses in the neighborhood reported that prior to the bombing, US forces cordoned off the mosque and took control of it. There was absolutely no doubt in anyone's mind that the bombing was carried out by US forces, who were in complete control of the cordoned-off mosque when the bombs went off. Naturally, this US attack was blamed on “al-Qaeda.” 

The net result of Ford and Negroponte’s false-flag terror campaign in Iraq was a civil war that still rages to this day. 

The destruction of Iraq through death squads and false-flag terror was so successful that Ford was sent to Syria to do the same thing. In 2011, Ford was made Ambassador to Syria - and suddenly a wave of violence created the same kind of civil war that still rages in Iraq. 

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has belatedly realized that the violence in his country was created by false-flag terrorists. What happened was this: 
Ford’s death squads, consisting of well-trained professional killers, would station themselves on rooftops during US-incited anti-Assad demonstrations. At a designated moment, the snipers would begin firing. Some of the snipers would create the appearance that they were Syrian army soldiers firing at the demonstrators. Others, on a different rooftop, would create the impression that they were demonstrators firing at the soldiers. 

Soon, the pro- and anti-Assad forces really were firing at each other. 

Will Ford organize the same kind of mischief in Egypt? 

Based on his record in Iraq and Syria, here is what we should expect: 
Ford and his team of US death squad organizers and false-flag terror experts (possibly including some of the people who blew up the World Trade Center) will create shootings and bombings blamed on “radical Islamists.” They will then encourage the Egyptian junta to arrest, torture, and murder even more peaceful protestors than it already has. Since the Egyptian military junta is basically an American militia, created and maintained by billions of dollars of US support, the puppet dictator el-Sisi will have to follow American orders... and plunge his country into civil war. 

Does the US really want to destroy Egypt, as it has destroyed Iraq and Syria? 

Apparently, yes. It is worth noting that the US covertly engineered the overthrow of democratically-elected President Morsi in part because Morsi had spoken out forcefully against Ethiopia’s plan to dam the Nile, steal most of Egypt’s water supply, and condemn much of Egypt's population to slow death. 

Bottom line: The US, through its Ethiopian puppet, is planning a genocide that will kill tens of millions of Egyptians. And if any Egyptian leader tries to stop it, as Morsi planned to, he will be eliminated. 
[Ron: This speculation is probably untrue. Once the dam is built and filled, the river flow will largely continue as before since the dam is primarily a hydro-electric project.]. 

Why does the US feel the need to destroy Middle Eastern countries? Ironically, it isn’t even about US interests. 
It’s about Israel’s “Oded Yinon plan” to annihilate Israel’s neighbors and seize all the land between the Nile and the Euphrates for Greater Israel. That is why, as Gen. Wesley Clark revealed, Israel took over the US via the 9/11 coup d’État - with a plan to destroy “seven countries in five years” in service to Netanyahu’s “Clean Break” document, itself an update of the Oded Yinon plan to destroy the Middle East for Israel. 

There is only one way to resist this impending genocide. All Middle Eastern people, regardless of religion or nationality, must unite and resist the Zionist-sponsored destruction of their lands. 



[Colour fonts, bolding and comments in square brackets added.].

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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Quit relying on mullah TV for your info.

Did you nread the article? Or you saw the source and just dismiss it?

Egypt is Obama's miscalculation from the inception.  He threw long-time ally Mubarak under the bus, call for democracy in a place which never had it and expected to happen.  He acted very callous and then he said the coup is not a coup, a clear wink to the military that he has their back.  Now he pontificating that they should lift martial law.  Does he not realize everything is connected?


Obama think he doing community organizing in Chicago!

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Quit relying on mullah TV for your info.

Did you nread the article? Or you saw the source and just dismiss it?

This says it all:


Ford’s appointment sends a clear message: US policymakers want to destroy Egypt in the same way they have destroyed Iraq and Syria - by using death squads and false-flag terror to incite civil war.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Egypt is Obama's miscalculation from the inception.  He threw long-time ally Mubarak under the bus, call for democracy in a place which never had it and expected to happen.  He acted very callous and then he said the coup is not a coup, a clear wink to the military that he has their back.  Now he pontificating that they should lift martial law.  Does he not realize everything is connected?


Obama think he doing community organizing in Chicago!

Where de rass you barn, eh Stchupidee? With a shitty-batty face like that I shouldn't expect any better.


Throw under the ass


The US need Egypt to help in the Palestinian/Israeli peace process. Why should it want to see chaos in Egypt.


Egypt is simple. After 40 years of militarty dictatorship the people wanted freedom. After the dictator's exit, there were elections in short order - no democratic institutions were nourished to help in this transition to democracy. Tghe Muslim Brotherhood was fiercely organized and naturally got their people out ot vote and they won. Morsi then attempted a coup d'etat by abrogating the powers of the Supreme Court and started writing Sharia law that really screwed women. The people demanded his exit. The military stepped in and helped.


What else you need to know, ass-wipe?

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Egypt is Obama's miscalculation from the inception.  He threw long-time ally Mubarak under the bus, call for democracy in a place which never had it and expected to happen.  He acted very callous and then he said the coup is not a coup, a clear wink to the military that he has their back.  Now he pontificating that they should lift martial law.  Does he not realize everything is connected?


