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Teens missing, reportedly lured to interior for sex trade
January 28, 2012 | By KNews | Filed Under News  

Several girls from a West Bank Demerara community have gone missing since last week Saturday, and their families fear that an unscrupulous woman has lured them to the interior to become sex workers. It is believed that a woman who goes by the names “Buck, Simone and Radika” may have taken the girls, aged 15 and under into the interior to prostitute them.

The mother of one of the minors said her 13-year-old daughter left home Friday morning and returned the following day with a friend, who she introduced as Simone. “My daughter come home Saturday morning with Simone and she said that she spend the night by her. “I start to quarrel with my daughter and Simone go down stairs by me and went over by my neighbour and bring over my daughter’s 15-year-old friend and her brother,” the distraught mother said.

“My daughter’s friend and her brother begged me not to beat her, so I didn’t, then they ask me to let her go with them in Venezuela to visit their mother and that they will bring her back to go school on Monday (last), but I tell them no,” she added.

The woman told this publication that after she continuously refused to let her daughter go to Venezuela, the 15-year-old girl asked her, “how much money you want?” “I tell her I don’t want any money and I went into the room where my daughter was putting on her clothes to talk with her but her friend came in and give my daughter $20,000. My daughter took the money and give me $10,000 but I tell her I don’t want any money and she throw it on the bed and walked out with her friend and Simone,” the mother claimed.

According to the mother, when the girls left on Saturday, a neighbour started to quarrel early Sunday morning about Simone taking young girls to the interior. Kaieteur News understands that the 13-year-old girl’s mother got concerned when she heard her neighbour quarrelling about Simone taking young girls “to the bush” so she went and inquired. There she learnt that her daughter, along with her friend and another girl from the village left with Simone to go in the “bush”.

The mother told this publication that she “ask about” and was told that Simone lived with her mother on the West Bank of Demerara. On Sunday, the mother went to the community to locate Simone’s mother but her search was futile. She then made a report at Vreed-en-Hoop station. “When I went home, I start to find out from people where Simone take the girls. Someone show me her sister and when I ask her she said that they gone to Bartica.” This publication understands that ‘Simone’ usually transacts ‘business’ for the teens she takes to the interior.

On Monday, the mother made a report to a Probation Officer in Georgetown. She was reportedly advised to take one of her daughter’s photographs to a police station in her community, which she did. According to the woman, a police rank accompanied her to the home of Simone’s mother. “She mother told us that she daughter carry them to Port Kaituma to do house work,” the teen’s mother indicated. According to the teen’s mother, Simone’s mother and sister are giving conflicting reports about the missing girl’s whereabouts.

Kaieteur News understands that ‘Simone’ took a few girls from the community. While the police were questioning Simone’s mother, the woman reportedly informed them that her daughter give all the girls $20,000 in advance. She also reportedly told the police that her daughter hired the girls to assist her since she operates a shop in the interior. Now in a new twist, the mother of the 13-year-old was reportedly arrested for trafficking in person. She was put on 10,000 station bail on Thursday. The woman claimed that Simone’s mother told the police that she (the mother) collected money from Simone to let her daughter ‘work’ in the interior.
The woman is saying that if the police pressure Simone’s mother they may get a clue about the missing girl’s whereabouts.

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In light of this vociferous outcry against Nagamotto for imagined child abuse I have begun to look at recent reports on child abuse. I hear no shrill yell for actions against those who actually are abusing children vs who are imagined to be abusing children. This is sickening. I thought the claims of amerindian girls in Rohee's hotel was bad. These people simply do not care.

A most disturbing affair in Region Nine

February 21, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 



Dear Editor,
We write as concerned residents of Region Nine. We are greatly disturbed with the appointment of Mr. Tikaram Bisesar to the post of Deputy Regional Executive Officer, Region Nine. The reasons are numerous and atrocious. We have already voiced our concerns in writing, to figures in authority and attention was not given to this matter. We therefore seek attention of the relative authorities.