Obama think he doing community organizing in Chicago!

Where de rass you barn, eh Stchupidee? With a shitty-batty face like that I shouldn't expect any better.


Throw under the ass


The US need Egypt to help in the Palestinian/Israeli peace process. Why should it want to see chaos in Egypt.


Egypt is simple. After 40 years of militarty dictatorship the people wanted freedom. After the dictator's exit, there were elections in short order - no democratic institutions were nourished to help in this transition to democracy. Tghe Muslim Brotherhood was fiercely organized and naturally got their people out ot vote and they won. Morsi then attempted a coup d'etat by abrogating the powers of the Supreme Court and started writing Sharia law that really screwed women. The people demanded his exit. The military stepped in and helped.


What else you need to know, ass-wipe?

Oh, Kari-cuttah crawl out the guttah fuh lil sunlight.  Ow bai, run and hide nah, we know yuh shame rass.


You unwittingly buttress my position but too stupid to even realize.  How Obama gatt alyuh mediocre wannabes drunk with false glory

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Egypt is Obama's miscalculation from the inception.  He threw long-time ally Mubarak under the bus, call for democracy in a place which never had it and expected to happen.  He acted very callous and then he said the coup is not a coup, a clear wink to the military that he has their back.  Now he pontificating that they should lift martial law.  Does he not realize everything is connected?


Obama think he doing community organizing in Chicago!

Where de rass you barn, eh Stchupidee? With a shitty-batty face like that I shouldn't expect any better.


Throw under the ass


The US need Egypt to help in the Palestinian/Israeli peace process. Why should it want to see chaos in Egypt.


Egypt is simple. After 40 years of militarty dictatorship the people wanted freedom. After the dictator's exit, there were elections in short order - no democratic institutions were nourished to help in this transition to democracy. Tghe Muslim Brotherhood was fiercely organized and naturally got their people out ot vote and they won. Morsi then attempted a coup d'etat by abrogating the powers of the Supreme Court and started writing Sharia law that really screwed women. The people demanded his exit. The military stepped in and helped.


What else you need to know, ass-wipe?

Oh, Kari-cuttah crawl out the guttah fuh lil sunlight.  Ow bai, run and hide nah, we know yuh shame rass.


You unwittingly buttress my position but too stupid to even realize.  How Obama gatt alyuh mediocre wannabes drunk with false glory

??? ??? ???


Yuh real stchupidee bannaz...and that kunumunoo face tarass

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Quit relying on mullah TV for your info.

Did you nread the article? Or you saw the source and just dismiss it?

I read it, know it is obfuscation to posit a wrong conclusion. The US is not trying in any remote way to "destroy" Egypt. That is Iranian propaganda dispensed by their hand me down reporters.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Quit relying on mullah TV for your info.

Did you nread the article? Or you saw the source and just dismiss it?

Egypt is Obama's miscalculation from the inception.  He threw long-time ally Mubarak under the bus, call for democracy in a place which never had it and expected to happen.  He acted very callous and then he said the coup is not a coup, a clear wink to the military that he has their back.  Now he pontificating that they should lift martial law.  Does he not realize everything is connected?


Obama think he doing community organizing in Chicago!

What did you want him to do with Mubarak? Mubarak had decades to do good for his people but did he do it? If the US could so easily organize a spring cleaning of the arab world why did they wait this long? You folks are simply silly and refuse to accept the reality that these people want a better life than is given by military dictators, manufactured regents or mullahs with peculiar expressions of god's will. They want what Christians wanted in the enlightenment; meaningful representation of themselves as humans.



Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Egypt is Obama's miscalculation from the inception.  He threw long-time ally Mubarak under the bus, call for democracy in a place which never had it and expected to happen.  He acted very callous and then he said the coup is not a coup, a clear wink to the military that he has their back.  Now he pontificating that they should lift martial law.  Does he not realize everything is connected?


Obama think he doing community organizing in Chicago!

Where de rass you barn, eh Stchupidee? With a shitty-batty face like that I shouldn't expect any better.


Throw under the ass


The US need Egypt to help in the Palestinian/Israeli peace process. Why should it want to see chaos in Egypt.


Egypt is simple. After 40 years of militarty dictatorship the people wanted freedom. After the dictator's exit, there were elections in short order - no democratic institutions were nourished to help in this transition to democracy. Tghe Muslim Brotherhood was fiercely organized and naturally got their people out ot vote and they won. Morsi then attempted a coup d'etat by abrogating the powers of the Supreme Court and started writing Sharia law that really screwed women. The people demanded his exit. The military stepped in and helped.


What else you need to know, ass-wipe?

Oh, Kari-cuttah crawl out the guttah fuh lil sunlight.  Ow bai, run and hide nah, we know yuh shame rass.


You unwittingly buttress my position but too stupid to even realize.  How Obama gatt alyuh mediocre wannabes drunk with false glory

??? ??? ???


Yuh real stchupidee bannaz...and that kunumunoo face tarass

Yes, but you stupid to understand the parallel.


BTW, that banna Obama should have never been president.  Maybe he should have served as vice for Hilary, learn the job, then be ready to take the helm.  OJT is never a good idea if you are the pilot, just ask Asiana Airlines.

Finally there is someone on the forum with an iota of intelligence and not race nor religion oriented
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Egypt is Obama's miscalculation from the inception.  He threw long-time ally Mubarak under the bus, call for democracy in a place which never had it and expected to happen.  He acted very callous and then he said the coup is not a coup, a clear wink to the military that he has their back.  Now he pontificating that they should lift martial law.  Does he not realize everything is connected?


Obama think he doing community organizing in Chicago!

Where de rass you barn, eh Stchupidee? With a shitty-batty face like that I shouldn't expect any better.


Throw under the ass


The US need Egypt to help in the Palestinian/Israeli peace process. Why should it want to see chaos in Egypt.


Egypt is simple. After 40 years of militarty dictatorship the people wanted freedom. After the dictator's exit, there were elections in short order - no democratic institutions were nourished to help in this transition to democracy. Tghe Muslim Brotherhood was fiercely organized and naturally got their people out ot vote and they won. Morsi then attempted a coup d'etat by abrogating the powers of the Supreme Court and started writing Sharia law that really screwed women. The people demanded his exit. The military stepped in and helped.


What else you need to know, ass-wipe?


Vish M
Originally Posted by Vish M:
Finally there is someone on the forum with an iota of intelligence and not race nor religion oriented
Originally Posted by Kari:


After 40 years of militarty dictatorship the people wanted freedom.


what Freedom were they looking for?  They had freedom of movement, freedom of religion, freedom of education, all basic freedom that people need, even freedom to overthrow Mubarak. The real issue is that the people wanted out of poverty, and wanted to be like Americans with cars, iPads and smart tv s.  Arab spring was never about freedom like the western media touted, it was about economic reform whether under dictatorship, monarchy, or democracy. Israel wanted Iraq, Syria, and Iran destabilized, but not Egypt. They need an Egyptian ally and cheap natural gas.



Originally Posted by Nehru:

Chief, Your brother don't need anyone to destroy themselves. They are EXPERTS at that.

You think the chief sent some of his PNC thugs to train the Muslim brotherhood goons? All you can see is burning. Rings a bell?


Obama has condemned the suppression of the universal rights of the people of Egypt and took some steps to get the Egyptian military to end the bloodshed. He also called on the protestors to do so peacefully and condemned their violence as well - especially on places of worship.


Obama has suspended the joint military operations planned and Secretary Hagel is looking at ways to pressure the Egyptian military. The whole approach is keep lines of talks open with the military and ask for restraint from the protestors - both pro-Brotherhood and anti-Brotherhood.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Obama has condemned the suppression of the universal rights of the people of Egypt and took some steps to get the Egyptian military to end the bloodshed. He also called on the protestors to do so peacefully and condemned their violence as well - especially on places of worship.


Obama has suspended the joint military operations planned and Secretary Hagel is looking at ways to pressure the Egyptian military. The whole approach is keep lines of talks open with the military and ask for restraint from the protestors - both pro-Brotherhood and anti-Brotherhood.

All the Brotherhood People doing is peacefully standing, what restraint???

Originally Posted by Kari:

Obama has condemned the suppression of the universal rights of the people of Egypt and took some steps to get the Egyptian military to end the bloodshed. He also called on the protestors to do so peacefully and condemned their violence as well - especially on places of worship.


Obama has suspended the joint military operations planned and Secretary Hagel is looking at ways to pressure the Egyptian military. The whole approach is keep lines of talks open with the military and ask for restraint from the protestors - both pro-Brotherhood and anti-Brotherhood.

As usual, undoing his error, try a cover-up, but the horse is out of the stable.  He cannot lie like he did with Benghazi.

Originally Posted by baseman:

As usual, undoing his error, try a cover-up, but the horse is out of the stable.  He cannot lie like he did with Benghazi.

I  heard this exact thing from Fox News's Sean Hannity.....hey intellectually-challenged Katahar, guh wash that shitty-batty face of yours.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

As usual, undoing his error, try a cover-up, but the horse is out of the stable.  He cannot lie like he did with Benghazi.

I  heard this exact thing from Fox News's Sean Hannity.....hey intellectually-challenged Katahar, guh wash that shitty-batty face of yours.

That is why you cleaning windows in Queens and Sean Hannity is where he is.  Now, run along run-mouth.

Originally Posted by Observer:

Funny, Skelly!  Are you referring to Chief's famous 'Burn, Buxton, Burn'?  Stinger will explain...       

You just give up yourself!!

I know who you are , nice to see you I was asking about you a few months ago when that idiot Drugb siad you died.


Nice to see you stay cool in the sunshine state.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Funny, Skelly!  Are you referring to Chief's famous 'Burn, Buxton, Burn'?  Stinger will explain...       

You just give up yourself!!

I know who you are , nice to see you I was asking about you a few months ago when that idiot Drugb siad you died.


Nice to see you stay cool in the sunshine state.

Joan move to Florida?



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