Mr. Bisesar has served in the capacity of Senior Personnel Officer for almost ten years during which time he has proved to be uncouth and disrespectful to staff as well as the public. Ever since his appointment to this post, the staff under his administration has on many occasions, been victims of verbal abuse, sexual harassment, refusal to approve needed special leave and racial prejudice.

There is also at least one known case of rape at gunpoint, of a 13-year-old girl, against Mr. Bisesar. Officers handling the case were paid to keep the case off the records and the child was compensated by way of $50,000 worth in foodstuffs to settle the matter out of court.

In addition, retiring government employees, making arrangements for gratuity, are given a difficult time when approaching the SPO for the necessary documents to proceed, especially Amerindians residing in outlining areas in the Region.

Within the recent years, our Administration has seen numerous changes in REOs. When appointed here; they are given a challenging time to function in this capacity by Mr. Bisesar and a group of four other persons within this staff. For instance, these persons are always overly critical and discontented with the way the REOs care for their responsibilities and duties, even complaining in writing to their superiors resulting in their being transferred.

This was true in the case of our previous REO, Mr. Harsawack. Upon his transfer from the region, the administration was handed over to Mr. Bisesar, who took up this post as Acting REO. On the day that he took up office, Mr. Bisesar immediately ordered two District Development Officers and one Assistant Field Auditor, who are senior staff; to park and hand in keys for the ATV they had been assigned to carry out their duties.

The Regional Engineer was also ordered to park the vehicle assigned to him. The Engineer is now being circumvented in matters and decisions pertaining to his office and these are being referred to his subordinate the Overseer of Works. All of these occurrences are as a result of these members of staff having been closely affiliated with the previous REO. On the other hand, junior staff members were allowed to keep motorcycles issued to them.
Since his appointment as DREO within the region, three members of staff have been forced to resign from their posts as public servants and numerous others are considering leaving due to the mistreatment they have been facing from Mr. Bisesar.

This has become a matter of great concern since his behavior has deteriorated as of late. In addition he now occupies a position of even greater influence. We strongly feel that he is unfit and unqualified to hold the post of the highest public service appointment in the region. We fear that his appointment would come with much exploitation from him and would not be for the benefit for this administration or the region.

We do appreciate that the REO and DREO positions were filled with persons from within our region. We know that there are several young and dynamic persons within our region, with the qualifications, qualities and positive attitude who can make a success of this immense responsibility.
Thus, if this vacancy is properly advertised and the right procedures followed, a suitable appointment would be made.

Many of us are in full support of our current government and we feel as though we have wasted our time and energies, if what we have elected comes with these challenges.

We are pleading that necessary action be taken to resolve this disturbing situation since this would be in the favour of development in our region.

Concerned Residents of the Rupununi


If you're really care about the missing girls you don't have to defend Moses and offends Rohee in the process. Each case stand on its own merit. Today, even Ameriandians men and women are getting involved in trafficking young girls into the interior for alleged prostitution. It's fast money and comes with its own danger. I am sorry for the these young girls, but it seem their minds are made up and are gracing the opportunity.   


Do not be an idiot. Moses did nothing the lot of you see happening more  often than not, people losing their cool and yelling at kids. I doubt he is abusive or intend harm his chile or is a malevolent child abuser. This is opportunistic political hay making.


Those girls in that article are more the central concern since they are being trafficked. It is a growing cancer in the society where neighbors ca kidnap young girls hold them as sex slaves as recently happened in Berbice or prostituted as this.


One of our ministers is  said to be a principal in a well known Hotel where they habitually prostitute young Amerindian girls. This is the supposed more established hotels but they exist all across the coast in places like Hooters in Tain.


Do not waste your time your posturing on what Moses may have intended in  with his "so and so" reference. It is clear he does not have those boys on a rack.


You should be ashamed of your self pretending that you are on a holy crusade and is overwhelmed by Moses infraction. That simplistic and  petty posturing. The real atrocities habitually occur against  young children with nary a word from the politicians.


I remember Pryia saying she had no authority to do anything to the open prostitution she admit she saw on going because the laws were deficient. Well, supposedly she has those laws in place. Sic them against the perps above.


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